Crystal Properties 

In The B Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The crystal properties for stones and crystals starting with B is the subject of this page and there are quite a few listed here. 

In many cases the crystals starting with the letter B have their own individual page.

Blue Tourmaline is also called IndicoliteBlue Tourmaline Specimen: also called Indicolite

The stones and crystals on this page might possibly be discussed on various other pages on the site.

For those stones that do not have a specific article written about them, there is a small amount of information here.

For those crystals or stones that do not yet have their own in depth page yet, you will find a brief synopsis of the healing aspects and metaphysical actions of them in the B section below. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Healing Stones & Crystal Properties For B Alphabetic Group

This page has two sections. At the top are pictures of stones that have had a specific page written outlining their crystal properties.

Once the in-depth page has been written you will no longer find information about them here, but will need to go to its page to read about it.

It is simple to do. If the name under the picture has a link simply click through to read more.

Discover some of the uncommon healing crystals for you to use that start with B, and learn more about the stones listed here.

The stones in the top section have already had articles written about them. If no article has been written go further down this page to read more information about an individual stone.

While some of the stones in the B alphabetic group are uncommon or even rare stones, many have or will soon have an individual page written about them.

If they have not had an article written yet, there is information about them further down the page.

Please note that there is a specific page about black crystals here.

There are a large number of stones in this alphabetic group starting with B. Many of the stones in this group have now have individual pages with their crystal properties.

These slightly bigger pictures at the top now have in-depth pages, with a link under the picture so you can go to the page to learn more.

As they are written the short paragraph about them is removed from this page as you can read about the crystals on the in-depth page, which will have lots more information.

You can simply go to the page about that stone by following their link and read about its attributes. 

Have a look at pictures of crystals featured below, to see if the crystal that you are seeking information about is listed there.

It's amazing how many blue crystals there are isn't it and in various shades of blue too? Many of the blue stones are a variety of stone that also comes in other colors too. Very interesting!

Many of the stones above and below have an in-depth page about them, so check out any that interest you.

Check out the pictures and you might notice that the name under the picture of crystals that have the bigger pictures is highlighted with a link. Use this link to take you to its in-depth page.

B Alpha Group Stones Without An In-Depth Page

All of the stones in the smaller pictures below have not yet had their specific in-depth article written yet.

In the section below, those stones have bigger crystal pictures and have a short section with their metaphysical properties and healing attributes noted where possible.

White BerylBeryl
Biotite MicaBiotite Mica
Birds Eye JasperBirds Eye Jasper

You might also notice links to other site pages within the text, as there are lots of articles about using crystals for a specific subject, such as grounding stones for example.

If you see these links in the texts its easy to check them out, by simply clicking on them.

Black AgateBlack Agate
Black AmmoniteBlack Ammonite
Black CoralBlack Coral
Black MerliniteBlack Merlinite
Black QuartzBlack Quartz
Blue JadeBlue Jade

Chakras: At the bottom of this page there is a chart, which outlines which chakras the stones will assist. It gives details on which chakras that each stone may particularly benefit.

Blue ObsidianBlue Obsidian
Blue QuartzBlue Quartz
Blue ScheeliteBlue Scheelite
Blue Tigers EyeBlue Tigers Eye
Brecciated JasperBrecciated Jasper
Brown AragoniteBrown Aragonite

Many stones have crystal properties that benefit more than one chakra or area of the body, so you may find them in more than one chakra category within the table.

Video About Black Tourmaline - Embodies Powerful Energy

Crystal Properties & Meanings: Crystals Starting With B


Beryl generally is a stone that teaches you that you should do only what you need to do, rather than too much.

It has excellent crystal properties that aid you to deal with stress, and is helpful for calming the mind.

Beryl may be pink, green, blue, colorless, yellow or red. The names of the crystal stones in the Beryl family are the pink crystal Morganite, the lovely green ones are Emeralds, see image shown on left.

Blue to blue-green beryl crystals are called Aquamarine and the colorless beryl is Goshenite, also known as White Beryl.

The yellow to yellow green stones are Heliodor and the rare raspberry red stone is Bixbite, see picture further down the page.

