➤ By Liz Oakes
Soul star chakra stones resonate within a specific area located just above the crown chakra.
In most people this chakra is situated approximately one hand width above the top of the head, in the etheric body, but can be up to two feet in others.
This may depend on how much spiritual development work you may have been doing.
The crystals and stones that stimulate this chakra vary in color and while many are white this is not always true.
Many of the stones that are advantageous to use to activate this chakra are high vibration stones and can be powerful for bringing enlightenment and amazing spiritual development.
There are other colored crystals that work within this area that can also be found in the articles about other chakras as their energy can assist more than one region of the body.
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Crystal Tip: There are a number of chakra stones that assist all regions of the body as well as the etheric body.
This includes crystals such as Danburite, Herderite, Natrolite, Petalite, Satyaloka Quartz, Sugilite, Datolite of any color including white, as well as Amethyst, Charoite, Phenacite or Tanzanite.
Although many of the soul star chakra stones are readily available, some of the stones for this chakra are not as common, and will need to be looked for in specialty crystal shops.
Before working with these higher vibration crystals, I always suggest aligning your chakras first, with Kyanite.
All colors of Kyanite have a strong, powerful vibration, and will bridge any energy gaps.
Indigo Kyanite primarily relates to the higher chakras, and is an excellent stone to use at any of the chakras from the third eye up into the transpersonal chakras.
Before beginning any further development work, ensure you have taken care of this first, by aligning your chakras using Kyanite.
Blue Kyanite is also very powerful for aligning your chakras very quickly.
During your life many of you have had accidents or surgery, and are unaware that these may cause gaps in your energy flow.
Continue to use Kyanite regularly, once you decide to work with the energy of the transpersonal chakras.
This is an important stone to use when doing energy work anywhere in the body, not just spiritual work.
It is one stone that is said to never need cleansing, but I still do cleanse mine.
The chakra color of soul star chakra stones may be white, and are also associated with the white ray.
White light may be generated from this chakra, and is the clear, luminous light which brings spiritual cleansing and healing.
If you have not previously done any spiritual development work, I suggest that you use either Clear Quartz Crystals, Natrolite, Selenite or Clear Danburite.
These stones will develop both the eighth chakra and lower chakras.
Another very powerful stone to aid the eighth chakra is Phenacite, which is pictured above.
Using these crystals will assist white light from spirit, to flow down from the etheric and through the entire body.
You may notice that many of the soul star chakra stones or crystals are not white, the specific chakra color.
The number of crystals that aid the soul star chakra is quite large, so the list is quite long.
You can look at the list of some of the soul star chakra stones and pictures at the bottom of the page, but you may discover others on various site pages as well.
It is important when working with the soul star chakra stones, that you are aware of the dynamic energy that this chakra governs.
Working to develop this chakra may be very helpful to stimulate your spirituality, and may also be helpful to aid you to develop your psychic gifts and find your spirit guides.
If you have any of the other eighth chakra crystals you may begin working with them first, but Selenite or satin spar has a high vibration and many people recommend it.
When you begin to work with the eighth chakra, the crystal that is usually recommended is White Selenite.
This energy may aid you to gain access to powerful angelic beings from the higher realms.
This is an extraordinary crystals that is often made into healing tools such as Selenite wands.
As you embrace and embody the learning that
will come through by stimulating the soul star chakra, amazing changes may happen in your life.
It is through this area and via contact with the Ascended Masters, that you are able to activate your lightbody and attain enlightenment.
These words should not to be taken lightly, as these higher beings are extraordinarily powerful, and expect a lot from those who choose to make the decision to follow this path.
It is recommended that you might like to seek advice from alchemical healers who have the specific knowledge on how this is done.
Daily meditation with the powerful high crystal energy stones, including and specifically White Selenite crystals, may open and activate this chakra.
Meditating regularly is highly recommended if you want your spiritual path to move more quickly.
Depending on your prior experiences, including those in past lives, this will happen at the pace of your own souls journey.
Working at the level of the transpersonal chakras, it is very easy to become ungrounded.
I highly recommend that you ensure that you are grounded, by the use of spiritual grounding techniques, including doing a grounding meditation.
In addition, you may prefer to wear some of the soul star chakra stones as crystal jewelry, such as crystal pendants or earrings.
Keeping the energy of these stones within your aura may create spiritual growth even more quickly.
I also strongly suggest that you take steps to protect yourself from psychic attack, and use psychic protection crystals to assist you in this.
Many of the powerful stones for this chakra, make lovely jewelry and one that is particularly useful to wear as crystal jewelry is purple Charoite.
Wearing Charoite stone jewelry is a powerful asset for both psychic protection and for spiritual grounding, and as well they are beautiful crystals.
Wearing Charoite has the added advantage of aiding you to 'be of service'.
High crystal energy stones worn continuously are very powerful, so if you are going to wear or use high vibration crystals, just ensure that you also wear grounding stones as well.
Ensure that you keep grounding stones such as Black Tourmaline or Charoite close by, and if possible within your aura.
At all times, try to use natural crystals of any crystal if you are able to, rather than manufactured stones.
The crystal books shown below are very in-depth crystal reference books.
All of the authors have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are good to have on hand.
Melody's Encyclopedia, Love Is In The Earth, is a book that covers more than most.
This book gives you so much information, and covers so many crystals that on its own is almost a reference library.
If you wish to read my reviews of Crystal Books Click Here.
There are a number of clear high vibration crystals and these stones also resonate within the crown chakra located on the top of the head.
Both of these chakras have a large number of crystals in common.
A large number of the crystals on this page have had an in-depth article written about them.
Want to discover more information about any of these crystal's attributes?
Did you know that its easy to find out if a specific crystal has been written about on an individual page on this site?
It's easy, take a look at The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Page to help you to locate what you are looking for.
Higher Chakra Stones
Lower Chakra Stones
About The Chakras
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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