Crystal & Stone Properties 

In The L Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

This is the section for stone properties and crystal meanings in the L alphabetic area so only for stones that begin with L.

It provides information on the healing crystals for you to learn about only for the L part of the alphabet. 

Lilac Kunzite wide 3Lilac Kunzite

To make it easier for you to find out if the stone you are interested in is covered here, there are quite a few photos shown below. 

Any crystal that does not yet have its own individual page written yet, has a short paragraph further down the page about the stone.  

This is just for the stones written about in the L section. You can discover the stone properties of all other stones in the photo grid by clicking the link to go to their own page. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Stone Properties: L

If you click on these links you will go to another page about that stone, where you can read about it in detail. 

This allows you to learn a lot more about the particular stone meanings and the metaphysical and healing attributes of the specific crystal.

Use these pictures to help you to discover if there is information on a particular stone you wish to know about. You will see the name of each stone under their picture.

You may also see that the names of the crystals and stones in this top area are highlighted with a link. This means that they have their own specific article written about them. 

If you are interested in discovering which chakras that a certain stone is associated with, following all of the individual stone meanings there is another list.

This is a specific chakra stones list for this section alone. The chakra table shows which chakra the stone may heal.

See a list of individual chakras and note that there are links to their page in case you aren't sure of what the meaning of that chakra are and why you might find it beneficial to work with.

Some crystals occur in combination with other well known stones and one that has got my attention was the combination of Lepidolite with Petalite.

The first crystal shown below has a greater amount of Lilac Lepidolite combined with a smaller about of Pink Petalite.

The second stone has a greater amount of Pink Petalite with less Lepidolite. The link to the page is under the first image. They are powerful high vibration crystals that are excellent to use in meditation.

Lepidolite with Pink PetaliteLepidolite with Pale Pink Petalite

Lithium Quartz comes in a range of colors including the beautiful magenta crystals which are featured at the top on my home page and are the site logo.

Watch Video About Magical Labradorite Stone

If you are also looking for the meaning or properties of a crystal or stone in a different alphabetic group it's easy to find it.

Simply go to the A to Z Of Crystals Minerals & Stones Page here.

L Alpha Group Stones Without An In-Depth Page

All of the crystals in the smaller pictures shown below have not yet had their own in-depth article written as yet.

There are quite a few stones in the L alphabetic group that have so far not had their own page written but I expect this will happen in the future.

Under the smaller pictures of there stones there is a quite short run-down on each of them with their metaphysical properties and healing attributes noted and also bigger crystal pictures of each one too.

Lapis Lace OnyxLapis Lace Onyx
Lava StoneLava Stone
Lavender QuartzLavender Quartz
Lazulite with Kyanite and PyriteLazulite with Kyanite and Pyrite
Lemon QuartzLemon Quartz
Lemurian JadeLemurian Jade
Leopardskin JasperLeopardskin Jasper
Lepidolite QuartzLepidolite Quartz
Lilac TrilithioniteLilac Trilithionite
Limb CastLimb Cast
Limestone GarnetLimestone Garnet
Lodalite QuartzLodalite Quartz

Stone Properties - L

Lapis Lace Onyx

Lapis Lace Onyx is the trade name given to a stone by crystal sellers, that was discovered fairly recently in Turkey.

The name is completely wrong as it does not contain either Lapis or Onyx! Weird hey? So what is it?

Lapis Lace OnyxLapis Lace Onyx

It is also called Blue Scheelite which is also not correct as the blue color in the stones comes from Blue Dolomite combined with Scheelite.

The blue Dolomite occurs in stripes along with yellow, white or golden yellow Scheelite stripes in a base of calcite. Lapis Lace Onyx often does have a lovely lacey appearance, hence the name.

Lava Stone

Lava Stone is also known as Basalt, and is the result of an eruption of a volcano at some time in the past, which created lava which over time cooled then solidified into these rocks.

Lava StoneLava Stone

Their stone properties relate to the way they embody the vibration of all of the four elements within them, as they were part of the process that created them.

As these stones also contain the powerful energy of the volcano that created them, this means that they are excellent to aid healing, especially when you are feeling depressed or lacking energy and vitality.

Rounded shaped stones have an association with feminine energy, and long pointed stones embody male energy.

A combination of both stones were used in the past in fertility rituals to aid conception of a child.

Lavender Quartz

Lavender Quartz is a variety of Rose Quartz that contains extra lithium which makes them a lovely lilac or lavender pink color.

