Have You A Crystal Story?

What Is Your Favorite Stone?

Tell your crystal story about the crystal or stone you love the most and why.

You can share how you use your favorite stone, or even something strange or weird that has happened when you were using your crystal or stone.

There are now so many different stones available, and they have so many different Spiritual and healing outcomes.

Lavender AmethystLavender Amethyst

Maybe what happened when you used your crystal or stone was different to other peoples experience so think about sharing it.

Sometimes unusual or unique stones have powerful properties.

Perhaps you might have discovered their power and effectiveness by accident when you were crystal shopping.

If you had something special, or unusual happen to you after using that special crystal, would you like to share it with all of us?

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Write About Your Favorite Crystal? Share It Here!

The green stone below, Moldavite is a favorite of lots of people and lots of people write about it. But maybe you have a favorite that hardly anyone has heard of?

On this site you can read about all sorts of unusual crystals that other people haven't heard of as I am constantly seeking out new crystals to try.

Do you do that? Do you visit crystal shops looking for something different? I used to go to local shops and gemshows, but lately that's been harder.

Fortunately there are lots of great online shops to visit. You can share your story if you wish, see more below.

Would You Like To Share With Us?

Maybe, like a lot of other people you simply love crystals! If you have anything you would like to share about crystals, this is the place.

I would love to hear your impressions of what a specific stone does for you!

If you are a healer and would like to share how you use crystals for healing, use this page to tell your story.

Have you some fascinating facts about crystals, that you know others would like to know?

Have you a special crystal picture, and would you like to tell us the story behind this picture?

Note: You can upload pictures along with your story. HOWEVER... only original photos that you have permission to use and share will be published.

Please do not copy images from other sites without the permission of the owner. I also won't publish pages that have links to other sites.

Crystal Story - Dark Chevron AmethystDark Chevron Amethyst

Also note if you are just asking a short question, this is not a story and it will not be published.

This also applies to very short stories, so if yours does not go up its because its not long enough.

Additionally, note that not all stories will be published, as they do not go up on the site until they have been read and approved.

Content not considered suitable will be deleted. So keep that in mind when you write your story as it can't contain bad language.

How Do You Use Your Crystals?

Even if your story doesn't fit into the above, if it is about crystals, this is the place for you to tell the world.

Use this page to share with others, who love crystals as much as you do.

I look forward to hearing your Top Crystal Story! Thank you in advance for sharing!

Read the note above. This is Not For Just Asking Questions. 

Have You A Favorite Crystal or Stone?
Share Your Story Here!

Have you a crystal or stone that you just love! Are you a healer who uses crystals? Share your special story or tips here, about how you use your crystals.

What Other Visitors Have Written

Click on links below to see some great crystal stories. These were written by other visitors to this page. You can share your story too!

A difficult and uneasy path to understanding 
I'm writing this on Christmas Eve in 2023. I say this at the outset because in this day and age one might suppose that my story, that is the circumstances …

Faithful Fluorite Friend 
When I was 11 years old, I and my mother met with a Geologist who lived locally. I'd already been tentatively using crystals for a year or so, and he kept …

I Dreamt Of These Crystals 
Hi everyone, Can you please help me to identify the crystals I dreamed about because I don't know a single thing about crystals or stones. First, …

My Tigers Eye and Obsidian Randomly Rolled From Closed Sachet Into Hand  
My Tigers Eye and Obsidian Stones Randomly Rolled From A Closed Sachet Under My Pillow Into My Hand! So I was wondering what meaning this would have. …

Meteorites: a wide field to explore 
I will talk here about my experience with meteorites, with the hope that more people are motivated to experience with them. After experimenting with …

Rock Found Among Crystals 
Has anyone ever found an unexpected gift while charging and cleansing crystals? I was cleaning my space yesterday and decided to clean my crystals and …

Crystal Vortexes  
A crystal story that's way out there but also a learning experience spanning decades. My favorite Crystal's in H.S. in the late 80's were moonstone and …

