Healing Properties Of Crystals

In The O Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The healing properties of crystals starting with O may be found in this article and is for stones in the O alphabetic area.

A number of them are some of my favorite stones, including the white Okenite that looks like a fluffy snowball, shown in the picture here.


You may be surprised at how many stones there are in this small area of the alphabet. To aid you to find what you are looking for, checkout the pictures below. 

You will see images of many healing crystals for you to use that are in the O section of the alphabetical list.

Use the images shown below to help you to find the stone meanings more quickly, as this is a way that you can quickly see if the stone you are looking for is covered here.

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Healing Properties Of Crystals O

The photos below shows you pictures of the crystals in this alphabetic group that have been written about on this site.

The stones or crystals in the top section should be marked with a link, meaning that the name of the stone, which is shown below each picture, will be highlighted.

There are a number of types of Obsidian stone that have their own page. See links to their articles straight below. This includes Black, Gold Sheen, Mahogany, Rainbow and Snowflake Obsidian.

If a name is highlighted, this tells you that you may find more detailed information on that stone on another page.

It also means that there is no more information about it on this page so you need to go to the in-depth page about it.

Video Black Obsidian: Boosts Prophecy & Precognition

O Alpha Group Crystals With No In-Depth Page

For those crystals that do not yet have their own page, following these photos you will find the healing properties of crystals shown below.

Each of these stones has a brief description along with a picture. Once they have their own individual page they are removed from this page to make room for new stones that become available.

Ocho GeodeOcho Geode
Onyx StoneOnyx Stone
Optical CalciteOptical Calcite
Ouro Verde QuartzOuro Verde Quartz

If there are crystals or stones that may interest you in another part of the alphabet, there is a page that will help you.

Use The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Page to find out more about other pages on this site. 

Healing Properties Of Crystals: O

Ocho Geode

Ocho Geode come from Brazil, and while some may look sparkley, they are simply colored quartz with inclusions of other minerals.

The addition of these minerals aids them to have a vibration that may bring luck into your life, and they carry the energy of victory.

Ocho GeodeOcho Geode

They aid you to see the whole picture and you can use this to plan your future.

While the healing properties of crystals made from quartz are good due to their ability to resonate well, Ocho Geode are not healing stones as such.

They are excellent to use during meditation, as they may aid you to contact spirit beings in the higher realms and their energy may be helpful when astral traveling.


Olivine is strongly associated with Peridot, which is the gem quality variety of this stone.

The healing properties of crystals such as Peridot and Olivine are similar and there is a page about Peridot (see link under image) but I left it on here as many people did not know the relationship between there stones.

The energy of either of these stones will help the body to heal from health problems in the heart, lungs, spleen and intestines.

This stone's vibration may stimulate you to take action when required, and it is particularly helpful at critical junctures in life.

It helps you to value time spent alone, and to be comfortable being alone, rather than feeling lonely.

It is especially beneficial to use it when you need to take time to consider the various options open to you.

This is a stone of motivation, that aids you to respond to circumstances when needed, combining this with the qualities of creativity, courage and inspired action.

Onyx Stone

Onyx Stone comes in a number of colors, but the most common are the black and the white onyx stone, with many pieces having bands of mixed colors.

While the various colors of Onyx have some differing attributes, the healing properties of crystals in this family are all similar in that all colors are helpful to boost your inner strength.

Onyx StoneOnyx, White Onyx Sphere

These crystals are very supportive during stressful situations, and they are particularly helpful to aid grief.

They can assist you to regain feelings of happiness, and they are good stones to assist in bringing good fortune into your life.

These crystals can help you to keep secrets, but they are known to hold the memories of things within them.

These may be things that have happened to anyone who has worn the stone, and these can be retrieved by those who utilizes the gift of psychometry.

Optical Calcite

Optical Calcite is also known as Iceland Spar, as it was originally found in Iceland, although it has since been found in other areas.

It is a semi-transparent rhomboid shaped calcite which has an unusual quality of being double refractive.