Lavender QuartzLavender Quartz

This makes it look more like Amethyst but has enough pink in it for you to recognize that it is a type of Rose Quartz, and they make gorgeous gemstone jewelry too.

The stone properties of this lavender colored stone is similar to Rose Quartz in some respects, in that they create a strong heart chakra connection.

As well they also make a good connection with the third eye chakra.

This energy means that they will help you with developing psychic gifts, such as clairsentience, clairaudience and psychic visions.

This is a lovely stone that brings peace and serenity, relief from depression, anxiety and tension. The high level of lithium is very helpful to relieve stress.


Lazulite is a lovely blue crystal that helps to create a calming and soothing atmosphere in the area where it is located.

It also has a good healing action that assists bones to repair more quickly.


It helps to stimulate the birth of a range of psychic abilities and it's stone properties also relate to its action to help students to concentrate.

Lazulite is a wonderful stone to encourage lucid dreaming, and it is known to help you to remember your dreams.

Lazulite with Kyanite and Pyrite

The Lazulite with Kyanite and Pyrite blend is unique in that it brings together three highly beneficial minerals that are all powerful used in meditation.

The lovely silvery Pyrite inclusion is powerful to aid you ground back to earth after meditation so is a quite advantageous inclusion.

Lazulite with Kyanite and PyriteLazulite with Kyanite and Pyrite

The stone properties of both Kyanite and Lazulite help to encourage the birth of a range of psychic abilities, and have powerful metaphysical properties that make them beneficial to use in meditation.

Kyanite helps to bring all of the chakras into alignment and Lazulite has a calming and soothing vibration that may also boost your memory.

A powerful stone for meditation as the combination of the blended energies of these minerals is said to create an amazing formation within the etheric.

This energy is known aid you to cross over between worlds and experience the various etheric layers or worlds located there.

Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz can be a naturally occurring variety of Citrine, that is a lighter and brighter yellow color.

But much of it is created from Amethyst by heating, along with the addition of iron to accentuate its brilliant color.

Lemon QuartzLemon Quartz

Many of these stones are quite beautiful, with excellent clarity.  Like all varieties of quartz, it has a good action to amplify the vibration of other stones.

The stone properties of Lemon Quartz makes this an excellent stone to use for meditation.

It is known to enhance your creativity, and to promote clarity of thought, via its action within the higher chakras. 

Its energy is quite stimulating and yet at the same time it is quite gentle in its action to aid you to manifest those things you desire via its action at the solar plexus chakra.

Lemurian Jade

Lemurian Jade comes in two types light and dark. 

The darker stones are commonly called Midnight Lemurian Jade and the slightly lighter grayish green stone is known as Shadow Lemurian Jade.

Shadow Lemurian JadeShadow Lemurian Jade

Some of the stone properties of both of the colors are the same and both are strong psychic protection stones.

Both aid you to have a greater understanding of your connection with the earth and to make a connection with the Divine Feminine.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper is a shamanic stone that was commonly used in the past to make contact with the spirits of animals and of animal guides.

Leopardskin JasperLeopardskin Jasper

It may be used for inner journeying, as its stone properties relate to its energy to bring you a greater understanding of the concepts of light and dark in a spiritual sense.

It may assist you to listen to your inner voice, and to see and understand your personal circumstance more clearly.

Lepidolite Quartz

Lepidolite Quartz is a quite beautiful combination of two crystals that powerfully complement each other.

What you have here is Lavender Lepidolite growing both within the quartz, and on its outside, really lovely.

Lepidolite Growing On QuartzLepidolite Quartz

Lepidolite on its own is a wonderful stone to help you if you are stressed, anxious or depressed, as it contains lithium.

This combination is an excellent healing stone, that resonates strongly within all of the chakras.

It is a gorgeous stone to have in the bedroom to help you sleep, especially if you are feeling unhappy or depressed.

The vibration of this crystal is beneficial to keep in your vicinity, and it is helpful to have close to you when you are in need of soothing.

An interesting side note is that the quartz configuration of the crystal pictured here is also in the formation of a Cathedral Quartz, so this is a stunning and unusual piece.

Lilac Trilithionite

Lilac Trilithionite is a quite beautiful stone that is related to lepidolite as they are both types of mica.

They do have a lovely calming energy and like Lepidolite will work well to ease stress and tension.

Lilac TrilithioniteLilac Trilithionite

Limb Cast

Limb Cast is a stone that originated as a limb of a tree. The wood in the tree was over time replaced by either agate or opal, to become the stone known as Limb Cast.