Is Baja Desert Glass from Mexico the same as Libyan Desert Glass?  
My story is about a Desert Glass that challenges known facts about where Libyan Desert Glass can be found. My story may be a bit short but still it is …

Black Tourmaline & all things respiratory, no more 'claritin' 
Black Tourmaline tip-technique. I saw this in an article, takes just 10 minutes, and it works great! It is for sinus, stuffy nose, really almost everything …

I bought a Green Tourmaline pendant, at least that's what I thought... 
About 2006 I used to go to this esoteric gift store regularly, I loved it, they had all sorts of household decor items from around the world, books, stones …

My Quartz Buddies 
I started using crystals to promote better dreaming because Edgar Cayce had said that a quartz crystal placed under your pillow will absorb negative energy …

Thank you! 
This isn't a crystal story but I definitely want to say THANK YOU for creating such a beautiful and informative website. I have been using your page as …

Is Holley Blue Agate considered a Violet Flame stone? 
Sorry, I hope this is okay to ask here. I cannot find the info anywhere on Google. I'm still confused as to what Holley Blue Agate does, metaphysically …

New to Crystals, Would Love Some Help 
Hi there! Thank you so much for your website, Liz, it's been a great help thus far. I'm arguably very new to crystals and stones, having had little experience …

Working with Autistic & Spectrum Children 
I make healing jewelry, pendants and bracelets, and healing bags and I was researching what to make a little boy who is autistic. I made a pendant out …

Loving My New Crystal Grid ! 
I have been experimenting with healing crystals for about two years. I have many different crystals of all sizes colors and also jewelry. I love the way …

Crystal Experiences Are Scientific! 
Hi to whoever reads my story! I began to crystal healing about 3-4 months ago due to my OCD and stress. At first, I was skeptical because I couldn't find …

Crystal Skull Changes  
Hello, I wish to share my ongoing experiences with my crystal skulls. I have 10 skulls and I've noticed 5 of them are changing.. OVERNIGHT! Rose quartz, …

Dreaming of changing my crystal that I wear in my cage necklace 
Hi I’ve had 2 dreams about my crystal and I’ve only been wearing it for 6 days. I’m new to crystals so I’m just getting to grips with it all. I’m currently …

I think I had another “Moldavite Moment” 
26 June 2018 – My Dream. I had a dream that I was in Japan with my fiancé. Walking through the streets and alley ways. I had absolutely no idea where …

Karlite Diamond Quartz 
For the last few years my friend Shawn has been finding this Devic quartz in his land in Ghent, NY. It was not until recently we were told first that it …

Does cutting oil negatively affect the healing properties of (LITHIUM) crystals? 
I was looking at this one crystal which is deeper and more saturated than the typical very pale, almost colorless ones. I asked the seller if it was dyed. …

It Came Back From the Deep Water 
I have a double pointed crystal. It fits perfectly in my hand with the points ending at either side of my hand and a diameter just right for holding it …

My Best Find 
Hello, thanks for this space to tell our stories, Liz! (This is a super condensed version of my story) On September 9, 2001 I was researching a meteorite …

Click here to write your own.

Pyramid Crystal turned into a Bridge with Barnacles 
I have a small 1 inch crystal that I have owned for several years. I purchased it from a friend who was a psychic. She was an older woman who was very …

Getting into Crystals 
I am currently a junior in high school. When I was 12 a medium told me I was psychic, up until that point I just thought I was sensitive to energies. …

Moldavite crystal, high energy, low energy or strong vibration? 
Moldavite crystal, has it high energy, low energy or just strong vibration? I have only had a couple of experiences with this crystal. Neither of which …

My Selenite Rocks! Literally... 
I just obtained such a beautiful Selenite plate and cleansed it thoroughly prior to usage. During my first session, I did a ritual where I ended up placing …

First Experience  
I've never before believed in crystal powers but today I think that may have changed entirely. My current collection is a small Rose Quartz on a necklace, …

