Finding Your Spirit Guide 

And Developing Psychic Gifts

➤ By Liz Oakes

Finding your spirit guide interests many people. You may wonder, if you were to find your spirit guide, might this improve your quality of life?

Perhaps as you read this you might be aware that you would also like to know more. This may be because you are aware, in a vague sort of way, that you have spirit guides. 

Finding Your Spirit GuideFinding Your Spirit Guide

Maybe you are wondering what is the right way to go about this? 

The ability to contact spirit guides is available to all of us, but a strong desire to achieve this aim to be able to contact spirit guides is paramount. 

It is possible for you to contact your spirit guides, but you must first make the decision that you are going to do this. 

The seven laws of attraction are powerful tools to be brought into play for this purpose. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Finding Your Spirit Guide: Talking To Spirits

Connecting with spirit guides may take different forms. To help you with finding your spirit guide, you should continue with the meditation process on a daily basis. 

It is common to find that as you do this daily activity, that you will begin to have a strong awareness of the presence of your guide or in some cases more than one guide.

In the past I was fascinated by the whole idea of how to find my spirit guide, and I wanted very much to achieve this aim. 

So I decided to take action, to contact spirit guides that might be waiting to work with me.

The idea of finding your spirit guide has come to the interest of many of us, after seeing someone famous who was a psychic clairvoyant or spiritual medium on television.

These people who were talking to spirits may have been communicating with their spirit guides, who gave them the information. They then gave this information to those asking questions of them.

Clairvoyance or mediumship are two of the words or terms regularly used to describe these people who are 'talking to spirits'.

The term is often used to refer to a person, similar to the famous 'psychics' we see on stage or television, who is making contact with those on the other side.

Clairvoyance is not just associated with talking to spirits. The actual meaning of the word clairvoyance is 'clear seeing.' This refers to the ability to see psychic visions.

There are different ways that these psychics or mediums communicate with their guides.

If they have the gift of clairaudience, this gift may be the way they are receiving the information.

There are other psychic powers that can be used to facilitate talking to spirits and many of those who are psychic have a combination of different psychic gifts.

Clairaudience or psychic hearing, is the ability to hear the voice of spirit and those with this gift are usually able to actually hear spirit or their guides.

Choosing Which Stones To Use

There are a number of healing crystals for you to use that are especially beneficial for this purpose. The use of most of the high crystal energy stones will help.

Among this group, a few special ones come to mind, and you will see them mentioned below.

There are also a number of other crystals that have powerful properties to aid the process. An example is Purpurite shown in the picture below.

During meditation, you may choose to use Purple Purpurite, as it is an excellent stone to make the connection with your guides.

It may also allow you to hear what they are communicating to you more distinctly.

Petalite has a sweet high vibration that may put you in contact with angels and in particular your guardian angels. 

Lepidocrocite is excellent combined with it to strengthen the process. As it will take you high into the spiritual realms it may help you with finding your spirit guide.  

Another very interesting stone to consider is Atacamite. While some people find it has a forceful energy, it can be of great assistance to develop your psychic powers.

Use Zoisite in Ruby if you need extra help with the communicating process, as this crystal has a strong vibration within the third eye chakra.

Herderite opens new pathways in the brain and will facilitate contact with the spirit realm.

Herkimer Diamonds used with any other crystals will assist them to elevate you to a higher awareness.

Used alone Herkimer Diamonds have the ability to enhance your communication and help with finding your spirit guides.

Prehnite helps you to communicate with beings from the higher realms, so it is an important crystal to aid you with this process.

Holding one or more of these stones during meditation, will aid this process. Simply wearing them during the day is also helpful to help you to achieve this more quickly.

Grounding And Protection

Take note: if you are doing a lot of spiritual work you may become ungrounded. It is important to regularly do spiritual grounding, to ensure you do not develop any health problems.

It may benefit you to keep both grounding and psychic protection stones on you, as this is important. 

An important preventative measure is to regularly do a grounding meditation, into the earth star chakra. 

Psychic protection is valuable when you are opening yourself to contact with the spiritual realm, so keep protection stones on you.

Some protective crystals that you might choose to use could be Moss Agate, Amber, Charoite, Sugilite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian and Purple Amethyst.

These are all highly recommended for this purpose, but there are quite a few more that are listed in the article on psychic protection.

Connecting With Spirit Guides

A lovely white Datolite crystal is shown below. Be aware that you can use your crystals for this purpose by simply holding a piece of your favorite stone in your hand. 

The first part of finding your spirit guide is making the decision that it is achievable. 

DatoliteWhite Datolite

If you expect that it is likely for you to be able to do this, the gifts you wish to gain may possibly develop. You first need to take a few simple steps.

It may take a little while to happen and it will take a bit of commitment, but for most people it is possible.

  • Step 1 to assist you with your goal of connecting with your spirit guides, is to do a specific meditation for contacting your guides every day.
  • Step 2 is to feel gratitude, in advance, for the thing that you want to happen.

