Amber Stone

Balances Emotions & Releases Negativity

➤ By Liz Oakes

Amber stone helps to balance the emotions, clear the mind and release negative energy. 

It is popular for users as it has marvelous metaphysical properties, that boost manifestation and ease stress by clearing phobias and fear. 

Amber StoneAmber Stone With Ants In

Amber is not strictly speaking a stone at all but is fossilized resin. Beautiful jewelry made from it resembles gemstones, so it is sold as a gemstone.

It has a strong psychic protection energy, and it is a lovely warm stone to wear. 

It is a powerful healer that gives the person who wears it a lovely sense of health and healing.  In the past it was commonly used in areas where it is found.

Those that used it and kept it on their body as jewelry or talismans would have been aware that it helped to improve their health. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

History of Amber: Amber Stone Meaning

Although Baltic amber is well known, the history of amber includes many countries and cultures, not just those in the Baltic region.

Archaeologists have found many beautifully carved amber pieces in graves, dating back around 2000 b.c. or before.

Archeological finds made from this stone are well documented, and Amber stone artifacts and jewelry have been found in many places.

Although part of its use may be attributed to its beauty, its healing properties may have became clear once it was used.

The meaning of amber healing attributes has been well known as it has been in use since ancient times.

There has even been Amber discovered in Egyptian tombs, including that of Tutankhamen.

A well known Amber cup that may have been made in Britain was found at Hove near Brighton.

This may be because it was possibly a trade item that ended up in the hands of wealthy people.

How Will It Help You? Amber Spiritual Benefits

One of the more powerful Amber spiritual benefits relate to how this golden yellow resin is highly protective against any type of negativity.

It is known to be one of the better natural crystals or stones that you can use for protection from psychic attack.

It is known to be especially helpful to help you if the negativity comes from psychic sources. These stones link the everyday self to the spiritual self.

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Amber StoneDark Amber

Amber stone has many wonderful qualities for healing the physical and emotional body as well as aiding spiritual healing.

It is worth using as it may also heal health problems you forgot you had until they are gone.

These golden yellow stones will help to relieve stress and anxiety and may also help to clear depression.

They may aid the emotions, and by releasing negativity will balance the emotions as they clear the mind and eases stress, one of the more endemic problems in today's society.

Through their role to assist emotional healing they help to create a more positive outlook on life.

Their role within the sacral chakra means that it this a strong stone to help you to enhance your creativity.

Insects or Bugs in Amber Stone

Many of the artifacts made of amber had insects within them. If you look for them they are fairly easy to buy and it is quite astonishing to see them clearly visible, trapped in the stone.

In ancient times, the pieces containing insects were probably thought to have magical virtues, as they were carved into hunting talismans, worn to ensure safe and abundant hunting.

AmberAmber that contains termites

You may be able to find interesting things in the pieces you buy, including small bugs in amber, and sometimes ants, spiders or a dragonfly in amber.

Among the pieces I have obtained are pieces with termites and ants embedded in the amber stone and these are quite interesting.

Within this resin you will also find other things from nature, with a variety of leaves and other plant based material trapped in the stones.

You will notice inclusions from parts of the ancient trees, such as leaves, leaf mold and pine needles.

Where Does It Come From?

Amber is available from sources in quite a few countries, and depending on where it is found, the quality may vary.

It comes from Russia, Poland, Britain, Italy, Columbia and Germany and of course baltic amber.

It can be obtained reasonably easily, and comes in various shades from pale yellow through to a dark orange color as well as blue and black amber.

Amber With Bubbles In

The traditional Amber color is middle of the range, and the finest specimens are fairly clear, although pieces of Amber may have inclusions of plant matter or insects within them.

Green amber may be natural, and the color can be anything from yellow green to a deeper greenish color.

Sadly most green amber jewelry sold is made from stone that has been through a process that creates the color artificially.

Baltic Amber is highly prized for its high quality. Polish craftsmen have long been reputed for making beautifully crafted pieces from it.

What Is The Origin Of Amber? 

Amber stone has an electrical charge when rubbed, and was called 'elektron' by the ancient Greeks, and this is thought to be the origin of the word electricity.

When looking to find out, what is the origin of Amber, the search goes back millions of years.

Amber containing antsAmber containing ants

One of the areas where there has been a lot of research into this stone, is the Baltic regions where it has been found in quite large amounts.

Around 45 million years ago, pine trees in the Baltic regions, the Scandinavian countries, discharged resins. The amber resin from these trees went solid and later became fossilized.

What Is Amber Made Of?

Solidifying of the resin into stone happened over many, many thousands of years. If you are wondering what is amber made of, it is made from this resin.

The resin gradually moved over time from the pine forests and ended up close to the coastal regions, but from the coastal regions the resin again moved.

It ended up in the bottom of the sea where it fossilized. Much later it was brought to the surface by glaciers and deposited on the land, where it has been found since that time.

Blue AmberBlue Amber

All of this process happened many thousands of years ago, evidenced by the fact that Baltic Amber jewelry dates back to well before Christ.

Celtic Amber jewelry has been found, made from beautiful Amber stone. It is common to find these ideas from the past replicated in Amber jewelry sold these days.