Why We Should Treat Our Crystals Like Pets 
How many of us have brought home the most sparkly powerful crystal completely enamored with it for a few days or weeks and without even thinking about …

Help needed identifying potential Starseed Quartz. 
Hi everyone. I need help to identify a crystal I bought in the gift shop of the holiday camp I was staying at with my wife and kids. Here goes... Getting …

Serpentine Tourmaline? 
I recently purchased what I was told was "Serpentine Tourmaline" but after scouring the net, I've found zero evidence of it within spiritual communities …

New and trying to find balance 
My sister and I have recently begun our journey to enlightenment. Our third eyes have opened or have begun opening so much, it started to become a bit …

I'm feeling a bit weirded out. This morning, against my better judgment I ended up spending too much. I decided to visit the "lab instruments shop" run …

Powerful Crystals vs Safe Crystals 
I am an empath that is very in-tune with the energy of not only people but also "spirits" and crystals, which tends to be true of a lot of other empaths …

Color Changing Ocean Jasper 
I’ve heard a lot about the color of crystals changing mainly due to fading from over exposure to sunlight. But I have an ocean jasper pendant that I’ve …

Philosopher Stones 
I'm a professional prospector in North Qld Australia. I also use the divining rods with my work. I have found rocks that emit energy and are not radioactive. …

Cursed Amethsysts? 
I had a strange necklace made of Amethyst and Rose Quartz. When around people the Amethysts turned black... The first time I got it, I put it next to my …

Malachite Grandmother 
As a child I enjoyed collecting all different types of stones, I accumulated a lot of different polished and non polished stones. I loved it so much and …

Aquamarine connection 
This story is somewhat still in development. I bought a crystal for each chakra a while back and then did a ceremony of cleansing, energizing and introducing …

Mystical Leklai 
I have always been drawn to crystals since I was a little girl. My Mother was/is a well known local Psychic medium and I would frequently go to Psychic …

Focus issues 
I recently (6 months ago) started investigating crystals. I have a 9 year son who struggles constantly with focus. We struggle everyday and night to keep …

Manifesting using crystals - I have no idea what worked for me 
I recently needed money to pay off some bills. So I decided to use what I knew about crystals to help me, but I have no idea what worked for me. I used …

Grandmothers Amethyst Necklace  
Hi all, my grandmother left me her amethyst bead necklace. When I used to try wearing it I never kept it on for long, as it did not feel right to me, even …

Childhood experience 
I had an experience at 10 years old that has stuck with me til this day. My grandfather always had crystals and books about how to use them among various …

Didn't believe much in crystal stones power 
I purchased a Moldavite crystal necklace only because I liked the color-smoky green. I have never thought much about crystal power....but shortly after …

Overwhelming feeling at the first touch 
I'm a crystal lover, hunting clusters for my thirst for crystals. What beautiful things, but I just found out about cleansing & healing things last month. …

Feeling people's energy!? Which crystals do I need? 
Hi! Lately I've become aware that I am very sensitive to certain people's energy including certain family members. After being in a crowd and interacting …

Law Of Vibrational Attraction 
Hi Liz, I have been conducting my own real world real time experiments for the past three years. I have been patiently studying sciences (Cymatics) Art …

Click here to write your own.

Moldavite hard to work with 
I was very drawn to Moldavite, so I followed my instinct and purchased a small piece some months ago. I tuned my energies to it etc and each time I try …

Help me with choice of stone 
Hi, My mom recently discovered a big tumor on the jugular vein in her chest area. I'm not able to find anything about vascular tumors in general on …

Need Geology Info About the Likelihood of Finding a Huge Celestine Crystal! 
So Here's my story. Love rocks and stones since I was a little kid. When I go for walks in the woods I sometimes find unique ones to investigate. The …

About Healing with Crystals 
I have been collecting and working with crystals for over 40 years now and when I say "you just can't buy one" I mean it. Over this period in time, I …

Beginner Crystal User 
So my crystals arrived in the mail and I'm lost on what to do with them. I'm a complete beginner at this. I received Rhodonite, Lapis Lazuli, Red Jasper, …

