Top 45 Clairaudience Crystals

To Develop Psychic Hearing

➤ By Liz Oakes

What Is Clairaudience? This is one of the psychic powers, and is also called psychic hearing.  This gift is the ability to clearly hear the voice of spirit

In this article you will learn more about your psychic hearing, and how to develop this ability by using meditation and specific crystals.

Clairaudience: Dark Purple Amethyst Elestial QuartzBoost Clairaudience With Elestial Quartz

Many of you have this ability but you may not be sure what these communications are. You may even wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you.

Once you begin to use this psychic ability, this gift may lead to amazing changes happening in your life.

As the vibration of the planet is lifting, genuine psychic abilities are becoming more prevalent and this includes psychic hearing.

More people are working in various types of psychic employment as this becomes more acceptable within the general population. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Is Clairaudience Likely To Start?

Clairaudience is a psychic power that may develop along with one or more of the other psychic gifts.

Often we ignore it until one of the other gifts becomes stronger.

At the beginning psychic hearing may start during meditation. You may hear a voice speaking to you, or you may hear other sounds during meditation.

This may be your spirit guide making contact with you, or angelic beings communicating with you.

These sounds have been labeled astral sounds, as they originate from the astral plane. Clairaudience often starts by hearing a voice and/or a message in your head. 

Be aware that there is is another psychic gift, known as psychic knowing or claircognizance, that may also surface at the same time.

Psychic knowing is similar to psychic hearing, and with both gifts you receive messages from spirit or your guides directly into your brain, rather than actually hearing them.

With clairaudience you seem to hear it, just like someone was speaking to you.

It is received by the brain and is then moved straight to the hearing area of the brain, just as if it comes in through your ears. 

When The Gift of Clairaudience Starts

When I first started to hear these communications, I knew that they came from outside of me, and I seemed to hear the words as if someone spoke to me, but it was different.

I knew they came from outside of me but I did not know from where, and it often happened to me during meditation. 

You will find that as your psychic hearing develops further, you will hear messages come through when you are not in meditation.

At the same time, you may begin making contact with angels, your guides or other beings from the higher realms.

Some people when they first hear noises think they are going crazy.

Note: As this may be a symptom of a medical condition, it is wise if you are at all unsure to see your medical professional.

Which Stones to Use

There are quite a few specific stones that I can recommend.

But any of the chakra stones for the soul star chakra, the crown chakra, the third eye chakra and the throat chakra will help you.

Selenite Crystals are powerful high vibration stones, that stimulate all of the higher chakras.

Doing a meditation to boost psychic ability may be particularly helpful to develop your psychic abilities.

You may find that your clairaudient ability will strengthen, if you choose to use some of the specific crystals listed here.

You may choose to hold them in your hand, wear them or lay them on the body, do what feels right.

Selenite is a helpful stone, that will help to open and clear the crown chakra, so that you may access the soul star chakra.

Once you gain access to the wisdom of this chakras energy, this is a powerful and effective aid to develop any psychic gifts, including this one.

As you decide the stones for this use, allow your intuition and the psychic abilities that you already have to guide you.

Most of us are already intuitive to some degree, and intuition is one of the psychic gifts too.

Once you begin to develop your intuition you can allow this to guide you.

Be sure that you take care to do spiritual grounding regularly while developing these gifts. In addition make sure that you use crystals that are protective as well.

All of these stones will help you in slightly different ways, so it may be helpful to read about each of them individually before you decide which one to use.

Wear These Stones On Your Body

Labradorite earrings are said to help you to 'hear the voice of spirit'.

So this is one of the first stones that you might use to aid the development of clairaudience, as well as other psychic gifts

An alternative to wearing earrings is to wear a Labradorite ring and/or pendant, but use your intuition to help you to decide what is right for you.

Labradorite is a powerful stone, that is very effective at stimulating psychic hearing if worn at the ears.

Labradorite is also an excellent psychic protection stone that seals your aura from negativity. 

Wear them anywhere within the aura, as this is powerful to aid the growth of any of the psychic gifts.

It is easy to buy Labradorite spheres and/or tumblestones, and this stone may be available in a variety of forms and shapes, including jewelry.

Blue Kyanite helps with all psychic gifts, and will align the chakras, so is another excellent stone to use.

It may be used with stones such as Iolite, Blue Apatite, Herkimer Diamonds, Turquoise, Trolleite or Blue Tourmaline.

Meditation Helps To Develop Psychic Gifts

To assist the development of this and other psychic gifts, regular meditation is important and very effective.

Lapis Lazuli Stone may assist in developing not only clairaudience, but also other psychic abilities.

The high crystal energy stones all have the capacity to assist with the development of any psychic abilities.

Meditation works by changing your brain waves, and as your brain waves slow, from your normal day to day beta wave to the slower alpha wave.

You will find that the flow of information from the Divine source will grow.

Two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, are said to be connected with developing these abilities.

By using isochronic tones, you may activate these areas of the brain, and you may experience that the development of this gift happens more easily.

Spirit Communication: Powerful Crystals To Help You

Moldavite Crystals are very powerful high vibration crystals. Along with Herderite and Phenacite, they are all powerful stones to help you develop any psychic gifts.

As Herderite has a powerful effect on the brain it may also assist the hearing channels and help you to develop clairaudience.

Fulgurite will help to clear the clairaudient channels, as it embodies the power of lightning within it.

When you are hearing the sounds, voices speaking etc inside of your head sometimes you may not be aware that this is your psychic abilities coming to life.

