Learn How To Use Moldavite 

A Very High Vibration Crystal

➤ By Liz Oakes

Wondering how to use Moldavite? There are a number of ways to use this green stone, and you can learn more about these here.

It may be especially helpful when you are going through traumatic life changes, and it is well known as a stone of transformation.

How To Use Moldavite TektiteHow To Use Moldavite Tektite

In particular this green tektite is helpful to use in meditation and keeping it close to you is beneficial to assist all areas of your life.

One of its best assets is that it is a very powerful, highly protective stone to use to ensure you are safe from negative entities. 

There are a number of ways you can use this green crystal, including wearing it. 

Wearing this stone is an advantage when you are traveling in the higher realms. This aids you to be sure that beings that you are making contact with are of 'the light'.

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How Will Moldavite Help You?

With Moldavite close by, you may feel safer using it when you are meditating. 

They are powerful crystals for transformation and are highly beneficial to help you at times when you are undergoing major changes in your life.

The energy of this crystal may improve your grasp of spiritual matters and one of the best ways is to utilize it as part of a regular meditation.

Its action is valuable to enhance spiritual growth and spiritual healing and it is highly protective. 


They are strong crystals for change and this may take different forms, as this beautiful green stone can affect any or all of the chakras.

But it major effect is on the heart chakra, where it resonates with the vibration of love.

How To Use Moldavite Crystals

If you are wondering how to use Moldavite, the best way to use this green stone is in meditation, and this is very powerful.

This is a strong third eye chakra stone that is highly beneficial when you are working on developing psychic abilities or gifts.

These are the most common features of its vibration that this powerful natural crystal stimulates among most people.

Moldavite ringMoldavite Ring

When you are learning how to use Moldavite adapting to this stone can take some time.

Some people have difficulty with the vibration of this stone, but the impact can vary from person to person and each individual will be affected in different ways.

Note that the effect that wearing a Moldavite necklace or pendant, ring or earrings made from this crystal has on a person varies.

Its use as a magical talisman or carved amulet is powerful, and wearing it is known to bring good luck and protection.

How To Use Moldavite: Use For Meditation

If you wear one of these green crystals anywhere on your body, or hold a piece of this powerful transforming crystal in your hand during meditation, you may experience a more powerful and meaningful experience.

Meditation is known to be helpful to help relieve stress, and this may partly be because during successful meditation your brain waves slow.

Throughout normal day to day activities your brain operates at what is called the beta state. 

During meditation the brain waves change from the beta wave, to the slower alpha wave.

moldavite crystal 2-500

Two special areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex are said to be connected with developing psychic abilities or powers.

As you go deeper into the meditative state, you may discover that psychic abilities amplify, and you may find a sense of deep peace.

Read About Isochronic Tones, as using them encourages these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced.

Using this green crystal in combination with isochronic tones is helpful as it is a high crystal energy stone.

Why Would You Use It? What Is Moldavite Good For? 

Why do so many people talk about what Moldavite crystal is good for? 

This is because it is an amazing stone with a very strong level of crystal energy, that is often discussed by crystal lovers.

You may not understand why it is popular until you hold a piece of this crystal for the first time, and experience the intense vibration that this crystal embodies.

Once you begin the journey that starts when you connect with one of these stones there will be no going back, as Moldavite is a stone of transformation!

Buy Moldavite from Exquisite Crystals my most trusted crystal seller.

MoldaviteMoldavite Pendant

Wondering how to work with this Green Tektite?

These high crystal energy stones have an intense frequency and high vibration which makes them a 'must have' for any who are on the spiritual path.

One of the best ways to work with them is to regularly use them in meditation.

They are a powerful protection stone so you will feel protected while using them to travel the higher realms.

Limit How Long You Use It To Begin With

Warning: I suggest that you may like to limit how long you wear a Moldavite necklace or other jewelry.

Just at the beginning while you are discovering how to use Moldavite, only wear it for a short period until you adapt to it.

Once you have adapted and your etheric body understands the energy, you won't be as impacted.

How To Use Moldavite TektiteHow To Use Moldavite Tektite

Although the spiritual healing that this stone brings can vary from person to person, it has a powerful vibration and can affect great change in short periods of time.

This transformation may make you aware of your deepest desires and help you to make connections with other worlds and dimensions.

It is easy to buy pieces of genuine Moldavite, and it is a healing crystal that is a valuable tool.

It is definitely an amazing healing stone with an action to bring deep spiritual growth.

How To Use Moldavite: Keep It On Your Body!

I truly find these powerful green crystals to be a highly beneficial stones to keep on my body, which is why I also bought earrings and a pendant made from this stone.

It is easy to buy a piece of Moldavite gemstone jewelry, including rings in many different and quite lovely styles.

Moldavite EarringsFaceted Moldavite Earrings

But give them a break at night, especially if you experience a spinning head or a Moldavite headache when you wear them on your body during the day or after wearing them at any other time.

Wearing rings, pendants, bracelets or Moldavite amulets makes it easy to keep this vibration on your body all day.

 How Will It Help You? Benefits Of Moldavite

There are a number of ways that it may help you, and there are a number of benefits of Moldavite to be aware of.

Use it during meditation either on its own or with other crystals. It has a strong energy within the higher chakras including the third eye.

They are also beneficial crystals for truth, that help you to recognize when others are not being totally honest with you, so keep that in mind.

