➤ Written By Liz Oakes
Spiritual grounding is very important for everyone. But it is especially critical if you have been doing spiritual development or psychic work.
Life these days makes it easy to get quite ungrounded as many people do not make a connection with the ground.
Be aware that being ungrounded isn't just in your head, its physical!
This is especially true if you are living your life, as most people do today, with little real connection to the earth.
When you are working on your spiritual development, you may allow yourself to open via your higher chakras to the Divine realms.
Many people are not aware that this can make you quite ungrounded!
It is important that once you finish the psychic or spiritual work, you need to ensure you return to normal so you do not remain ungrounded.
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Grounding in most cases will happen naturally but not always, and it can take some time. So taking action to make it occur more quickly can be helpful.
It is sometimes actually necessary to be ungrounded when you are doing processes that elevate you to the higher realms.
But afterwards it is also necessary to ground yourself, and make a connection to Mother Gaia.
Energy grounding as a preventative measure to avoid health problems, is important.
Make sure that you regularly ground yourself into the earth star chakra.
If you are ungrounded, it is important to bring your self back to normal. There are a couple of grounding methods that usually work fairly quickly and work well.
An easy way to start the process of spiritual grounding is by burning white sage or walk on the earth barefoot.
If you continue to allow yourself to remain ungrounded, a variety of different problems, may develop.
Do you know the symptoms of being ungrounded? If you are unsure, take a look at this list, to ensure that you know... Are you ungrounded?
Often when you are ungrounded continuously, you may not be aware that you are ungrounded, but others around you may notice.
If you are doing development of your gifts, especially spiritual and psychic gifts, spiritual grounding is important to do.
The common symptoms of being ungrounded are as follows:
These are physical symptoms within the actual physical body. So be aware that you can be physically affected by doing spiritual work.
More symptoms of being ungrounded include:
Do you think that you are ungrounded? Do you know how to ground yourself? Do you think you need spiritual grounding?
If any of these grounding questions came back with a 'yes', maybe you should think about taking action. Check out below, for more information.
Some things you can do includes taking a walk on the earth, smudging yourself, doing a grounding meditation, and keeping one of the stones from the list on your body or close by.
Some of the above symptoms are symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity, commonly just called electrical sensitivity, EMF or EHS.
Check out the list of symptoms and see if your issues relate to electrical sensitivity, and see the list of EMF protection stones.
Contact with the earth is very helpful, to assist you to begin to ground yourself and make a connection to the energy of the earth.
At times when there is a lot of planetary activity or sunspot activity, grounding through earthing can help you.
Of course if you are in a cold climate, and it is winter, walking on the earth may not always be possible.
An amazing and very helpful book that talks about the benefits of earthing is The Book Earthing, by Clinton Ober.
If you are not in the position to be able to walk on the earth, there are now some excellent ways to achieve this by using a grounding mat, and this book discusses more about this.
This book also talks about grounding bed sheets containing silver in them, and the benefits to using them.
I sleep every night on a silver impregnated grounding sheet and I have found it very helpful to improve my sleep.
Want to learn more about the benefits of grounding and what to do to help yourself when you are ungrounded? Discover more about grounding stones below and read about doing a grounding meditation here.
There are are quite a lot of healing crystals for you to use to help you, and they can be found on the list of grounding stones.
Many of these stones have in-depth pages written about them. It's easy to learn more about any of the stones that are on the list!
Take a look at the grounding stones page and click through to read more about individual stones to help you to work out if they suit you.
List Of Site Pages Related To Spirituality & Health
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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