Many beautiful pieces are made with similar designs, and genuine Baltic Amber jewelry is now quite easy to buy.

Black AmberBlack Amber

These pieces are beautiful jewelry pieces as well as having an excellent action to aid personal healing in a number of ways, as well as being beneficial to help you to manifest money.

Wearing Amber Gemstones

Rings made from this stone are easy to find and powerful to wear, and it is a birthstone for two star signs.

If you are wondering about whether amber is a crystal, well no it is not a crystal, but they are classified as crystals just to make it easy.

Nor is it really a stone as such, but it is hard like a stone which is why they label it as amber stone. You will find it sold in shops with crystals and stones.

It is both a Leo and Aquarius birthstone and there is quite a bit of lovely birthstone jewelry made from this stone in good stores.

As this resin is easy to work with it is made into beautiful gemstones.

Amber Gemstone RingAmber Gemstone Ring

These yellow crystals have a quite unique energy that resonates with a lot of different people.

As Amber stone has an electromagnetic quality, it will build up an electrical charge. So jewelry that sits against your skin is more effective for healing.

With many stones you are able to buy tumblestones of them, but while they are available, amber specimens in various shapes are more common.

You can buy pieces of this stone, but be aware it is often very fragile and easy to break if dropped. So buying a piece of quality Amber jewelry may be the best way to use it.

Why Would You Use Amber? Healing Properties

Amber is reputed to have a quite a few healing properties, and there are also a number of other reasons that might make you choose to use this popular stone including:

  • Amber is what is termed a solar stone, and almost always feels warm so that makes it comfortable to have in your hand when using it for healing.
  • Pieces are carved into lovely smooth amber wands for use by alchemical healers, as it is a powerful stone to use for healing.

It is a powerful healer and cleanser, and is reputed to cleanse the blood and it is known to be useful to help to shift energy within your energy system.

This may energize the endocrine system and create good healing outcomes in the stomach area.

  • One of the strongest healing properties that Amber is known for, is its action to relieve pain.
  • It is known as a good crystal for pain as it has an action to move energy around the body. 
  • This is why Amber stone has such wonderful abilities to ease pain in joints and ligaments.
Amber WandAmber Healing Wand

Amber pieces are easy to buy, and as it is a powerful healer that will enhance tissue revitalization, it may be beneficial to obtain a piece of stone to put in your pocket.

Try putting a piece of this natural crystal in your pocket close to the problem area, or buy a piece of jewelry to wear on your body.

These orange crystals are favorable to wear during and after illness, to bring relief from many different afflictions. 

They support clearing of problems associated with the navel chakra, and draw physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in the stomach area.

How To Use It: My Final Thoughts

The main use of amber is as a healing stone, and it may be beneficial to keep it within your aura as long as possible each day if you wish it to benefit your health.

The easiest way to do this is to wear it as jewelry, and as Amber is one of the most beneficial healing crystals for you to wear, think of finding a piece as this is an easy way to keep it on your body.

Have a look at the high quality Baltic Amber jewellery, as it is very beautiful.

If you find you are not able to buy jewelry, the cost of a piece of amber may be quite reasonable.

Black AmberBlack Amber

There are a number of ways you can use it including:

  • It can be kept either on your body or nearby to assist healing.
  • It has beneficial healing properties such as helping to heal the glandular system and may stimulate the healing of problems within the DNA.

It is known to help to relieve karmic related illness. Amber connects you to your inner wisdom, via the sacral chakra and is supportive to help you when you are making decisions.

  • It enhances clairsentience also known as the psychic gift of clear feeling.
  • Amber stone aids manifestation, and it is effective at aiding you to use your innate talents and abilities, to bring increased prosperity into your life.
Amber With Terminates InAmber With Terminates In

In summary: when you combine Amber stone with other golden toned crystals, it is powerful to manifest an increase in money.

Amber gemstones are one of the major aids for both the solar plexus or power chakra and the sacral chakra, and also works to help other areas of the body.

Best Crystals To Use With Amber 

What are the beat and most beneficial crystals to use with Amber Stone?

There are a number of stones below that combine well with them. 

To help you with enhancing creativity, combine it with orange sacral chakra stones  as this is the primary color for this chakra.

Use it with them as they are very effective to boost creativity, including Orange Creedite, Orange Carnelian,  Orange Calcite or Tangerine Quartz. 

There are a number of bright yellow stones that are also effective to stimulate your creative gifts, including Golden Yellow Labradorite,  Libyan Desert Glass also called Libyan Gold Tektite, Brazilianite or Yellow Apatite.

To strengthen its strong energy to help you to manifest money, combine it with other solar plexus stones, such as Golden Rutilated Quartz, Sunstone, Citrine Crystals or Green Peridot Stone.

Combine it with Jet and Magnetite for a more powerful healing outcome or with any variety of quartz crystal as it helps to magnify the energy of the Amber.

For spiritual work, pair an amber gem stone with Moldavite or other high crystal vibration stones to aid inner transformation.

Images Of Amber Stone

Green amberGreen amber
Amber Stone Meanings Properties & UsesAmber Stone Meanings Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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