➤ By Liz Oakes
Crown chakra stones are of immense value to stimulate areas of the body that are related to spiritual healing and growth.
The 7th chakra is the area of the body where the functions of higher consciousness, spirituality and your commitment to higher ideals originate.
Changing your life can be assisted by using specific crystals and most crown chakra stones may help to heal particular health problems.
But it is important to use the correct crystals or stones that relate to the meaning of this chakra to get the best results.
They are quite powerful, and if you are choosing to work with them you are probably aware that you are on a spiritual journey.
Whether or not you have previously used any of these stones, now may be the time to look at this group of powerful crystals.
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High vibration crystals will work simultaneously on the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras and the transpersonal chakras which are above the crown chakra.
This is because all of the chakras from the heart chakra up are concerned with spirituality and healing.
It is necessary to ensure before using the specific crown chakra stones that all of your chakras are in alignment.
Kyanite is a most powerful stone to do this quickly and effortlessly as it will bring all of the chakras into alignment.
Aligning your chakras should to be done often, as problems may occur that you were not aware of.
These stones are powerful healers as they bridge any energy gaps which may have been caused by any sort of accident, including broken bones or from surgery.
All colors of Kyanite emanate potent energies that stimulate the pineal gland, and this may activate dormant psychic abilities.
Kyanite comes in quite a few colors, but for the crown the most common variety, the Blue Kyanite, is recommended.
If you are to get Indigo Kyanite you may also find it advantageous.
the crystals you've been using are any of the crown chakra stones, it
is almost certain that you are being called to take action.
To have the role of the the crown chakra explained, check out the specific page about this chakra to learn more.
The color that the crown chakra resonates most strongly to is the color white along with lavender, purple and golden stones.
Many crown chakra stones are not the specific chakra colors, but this is okay as they will still assist in developing this area.
There are many white, violet, golden and clear stones for this chakra, including the lovely Amethyst and Tanzanite crystals.
One of my favorites is the high vibration lavender purple Tanzanite stone.
Anyone who feels they need to improve the energy and flow in any part of this area should use any of the crown chakra stones.
As this chakra overseas and governs the functioning of all chakras, using the specific crystals for healing this area will also heal the whole body.
This chakra is powerful used in meditation, when it helps the flow of golden spiritual light to move down from the higher realms and spread throughout your entire energy system.
There are a number of powerful golden stones that aid this flow, including Golden Spirit Quartz, Diaspore and Citrine Elestial Quartz as well as other high vibration crystals.
Some of the stones for this chakra that I have used that are most helpful are listed below, and as the list is quite long, it is located at the end of this article.
Changing your life can be assisted by using crystals. It is of value to use the correct crystals to stimulate areas of the body that require help.
Once you work with these stones you may open your crown chakra, as you begin to make contact with spirit.
This is quite common, and necessary for many spiritual practices, and this chakra will normally close naturally without any effort within a few hours.
You may choose to use Muscovite to both aid with spiritual development and to prevent the side-effects that you may (not always) get from opening up spiritual or psychic gifts.
This will also prevent any spaciness that may happen. If you feel spaced out this may be a sign that this chakra is open.
If you have a spacey feeling and it bothers you, in future be sure to keep one of the grounding stones close by, to aid you to be properly grounded after doing spiritual work.
To help to close any of the chakras, hold any of the many base chakra stones, including the black stones such as Black Tourmaline, Black Andradite Garnet, Tourmilated Quartz or Black Obsidian in your hand.
Keep any of these lovely crystals within your aura, and it will assist you to heal health issues within this chakra, and it may enhance your connection to the Divine Mind and your higher self.
This chakra has a powerful energy to stimulate the brain, and crown chakra stones may aid learning and concentration and assist you to think clearly.
Many of the crystals for mental clarity are crown chakra stones that have a powerful energy to aid focused thinking and improved judgement.
Psychic knowing is unusual in that the information is delivered directly from spirit to your mind, and although it happens quickly it is actually following a specific path.
If you would like to develop the gift of psychic knowing, this may happen once you start working with specific crown chakra stones.
The information in the form of thoughts, or spiritual energy, enters via the crown chakra into the nerve bundle in the center of the brain, and they are immediately available in your thoughts.
