Top 33 Crystals For Imagination

To Boost Innovative & Visionary Thinking

➤ By Liz Oakes

Crystals for imagination, innovation and visionary thinking have the potential is help you to make positive changes in your life.

The thirty three crystals listed here assist you to think outside the box, with new ideas and innovative unique approaches to how you think.

Crystals For ImaginationPicasso Jasper is one of the Crystals For Imagination

Many of the best stones that unlock your imagination and get your creative juices flowing, will stimulate inspired and visionary ideas.

Inspiration is a powerful energy that works well in combination with your imagination to bring flair and individuality to artistic endeavours.

Imagination is also related to the creative process and the emergence of fresh ingenious ideas, and there are quite a few crystals that can boost imaginative thinking. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Define Imagination

Before you can use your imagination you need to clearly understand what it is that you are talking about. By defining imagination you are able to unlock its potential.

The definition of imagination is found here at The Miriam Webster Dictionary:

  • The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality.
  • A creation of the mind.

So let's look at the word, imagination. It has within it the word image, and the images you see, feel and create are the key to developing your imagination.

You can start the process with an image that is a creation in your mind. It is easier if you make it something that is important within your life. 

Bring an image into your mind, perhaps the face of someone you love, a place you love, your dog or cat or other pet, or even a favorite flower. 

Imagine this, fill your entire mind with this image. Did you succeed in bringing something into your mind? Did you see an image of something?

If you did, and most of us can imagine someone or something we love, know that this is the beginning of the process, to enhance your imagination and your creative potential.

FAQ's About Developing Imagination

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about developing your imagination.

Why would you choose to use crystals for imagination?

  • In the section below you can learn the benefits of the use of some of these powerful stones that are valuable to assist you.
  • Individual stones have strong actions to boost your imagination so check them out.

What would be the purpose of developing your imagination?

  • Did you know that you can use your imagination as a tool to improve your life.

If you want to live the life of your dreams, how can you use specific crystals to aid the process?

  • Many of the crystals for imagination have a strong creative energy that will be highly beneficial to help you if you choose to use them in your daily life.

Why Would You Use Crystals For Imagination?

So how can you use this part of your mind to make your life better, and live life in a new way? 

Do you want to discover how to approach life from a different perspective?

When you look at the list of the specific stones that assist you to develop  imaginative thinking you may discover that many are favorite crystals that you may already have.

Many of the crystals listed below also have a role to help writers to remove creative blocks by enriching your thinking and enhancing the quality of your creative expression.

If you are working on any type of creative project there are additional benefits to using stones that are good crystals for creativity.

Even combining these stones with the crystals you are using to assist the growth of your imagination may benefit you.

Want to Turn On Your Imagination?

Have you heard about the seven laws of attraction and how they can be used?

Possibly you have, as many people have read the many books available, including the wonderful Abraham-Hicks books. 

If you haven't already watched it, check out the movie 'The Secret'. 

In the movie 'The Secret' they talk about the Laws of Attraction, and it allows you to see them at work. Part of this process is the use of the imagination.


In the movie 'The Secret' a man sat in his chair every day and imagined very strongly that he was sitting in a brand new car.

He began to really believe in the car, and this part of the process is called conceptualization.

As you bring the concept of the car you want and the image of the car into your mind, you will be using your imagination to fully form it in your mind.

This can work for anything that you wish to bring into your life. You can use the power of your imagination to make major changes if you wish to!

In fact the second of the Seven Laws of Attraction is imagination, and it is the key to the process of manifesting anything you desire.

Use these laws in combination with crystals for imagination and boost your chances of succeeding.

Crystals For Imagination Boost Imaginative Thinking

Wondering about which of the crystals for imagination to use? 

Using crystals that stimulate the chakras above the heart may be in particularly useful to aid you to put your imagination to work. 

Note: there are particular crystals that have a strong energy to boost imaginative thinking.

By using the vibration of specific crystals to stimulate the higher chakras, this may boost the growth of imaginative visions and birth new fresh ideas.

Use Them In Meditation

Combine your meditation with the use of any of the stones for innovative and imaginative thinking. 

It's easy to use crystals in meditation simply by either holding one in your hand or have one or more of these sitting nearby.

This may be a permanent arrangement as many people have a dedicated place where they like to meditate and you might like to place your crystals for imagination there while you are working on enhancing imaginative ability.

In addition you may choose to wear your chosen stone as jewelry during the day, to increase positive energy and creativity.

An additional benefit may be to place it on your work desk during the day when you are working on a new project.

Crystals For Imagination That Are Also Intuition Stones

Using your intuitive gifts when choosing the right crystal can be beneficial, and by developing your intuition you may be led to make many more valuable choices in your life.

Some of the crystals for imagination are also on the list of crystals that boost your intuition, but an alternative is to combine them, to create the best possible outcome.

As you work to develop this gift, you may find that intuitive ideas simply float into your head and you become aware of aspects related to what you are working on.

Intuition is related to gut feelings and there are two specific chakras that govern the area of the gut.

These are the solar plexus chakra, located just above your belly button and the sacral or navel chakra which is around and just below your navel.

Many of the stones for these two chakras will assist the birth of intuition and will also help you to be clearer about the messages coming through.

There are quite a few crystals for imagination that also stimulate your intuitive gifts including Pietersite, Malachite, Yttrium Fluorite, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Picasso Marble and Ulexite.

Third Eye Chakra Crystals For Imagination

The third eye chakra is the area where images from the spiritual realm materialize and come into your awareness.

