➤ By Liz Oakes
Crystal wands are powerful tools, so if you are a crystal healer you will probably already have one.
Many people including healers may be using one when doing crystal healing with clients. But you do not have to be a crystal healer to make use of one of them.
They are powerful tools for anyone and everyone to use to aid healing. While quartz wands are common, they may be made from various types of stone or crystal, see images below.
Naturally occurring long straight pieces of crystal have traditionally been used as wands for healing various ailments.
Wands are traditional healing tools used in various places throughout the world for hundreds even thousands of years.
Over time they became recognized for their powerful healing properties, as they are powerful healing crystals for you to use to help yourself and others.
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This article is primarily aimed at helping you to learn about the benefits of using a wand for healing and to help you to decide what type of wand you might choose to begin with.
Later on you might purchase another, and regardless of which one you start with, you could end up with a number of wands, and they may be made from a variety of crystal types.
The dictionary meaning of the word 'wand' is 'a long thin stick or rod'.
Putting this meaning together with the word crystal, you can see that a crystal wand may be said to be a piece of crystal that is long and thin and shaped like a rod or stick.
While many crystal wands are indeed long and thin, others may be shorter, and those in fact are excellent as they easily tuck into the palm of the hand when you are using them.
There are many types of wands, meaning that they are all wands but their shape may vary a little or a lot, according to the reason or primary purpose that they may be used for.
The stone properties of individual types of crystal will help you of course.
If you are using them for massage, the type of wand you might use is not usually pointed but has a smooth rounded end.
While healing wands are usually made of quartz crystal, it is now common to see wand shaped stone pieces that are primarily made for massage.
These may be made from a variety of stone types, and are often made from harder stone that is more robust and stands up to massage, such as the lovely Poppy Jasper wand pictured.
This stone is not really the type of stone wands that are used for crystal healing, but you may benefit from using them for massage.
There are also many creative people who are making wands with artistic inclusions, such as colored crystal pieces attached.
But for healing this isn't necessary, but they are interesting and many are quite lovely wands that might be used for other purposes.
Whatever wand you choose, make sure that you cleanse it both before and after using it, as all types of wands will absorb negativity that may be released during healing.
There are various ways that crystal wands can help you, as they are powerful tools for crystal healing, and there are a number of wand types and different reasons for choosing each sort.
The reason for using a crystal wand basically relates to the way it channels energy to the location you wish it to go to.
This is important as it can aid the healing of a specific health problem.
All varieties or types of stone wands are chosen for the specific benefits that relate to the stone or crystal that they are made from, combined with their shape as this does make a difference.
Exquisite Crystals is a most trusted crystal seller with many beautiful wands.
Natural stone wands have a number of powerful benefits, but man-made wands can also be powerful healing tools, especially the wonderful vogels.
Vogel wands are created by craftsman in a special way, and are polished and faceted precisely into a specific shape, in order to make them focus energy, as directed by the healer.
They have an amazingly strong vibration that is powerful to aid healing.
Vogels are potent healing aids, and embody an amazing and powerful energy that can be used to channel energy into the body, so are often part of the tools that crystal healers use.
There are a number of reasons why you might choose a specific type of wand, and this may depend on whether you are a professional healer who wants to use it in your healing practice.
If you would simply like a wand to use to heal your family, friends or yourself, or if you feel you'd benefit from having a wand to use to activate crystal grids you create, then there are lots of choices.
Any natural crystals that has a natural point on one end can be used as a wand, and double terminated quartz of any type have natural attributes to use as wands.
Pieces of double terminated quartz like Vera Cruz Amethyst, Tibetan Black Quartz or Brandberg Quartz pictured here could be used as wands as all types of quartz will run energy along them, it is really all about your intention.
There are basically a couple of criteria to consider when you are thinking about obtaining a crystal wand, and some of this is related to the various types of wands, see more below.
You do need to think about what you are going to use it for, and if you are a healer you can have more than one that can be used for various types of healing.
If you are not a healer but simply want a want to use to heal yourself or your family, the major criteria is what feels comfortable to you.
Use your intuition to help you with your decision.
