Stone Properties 

In The J Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The stone properties and gemstone meanings in this article are a brief outline of the meaning of particular crystals in the alphabet starting with J. 

This is the the J section of the alphabetical list of crystals and it is quite a small section as there are not a lot of stones that start with this letter.

Jet Stone PendantJet Stone Pendant

To see which stones this page covers, look at the photos of stones below. You can see if the meanings of any crystal is already provided on an in-depth page in another part of this site.

Simply check to see if there is a link under a picture that takes you to its individual page as many crystals or stones now have their own specific in-depth page.

In addition, the properties and meanings of some of the individual healing crystals for you to read about may also be provided in another part of this site. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Stone Properties: Alphabetic Area J

For those stones that have had their own page written, clicking on a link will take you to another page about that specific crystal.

There you will find a lot more detailed information about the individual stone properties of that crystal.

Chakra Stones - J

There is a list further down the page, which outlines the chakra stones.

This information allows you to work out if the stone you wish to use will benefit the chakra you need help with.

If you are not sure what the energy of individual chakras relates to, there are links within that list, allowing you to move to the specific chakra page and learn more.

Video About Crystals For Sleep

J Alpha Group Stones With No In-Depth Page

Stones that have not yet had a specific page written will have a short paragraph below listing its most well known metaphysical attributes.

Once its own page is written you can read all about it on its page.

Judys JasperJudys Jasper

Stone Properties: J

Japan Law Twin

Read more about the Japan Law Twin Quartz Configuration on a dedicated page about the metaphysical attributes of various quartz formations.

Japan Law TwinJapan Law Twin

Judys Jasper also called Eye of The Storm

Judys Jasper is named for Judy Hall, who has done a lot of work with this stone. I was fascinated when I read what she wrote about it.

It has stone properties that help you to feel a sense of deep calm and relaxation, and it is powerful to bring relief from stress.

Eye Of The StormJudys Jasper

I bought quite a few of these stones, and from the beginning I noticed that each stone was unique, yet they easily make a good connection with you.

It is also known as Eye of the Storm, and I can understand why. I look forward to working further with it, and seeing what it has to offer.

Chakra Stones J 

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones J Alpha Group 

Soul Star Chakra: Japan Law Twin

Crown Chakra: Japan Law Twin, Jeremejevite

Third Eye Chakra: Japan Law Twin, Jeremejevite

Throat Chakra: Jeremejevite

Higher heart Chakra: Jeremejevite, Judys Jasper

Heart Chakra: Jeremejevite, Judys Jasper

Solar Plexus Chakra: Judys Jasper

Sacral Chakra: Judys Jasper

Base Chakra: Jet, Judys Jasper

Earth Chakra: Jet, Judys Jasper

Crystal Books

The crystal books shown below are very in-depth crystal reference books.

All of the authors have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are good to have on hand.

Melody's Encyclopedia: Love Is In The Earth, is a book that covers more than most.

This book gives you so much information, and covers so many crystals that on its own is almost a reference library.

If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

Can't Find What You Were Looking For?

If can't find what you were looking for, or if you wish to find out the meaning of stones that may interest you in another part of the alphabet there is a solution!

Find pages about individual crystals by checking the A-Z of crystals, see link below. If what you are looking for is on my site, this will help you find it.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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