➤ By Liz Oakes
Amethyst crystals are beautiful, but why are they so popular? Are you wondering about the benefits of using these crystals?
They are powerful to aid healing, relieve pain and may help to beat addictions.
They are highly beneficial healing crystals for you to use as they have a peaceful tranquil energy that stimulates restful sleep and peaceful dreaming.
Their meaning healing properties and powers are why they are one of the most well-known healing stones for the average person to use.
These crystals have a strong soothing, calming, magical energy that aids spiritual and emotional healing.
Their popularity also relates to them having an amazing energy to bring intense spiritual growth.
They are powerful crystals for healing and are used for this purpose by many crystal healers.
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It is the metaphysical properties of Amethyst that make it a stone that a great number of people choose to use.
These purple crystals embody potent violet flame healing properties and can help both healing practitioners and average people who want to heal themselves and their family.
To really understand why it is so loved, you need to look at the Amethyst facts in more detail.
The actual or literal meaning of the word Amethyst comes from Greek mythology as the the ancient Greek word 'amethustos', is said to mean non-drunk.
One of the interesting facts about these crystals, is that in ancient times, the ancient Greeks made cups from the purple stone.
These ancient people believed that drinking from it could prevent you from becoming inebriated.
These beautiful purple crystals are a member of the quartz family with a quite unique, stunning purple color that is very attractive.
What are the benefits of these beautiful stones and why are they so admired? Why are people keen to use them?
What are the benefits of using Amethyst? This is a beautiful quartz variety with potent powers that can be used in any part of the home, as its energy is so beneficial.
Amethyst boosts feelings of serenity, peace and tranquility and is also a highly protective, and any person may benefit by having this stone close by.
Shop for Amethyst at Exquisite Crystals, a most reliable crystal seller.
While clusters are popular, this crystal is common and comes in a variety of forms, and has many good and valid reasons for it to be the stone of choice.
It has a calming energy that and is a crystal to help overthinking, by stilling uneasy thoughts and helping to release worry.
While the lovely rich purple color is the most common and is very popular, fine Amethyst crystals come in a range of colors, types and varieties.
They are all basically comprised of the mineral quartz, which is made up of silicon dioxide with trace amounts of iron with some pieces having visible inclusions.
This includes rich Black Amethyst, Dragons Tooth Amethyst, newly discovered Pink Amethyst crystals and many other varieties that have been known about for a long time.
Well known types include Chevron Amethyst, Red Tipped Amethyst, Elestial, Auralite 23, Brandberg and the beautiful transparent amethyst called Vera Cruz.
There are a few varieties that are a blend of this purple quartz with various other colored quartz crystal, such as stones such as Ametrine and Amegreen.
Ametrine are yellow and purple crystals which are blend of Amethyst and yellow Citrine.
Amegreen is a blend of the purple stone with both white quartz and the green quartz Prasiolite, also known as Green Amethyst.
Clear Quartz, known as the master healer, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Citrine are also very well known quartz varieties, but the purple variety of quartz is the most popular member of the quartz family.
The violet flame is a highly spiritual energy with powerful healing attributes.
This Spiritual healing vibration is embodied within both Amethyst Crystals and other violet flame stones.
There is a dedicated page about violet flame healing so check out how it works there, and see the other violet flame stones and to learn more about this energy.
This includes Purpurite, Tanzanite, Sugilite and Purple Morado Opal also known as Violet Flame Opal. They are also powerful for healing and combine well with purple amethyst stones.
The Spiritual Meaning Of Amethyst primarily relates to the potent spiritual healing method related to these stones, a powerful energy overseen by the Ascended master St Germaine.
This appealing violet crystal is one of the powerful stones of the violet flame.
This energy was brought to renown by the Ascended Master St Germain who personally oversees and aids the use of the violet flame healing energy.
This is a purple variety of quartz that has been found in a large number of locations.
This includes Europe, the Ural Mountains in Russia, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, East Africa, the United States and Canada, as well as in South America in Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay and Bolivia.
Brazilian Amethyst is commonly a deep purple color and is very popular as it is so beautiful.
Amethyst crystals do not need to be purple to heal, and you will find slightly different healing outcomes for different colored stones.
The color of amethyst varies quite a lot, but note that pink and lavender stones in this family have all the aspects of the violet stones, and also resonate within the heart chakra.
They come in a range of beautiful shades of purple, and are widely sold in many retail outlets, in many parts of the world.
They occur in a number of forms or quartz configurations, including as single pieces, which are often beautiful prismatic crystals, as clusters and beautiful amethyst geodes.
These crystals have strong powers and are an impressive asset that will help you in a number of ways.
They have potent metaphysical healing powers including:
Look at the deep color purple in the pictures of these wonderful stones, so you can see why this purple crystal is so admired.