Crystal balls are often made out of it, and balls made from the clearer crystals are excellent tools to use for scrying, as they may open and activate the crown and solar plexus chakras.

Biotite Lens

Biotite Lens is an interesting stone that has a number of excellent crystal properties, including aiding the healing of problems in the eyes, and assisting motor problems.

Biotite LensBiotite Lens

Its energy helps you to look at problems using your mind but it brings through loving energy from your heart.

This vibration helps you to look deeper into the issue, and this helps you to have greater clarity when making decisions about a specific situation.

This stone has a helpful energy to aid you to be more organized, systematic and efficient and may help you to clear clutter.

It vibrates at the crown chakra to aid a better connection to Spirit, and it may enhance your spiritual growth.

Biotite Mica

Biotite Mica occurs in thin sheets, in layers in the stone. The vibration of this stone may help you to look at situations in your life from more than one point of view.

Biotite MicaBiotite Mica

It can aid healing of the eyes and its crystal properties may assist you to look at situations in a different way as well.

It may help you to let go of immaterial and inconsequential parts of an issue that may be concerning you.

It enhances the values you bring to every issue, helping you to see things in a more loving and compassionate way. 

It has a good grounding action, working through the base chakra to connect you to the earth.

Birds Eye Jasper

Birds Eye Jasper is thought to be a useful stone to help those with pain and may help you to release fear and may help to relieve your stress and tension, and they have a good protective vibration.

Birds Eye JasperBirds Eye Jasper

These lovely stones from Mexico have a quite beautiful colorful pattern on them, and their name relates to the resemblance of the circles on these stones to a birds eye.

The crystal properties of these lovely bright crystals also pertains to their action to assist you to willingly accept the need for change in various aspects of your life.

They may aid you to make a better connection with earth energy and are also said to be strong grounding stones that balance the yin-yang energy in the body.

Black Agate

Black AgateBlack Agate

Black Agate is helpful to aid you to interpret your dreams, and to discover how what you see in your dreams applies in your life.

This crystal is helpful to assist you to see what is behind those things you are fearful or apprehensive about.

Its crystal properties may aid you to learn more about the deeper inner fears that you have not allowed to surface, from your inner self.

Using this crystal may help you to rise above limitations based on your fear. 

Larger pieces my be used for gazing, and this may help you to discover more about what is behind difficult situations in your life.

Black Ammonite

Black Ammonite stones embody a fossilized animal from deep in the past.

They work within the base chakra to help you to release negativity, and they are said to be able to help you to retrieve past life memories.

Black AmmoniteBlack Ammonite

They have crystal properties that may aid you to recover more easily from the trauma associated with doing this work, and like many black stones they carry a highly protective vibration.

Due to its circular spiral design its energy extends outwards, bringing positive growth within your life, and it is said to aid the breathing process.

Black Coral

Black Coral is a helpful stone to wear on the body as when worn it helps you to release negativity.

As it absorbs negative energy it should not be worn continuously without being cleansed.

Black CoralBlack Coral

This stone also has good crystal properties to assist healing, and it is said to be helpful to aid the body to release toxins.

It assists both the skin and internal organs of the body. It is a beneficial stone to enhance creativity.

It is also helpful to aid you to feel calmer and more at peace. Use in meditation at base or earth chakras to help you to let go of any fear you may be feeling.

Black Merlinite

Black Merlinite is name given to a deep black type of Psilomelane.

If you look into your stone, often you can see what looks like a picture of a landscape of some sort, often with hills and valleys.

Black MerliniteBlack Merlinite

This stone has many useful crystal properties, and it has a strong energy to aid emotional healing.

It is said to bring positive things into your life and it may help you to let go of undesirable behavioral patterns.

Black Quartz

Black Quartz is commonly colored by the inclusion of carbon and other minerals within the crystals.

These black crystals have metaphysical properties that relate to their strong action for grounding you.

Black QuartzBlack Quartz

Use them in your daily meditation, as you can use their ability to be programmed and also ensure you remain grounded at the same time.

Like all varieties of quartz these stones have good amplification properties and they may be programmed to assist you to achieve those things you desire.

