➤ By Liz Oakes
The earth chakra has been ignored by many people for a long time. These days many of us rarely put bare feet onto the ground unlike our ancestors who often went barefoot.
This chakra is predominantly related to making a connection to the earth, to ground your energy.
Due to the way many people now live life, it's time to be aware of the importance of earth energy.
If you rarely make an earth connection, and you spend a lot of time using devices that bring unnatural energy into your body you may easily become ungrounded.
It is beneficial to regularly take excess energy down to earth, via the base chakra into the earth star chakra to be released to Mother Gaia.
This is known as grounding and may help to prevent a number of health issues caused by being ungrounded.
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Earth Chakra Explained: The earth chakra is located approximately 12 to 18 inches below the soles of the feet.
Often called the earth star chakra, it is not within the actual physical body but is part of the etheric body.
This chakra aligns you with the magnetic core of the earth, and connects you with Mother Gaia which is valuable to ensure the maintenance of good health.
This chakras meaning is all about the idea of 'grounding', especially in a metaphysical way.
The earth chakra meanings relate to the very foundation of your being, within everyday life.
This area relates to your energy levels as this area is your anchor into physicality.
It is very important for everyone that this chakra is healthy, but it is especially valuable for spiritual people.
It is important that you regularly make the connection to the earth through your base or root chakra and on down to the earth star chakra to ground yourself.
This is where you connect your energy to Mother Gaia to resource and reground your body. As you reconnect to Mother Gaia's energy, you do two things.
You draw energy from the earth. This is the vibration that enables you to become grounded, and you may also discharge your excess energy into the earth.
Using either brown or black crystals or stones can be highly beneficial to assist you to ground yourself.
Do you know if you are ungrounded? One of the most powerful methods to use to ground you is to do a grounding meditation.
You may choose to hold earth star chakra stones while you do this. The earth chakra stones may also connect you to elemental beings who are in or around your home.
Read the details of how do a grounding meditation here.
The earth star chakra is our connection to Mother Gaia.
It is important to feel love and gratitude to her, for all that she gives to you, that comes back to you in equal measures.
Use spiritual grounding to connect yourself often with the earth, and you will feel happier and healthier.
Check out the page on earth star chakra crystals and stones to see which stones to use to aid you to ensure that this chakra remains healthy.
There are a large number of stones for this chakra and many have in-depth pages.
You can read about their healing properties and metaphysical attributes so check them out.
If you have been working on your spiritual growth and doing regular
meditation with crystals that stimulate the higher chakras you do need
to be aware of possible health issues this can cause.
This may be helpful for those of you who have been feeling dizzy or disorientated after using these strong crystals.
Take notice of the importance of making sure that your earth chakra is healthy and that you regularly ground yourself.
The books about crystals that are shown below are all very in-depth crystal reference books.
There are some authors of crystal books who have been in the crystal industry for many years. Having one of their books on hand for reference purposes is beneficial.
Melody's Encyclopedia Love Is In The Earth, is a book that covers more than most.
This book gives you so much information, and covers so many crystals that on its own is almost a reference library.
Note I am talking about
the large encyclopedia, not her smaller books of the same name.
The earlier book of the same name had a separate book with pictures in, so be careful when you look at these selling.
If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.
Higher Chakra Stones
Lower Chakra Stones
About The Chakras
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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