Top 43 Grounding Stones or Crystals

Crystals to Ensure You Are Grounded 

➤ Written By Liz Oakes

Grounding stones or crystals are part of the overall picture to ensure you are always grounded, balanced and centered within your physical body. 

What does being grounded mean? It means you are fully connected to the energy of the earth, and you will feel balanced and centered, physically, mentally and spiritually.  

Grounding Stones wide 2Black Diopside: One Of The Strongest Grounding Stones

But in order for this to occur regular grounding is important. Look at the reasons below to learn why grounding can help you. 

Why would you be ungrounded? What does this mean? The way everyone lives life these days easily disconnects you from the energy of mother earth.

The importance of grounding is sometimes overlooked, and many people are unaware that being ungrounded can make you quite sick. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: It is easy to get ungrounded, as day after day we drive around in cars or use other transport methods and even our shoes may block earth energy.

It Is Easy To Become Ungrounded

Why are so many people ungrounded? Most of us live in houses where we have no contact with the physical earth as most are off the ground. 

Black OnyxBlack Onyx

When this happens you may absorb excess energy from various sources and need to discharge it. 

This article talks about crystals for grounding, some of the well known symptoms of being ungrounded and how to handle this type of health issue caused by being ungrounded.

Importance Of Grounding

Although many people are not aware of the value of making sure you ground yourself, being ungrounded for a long time can make you ill.

Spiritual grounding is extremely important if you are working on your spirituality.

Many of you may wish to develop psychic gifts so may be doing various sorts of spiritual work.

You may open your higher chakras as you open to the Divine Source, but once open they need to be closed, so that you are able to function normally.

Are You Ungrounded? How Do You Know?

How do you know if you are not fully grounded? There are quite a few symptoms of being ungrounded. Have you got a problem? Do you need to be grounded?

Be aware that being ungrounded isn't just in your head. It is a physical problem that you need to take care of to ensure you remain healthy!

Black JadeBlack Jade

How do you know if you are not fully grounded? There are quite a few easy ways to know, and in particular there are a few symptoms that many people experience.

High vibration crystals can make you extremely ungrounded when you simply hold one of them in your hand.

Working to develop gifts such as psychic knowing, psychic visions or clairvoyant abilities can cause you to become ungrounded so this is when grounding stones can help you.

Grounding can help you if you are using high vibration stones or crystals and this has made you feel unwell.

Symptoms Of Being Ungrounded

While you can read about this in an article referenced below, here are the top three common physical symptoms of being ungrounded:

  • Dizziness, feeling spaced out or light headed or having a floaty feeling is a common symptom.
  • You may wake up tired, even if you have slept all night.
  • You may have difficulty paying attention to important things.
Black ObsidianBlack Obsidian Cleanses Negative Psychic Smog From Aura

You can feel very sensitive when you are ungrounded and there are quite a few other physical and mental symptoms that you need to be aware of.

  • In addition you may feel quite unwell, with nausea and tiredness.
  • Often you can't concentrate and may be prone to daydreaming.
  • You may be forgetful and misplace things.
  • And more...

Learn If You Need To Ground Yourself

If you think you need to ground yourself, check out the article reference below, as being ungrounded make make you feel quite sick.

This is very important to make sure you remain healthy, so I have dedicated an entire in-depth article to the subject.

Please check out the article above to learn more about whether you need to ground yourself. 

This article also talks about other ways you can ground yourself. Many of you are probably aware of the idea of taking off your shoes and walking barefoot.

In the warmer weather you can also walk in the water at the beach which is powerful for emotional grounding and emotional healing.

It is easy to make a connection with nature if you are a gardener like me who enjoys walking in the bush and connecting with nature. 

You will also ground yourself  by sitting on the ground while working with plants and trees. 

How do you know if you are not fully grounded? There are quite a few symptoms of being ungrounded. 

Have you got a problem? Do you need to be grounded? Be aware that being ungrounded isn't just in your head. It is a physical problem that you need to take care of to ensure you remain healthy!

How Do You Use Grounding Stones? 

This article is primarily about using grounding stones or crystals and how they can help you.

So how do you use grounding stones?  Using any of the stones listed here for aiding grounding is easy. 

Just hold one of them in your hand for a few minutes.  You will probably feel the difference quite quickly. It is so simple! 