Which crystals to attract and manifest my perfect home? 
I apologize, as I made this a bit long, but I did so in order to cover all the things that I am facing currently. For years, I have been scouring the …

About Imperial Topaz I got today 
Do treatments impair, diminish, destroy or remove all healing and metaphysical properties from crystals? (Google is no help!!) I bought online a gorgeous, …

Crystals & Reiki Miracles  
Hmmm I am fairly new to this World of crystals. Probably about 2-3 months. My first crystal is Amethyst Cluster which my Reiki Guru handed to me when I …

Stones and Fertility for PCOS 
Hello everyone, I recently married the man of my dreams and we're trying to have a baby, so far no luck and I should mention that I have PCOS (Polycystic …

My "Eye of Atlantis" Big Smokey Quartz Sphere and How He Manifested My Healing Center! 
Hello Liz! Thank you so very much for having all this information and sharing your crystal heart and energy with the world! I came upon your website …

Aquamarine and Amethyst 
Hi I just recently bought an Aquamarine stone (my birth stone) and an Amethyst stone (my fiances birth stone). I also bought a holder for them so I am …

Lost and confused about stone abilities & can't find specific info I need 
Heads up, I'm a little tired so please pardon any grammar errors. Well... like the title says I'm a little lost and confused, but not on the topic of …

Astrology & Crystals 
Hello, I'm totally new in Crystal healing and very interested about it but I really need some help to know if I am going onto the correct direction …

Very powerful personal crystal & strange experiences 
Hi all, I have a question about a crystal. This crystal found me. I was in Scotland, Edinburgh in a place on the 3rd floor and was being a little cheeky …

Hi I was researching healing crystals one day and came across something I have never heard of, Orgonite. You make it, any crystal chip you like, one …

Black Tourmaline Not Working For Me 
I bought a black tourmaline stone. I cleansed it and meditated with it for a while with no effect. Then I purchased a black tourmaline bracelet and did …

Orgone Pendants 
I have been asking sites about orgone pendant. I was told that all orgone pendants that are made with crushed stones and metals are useless, since the …

My favourite Phenakite, Moldavite and Apophyllite  
Hi all. I made a recent purchase of my favorite Phenakite, Moldavite and Apophyllite, the original ones after a long wait to find ones. Of these I was …

Aura Quartz... sweet, fruity scent? 
Hi, I recently bought a combo-Aura quartz and just got in the mail. I was just inspecting the crystal when I noticed a sweet, fruity scent. Prior …

Need Help With Making My Crystal Grid 
I have 18 crystals including Tiger Eye, Jasper, Carnelian,3 Moonstones, 2 Snowflake obsidians, Blue lace agate, Agate, Hematite, Rhodonite, 4 tiny Clear …

Crystals for stress/anxiety/depression  
I've been going through a really stressful time at work in the past couple of weeks. The company I work for is going out of business and customers have …

Crystal Story About Stonehenge Blue 
I haven't bought a crystal in a long time as nothing seemed for me. A friend of mine is being very fake and telling lies. I don't know what to do. Weather …

More Information About Tanzan Aura Quartz 
Hello, A bit more information for the description of Tanzan Aura Quartz, I have. Back when I first purchased it maybe two months ago, I noticed it had …

An Amazing Discovery 
I'd never come across healing crystals before, but have spent many years meditating and working on self development. But last year I discovered the …

Amethyst BioMat 
Three years ago I found physical healing using an Amethyst BioMat where the crystals enhance the far infrared and negative ion function of the mat. …

Click here to write your own.