Although many pieces of these crystals are purple, the color of these crystals is only an indication of the level of heat that the particular stone endured while in the ground and the minerals each piece embodies.
Amethyst crystals are easy to buy. One of the quartz formations that are a powerful asset to any room is an attractive cluster of this stone.
Pieces of this stone comes in both small and large sizes including stunning geodes and large clusters which are a traditional gift for those born in February.
One of the beautiful geodes placed anywhere in your environment, is powerful to bring through a wonderful healing vibration.
If there was only one stone that you were able to choose to have in your environment, this would be the one.
The ancient meaning of this stone has been found to be true, as healers use it today as it assists you to beat addictions.
It has a number of excellent physical healing properties, as well as aiding you emotionally and spiritually.
If you have addictive habits such as smoking, drinking or drug addictions you may be assisted by wearing these purple crystals.
It may also be helpful to program your crystal to assist you to release your addictions.
As you have read there is a long list of different reasons for using these crystals. You can combine them with any of the stones that will help you to beat addictions.
Amethyst Stones embody strong powers that will be helpful to your overall health and healing, so it will be beneficial to meditate with this crystal regularly.
Doing this will help the birth of new gifts, bring increased spiritual wisdom, understanding and perception as well as aiding your spiritual growth.
Learn some easy techniques for meditation so you can to slip more easily into the deep relaxed state needed for beneficial results.
There is a dedicated page about Healing With Amethyst.
You can learn more about the excellent healing powers and strong properties to aid healing that are embodied within them.
They are excellent crystals for addiction, but this is only one of the many ways they can help you.
There is a long list of different reasons for using these crystals. You can combine them with any of the stones that will help you to beat addictions.
Both the Elestial Amethyst formation as well as the other Amethyst stones have a good energy to assist you to make better decisions.
Elestial Amethyst are good crystals for decision making as they not only support your choices, but may also help to to have an awareness of new ideas.
They aid you to be more versatile and flexible when you are working on new projects or when designing ideals to take your life in a different direction.
Amethyst Crystals have been continuously used throughout history, as it has a strong vibration that was and is recognized to be so beneficial for many reasons.
One of the reasons why these purple crystals have been prized throughout history, was of course for its beauty.
In addition its violet flame healing energy was felt to be magical as it worked so well to heal the body.
When it comes to the healing energy of Amethyst, the properties of all varieties of quartz crystal are very impressive.
The history of Amethyst goes right back to ancient times, when it was used by the ancient Egyptians to make beads and amulets.
But to really understand why it is so loved, you need to look at the Amethyst facts in more detail.
They have many powerful metaphysical properties that make it a stone that a great number of people choose to use including:
One of the reasons why these purple crystals have been prized throughout history, was of course for its beauty as well as its violet flame healing energy.
When it comes to the healing energy of Amethyst, the properties of all varieties of quartz crystal are very impressive.
This semi precious stone is on the birthstone by month list. Each month has been given a primary birthstone by the International Gem Society.
While Amethyst is primarily known as the birthstone for the month of February, it is also on the list of January birthstones, as its energy also helps people born in that period.
So look for Amethyst birthstone jewelry, as beautiful pieces of Amethyst are commonly made into jewelry, like the Purple Amethyst Earrings in the picture.
Beautiful Purple Amethyst jewelry is easy to obtain. Perhaps this is because these purple stones are on the zodiac birthstone list.
Wearing a pendant made from this quartz crystal keeps the energy close. Pieces like the deep purple Amethyst earrings shown are popular gemstones and are easy to buy.
Earrings, rings or a lovely pendant, necklace or other jewellery made from this purple crystal is readily available and it is very beautiful.
They are an Aquarius birthstone as well as an Aries, Sagittarius and Pisces birthstone.
It is one of the more powerful stones for psychic protection, and this is one of the reasons what it has always been known to embody magical powers.
In addition, it has a strong action to aid you to develop your intuition, which is a real asset.
It's ability as a protective stone is an excellent reason for keeping it within your aura. What better way to do that than wearing stunning jewelry made from it!
How long does it take for an Amethyst gemstone or any other crystal to work?
If you use it in meditation on a regular basis its effect will be felt fairly quickly.
If you are wearing it on your body during the day it has a greater chance of having a faster effect.
These purple stones have a strong psychic protection vibration so just remember to keep the energy close to you for good results.
This stone's ability to work on helping you to discover ways to develop your psychic abilities is very powerful.
These crystals resonate within both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, helping to boost spiritual awareness and growth.
So use it in a psychic development meditation and it will also aid you to enhance your psychic gifts.
For your meditation to be effective your brain waves need to slow.
Their rhythm needs to change from the beta wave of your normal day to day activities, to the slower alpha wave.
There are two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex that are said to be connected with developing any type of psychic abilities including developing intuition.
Using isochronic tones is effective to assist you to develop your intuition, because it encourages these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced.