Pieces of this crystal can be programmed with positive affirmations and kept in your environment or pieces made into jewelry can be worn, providing ground at the same time as helping you to achieve worthwhile goals.

Blue Jadeite

Blue Jade is a type of Jadeite, and these crystals are known by a few names including Dianite, and are a type of Nephrite. Both Jadeite and Nephrite are similar in structure.

Blue JadeBlue Jade

They are amphibole rich stones, and were discovered in 1997 in the same area in Russia where Charoite is found.

They were also called Dianite after Princess Diana, probably because of their sweet energy.

These blue stones have helpful crystal properties, with an energy to aid anxiety and stress.

They will help you to make a connection to the third eye and crown chakras and may aid you to develop psychic abilities, including intuition.

Blue Obsidian

Blue Obsidian crystals have strong healing properties that heal issues within the throat chakra and also help speech problems and ailments of the eyes.

It is also known to soothe pain and can be effective if you position it on the painful area for some time. 

Blue ObsidianBlue Obsidian

Its energy is also helpful at the throat chakra to assist you to be enabled to speak your truth.

This aspect can be helpful for healers who need to clearly and truthfully communicate to clients about issues that they encountered during healing.

It helps the healer to clearly let the person receive accurate information.

These blue crystals have a good energy to aid you to increase your telepathic ability, are known to aid tarot card readers and may enhance divination.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz is the result of inclusions of minerals within the quartz, such as Blue Rutile, Blue Zoisite or Blue Tourmaline.

Blue QuartzBlue Quartz Heart

It is primarily a throat chakra stone, that encourages you to speak what you are thinking, with greater clarity.

It helps you to let go of fear and encourages you to be comfortable with being independent.

Its crystal properties may aid you to connect more easily with other people, and may assist you to discover new ideas, and different ways of looking at life.

Blue Scheelite

Blue Scheelite is a name given to a stone that is a mixture of both Scheelite and Dolomite as well as Calcite, but the name Blue Scheelite may be a little confusing as Scheelite is not blue.

Blue ScheeliteBlue Scheelite

It is also called Lapis Lace Onyx due to the lovely lacy stripes and while it has nothing to do with Lapis, its color is the same shade of blue, which comes from inclusions of  Blue Dolomite mineral.

These stones have a strong energy that is easy to feel and while it resonates most powerfully within the throat chakra, it has a depth and power that helps to ground you and aids physical strength.

Blue Tigers Eye aka Hawks Eye or Falcon's Eye

Blue Tigers Eye stone may also be referred to as Hawks Eye or Falcons Eye.

The blue variety is a strong throat chakra stone that will aid communication and help with public speaking.

Blue Tigers EyeBlue Tigers Eye

Its crystal properties also resonate within the third eye chakra, and allows you to see life from a higher perspective.

It aids you to recognize when things that are communicated to you can be of value in your life.

This crystal stone will aid you to put them to use in your life, and it is also said to bring good luck.

Brecciated Jasper

Brecciated Jasper helps to align the chakras and resonates strongly within the base chakras where it is known to aid grounding.

Brecciated JasperBrecciated Jasper

It also embodies a highly protective energy. It has a lovely energy that stimulates happiness and joy and by improving your perspective can aid emotional healing. 

It has excellent crystals properties that may be helpful for those working with animals as it helps to bring rapport with animal kingdom.

Its vibration helps to relieve stress and is said to harmonize and balance the male female energy of the body, and may assist you to feel more organized. 

Brown Aragonite

Brown Aragonite crystals are useful to assist you when you are starting a business, to help you to avoid feeling overcome by all you need to get done.

Brown AragoniteBrown Aragonite

They have a good grounding action, and may aid you to deal with anyone that is hard to get on with, or troublesome in any way.

They have a good healing action in the body, helping to aid you to recover from back issues such as fractures, disk problems, lumbago and other related problems.

Buddstone also called South African Jade

Buddstone aka South African Jade is a variety of green stone from South Africa that is often used for carvings, and is a type of Verdite.

It may also be sold as South African Jade, even though its not really jade.


The crystal properties of this stone can help to stimulate the lower chakras, from the heart chakra down.