Strong pulsating sensations from Labradorite and Preseli 
Hi all, I like to meditate lying on the bed, sometimes I lay crystals on each of the chakras,and sometimes have wands or tumble stones in my hands. One …

Awe inspiring journey with Preseli Bluestone 
Hi everyone, I am a 49 year old mother of four who always had a passion for crystals and various forms of healing like aromatherapy and reflexology, being …

Selenite for cleansing other crystals 
Hi. On many many sites I have read say that Selenite can be used for cleaning and charging other stones, as it has pure energy and doesn't need to be …

Question regarding quantities of various stones & crystals in singular usage. 
Hello Liz, I have been only using stones & crystals since the spring of 2014 during what came to be quite an adventurous yet turbulent year. It was …

How to prevent clairaudience when working with crystals? 
Hi... a few years ago I started to collect crystals and learn about them and how I can use them for healing myself and others (I'm also a massage therapist). …

Question about Phantom Cigarette Smell & Crystal (Amethyst, Rose Quartz, & Emerald)  
I just bought some crystals today & cleansed them in the sunlight before using them. I put an Amethyst, Rose quartz and Emerald in my silver spiral cage …

Question about Magnesite. 
I LOVE my little Magnesite, the problem is it's making a lot of my other stones pale, I just figured it out. When it was in a pocket with Blue Apatite, …

White Aquamarine saved my eyesight. 
I had severely dry eyes for years due to an allergy to Minwax Wood Stain Paint. After using eyedrops for 4 years it got to the point where I could no longer …

What are some good combinations for my crystals? 
Hello all you beautiful souls! I'm new to energy work and have started a collection of crystals that is still rather small. I was hoping some of you …

How I- May Have, Possibly- Unintentionally Healed Myself With a Quartz Necklace 
So,two summers ago I was at a flea market, and like all moderately large flea markets, they had a hippie/new age both set up. They had a variety of …

Why I instantly knew that healing crystals work... 
I am a teenager who has several mental illnesses like OCD, PTSD, anxiety disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and more. A little over 4 months …

Amethyst Cluster Told Me That She's Spirit Amethyst  
Hello! I found her in the market and she just jumped into my hand and so I bought this beauty. In the evening she sent me to read about spirit quartz …

Blue Agate Surprise!  
So I'm relatively new to crystals, having been introduced to them when a friend of mine gave me a Shiva stone. Blue agate was one of the first crystals …

Yellow Apatite 
I want to lose weight. I read in your site that yellow apatite helps weight loss. So I bought yellow apatite. But now I don't know how to use it. For first …

Growing rutile threads in my smokey quartz! 
I had no idea this was possible or even how it happened. I acquired and amazing crystal friend that I lovingly refer to as Jack. He is a smokey quartz …

I can't wear Amethyst! 
Hello, since I was a teenager (when I started getting interested in crystals etc) I've had so many pieces of amethyst jewelry break on me! Even if …

New to Crystals - Dreams 
Greetings, I have not owned my own crystals in the past, and for the past two weeks I did a lot of reading regarding crystals. I typically remember …

Trans-Channeling Quartz 
I have been using crystals with intention for only a few months. My sister introduced me to their metaphysical properties years ago but I took it with …

What Are Your Thoughts On Orgonite? 
I've been reading a bit of back ground on Orgonite and there has been both a positive and negative feedback regarding this creation from aliens to evil …

Hi Liz, Thanks for this great website. I'm looking for a crystal that is lavender in colour. The problem is, I must be a bit colour blind because I …

Moldavite The Real Beginning 
I want first to thank this site for all of the insight into my new jouney in life. I found crystals after finding out that I was a dowser and I was looking …

I Have A Question. 
Your list is very extensive so I haven't read about them all but what I have read they all seem to have a calming effect and a generic "healing" effect. …

Fake Moldavite 
I think it very important to warn about a 'crystal' called Moldavite. There are a great many fakes being sold. You need to research this fact. Just …

Digestive Problems 
I recently found Nirvana Quartz very useful for laying on my solar plexus and helping me get over a persistent stomach complaint that flares up a couples …

My Bloodstone Spared A Friend From Being Operated On Her Ovarian Cysts 
My doctor friend is undergoing medication due to her profuse bleeding... she's pale and very weak suffering from abdominal cramps. She shared that it is …

Click here to write your own.

