Third Eye Chakra Explained

Located Above The Eyebrows In The Forehead

➤ By Liz Oakes

The third eye chakra is located just above the eyebrows in the forehead

This area is called the Ajna chakra in Eastern traditions. It is also known as the Brow Chakra, as it is located at the brow in the center of the forehead.

This chakra has a strong relationship to the pineal gland, located within this chakra. The pineal gland energy also relates to opening the third eye.

Third Eye Chakra ExplainedThird Eye Chakra Explained: Purple Fluorite

There are specific crystals that stimulate this chakra and this is a powerful way to boost psychic gifts and to move your Spiritual growth forward.

It was believed in ancient times to be where 'The Sight' was located. 

Ancient seers recognized this and they were aware that as their abilities emerged and opened they felt a 'tingling' feeling in this area. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Location Of 'The Sight': Third Eye Chakra Explained 

Third Eye Chakra Explained: While this chakra is associated with the pineal gland, it needs to interact with the pituitary gland to activate it.

If you are wondering where the pineal gland is located, it is in the center of the brain up behind the third eye.

This chakra manages the working of the spinal cord with the pineal gland and pituitary gland working together to ensure the health of this area and of the whole body.

One of the major roles of the pineal gland is to secrete melatonin which regulates the endocrine system and helps to manage the light dark-dark cycle of the body.

This is known to help sleep cycles and ensures that when you sleep it is not too long or too short. Light coming into the retina has a major effect on its function.

Governs The Birth Of Psychic Gifts

In olden times, they named clairvoyant ability 'The Sight' or the second sight to discriminate between it and normal sight.

Clairvoyance or psychic visions was previously called 'the sight'. It was clear to many people who developed this gift that it has a strong association with the third eye located in the forehead.

This area governs the birth of a range of psychic gifts, and the energy of this chakra may boost the development of various abilities.

This includes clairaudience or psychic hearing and psychic knowing, and it also helps you to develop your intuition.

Third Eye Chakra Meanings

The third eye chakra meanings pertain to the concept of 'seeing' especially in a spiritual and psychic sense.

The sixth chakra is related to heightened spiritual growth. It helps you to develop positive attitudes and a more selfless and humanitarian attitude to life. 

Opening this chakra, and having a stronger sixth chakra may allow you to utilize enhanced inner guidance which comes from stronger intuitive abilities.

Today's clairvoyants are aware of this and opening your third eye is one of the ways that a number of you may feel the onset of your psychic powers.

The third eye chakra also governs the gift of clairaudience or psychic hearing as this area relates to the ears and to hearing.

Opening The Third Eye

Using specific third eye chakra crystals can initiate the opening of the third eye and may aid the growth of a large number of psychic abilities.

Check out the various crystals and discover how many of them work in combination with regular meditation to stimulate the opening and growth of this chakra.

This chakras meaning is also about developing heightened intuition, psychic knowing, clairvoyance or psychic vision, clairaudience or psychic hearing, inner knowledge, inspiration and finding your purpose for being here.

Third Eye Chakra Colors

This chakra resonates to the colors of purple and indigo. 

You may notice when you see pictures in the article about third eye chakra stones that not all third eye crystals are purple crystals but many are.

See the many pictures shown there, and note that many healing crystals that are not the specific chakra colors will also assist you in developing this area.

This is particularly true of high vibration crystals. Many crystals of these chakra colors are easily obtained.

In particular one of my favorite quartz crystals which is also a favorite of many other people, Purple Amethyst Crystals are strong third eye stones.

Some of the third eye chakra stones with strong crystal energy will work simultaneously within a number of chakras

Many resonate within the fourth or heart chakra as well as the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and the other transpersonal chakras which are above both the crown and the soul star chakra.

All of the chakras from the heart up are associated with spirituality and healing.

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A Powerful Area Of The Body

This chakra is a powerful area of the body, especially when it comes to the more 'esoteric' functions.

The development of psychic abilities, may emerge from development of the 3rd eye. This includes abilities such as clairaudience or psychic hearing as well as clairvoyance or psychic visions.

Stronger intuitive gifts may develop, as well as heightened imagination, inner knowledge and inspiration.

Imagination, dreaming, clear sight and clear insight emerge from this chakra, as well as psychic skills such as psychic clairvoyant abilities.

Once you begin to have genuine psychic abilities, you may consider psychic employment.

There are now a variety of areas where you are able to work as a professional psychic, including jobs working as clairvoyants or spiritual mediums.

Working With Third Eye Chakra Stones

If you are working within this area to help you to develop any of your psychic skills, once you begin to make contact with spirit it is easy to become ungrounded.

It is valuable to also use grounding stones as it is important to make sure that you do not become ungrounded by what you are doing.

Discover the symptoms of being ungrounded here: Are you Ungrounded?

There is a list of third eye chakra stones on its own in-depth pages so check out which crystals are the most helpful to stimulate this area of the body.

When working with third eye chakra stones make sure that you are also aware of the requirement for psychic protection.

It is advisable that you take action to protect yourself at these times.

If you are working in any type of psychic employment where psychic attack may happen, remember to use crystals to prevent psychic attack.

There are many strong protection crystals that can help you, and it is important to take measures to protect yourself. 

Enjoy the new abilities working with this chakra may manifest!

Third Eye Chakra ExplainedThird Eye Chakra Explained

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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