It takes time to differentiate between your own thoughts and the messages or thoughts that are coming from spirit.

As your spirit guides begin to communicate, often they seem to change when you do not seem to be hearing them.

My guides regularly communicate with me, by turning up the volume. This is very helpful, as the sounds get louder until I pay attention!

Personally clairaudience is my strongest psychic gift and was one of my first psychic abilities to develop.

At the beginning I got stray thoughts, and put them down to my intuition.

When I followed the guidance all went well, so I listened more, especially during meditation. It took a while as I still did not quite get it.

Finding your spirit guide and beginning to communicate with them helps the process along, when you listen properly.

Eventually I became aware that this was my strongest psychic communication ability

As this is a quite frustrating gift to develop, I want to reassure anyone who is going through anything like this, that you are completely normal.

Did You Know Clairaudience Is Found In History?

None of this is new. Did you know that clairaudience is found in history?

One very famous person from the past who was clairaudient was the young French girl Joan of Arc.

She heard the angels speaking to her and allowed herself to believe in what she heard.

Sadly she was burned at the stake, when she shared what she heard. Fortunately for us it would not happen to those of us who have psychic gifts today.

Prior to her another person who heard the voice of spirit was the Apostle Paul.

He was on the road to Damascus when he heard a voice speak to him, that no one else could hear.

This contact with spirit has been happening for many thousands of years, so there is nothing new in the gift of clairaudience. It has been happening to people for a long time.

How Can You Develop This Gift?

If you develop clairvoyance at the same time, you may see a vision and hear voices accompanying the vision.

But often this is not the way it is, as it can be quite slow to develop the whole picture, if it ever happens like that.

There is often a blurring of the line between gifts so at the beginning it may be a little confusing.

If you want to elevate your psychic gifts, find a teacher or a group who teaches the development of spiritual and psychic gifts.

There is likely to be someone else there, who is also having a similar experience to you. 

Spiritual churches often run classes, and there are often local groups too who run classes.

Your Psychic Communication Method

You may be surprised how quickly you can learn to use your psychic gifts. 

At the beginning, when you are present at a spiritual or psychic circle, you may only hear these sounds when you are meditating. 

This could be because it is your loved ones who have passed over, or other spirits attracted to the circle, who are trying to communicate with you.

Developing your specific type of psychic communication is not always clear cut, and the astral sounds that you hear may vary.

One common sound is like the buzzing of bees, and you feel that the sound is coming from the area behind your ears.

Ringing in the ears or tinnitus is another common indicator of clairaudience.

But it is also a symptom of electrical sensitivity, so take care if this is your only evidence.

Note: If the ringing stays there continuously it is likely that you should get it checked by your doctor.

There is more information here on the symptoms of EMF sensitivity.

But if it is only there during spiritual work or meditation, it is probably your clairaudient ability starting.

Books That Aid Psychic Development

The books and the CD set shown below are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic abilities, including your clairaudience.

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic' you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts, and information about her experiences.

Sonia Choquette has been working as a psychic reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years, so she brings this wealth of experience to her writing.

Although her books cover a range of different aspects, they all take you through the processes that aid you to develop your psychic gifts.

They are all excellent books to help you to place your feet on the path that leads you to develop genuine psychic abilities.

If you wish to read reviews of these Sonia Choquette books Click Here.

Meditate With Crystals Listed Here

If you have already been developing clairaudience and you were not sure what to do, it is easy to take action. Meditation alone will assist these gifts.

Meditation with a crystal from the high vibration group of stones may take you to a new level.

Stones with strong crystal energy or any of the sixth and seventh chakra stones are good choices.

Fulgurite is one of the high vibration stones that can stimulate this gift and it can help to clear your clairaudient or psychic hearing channels.

You will find, that if you follow the information that comes through from spirit, your overall spirituality and health may benefit.

Once you realize, that what is happening is that genuine psychic abilities are evolving naturally, you may choose to develop your psychic gifts further.

By choosing to use certain crystals during meditation, you may find that your clairaudient ability will strengthen. Enjoy the experience!

List Of Clairaudience Crystals

Check out pictures of crystals below that aid you to develop psychic hearing. Other crystals not shown that are known to help includes Blue Spinel and Purple Topaz.

Singing QuartzSinging Quartz
Holley Blue AgateHolley Blue Agate
Kaolinite sq250Kaolinite

The High Vibration Stones For This Purpose

There are quite a few high vibration crystals that can help to boost this gift as well as stimulating other psychic abilities.

Other high vibration crystals with bigger pictures shown here includes Selenite, Herkimer Diamonds, Phenacite, Moldavite, Tiffany Stone, Elestial Citrine, Herderite and Fulgurite. 

Elestial Quartz comes in a number of colors, with the Smoky Elestials being the most common. But all colors will assist you to develop clairaudient abilities.

Pictures of various colored Elestials can be seen on the Elestial quartz page including clear, black, amethyst, lodolite and chevron amethyst elestials.

Starseed Lemurian QuartzStarseed Lemurian Quartz aka Starbrary Quartz

Want To Know More?

Perhaps you want to know more about the crystals in the above list? If there are stones that interest you, many (but not all) have their own in-depth page written about them.

If there is a picture of a crystal where there is often a link in the name of the crystal under the photos you can click through to learn more. 

It is easy to find out the meaning, as well as the healing and metaphysical properties of any of the stones above.

Simply check The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page, link below. 

There are a large number of healing crystals for you to read about here and if a stone is on this site it will help you to find it!

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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