I was just wondering whether or not it is known if Citrine and Shattuckite clash or conflict with each other at all? Because I was wanting to have a combo …

Becoming the Beauty – Amethyst  
I had a birthday recently and had a convenient list of crystals for my husband to choose from for gifts for me. He could choose what ever he wanted. As …

I Love My Stones! 
Hi. I'm a 49 yr old Black Male. I'm not exactly new to crystals/stones, as I studied with the Rosicrucians (A.M.O.R.C.) back in the late 90's. I met …

Victim Of Pure Moldavite (Flaminite) 
It was May 20th, 2006. I found a fresh fall of the tektite known as Moldavite. I found that there was more to the mineral than what is originally known. …

Finding My Voice With Lapis Lazuli 
I wanted talk about my experience with Lapis Lazuli. It is a personally powerful one that has changed the course of my life to what it is today and where …

Sad and Depressed, Feelings of Lacking Affection, Love, and Trust 
I am new to stones. My first stone was the black tourmaline. Lately, I have been feeling so sad to the point where I just want to lay in bed and sleep …

Healing Powers Of Arfvedsonite 
Boy do I have a story for you. So, after reading, well, skimming the info on your site about Arfvedsonite, I decided to look for some online. I was …

Do Crystals Need Us to Meet Them Halfway? 
Hello, I read something about crystals that intrigued me. I don't remember where I read it, but the author stated that crystals can help you develop, …

Red Sandstone 
This is one mineral I have not yet come across in any of the books or websites I have visited, but I am curious as to what properties and virtues it is …

Programming Crystals Methods That Prove Successful. 
This isn't so much a Crystal story as a question. I have quite a few lovely crystals & I do tend to keep most of them together in my bedroom. But what …

Crown Chakra Crystals 
As far as I can ascertain, my chakras are all working reasonably well - except for the crown. I've tried a few different crown crystals, plus kyanite (because …

Need help 
I need your help. Two days ago I've bought an achat crystal to get a better, reacher life. I washed it and tell her that I will use her in light and love …

Rhozidite Crystal 
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and I have a question... Does anyone have a Rhozidite crystal?? If so can you please explain fully how to use it properly?? …

Crystals And Stones 
I've been using Amethyst for a while now and when I use it I've noticed that I see these bright flashes or specks of lights that are Violet, I see them …

Black Tektite Bracelet Broken and "Screamed Out" 
I've got a bracelet with 6 black tektite nuggets. I broke it accidentally one day, smashing it on the ground. The bracelet is still intact but with 1 1/2 …

Crystal Story About Lemurian Crystal. 
Hi :) I'm Kirsten from Norway and I want to share an amazing experience I had on holding a very special shaped Lemurian Crystal. Meditating with it …

Dowsing - Concerning The Energy Of Crystals. 
I am a newborn when it comes to crystal metaphysics (only 3 days) I had no idea of the vast wealth of knowledge that was out there, besides my ignorance …

Blue Aragonite Joy 
What can I say... I love this stone! When I pick it up it's an instant calmer... It blends with my aura and I now wear it, carry it... meditate with it …

Can You Have Too Many Crystals? 
Can you have too many crystals? This was a question asked by one of the visitors to my site recently. The other question she asked was: "Will they interfere …

Crystals Amazing Energy Storage! 
I recently attended a workshop on the Tree of Life and it was held above a crystal shop in one of their meeting rooms. In the room were huge quartz crystals …

My Amazing Special Experience 
Hi I'm Ida. I'm no crystal healer, and have little knowledge of them, but recently I have been learning how to meditate. All my research is information …

Amethyst For A Nervous Habit 
I'd never really heard of crystal healing before, but while walking past this lady who was selling them near my class, one of the crystals caught my eye. …

Smokey Quartz Burn 
Have been wearing a smokey quartz pendant for a few days, and when I woke up this morning I felt as if it was burning me. Sure enough, when I looked …

A bridge to the peaceful present moment: Azurite 
Sometimes I happen to think that the world does not notice me at all. That is when I feel that communicating gets difficult, real moments of listening …

Placing Crystals With Healing Energy Around The Planet ..... 
Over the last 5 years I have installed personal, community and environment healing from SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing) into crystals and then placed …

Click here to write your own.

