High Vibration Crystals and Stones

High Crystal Energy Stones List

➤ By Liz Oakes

High vibration crystals have a very strong energy that is highly beneficial to help you. The level of crystal energy they emit is quite intense and this makes them powerful to benefit you.

They are excellent stones to use for meditation and opening yourself to Divine guidance, and this can bring potent changes to your life.

Tanzanite High Vibration CrystalsTanzanite: High Vibration Crystals

The powerful energy they embody helps to raise your vibration. This helps you to more easily open yourself to Spiritual healing and growth.

Just remember that these stones are very powerful and can cause you to become ungrounded. See more about this below and ensure you are grounded.

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Why Would You Use High Vibration Crystals?

Many of the stones with the highest vibrations are rare minerals. Some are quite small pieces but they may still emit a powerful resonance.

In addition you can combine one of the rare minerals with other more common high energy stones, you can create an amazing result.

Herkimer Diamonds and Moldavite are two of a group of high frequency crystals that are easy to obtain, and these specific stones are of a very high frequency.

You can use them to assist you to raise your vibration. This raising of your vibration may allow you to make contact with beings from other dimensions and also spirits in the higher realms.

Using them in any way will aid you, and having them on your body is extremely beneficial.

It is a personal choice whether to wear them as crystal jewelry or keep tumble stones on you in a pouch or macrame crystal holder.

Which Stones To Use

Most of the high vibration stones are very effective healing crystals for you to use, and will primarily effect change within the chakras above and including the heart chakra.

Many of these are potent crown chakra and soul star chakra stones, and this are highly effective to help your spirituality.

Stones such as Datolite, Stellar Beam Calcite or Herkimer Diamonds, or any of the other stones on the list would help you. 

Stellar Beam CalciteStellar Beam Calcite

All crystals are of benefit to you, and which ones you select will depend on your reasons for choosing it.

As many of you are working on your personal and spiritual growth, you may find that you are being drawn to high crystal energy stones.

You may wish to choose to stimulate the development of psychic powers, and to develop your intuition?

The higher frequency stones are the ones to use if you have not already developed these gifts.

Use them if you wish to develop your psychic communication abilities or contact your spirit guide. 

Importance Of Grounding: Are You Fully Grounded?

You might have already visited my pages about grounding as throughout my site I talk about how important it is to be grounded.

If you haven't already learned about grounding and how valuable it is and the symptoms of being ungrounded, keep reading!

When people begin to use high crystal energy stones they can enjoy the contact with beings in the higher realms.

So you may not be aware that this can make you ungrounded. This is particularly so when you start to use the high vibration stones that are talked about here.

So please educate yourself about the symptoms of being ungrounded, and its easy as I have an article about it here: Are You Ungrounded?

You can learn about how to tell if you are not fully grounded and then you can also click through to read about the grounding stones.

If you keep one of the grounding stones nearby it is easy to hold one after meditation with the high vibration stones to quickly ground yourself.

Black Tourmaline shown above is one of my favorite grounding stones as it is powerful for both grounding and also aids psychic protection and has many other strong properties.

Psychic Protection Crystals

One of the best ways to use the high vibration crystals is in meditation, but are you aware that these crystals are very powerful.

They commonly assist you to travel easily in the higher realms and may aid you to make contact with a range of beings there, including those you may not want to meet.

One answer is to keep psychic protection crystals in your energy field. There are quite a few stones that are highly protective and they are listed on the above page.

It is not a matter of getting frightened by the possibility of meeting dark beings, but just being aware of this. 

Hopefully you won't fall into fear about this happening, but if you feel fearful check out my article about Crystals For Conquering Fear.

Use to Boost The Energy of Smaller Stones

There are specific crystals that are particularly powerful when used in combination with all or any of the other high frequency stones. 

Why do some stones have a higher frequency than others?

It all comes down to their mineral make-up, combined with the location on the earth where they were created.

The energy of Herkimer Diamonds and Moldavite are two very powerful crystals that may raise the vibration of any stone in their vicinity. 