It also helps to raise the vibration of other stones that it is combined with, so this is a powerful benefit. Using them this way will make the overall result much stronger.

Moldavite PendantMoldavite and Blue Kyanite Pendant

There are many benefits of using Moldavite crystals in meditation. 

Meditation is generally an excellent idea for everyone to do every day and using strong high vibration stones together can be highly beneficial.

In particular you may choose to use it if you wish to discover how to be psychic, meditation is a one of the ways that you can start on this path.

Wearing Moldavite Crystals

When I went to buy myself another piece of Moldavite jewelry, I was drawn to the faceted rings made from this stone.

This may have been because the facets add to the power of this green gemstone.

As soon as I was handed the ring made of this crystal I felt an immediate tingling in my hand.

Then a feeling of dizziness and a heat flush of intense proportions went through my body.

Possibly the reaction was more intense because of the facets, but even a non faceted Moldavite crystal will give this reaction if you are not used to it.

faceted moldavite ring 1-500Faceted Moldavite

The natural Moldavite gemstone pendant that I was wearing, may have connected to the ring, as I felt a strong surge go through my heart chakra.

The reaction in my heart chakra continued for some time even when I was no longer holding it.

This ring has an amazing energy and its wonderful to wear as part of my daily life.

FAQ: Some Questions Asked About Moldavite

Someone asked me, can you wear Moldavite crystals every day?

This is hard to answer definitively, but as a general rule, yes you can wear it everyday.

Note: that in some cases you may need a smaller piece of raw stone or you may need to use it less often, just at the beginning.

Depending on your individual make-up you may find it hard to use, as it can overstimulate your auric field, and this may be overwhelming for some people.


Someone else asked me, can you sleep with Moldavite stone? 

I would not recommend sleeping with Moldavite when you first start using it, and having a break from it at night definitely could be helpful.

It is common for many people to experience a Moldavite headache and it can make you spacy and headachy. 

If you find that you are having problems, including if you feel spacy, combine it with a grounding stone, to assist you to connect to mother earth more easily.

  How To Use Moldavite Tektite: My Final Thoughts

If possible, wear any jewelry you buy that is made from it, such as earrings, high on your body.

This helps to stimulate all of the higher chakras, from the heart right up to the crown chakra and above.

Or you may choose to wear it on the chest, where it is highly effective to stimulate both the heart and higher heart chakra, and helps to increase feelings of unconditional love and to release emotional trauma.

Advice is given to people to use it sparingly until you get used to it as they can give you a dizzy headache. 

But often it is hard to put aside once you have experienced it. 

MoldaviteMoldavite Crystal

Did you know there is a page on my site where people can write their own stories and where people share their own Moldavite experiences.

There are quite a few stories written about this green tektite. To read the Moldavite experiences of other people, check out the pages below by clicking on the link.

Click here to see the list of pages people have written about this stone.

Best Crystals To Pair With Moldavite Crystal

What are the best crystals to use with Moldavite? See the Moldavite combinations and discover why these pairings work.

There are a number of Moldavite pairings below so check out the stones that combine well with this potent green crystal.

As mentioned above it has a powerful energy that can make people react, so it's best to use it on its own until your energy has adapted to its powerful vibration.

There are many stones that are boosted by using them in combination with this green high vibration stone.

Quite a few of the high vibration crystals work very well when combined with this stone, and create quite positive results.

Blend it with any of the high vibration stones, as this is a powerful way to merge its potent energy, but be aware that you need to do this slowly while you adapt to it.

Please make sure you use it on its own first before combining it with other stones.

To aid you to connect to the light, use it with Stellar Beam Calcite, Beryllonite, Herkimer Diamonds or Amethyst Cacoxenite as these stones create a powerful combination.

Using this green tektite can sometimes make you ungrounded, so keep this in mind if you find that you feel unwell from being ungrounded.

You may find that keeping grounding stones nearby will prevent any problems. Specific stones you might find helpful includes Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Black Diopside or Hematite.

If you use it with Tourmilated Quartz this will aid the level of psychic protection offered by the Tourmilated Quartz, and this is the case with combining it with many other stones. 

Combined with Amethyst Crystals in meditation, the result will be an even more powerful experience.

Use it with Zircon Crystals to increase the pace of your spiritual transformation and with Pietersite to give you deeper spiritual insights. 

Use it with any of the other crystals that have a powerful heart based energy, including Rose Quartz, Peruvian Pink Opal, Tsavorite Garnet or Rhodochrosite. 

Combine this stone with Phosphosiderite, Lithium Quartz, Clear Quartz, Aurora Quartz or Libyan Gold Tektite also called Libyan Desert Glass, as this is very powerful to create a more powerful level of spiritual transformation.

These are powerful crystals to both create change and to assist you to handle any change happening in your life.

Use it with Diaspore or Augite to help you to handle the changes initiated by Moldavite more easily.

There are quite a few other crystals for change that work well in combination with this crystal including Pietersite, Picasso Marble or Malachite.

For healing, use it with Seraphinite as it is a lovely combination.

If you find that using this green crystal is too much for you, combine it with either Larimar, Rhodonite or Staurolite. This may help you to deal better with the energy, as these stones will help to smooth its action.

Moldavite: Amazing Transformation Crystal Meaning & PowersMoldavite: Amazing Transformation Crystal Meaning & Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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