Moldavite and the Doors of Perception and Change 
I want to personally thank you for this website. About a week and a half ago I read your entry on Moldavites. That same day, I went out and bought one. …

Psychic Protection 
A few months ago, I came to the conclusion that when I dream of 'bad people' and 'evil spirits' entering my house (and then wake up next morning feeling …

Crystal Healing - A Different Perspective 
The majority of crystal healing courses, books and magazine articles teach that crystal healing should be conducted by the laying on of stones on to the …

Crystals I Use. 
At the start of this year I started wearing a Black Tourmaline bracelet as I was very sensitive to bad vibrations around me and constantly being dragged …

Crystals Heal Spine, Arthritis Pain & Protect When Needed 
Hello to All the Crystal Loving Angels :) Can anyone advise what crystals help with women's hormones such as starting or during menopouse, etc? Would …

Moqui Marbles, Shaman Stones, Navajo Sandstone Concretions 
I am a scientist who conducts research on Navajo Sandstone concretions. A few weeks ago, I revisited a former study area of mine and found this site had …

Crystal Story About Labradorite 
Justine kept on complaining about waking up every hour after going to bed at night. The usual bracelet I recommend for adults didn't work for her, so I …

Moqui Marbles Questions 
I have a few questions about how you use Moqui marbles How do I use Moqui Marbles to contact angels, spirit, and animal guides? What high energy stones …

How To Choose My Crystals 
I am fairly new to Crystals, and I'd like to know more about how to choose them, how to use them and cleanse/charge them etc. I'm not sure if I should …

Broken Master Shamanite Black Calcite - What Should Be Done? 
Hello. Recently I have broken a master Shamanite (black calcite) in two pieces. Actually, I had 2 master Shamanites that I used in alternance. Both broke …

My journey started from a vision of selenite in the unicorn. 
I was attracted by a unicorn which has a heart shaped crystal in the middle. To my thoughts, it was a white but the salesgirls said its was a pink. I refused …

Another Pic Of The Amethyst... 
I shared a story yesterday about an unusual amethyst I have. I was asked to give more close up photos of it. Here they are. I hope they help with whatever …

Mystery Amethyst.... Can Anyone Help? 
So I got this small amethyst cluster in the mail, after I had already gotten my order completed by this one seller. So needless to say it was an extra …

Phenacite - Phenakite power! 
Hi everybody! First, sorry my English, it’s not my mother language. I searched for a spiritual stone for helping me to meditate. I searching through the …

Black Tourmaline Saving My Clarity! 
Today I picked up a piece of Black Tourmaline at work and started rubbing it like the description said and I instantly was grounded. For years, I've been …

Strange Pink Crystal From The DRC 
Hi Liz I'm actually in need of help please. I recently traveled to the DRC and whilst there found a piece of rough pink rock that I can't find a name for. …

Distant Healing 
If you know of someone maybe a friend or family member who is in need of healing - I think one way you can get "distant healing" through to them is this: …

Finding Some Peace In The Chaos 
A while back I was under a tremendous amount of stress. It was so intense that I had migraines almost daily. A friend of mine gave me a worry stone …

Scroll Crystal (Additional Photos) 
I have added some additional photos of what I call Scroll crystals, to help you to understand what I mean. If anyone has seen crystals like these ones …

I Call This A Scroll Crystal...It Is Tiny But Mighty 
My name is Joanne Klemsten Stoll and I have been around and working with crystals for the last 15 years and this one is really different and would like …

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

Thank You! I Appreciate Your Visiting My Site!
In my articles I may recommend various items that I use and love or that I feel are of value to my readers, and I earn a commission for purchases made through links on this page. 

FTC Disclosure:  If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction: at no added cost to you. Thank you!  Read My Affiliate Disclosure Here

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