When you hold a high energy crystal it is easy to notice its unique qualities.

Combining high vibration crystals will make an overall stronger healing vibration.

Some of the other high frequency stones that are used with Moldavite and Herkimer Diamond crystals can be seen in the pictures below.

Learn more about the many benefits of using stones with a high crystal energy.

Did you know there are pages where you can write your own crystal story. There is a page where people have written about high vibration stones.

So check out the Stories About High Vibration Crystals here.

List Of High Vibration Crystals

There is a short explanation about each of crystals listed below so that you can discover their primary benefits.

Check to see if there is a link below the picture as this means there is an in-depth page about the specific stone.

Not all the stones below are written about yet as I keep buying more stones and haven't yet written about all of them.

High Vibration Crystals List

  • Scolecite has a high vibration yet is very calming, and may assist you to have a good nights sleep. 
  • Stellar Beam Calcite is known as an ascension stone, as its vibration has a strong spiritual nature.
  • Petalite helps you to make a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.
  • Petalite-Lepidolite is a new blend of Petalite with Lepidolite. Makes a strong spiritual connection.
  • Blue Kyanite is a powerful stone to use to align and clear the chakras.
  • Kyanite Stones of colors other than blue have similar attributes to Blue Kyanite, plus each color has its own specific attributes. 
  • Checkout the separate articles for Green Kyanite and Orange Kyanite
  • In addition there is a page that covers the other less well known colors including Black, Indigo and Teal Kyanite.
  • Yttrium Fluorite is also known as Lavender Fluorite. It aids both mystical and spiritual growth.
  • Nirvana Quartz is also known as Himalayan Ice Quartz. It helps you to move towards that state that is known as enlightenment.
  • Selenite crystals have an excellent healing vibration and also may help to relieve any stress or anxiety.
  • Datolite eases stress, fear and grief. Aids problem solving and improves memory.
  • Libyan Desert Glass also called Libyan Gold Tektite is a high vibration silica rich glass from the desert in Libya, that embodies the golden ray, a powerful spiritual energy.
  • Both Purple and Golden Herderite are powerful high crystal energy stones, that stimulate dormant areas of the brain. All colors of Herderite are covered on the one page.
  • Diaspore resonates within the higher chakras and helps age related memory loss.
  • Herkimer Diamonds act as powerful amplifiers when you are using them with smaller stones.
  • Green Ridge Quartz have an extremely high vibration and are powerful to aid Spiritual growth. Many pieces have partial or full iron coating.
  • Golden Healer Quartz resonate within the higher chakras, and are powerful crystals to aid healing on both the Spiritual and physical level.
  • Rainbow Mayanite are potent healing stones that embody natural bioscalar healing waves. These waves work within the etheric body to release anything undesirable that is trapped there.
  • Mango Quartz has an unusually high energy, that can assist you to raise your personal vibration.
  • Vera Cruz Amethyst is a lighter colored Amethyst that has a strong Spiritual energy, that attains you to easily reach the beta state in meditation.
  • Ajoite has a strong highly Spiritual energy that aids communication with angelic beings.
  • Aurora Quartz is also known as Anandalite. These crystals may stimulate feelings of joy and happiness, and a sense of what can almost be described as inner rapture.
  • Tiffany Stone is also known as Bertrandite, and is useful to help you to develop your psychic abilities.
  • Beryllonite brings spiritual light into the higher chakras, to stimulate spiritual awakening.
  • Afghanite stimulates the brain which helps you to think more clearly & boosts psychic gifts.
  • Benitoite expands your consciousness and may aid the development of mental telepathy.
  • Hackmanite assist you to sever past life karmic cords or etheric ties and to solve problems.
  • Pentagonite is a high vibration variety of Cavansite that activates inner sight.
  • Lilac or Lavender Kunzite is the higher vibration variety of Kunzite, that opens the heart to enhance feelings of joy and happiness.
  • Holley Blue Agate has a strong resonance within the etheric chakras, including the soul star chakra and is a powerful meditation stone.
Holley Blue AgateHolley Blue Agate
  • Read about Phenacite, high vibration crystals that activate your inner vision and open your higher chakras.
  • Learn about Brookite, which helps you to meet spirit guides in the higher realms.
  • Green Heulandite has a soothing energy that relieves fear and nervousness. It enhances emotional healing and boosts compassion and forgiveness.
  • Peachy White Heulandite stimulates your brain and helps to release karma.
  • White Cryolite connects to beings in the higher realms, assists lightbody awakening, ascension and enlightenment.
  • Blow through a Fulgurite Tube to send your desires to the Universe.
  • Rhodizite Crystals will magnify the energy of any other stones you use with them.
  • Natrolite helps to create amazing personal shifts.
  • Learn how Blue Celestite helps to contact guardian angels and to develop the gift of prophecy.
  • Discover how Orange Creedite helps to expand your awareness.
  • Tanzanite Crystals are powerful violet flame crystals that aid healing and they also assist the development of psychic gifts.
  • Clear Apophyllite Pyramids stimulate your pineal gland and help to open you up to spiritual awakening.
  • Star Hollandite Quartz boosts synchronistic events, helps you to develop psychic abilities.
  • Amethyst Cacoxenite are stones of ascension that stimulate the higher chakras.
  • Satyaloka Quartz has a strong spiritual energy and embodies the vibration of enlightenment.
  • Trolleite commonly occurs as an inclusion in quartz. It aids you to enter deep meditation to receive Spiritual guidance.
  • Prophecy Stone is known to bring prophetic visions during meditation.
  • Purple Scapolite has a high vibration mystical energy that encourages deeper insight of Spiritual ideas.
  • Owyhee Blue Opal aids connection with Spirit and your guides, has calming energy that releases fear.
  • Darwin Glass works at higher chakras to connect with beings in higher realms.
  • Tibetan Tektite is said to accelerate the vibrational energy within your auric field.
  • Campo Del Cielo has a powerful energy and they are excellent stones to aid personal transformation.
  • Agni Manitite is also known as Cintamani Stone. It has a high vibration that stimulates you to take steps to attain a higher level of spirituality.
  • Columbianite is also called Piedra Rayo. It has no picture taken yet, although it's been sitting with me on my desk for a year. This stone has an amazing energy to assist one to look within and better understand who you are.
Agni ManititeAgni Manitite
Campo Del CieloCampo Del Cielo
Tibetan TektiteTibetan Tektite