Their energy will move from the stone and out into your body and will then flow out into your auric field.

If you have been ungrounded for a while you may need to hold them for longer. They will help to move excess energy out of your energy field and release it into the earth.

It is valuable to learn more about why you need to be grounded, so check out the article above as it has tips to help you to ground yourself.

Using Grounding Crystals

If you are doing any type of spiritual work it is valuable to make sure that you ground yourself often, and quickly. 

This is important to aid spiritual healing and there are a number of ways that you can do this, including using crystals, by keeping them within your energy field.

While this will happen naturally after some time, I personally find that by having specific crystals within my aura, it naturally happens fairly rapidly and the spaciness is quickly relieved.

Black CrystalBlack Crystals Aid Grounding

Remember to make sure you ground yourself afterwards, if you are working with strong crystals for developing specific powers or gifts.

This includes working to develop abilities such as clairsentience (also known as clear feeling) or psychic hearing, (also known as clairaudience) or any of the range of psychic abilities or powers.

Are You Working With High Vibration Crystals?

When you are working with high vibration stones in meditation, you may use specific healing crystals for you to develop psychic powers or abilities.

Many of the high energy stones you might use to boost these gifts have a powerful vibration which often can make you very ungrounded.

While high vibration crystals are marvelous stones to work with, just be aware of whether they have made you ungrounded.

There are a number of ways you can ground yourself and some take more time than others. One easy way is to carry or wear strong grounding stones in your pocket, or wear them as jewelry.

Spiritual grounding is extremely important, even crucial to prevent health problems and it is easy to do.

Strongest Grounding Stones 

Many of the strong grounding stones are also highly protective stones, so they are highly beneficial crystals for you to use.

Many of these have both of these important qualities, an important attribute that will be of great benefit to you.

Over and above the other grounding stones, there are few very powerful grounding crystals that stand above the others to help you. 

This includes: Black Tourmaline: seen in the image.

This is a stone that I highly recommend that you keep on you or close by at all times, for both spiritual grounding and protection.

This is especially important as it also has a strong vibration to aid psychic protection and in addition it is one of the strongest grounding stones.

Black Tourmilated Quartz has similar qualities, and the addition of the quartz makes these powerful stones to bring light into your auric field, to aid your lightbody.

Hematite Stone: also pictured above. Hematite has a good action for helping provide pain relief and helps to both ground and balance your system. 

Black Obsidian: this is a strong grounding stone that also cleanses psychic smog from your energy field, and is highly protective too.

Apache Tears: this is a type of Black Obsidian that also has excellent grounding properties and is helpful at times of grief and sorrow.

Black Diopside (pictured at the top of the page) is another powerful stone that aids grounding by quickly connecting you to the earth.

Black Diopside has many powerful attributes including helping you make contact with Mother Gaia. They are good crystals for dowsing and will help to balance your aura. 

Prophecy Stone: This is a strong grounding tone that also awakens psychic gifts related to precognition and prophecy.

Having both aspects and more in the one stone is highly beneficial. They have a high vibration and may help you to think more clearly.

Black Andradite Garnet is a particularly helpful stone to use as it is also highly protective.

By looking at the other aspects of many of these stones in their in-depth articles, you may discover additional reasons why you might choose to use a particular one.

If you are a metaphysical or alchemical healer or natural therapist of any sort, keep at least one grounding crystal on you, or nearby while you are doing treatments.

Black Crystals To Use For Grounding

There are many black crystals that you may utilize that are powerful stones to use for this purpose.

Other popular black crystals you might choose includes those pictured below such as other powerful stones including Shungite, Black Jade, Black Onyx, Black Spinel or Black Amethyst.

If a picture of a stone attracts you, check out the stones specific aspects outlined in its individual page. You might find out that it also has other helpful qualities to benefit you.

When you hold one of these stones in your hand, for even a minute, you are likely to feel the connection to the earth so try those stones you already have.

If you are shopping in an actual crystal store this is an easy way to see if a stone will help you with grounding.

Wearing Grounding Stones

There are many healing crystals for you to choose between, but one that is highly useful to add to your collection is Charoite.  

Wearing Charoite is highly conducive to your continuing good health. It is easy to wear while doing healing, or any sort of spiritual development work.