Many professional healing wands, like the beautiful vogel wands are made from quartz, and many of these are made from beautiful clear quartz crystal.
Clear quartz has a high vibration and is known as the master healer, so it is an excellent choice for healing.
Healing wands can be made from a variety of different types of crystal and while some are naturally occurring it is very common to find wands that have been fashioned by craftsmen into this shape.
So lets start by looking at the various shapes that these healing tools may be found in.
Spiral shaped: You will see many man-made wands selling, including spiral shaped wands.
Personally I have never used spiral shaped wands but as they are created I would guess that they are being used by some people.
The power of intention is an integral part of using crystal wands.
The power of intention is a force of energy that can and should be harnessed and combined with the use of your wand.
Regardless of whether you are a qualified crystal healer or not, if you use intention to focus your thoughts and combine this with the power of the crystal you are using, you will create an excellent healing result.
While your intention regarding its use need to be taken into consideration at the time you make your choice of crystal wands, any type can be used for healing if that is what you want.
You can have more than one wand, and use them for different purposes and perhaps have different intentions too.
Using the power of intention, the user can ensure that the powerful healing energy embodied in the wand can be harnessed for healing.
Part of the way wands work relates to their shape as well as the type of crystal they are made from.
Most of the wands discussed below will have a straight undeviating shape that allows the energy to run straight along the length of the wand to the place requiring healing.
This occurs whether the wand is shaped like a cylinder or if it is tapered, meaning it may be wider at one end than the other end yet still basically straight.
Many crystal wands that are made from natural quartz crystal will be completely straight from end to end, but some will be tapered, perhaps a lot or just a little.
All varieties of quartz have the ability to amplify energy, and they will also amplify the natural attributes of any minerals that the crystal may contain.
Wands are commonly made from clear quartz but it is not imperative that they are totally clear. its is beneficial to also program your wand to aid your healing.
Programming your wand is easy, but remember to make the program simple and don't try to manipulate the energy.
I like to program my wands to work for the highest good of the person being healed.
Checkout my in-depth article about how to program your crystals, as there is a simple and easy method described there, which will help you if you are not totally sure about how it's done.
Quartz wands that naturally occur in the shape of a wand are available.
One of the things to consider is the shape of the wand you wish to obtain, and the type of crystal it is made from.
Natural quartz crystal wands are commonly made of clear quartz, but they may also have inclusions of other minerals in them.
Double terminated (DT) wands: Wands that have a point, known as a termination, on each end are very popular, as they make it easy for the energy to run along the length of the crystal.
They can be fairly straight or may be tapered with one end being wider than the other end. DT tapered wands have a number of benefits which I will discuss later.
DT wands will both receive energy and transmit it from both ends of the crystal, making them highly beneficial tools for healing.
Natural DT crystals are commonly what is known as floaters. This means that they formed without being attached to a mother rock, so their terminations formed naturally.
Single terminated wands: Some natural wands may not have a naturally occurring termination on both ends and this is likely if they were originally growing attached to a rock.
Many of these were broken away when they were being harvested, so they do not have a natural termination on both ends.
If the area where they broke away is jagged or rough, in these cases this end may be smoothed into a rounded end, to make them more comfortable to use.
Some have a natural point on one end with the other end not being a point but having a flat endlike the Amber wand above.
Many of these are man made rather than naturally occuring.
The pointed end will easily focus the energy, which will still run smoothly through these wands.
Rounded end or ends: Most wands with rounded ends are altered or are man-made and are commonly deliberately made into this shape.
The smooth rounded end may be used to do soft tissue massage. Wands with a rounded end will still run the energy effortlessly.
The energy will still run along the length of the crystal, it does not need a point.
Many wands have one end pointed with the other smooth, which makes them more comfortable to hold in your hand.
Comfort is important when using a wand so keep this in mind when you are looking for one.
If you are wondering what the best ways are to work with crystal wands, this information is covered in a seperate in-depth article.
Learn About How To Use A Crystal Wand For Healing.
See How To Deprogram Crystals
Crystals For Kindness And Generosity
Crystals For Emotional Healing
Crystals To Prevent Negative Thinking
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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