➤ By Liz Oakes
The function of the crown chakra is to manage specific areas of the brain. These areas are the pineal gland, the pituitary, the nervous system and all master glands.
If you have been working on your spiritual growth, the top chakra is an important area to develop.
The 7th chakra is the area of the body where the functions of higher consciousness, spirituality and your commitment to higher ideals originate.
Developing this chakra helps to ensure you make a clear connection to Spirit.
In order to ensure that you achieve those things that you desire it is of value to do daily meditation.
If possible you may like to combine meditation with specific crystals that stimulate this important chakra.
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Crown Chakra Explained: The crown chakra meanings relate to spirituality, selflessness, empathy and humanitarianism.
This chakra is associated with the pineal gland, (also related to the third eye chakra) and with all of the master glands.
This chakras meaning is all about the idea of 'knowing' especially in a spiritual way.
It is strongly related to the gift of psychic knowing, and is the area where you connect with your higher self, and it also pertains to intelligence and deep thought.
As the pituitary gland secretes hormones that balance our whole system, it is important that this area is kept healthy.
The crown chakra or 7th chakra is located just above the top of the head.
As this chakra is located at the very top most point in the physical body, it is the point where spirit introduces energy for distribution throughout the body.
The soul star or eighth chakra sits above the seventh chakra, and and links to the higher transpersonal chakras via the stellar gateway, that is above that.
Spiritual energy enters the body via this chakra, and this brings the energy down from the higher transpersonal chakras into the body.
The Crown Chakra Explained Simply: Values, high ethics, service to others, humanitarianism and sensitivity to the environment emerge from this chakra.
Most people who choose to work with the highest chakra in the body are already aware that they are on a path of a metaphysical or spiritual nature.
Sometimes though you may not have been listening to what spirit was trying to tell you.
If you have missed what was being said to you, what you are currently reading may be spirit's way of speaking to you directly.
The ideas and fundamentals of coincidence and synchronicity is a principle closely related to this chakra and can aid the growth of spirituality.
What I am talking about is where you simply find out about something you need to know almost by 'accident'.
This may be Spirit assisting you to see where you might go on your life path.
If you have been drawn to using certain crystals, and especially the high energy stones that stimulate this chakra and are not really sure why, this might be this process in action.
The crown chakra resonates most strongly to the colors of violet and white.
White is a combination of all of the colors, and the white light is an emanation of the Goddess/God.
This chakra is your connection to the Divine Mind, and in most forms of spiritual or alchemical healing, the concept of white light is widespread.
It is from the crown chakra that the white light emanates and this clear spiritual light is powerful to assist the brain and help you to think clearly.
If you wish to work on developing your spirituality, it may be advantageous to meditate with some of the beautiful white or purple stones that stimulate this area, as this many aid your spiritual growth.
There are many crystals that will help you to develop your spirituality via the seventh chakra, so check out the page about crown chakra stones to see the full list of specific stones for this chakra.
Higher Chakra Stones
Lower Chakra Stones
About The Chakras
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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