I always found it highly advantageous to wear my lovely purple Charoite Pendant, as it has a powerful vibration.

This purple stone has many powerful spiritual aspects for the higher chakras, as well as for the earth chakra and the base chakra.

It also has a good energy for psychic protection so check out its many metaphysical attributes.

Spiritual grounding is important whenever you are using high crystal energy stones, or doing any sort of work using your psychic powers.

Whatever stone you choose to wear, just ensure that you keep one of these stones either within your aura, or have them close by so you can employ them when required.

That way if you do become ungrounded you may use them to aid you to return to normal quickly. When you are working on developing psychic abilities or powers, this is especially true.

If you feel at all ungrounded, hold one of them in your hand and make a connection with it. It has the potential to work quickly to help you.

Doing A Grounding Meditation

Doing a grounding meditation is valuable especially if you feel ungrounded as discussed above and if you believe you would like to try another approach.

On most crystal pages the concept of meditation is discussed but if you haven't ever tried a grounding meditation you may not know that this is a little different.

While any type of meditation is beneficial to calm and soothe you, the importance of a grounding meditation is how it acts to release excess negative energy.

Grounding meditation

So how does it work? This meditation can be done at any time, and unlike having to go outside and put your feet on the soil you can simply use your imagination.

As always you close your eyes and go within, then use visualization or your imagination to get started.

After centering yourself you imagine you are a strong healthy tree and make a deep connection down into the depths of the earth.

After reading the instructions imagine that you are a lovely healthy tree with roots connecting down into the earth.

Allow yourself to release any negative energy from your body, and also be nourished and energized by Mother Gaia as part of the process.

Read the full instructions about how it is done in the article, see the link below.

Check out my article about doing a grounding meditation.

Pictures Of Crystals: List To Aid Spiritual Grounding

As mentioned above, many of the black crystals have a strong grounding energy. Black stones not mentioned above are pictured below.

Some of these black stones are fairly well known but others are not so common, so if they interest you click on the link below the image to learn more.

Other colored grounding crystals

Some of the crystals are a mix of Black with other colors and these also work well for grounding you such as Snowflake Obsidian.

There are a good number of deep brown stones shown here too, so if they intuitively get your attention, it may be useful to read more about them.

The brown crystals are commonly strong grounding stones that resonate within the earth chakra, the actual chakra that connects to to Mother Earth.

The brown stones both ground you and assist you to 'feel' more stable and grounded.

Check out the article on the crystal colors to discover what each color does and how it might benefit you.

Use Base Chakra Stones To See If They Help You

Try any of these stones for yourself to see if you feel the grounding energy. Stones that resonate within the base or root chakra may assist grounding. 

This includes the red stones, many of which are good grounding stones.

So if you have any brown or red stones not mentioned here try them out for yourself, to see how they make you feel.

There are a number of stones that are other colors that are powerful to aid grounding.

Boji Stone, Fire Agate, Red Jasper, Mahogany Obsidian, Moss Agate, Smoky Quartz Crystals and Turquoise are all excellent stones to keep on you to assist with spiritual grounding.

There are quite a few pictures of grounding stones shown on this page and you might find it helpful to learn more about any that get your attention by clicking on the link and reading more about them on your site page.

So if they have a link under their name, use your intuition to decide if they are the right stone for you to use, to help you to ground yourself.

List Of Crystals To Aid Spiritual Grounding

There are a lot of crystals that aid spiritual grounding and while some are quite well known others are not so common.

There are also a number of stones that will ground you that also have quite a few other very useful attributes that make them excellent stone to have in your collection. 

Many grounding stones are base chakra or earth chakra stones, so it may benefit you to also look there for more information.

Cradle of HumankindCradle of Humankind
Healers GoldHealers Gold
Tibetan Black QuartzTibetan Black Quartz

Find Out More About Spiritual Grounding Stones 

Top Grounding StonesTop Grounding Stones

Quite a lot of the crystals listed on this page have their own in-depth pages written about them, and it's easy to learn more about stones shown here!

You can quickly find out if any of the above stones been written about in their own individual page on this site.

Simply check The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Page Here, to help you find what you are looking for.

It has a list of pages that list crystals alphabetically, which makes it easy to find what you are looking for if you know their name.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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