The crown chakra is the most highly spiritual of the seven major chakras within the body.
So it is the most powerful chakra for spirituality, not including the eighth chakra or soul star chakra and the other transpersonal chakras.
Many beautiful stones of these colors are popular so are easily obtained.
It is easy to buy stones for this chakra, so take a look at the stones mentioned here to see what you need.
Even having a few tumble stones in your pocket will keep them close to the area that they benefit.
One of my favorites is the quite beautiful lavender purple Sugilite stone. While it is called 'the premier love stone', but it offers much more.
Sugilite rings and other jewelry made from this stone is wonderful to wear.
This lovely crystal is a strong spiritual grounding stone, and it is a wonderful stone for psychic protection as well.
This is very useful when you begin any psychic exploration, to have protection from any entities that may be attracted to your 'light'.
The combination of Amethyst Crystals with Sugilite, both powerful crown chakra stones, will elevate the level of psychic protection.
This crystal combination is also very effective for overcoming addictions.
To gain the greatest advantage spiritually you might choose to make use of high vibration healing stones.
Using any of the strong crystal energy stones will be most advantageous to this chakra.
After the use of certain high crystal energy crystals, you may find new ways of thinking could emerge.
Some of the crown chakra stones or crystals will be easier to get than others, but if you are meant to have one it will turn up.
Look for any of these stones, as they are excellent to develop any of the psychic powers.
Take note: as mentioned above, that there are quite a few stones with a strong level of crystal energy that you may choose to use.
Both Herkimer Diamonds and Moldavite are now more common in good crystal shops.
Some of the other high frequency stones are classified as rare crystals, and they can be a little more difficult to obtain.
Selenite, White Heulandite, Nirvana Quartz, Petalite Lepidolite, Petalite, Herderite, Danburite, Stellar Beam Calcite, Danburite, Scolecite, Tanzanite, Kyanite, Natrolite, Datolite, Star Hollandite Quartz and Phenacite are stones you might choose.
These crystals are on the list of my favorite high crystal energy stones, and all these are potent stones for accelerating spiritual growth.
These high vibration stones are now known about more widely, as more of you embrace spirituality and healing.
Crystal jewelry made from any of the violet or white crystals including clear quartz is recommended.
There are beautiful pieces of crystal jewelry made from many of the 7th chakra stones.
Wearing earrings made from Labradorite is powerful, and it keeps it higher on the body and close to the crown chakra.
Both Labradorite and Rainbow Moonstone Crystal are powerful stones to wear, and make extraordinary jewelry pieces.
Many women report astonishing shifts after beginning to wear Moonstone, as it is the stone of the 'Goddess'.
Wearing purple crystal jewelry, made from any of the violet flame stones will create amazing healing results.
Some of the most well-known purple crystals are also known as stones that bring through the violet flame, including Sugilite, Tanzanite, Purpurite and Amethyst Crystals.
Another beautiful purple stone, that is also protective is Charoite and it brings the added vibration of 'being of service'.
Labradorite is another potent stone that resonates within this chakra.
It speaks to all of us who not only wish to be spiritual, but to bring these gifts to the world so that everyone can benefit.
Lovely Purple Amethyst is easy to buy in many forms including as jewelry, clusters or pieces of stone.
Any reputable crystal shop will have pieces in one of the listed stones for this chakra.
Many jewelers keep crystal pendants and rings of either purple or Green Amethyst, which are not only powerful stones but are also lovely to wear.
As you use crown chakra healing crystals you may enhance the abilities of this chakra.
As deep joy becomes a part of your daily experience, you will become what you most want, truly happy!
As you allow yourself to open to the flow that comes to you from the
universal mind, new spiritual abilities come forth and new ways of
thinking emerge.
There are a large number of high vibration stones that resonate at this chakra. This is not surprising as this chakra is highly stimulated by stones with a higher level of crystal energy.
There are quite a few stones that stimulates this chakra, but if you read the article on the crown chakra, you will see that white is known as the color for this area.
You may be surprised at how many white stones there are that resonate here.
Some of the stones discussed here have had specific pages written about them.
If you would like to read more about any of the crystals or stones on the list above, and find out if its been written about anywhere else on this site, take a look at the A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page, link below.
Higher Chakra Stones
Lower Chakra Stones
About The Chakras
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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