Using third eye chakra stones to arouse this area can also activate the birth of various psychic abilities. 

In particular, it is from this area that visionary abilities and elevated imagination emerges. 

There are a number of excellent crystals listed here that are stimulating to the third eye and they are easy to use in meditation. 

One of my favorites is the lovely Iolite Stone pictured above.

Either hold the crystals you use in your hand or place them near you, such as under your chair, or you can simply locate them on a table close by.

Specific crystals for imagination that also stimulate this important chakra includes Sugilite, Herkimer Diamonds, Lapis Lazuli, Pyroxmangite, Ulexite, Goethite and Citrine.

Iolite SunstoneIolite Sunstone
Azurite MalachiteAzurite Malachite

One of the best ways to start using them is in regular meditation.

When you close your eyes and relax completely, you can allow the flow of creative thoughts without the distraction of what you see around you.

There are quite a few crystals for inspiration that can also boost imagination.

Inspiration is linked with imagination and comes from the same area, and inspiration provokes what you manifest in your life.

Boost Your Visionary Abilities

There are abilities that emerge from the third eye, and these are called visionary abilities, and may include clairvoyant visions.

You may unlock your imagination by stimulating the third eye chakra by using specific chakra stones for that area.

There are a number of third eye stones that are also crystals for imagination that will boost your visionary ability. 

Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that is helpful to bring mental clarity, and is easy to program, so is a powerful tool to use.

It works well in combination with any of the other stones for imagination particularly the strong third eye chakra stones, such as Magnesite, Iolite, Lapis, Ulexite and Fulgurite.

Crystals For Imagination & Creativity Crystals

Quite a few of the crystals for imagination are also strong creativity crystals.

These stones may be beneficial when you are dealing with creative blocks or need positive energy to animate your work on new projects.

The combination of properties within one stone, such as the action to stimulate your imagination and to also increase creative ideas is very powerful to assist you.

This includes boosting artistic endeavors which commonly relies on a strong imagination to bring into life an amazing creative project.

Both artists and writers can benefit from an influx of creative ideas.

If you are an artist, you may benefit from enhancing your artistic abilities through using imaginative visionary ideas that come through in meditation.

Using any of the stones that are both crystals for creativity and imagination can be powerful to get the best result from your creative pursuits.

Specific crystals that are in this category includes Picasso Marble, Zincite, Ilvaite, Tantalite, Rainforest Jasper, Orange Spessartine Garnet, Citrine, Ulexite, Tangerine Quartz and Tiger's Eye. 

Program Quartz Crystals For Imagination

There are a number of excellent quartz crystals amongst the stones that are very effective to stimulate your imagination.

Any of these varieties of quartz can be programmed to make them even more effective to assist you to achieve your aims.

There is a specific article on how to program your quartz crystals here.

So take a look as it is easy to do and can be very helpful to achieve your desires.

The beautiful Rose Quartz Crystal shown above is an excellent stone that many of you may have in your collection as it has such a beneficial effect within your energy field.

These lovely pink heart chakra stones have many well-known benefits including their action to heal old negative emotions.

So it's good to know that it also works to boost imaginative thinking, and can be used alone or with any of the quartz types below for crystal healing.

Some of the quartz types that are crystals for imagination not only includes Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz but there are quite a few other powerful quartz varieties will also help to trigger your imagination.

This includes the high vibration Herkimer Diamonds, Elestial Citrine and Rose Quartz Elestial quartz which are higher vibration types.

In addition Citrine, Tangerine Quartz and Rutilated Quartz are all good crystals for imagination.

Launching The Imagination

As Abraham said in the book Ask And It Is Given

"When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others) that thought becomes a dominant thought. 

And once you achieve a dominant thought you will experience matching manifestations, until you change it."


By following the other laws from the 7 laws of Attraction and being totally focused on the process, you will bring what you strongly desire into manifestation. 

The key to it, is to unlock your imagination and to use it to flesh out what it is that you desire. 

Ask And It Is Given

Ask And It Is Given is one of my favorite books, as it helped me to understand how to get from where I was, to where I wanted to be. 

Of course this is always on-going! 

In this powerful guide, Abraham tells you how the process of manifestation works, and how you can bring all of the things you desire into your life.

The processes (or fun exercises) are great ways on a day to day basis to have the manifestation process working in your life. So start the process when you are meditating. 

Use Crystals For Imagination In Meditation

Not sure about about getting started with meditation? Take a look at these easy instructions to meditate, to help you get started with ease. 

The reason you do this in mediation, is that you will quieten your mind, and by closing your eyes you cut out the distractions.

Go deeply into relaxed inner awareness, and bring into your mind the thing or circumstance that you most fervently desire. 

Finish off each time you do this by being grateful, in advance, for all of the things that you have been imagining. 

Coral FossilCoral Fossil

This is part of the process of bringing what you imagine into your life now, as you unlock your imagination.

You can use any of the crystals for imagination in your meditation, by holding them in your hand while meditating. It's that simple.

The following stones don't yet have a specific article on my site but you may find it interesting to know about them anyway.

On the A to Z of crystals minerals and stones page, you will find links to all of the alpha pages, where you may find a little information on them that may help you to decide if you wish to use them.

Of course you may also already have one them so it's good to know that using them can boost your imagination.

Black CoralBlack Coral
Paraiba QuartzParaiba Quartz

Enjoy using any of the amazing crystals shown here, and put your imagination to work in your life!

Crystals For ImaginationCrystals For Imagination

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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