As you still your mind and you go deeper into meditative state, you may find that these gifts develop more easily.
Once you have a piece and use it, you will feel the change in both yourself and your environment that these beautiful purple quartz crystals will create.
These purple quartz crystals are powerful healing crystals for you to use to improve the energy of your home, and can help you to release fear or anxiety.
Use these crystals for home protection if you live somewhere where you feel uneasy about anyone who lives near you.
This is especially important if you become aware that your neighbors seem to have toxic energy that concerns you.
Fortunately it's easy to use Amethyst crystals to protect your living space.
You could place larger pieces like geodes in corners of your home where the energy will resonate out into the neighbourhood for greater protection.
How would you use these crystals for home protection for protecting your home?
It may be beneficial to use them to grid the area near the entrance to your home.
They may also help you to let go of any fear you might be feeling, as they are highly protective stones that have a powerful energy to protect your home.
They are one of the most popular crystals for front door protection. One of the easiest ways to use them is to place them close to any entrance including either the front, back doors or garage door.
Click through and read the article referenced above for more tips.
Amethyst crystals are good crystals for stopping overthinking as they calm overactive thinking. This is one of the premier stones to use for meditation, as it will aid your mind to relax.
They boost peace and harmony within your being, so are an excellent choice to place in a crystal healing room.
The amazing energy that is embodied within these purple stones has a quite powerful and magical energy that will open the third eye.
This may aid the awakening of psychic visions and your clairvoyant abilities as this is related to the third eye energy.
These powerful stones vibrate within the third eye chakra, as well as the crown chakra, the soul star chakra and the etheric chakras right up to the fourteenth chakra.
When you are meditating with crystals, you can use it on its own or with other crystals.
Once you begin to use this crystal regularly it may help you to develop your psychic communication abilities.
It supports you to strengthen and bring through increased spiritual gifts and will boost spiritual growth.
These purple stones are crystals with a vibration that is highly useful to assist meditation, as it will calm the emotions and help to still your mind.
Take care where you place them as may fade quite quickly if left in direct sunlight.
My final thoughts: As this is one of the most popular crystals, this stone is commonly carved into Amethyst crystal skulls.
They are also powerful to use to do a crystal skull meditation.
Stones made into crystal skulls attract the presence of powerful spiritual energy, so this is another wonderful way of using its energy.
It has become easier to get clusters and geodes of these crystals, both big and small, and they are advantageous stones to have nearby.
In summary: Amethyst Crystals are certainly one of the pre-eminent healing stones for all sorts of reasons.
Many of the darker yellow Citrine Crystals were made from Amethyst crystals through a process of heating them.
They too carry a strong healing vibration, and are excellent crystals to keep nearby, including wearing them on your body.
Because there are so many points in the clusters, their energy will resonate out into the area where they are located very easily.
The fact that they are easy to buy and are quite readily available in most places, is a very good reason to get one for yourself.
Cleanse Your Crystals! Quartz crystals may be cleaned easily, and there are lots of ideas and tips on a dedicated page to help you to learn the many ways to keep your crystals in top condition.
If you are cleansing other varieties of crystals or large geodes use one of the other methods of cleansing your crystals.
Quartz crystals may be cleaned easily, but if you are cleansing other varieties of crystals or large geodes use one of the other methods of cleansing your crystals.
Just make sure you regularly clean yours for beneficial long term results, and please ensure that those crystals that are on you every day are regularly cleansed.
It is also beneficial to charge your crystals and there is a dedicated article about the best ways to charge crystals.
What are the best and most beneficial crystals to pair with Amethyst? There are a number of stones below that combine well with them.
Combining Moldavite with Amethyst crystals will raise your body's frequency to such a high level that no negative entities can enter your auric field.
This combination is known to bring both increased psychic abilities and other healing gifts to improve your overall spirituality and health.
If you do any sort of psychic work, this level of psychic protection is very important. White Scolecite is a high crystal energy stone, that has a beautiful calming energy.
Combined with this crystal will assist your meditations to go to a purer and more spiritual level.
Stones with a high vibration are powerful allies for this stone, so this crystal combines well with many of the high vibration stones, including with Natrolite or Datolite.
Combine a piece of this Purple crystal with stones that also embody the violet flame energy, including Amegreen, Amethyst Cacoxenite, Sugilite and Tanzanite.
When you are working on releasing addictions in particular, you may choose to combine it with a combination of Datolite, Hematite, Staurolite or Smithsonite.
This is very powerful, because together they create a stronger healing outcome.
Along with this stone, many of these stones work on healing the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, the soul star chakra and the etheric chakras right up to the fourteenth chakra.
Mookaite Jasper also known as Mook Jasper, Prophecy Stone, Rainbow Moonstone or White Topaz are also good combined with Amethyst crystals.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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