I Dreamt Of These Crystals

by Ines
(Croatia )

Hi everyone,

Can you please help me to identify the crystals I dreamed about because I don't know a single thing about crystals or stones.

First, I was shown an oval crystal (polished stone) consisting of green and transparent small pieces/chunks of crystal and silver needles in the transparent part which I should get for myself.

After that, they wanted to put a bracelet on my left hand with a large central stone, that was round, with a flat bottom bubble and slightly cut edges shaped like petals. The color is a milky lighter lime green (yellow-green opaque color).

The other stones (beads that go around the wrist) also had a flat bottom bubble, that was milky lime green but not so yellowish green, more light green.

If it helps, they said: Wearing this bracelet will cause some "earthquakes".

I hope someone can help. If not, thank you anyway.

Comments for I Dreamt Of These Crystals

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Needles wil be Rutile
by: Lee

Hey. While I can't comment on what the green stones were, where you refer to silver needles, this is likely to be rutile, probably within quartz, often called "Rutilated Quartz" although rutile comes in various forms ie: embedded in more kinds of stones than just quartz. But rutilated quartz is the most well-known I think.

There's usually gold and silver in quartz, and it looks like pins, needles or hair. Basically fine threads of silver or gold within another gem. Read about 'rutilated quartz' as your first port of call and see what you can find.

But with the green stones, there are so many it would be silly of me to suggest one in particular, there's loads. Peridot, jade, olivine, best you look up green gems and see if any resemble the ones in your dream.

There's two books I recommend too, one is the 'Crystal Bible', the other one is 'Love is in the Earth', they are good reference sources, as well of course this wonderful site.

About your question
by: Liz, Site Owner & Writer

Hi there

I have a page about Rutilated Quartz so if you want to know what Rutilated Quartz looks like, to see if that the one in your dream check out the many pictures on the page.

Rutilated quartz is not green though. I have an article about green-crystals as well, so perhaps you'll see the one there that was in your dream.

You can also read about the various crystal books and both of those that Lee suggested.

I have a review about them on my page about crystal books here. If you are new to using crystals, the crystal bible is one of the best resources you can use. Judy Hall wrote three crystal bibles over time, so there are a few to choose from but the first one covers most of the well known stones.

All the best Liz

Thank you all :)
by: Ines

Thank you very much for helping me, I will gladly check the books.
Silver one is definitely rutile in quartz, third one could be chlorite but I really don't know. A lot of stones vary in color and shape so it's hard for me to tell. If it is meant to be, they will end up in my hands :D

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