If you have any of the stones or crystals to aid contact with guides, use these during your meditation.

Any of the third eye chakra stones or any of the crown chakra stones are noted for their ability to enhance your psychic gifts. 

So look through the list of chakra stones for these specific chakras, to decide what to use.

Who Is My Spirit Guide?

Finding your spirit guide is a matter of beginning the process of connecting with your spirit guides.

But once you are aware that you have made contact with your guide many of you may want to know if your guide is someone famous or particularly special. 

PipestonePipestone also called Catlinite

It is common to hear of people who tell us that they have ancient spirit guides, some famous historical person or an Indian spirit guide.

It is common for many people to say they have Indian spirit guides, and part of the reason for this is the culture of the Indian races were very spiritual.

They had a strong connection with both the earth and the spirit world.

So the information gained in these lives remains with the spirits, and they use it to assist those they choose to guide.

How To Discover Who Your Spirit Guide Is

The easiest way to find out 'Who is my spirit guide?' is to ask your guide!

Once you start working with your spirit guide, you will naturally become aware of certain attributes of them.

  • If you are clairvoyant ask them to show you how they look.
  • If you are clairsentient you may sense how they look, and have an awareness of their sex or race from your communication with them.
  • Remember to ask what you wish to know, and wait to be told, when and what they wish you to know.
  • So, if you are clairaudient, just ask them. In the final analysis it is up to them to tell you what they want you to know.

Sometimes finding your spirit guides is easy, but for others you may have to work for a little while before you get all the answers you may want.

The seven laws of attraction will assist you, so be sure to take care to use this powerful system to help you.

Once you start working with your spirit guide you will be able to achieve more in your life.

How To Do A Meditation To Contact Spirit Guides

So lets begin the meditation to contact your spirit guides. An attitude of gratitude should be held in your mind as you sit down.

  • It is desirable to quieten your mind in preparation. As you begin the meditation start by centering yourself.
  • Become aware of your inner being and sit quietly, allowing yourself to go deeper and deeper into relaxed, inner awareness. 
  • Allow any thoughts that come into your mind to simply release and float away. Just let go of everything and become peaceful.
  • Allow your aim of finding your spirit guide to dwell in your mind, just floating lightly, with no pressure for it to happen. 
  • Remain in this state of quietness and harmony for some minutes. If thoughts come up, just allow them to float away. 
  • Think welcoming thoughts as you wait for your guide to make contact.

Every day lengthen the period you sit in silent contemplation and you may choose to combine this with a psychic meditation

Ensure always to have a definite attitude of gratitude, and an expectation that you will achieve the purpose of this particular meditation of finding your spirit guide.

Communicating With Spirit Guides

During successful meditation your brain waves slow, as their rhythm changes from the beta wave, of normal day to day activities, to the slower alpha wave.

Two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex are said to be connected with developing any psychic abilities, including finding your spirit guide.

Using isochronic tones is effective to aid the development of psychic gifts, including your intuition.

This is because it works by encouraging these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced.

As your mind chatter stops, and you go deeper into the meditative state, you may find that these gifts develop more easily, and you will learn to be psychic.

Those communicating with spirit guides may find that it is possible to communicate using a variety of the psychic abilities, not just clairaudience.

Some people think that in order to have this contact that they must hear the voice of spirit, but there are other ways of communicating with spirit guides.

If the psychic gift you are developing is clairvoyance or clairsentience, you may not actually hear spirit guide voices. 

Many people have a combination of psychic gifts, but one is usually more dominant.

Books About Angels & Guides

The books shown below may help you if you are working on communicating with spirit guides or contacting angels.  

There are quite a few books written by well known authors, including Doreen Virtue and Sonia Choquette.

In her book 'Ask Your Guides', Sonia Choquette explains how to start communicating with your guides, as well as information about contacting angels and the Archangels.

Click Here, to read the reviews of some of my favorite books by Sonia Choquette. 

Crystals Listed Below For Finding Your Spirit Guide

To aid you to bring your awareness to a higher level there a quite a few crystals that you may use, that might make the process flow more easily. 

See pictures of some of the stones that may help the process. 

High vibration crystals are the most beneficial for finding your spirit guide, as they bring your mind to a higher vibration that is closer to the higher planes.

High vibration stones from the list that may interest you

More Crystals To Use In Meditation To Contact Guides

Celadonite In QuartzCeladonite In Quartz
Auralite 23Auralite 23
Ruby Zoisite also called AnyoliteRuby Zoisite also called Anyolite

Learn More About The Crystals Above

You can discover more information about any of the crystals on the list, and discover if an in-depth page about a specific stone has been written.

Simply take a look at the A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page, the link is below. 

You may instead discover that if a stone does not have its own page, it may have a short explanation on its attributes on the A-Z pages on this site.

Finding Your Spirit Guide & Developing Psychic GiftsFinding Your Spirit Guide & Developing Psychic Gifts

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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