In particular the heart chakra may be stimulated, as well as the energy systems of the body relating to the rise of the kundalini.

This crystal has a number of excellent healing properties.

It may be used to aid the growth of endurance, courage and faithfulness and aid the healing of blood disorders and other issues related to the heart.

Chakra Stones B

For a general overview of the chakra stones please see the chakra crystals and stones page.

If you need to learn more about what chakras are, there is also more detailed information about the meanings of chakras on its specific page, use the links below to go to various chakra stones pages.

Specific Chakras: List Of Chakra Stones B Alpha Group

Soul Star Chakra: Bertrandite, Black Calcite Shamanite, Blizzard Stone, Blue Kyanite, Boji Stone, Boli Stone, Brandberg, Brookite

Crown Chakra: Baryte, Bertrandite, Beryl, Beryllonite, Biotite Lens, Bismuth, Black Calcite Shamanite, Black Merlinite, Black Moonstone, Blizzard Stone, Blue Euclase, Blue Jadeite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Smithsonite, Boli Stone, Bornite, Botswana Agate, Brandberg, Brookite

Third Eye Chakra: Baryte, Benitoite, Bertrandite, Beryllonite, Biotite Lens, Black Calcite Shamanite, Black Merlinite, Black Moonstone, Black Obsidian, Blizzard Stone, Blue Apatite, Blue Aragonite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Barite, Blue Calcite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Fluorite, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Jadeite, Blue John Fluorite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Muscovite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Scapolite, Blue Smithsonite, Blue Tigers Eye, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Boli Stone, Bornite, Brandberg, Brookite

Throat Chakra: Babingtonite, Bertrandite, Black Calcite Shamanite, Black Moonstone, Blizzard Stone, Blue Apatite, Blue Aragonite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Barite, Blue Calcite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Euclase, Blue Fluorite, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Jadeite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Muscovite, Blue Quartz, Blue Sapphire, Blue Scapolite, Blue Scheelite, Blue Smithsonite, Blue Tigers Eye, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Bornite, Brucite

Higher Heart Chakra: Bertrandite, Black Calcite Shamanite, Blizzard Stone, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Smithsonite, Brucite

Heart Chakra: Bertrandite, Beryllonite, Bixbite, Black Calcite Shamanite, Blizzard Stone, Bloodstone, Blue Aragonite, Blue Euclase, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Muscovite, Blue Smithsonite, Bornite, Bowenite, Brazilianite, Brochantite, Buddstone, Bustamite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Beryl, Black Calcite Shamanite, Blizzard Stone, Blue Kyanite, Blue Jadeite, Bornite, Bowenite, Brazilianite, Bumble Bee Jasper

Sacral Chakra: Bastnasite, Black Andradite Garnet, Black Calcite Shamanite, Blizzard Stone, Bloodstones, Blue Kyanite, Bornite, Botswana Agate, Brazilianite, Bronzite, Buddstone, Bumble Bee Jasper, Bustamite

Base Chakra: Bastnasite, Bismuth, Bixbite, Black Agate, Black Ammonite, Black Andradite Garnet, Black Calcite, Black Coral, Black Diopside, Black Kyanite, Black Moonstone, Black Morella Smokey Quartz, Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Black Quartz, Black Spinel, Black Tourmaline, Blue Jadeite, Black Merlinite, Blizzard Stone, Bloodstone, Boji Stone, Brecciated Jasper, Brochantite, Bronzite, Brown Aragonite, Buddstone, Bustamite

Earth Chakra: Bastnasite, Bixbite, Black Agate, Black Ammonite, Black Andradite Garnet, Black Calcite Shamanite, Black Coral, Black Diopside, Black Kyanite, Black Morella Smokey Quartz, Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Black Quartz, Black Spinel, Black Tourmaline, Blue Jadeite, Blizzard Stone, Boji Stone, Bronzite, Brown Aragonite

Want to learn more about any of the above crystals?

Want to learn any more about crystals that you have been reading about on this page?

If there are any healing stones that may interest you that are in another part of the alphabet that weren't mentioned here, the solution is easy!

Check out the A to Z Of Crystals Minerals and Stones page link below.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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