The amount of Elestial Quartz becoming available has expanded dramatically recently and I think this is Spirit bringing us a tool that is needed right now.

This elestial formation now occurs in a large number of quartz types, although some are easier to obtain than others.

This includes the well known Smoky Elestial Quartz as well as Clear Elestial, Citrine Elestial, Rose Quartz Elestial and Amethyst Elestial.

There are a number of other powerful elestials made from various quartz crystals, that all have a very high vibration.

Lodalite ElestialLodalite Elestial

Elestial Citrine is extremely powerful to use in meditation to bring the golden light down through the body and to aid healing on all levels.

Rose Quartz Elestial is a formation that takes Rose Quartz to a much higher vibration, and encourages loving Spiritual energy to flow into your life.

Amethyst Elestial takes the amethyst energy to a very high level, bringing all of the powerful amethyst energy to work on the highest levels of the etheric body.

Clear Quartz is a high vibration crystal that is brought to an even higher vibration when it occurs in the elestial formation.

Black Elestial is fairly uncommon, and it is interesting as its energy connects both to the earth and the higher realms.

Amethyst ElestialAmethyst Elestial
Clear Quartz ElestialClear Quartz Elestial

Elestials can be found with inclusions of various types including Lodalite Elestial and Black Elestial crystals.

Black Elestial QuartzBlack Elestial

As pages are written I will add links to the page and the menu below. Some of high vibration stones are hard to obtain, but they are of value to find as they have wonderful energy.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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