This means that if you look at something through this stone it appears as if they are in two different locations.

Optical CalciteOptical Calcite

These crystals resonate within all chakras, but they are particularly strong in the area above the crown chakra, to clear stagnant energy there.

It also occurs in various colors including Clear Optical Calcite, shown above, Orange, Pale Golden and Transparent Pink Calcite.

The healing properties of crystals like these are helpful on the physical level to aid your eyesight, and so their name relates to their healing attributes.

They are wonderful to stimulate clear thinking and are wonderful used on the third eye in meditation, to aid you to clearly see what you need to do in your life.


Orthocerus crystals are a black and gray fossil, and are a fossilized mollusk that lived around 400 million years ago.

These fossils are quite lovely healing tools to use to help you when you are working on past life issues.

OrthocerusOrthocerus Egg

These are also known as excellent healing stones, and are lovely stones to carry on your body and to have in your environment.

The healing properties of crystals like these mainly relate to age related issues, such as pain in the spine.

They will also help you to release fear related to getting old and can be utilized in the workplace to assist others to be more accepting of those who may be older than them.

Ouro Verde Quartz

Ouro Verde Quartz is created from Metamorphosis Quartz by using a high electron irradiation system.

The gamma radiation creates its unique greenish yellow color, and note that it does not contain any residual radiation, and is said to be quite safe to use.

Ouro Verde QuartzOuro Verde Quartz

It is said to help you to detect any radon present in your environment, and helps you to not absorb radiation in areas where there are either natural radiation sources or radioactive material.

Ouro Verde Quartz is a highly protective stone that is known to be helpful to assist precognition related to assisting you to make the right decisions about your future.

It may assist you to make the correct choice when playing games of chance, and is known as a stone of prosperity as well as a healing stone for allergies.

Healing Properties Of Crystals & Chakra Stones O

Various stones below will heal different chakras. For an overview of all the chakras and their specific chakra stones, see the in depth information about chakras and stones for each area.

Some stones may be able to heal more than one area of the body, so they may be found in more than one chakra area within the table.

There is detailed information for each chakra, and you need only click on the highlighted chakra name to go it. So if you need to know more, please check out the articles on each of the chakras.

For more detailed information on the specific chakra each individual stone will heal, please see the chakra stone table.

If you are not exactly sure what chakras are and feel you would like to know more, please go to the page on the meaning of chakras for a detailed explanation of the chakras.

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones O Alpha Group 

Soul Star Chakra: Opal Aura Danburite, Optical Calcite

Crown Chakra: Okenite, Oligoclase, Opal Aura Danburite, Onyx Stone, Optical Calcite

Third Eye Chakra: Obsidian Stone, Oligoclase, Onyx Stone, Optical Calcite

Throat Chakra: Ocean Jasper, Optical Calcite

Higher heart Chakra: Opal Aura Danburite, Optical Calcite

Heart Chakra: Ocean Jasper, Olivine, Opal Aura Danburite, Optical Calcite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Ocean Jasper, Oligoclase, Olivine, Onyx, Optical Calcite

Sacral Chakra: Optical Calcite, Orange Calcite, Orange Carnelian, Orange Kyanite

Base Chakra: Obsidian Stone, Onyx, Optical Calcite

Earth Chakra: Obsidian Stone, Onyx, Optical Calcite

Crystal Books

Are you new to using crystals and want to discover which book is best? There are a large number of books about crystals on the market and some books have more information than others. 

If you are new to using crystals you may benefit from reading my book reviews.

There is even a section for those of you who are just beginning, as well as reviews of books for crystal collectors who appreciate a book that is more in-depth.

Read reviews of my favorite Crystal Booksto learn which book may be best for you.

Like to know more?

Maybe you'd like to know more, about something you just read? Or perhaps there are stones that may interest you in another part of the alphabet?

Find out the stone meanings in these other categories easily, by simply utilizing The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page, link below.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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