Limb CastLimb Cast

The stone properties of limb cast relate to its action to encourage you to have greater adaptability in relation to the way you organize your thoughts.

This stone helps you to get out and take action in regard to a specific situation in your life, and to know, while you are taking action, whether what you are doing is in alignment with your greatest good.

It is a lovely stone to use in meditation.

It is helpful to allow you to make move your thinking into the state needed to create a life filled with purpose.

It may also encourage your creativity to blossom in a way that is right for your specific being.

Limestone Garnet

Limestone Garnet is a type of stone with pieces of brownish orange-red garnet contained within white, or grayish-white limestone.

Limestone GarnetLimestone Garnet

Garnets generally have an energy that stimulates manifestation.

The stone properties of these unusual crystals relate to the way they resonate within the lower three chakras of the body.

This garnet blend works to help you help to manifest those things you desire to come into your life.

They resonate particularly well at the sacral chakra, which relates to enhanced creativity and the possibility of invigorated sexuality.

Lodalite Quartz or Lodolite

Lodalite Quartz is also known as Lodolite or Lodelite. It may be found in a number of different colors, and with a variety of inclusions, mostly within clear quartz.

Lodolite QuartzLodalite Quartz

It is also known as inclusion quartz or garden quartz, as it commonly occurs with what looks like lovely garden scenes in the stone.

This stone is known for its action to aid you to perform psychic surgery. This type of psychic surgery relates to its action to help you to let go of outmoded emotions and outlook on life.

It has a strong shamanic vibration, and it has a strong healing action to aid the body to let go of congestion and blockages.

Luxullianite also called Luxurianite or Luxulyanite 

Luxullianite is a type of pinkish-orange Granite with inclusions of Black Tourmaline.

It was named after the place in Cornwall England that it comes from, so it may also be called Luxulyanite or Luxurianite.


It has a number of stone properties, including excellent healing qualities, including to aid stress.

It's energy is known to boost self confidence and brings a more positive attitude to life.

This stone resonates at the base and earth chakras, and also within the heart chakra.

The Black Tourmaline included within it means that it is a strong grounding and protection stone.

Chakra Stones L

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones L Alpha Group 

Soul Star Chakra: Labradorite, Lavender Fluorite, Lemurian Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Lilac Kunzite, Lithium Quartz

Crown Chakra: Labradorite, Lamprophyllite, Larimar, Larvikite, Lavender Fluorite, Lavender Quartz, Lavender Smithsonite, Lemon Quartz, Lemurian Seed Crystals, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Lilac Kunzite, Lilac Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Lodalite Quartz

Third Eye Chakra: Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Larvikite, Lavender Quartz, Lavender Smithsonite, Lazulite, Lemon Quartz, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Lilac Kunzite, Linarite, Lithium Quartz, Lodalite Quartz

Throat Chakra: Labradorite, Lapis Lace Onyx, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Larvikite, Lavender Quartz, Lavender Smithsonite, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Linarite, Lithium Quartz

Higher Heart Chakra: Larimar, Lavender Fluorite, Lavender Quartz, Lavender Smithsonite, Lepidocrocite, Lepidolite, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Lilac Kunzite, Linarite, Lithium Quartz

Heart Chakra: Larimar, Lavender Fluorite, Lavender Quartz, Lavender Smithsonite, Lemurian Jade, Lepidocrocite, Lepidolite, Lepidolite Quartz, Lilac Kunzite, Linarite, Lithium Quartz, Luxullianite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Lava Stone, Lemon Quartz, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Limestone Garnet, Lithium Quartz

Sacral Chakra: Leopardskin Jasper, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Limestone Garnet, Limonite, Lithium Quartz

Base ChakraLamprophyllite, Larvikite, Lava Stone, Lemurian Jade, Leopardskin Jasper, Lepidolite Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Limestone Garnet, Limonite, Lithium Quartz, Luxullianite

Earth Chakra: Lamprophyllite, Lava Stone, Libyan Desert Glass, Limonite, Lithium Quartz, Luxullianite

Crystal Books

The crystal books shown below are very in-depth crystal reference books.

All of the authors have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are good to have on hand.

Melody's Encyclopedia: Love Is In The Earth, is a book that covers more than most. This book gives you so much information, and covers so many crystals that on its own is almost a reference library.

If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

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If can't find what you were looking for, or if you wish to find out the meaning of stones that may interest you in another part of the alphabet there is a solution!

Find pages about individual crystals by checking the A-Z of crystals, see link below. If what you are looking for is on my site, this will help you find it.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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