➤ By Liz Oakes
Cleansing crystals regularly is necessary as they will absorb negative energy and this is why it is a good idea to purify them on a regular basis.
So check out the list below with my tips to help you to remove negativity from your crystals. To change the negative energy within your crystals to positive energy, you need to cleanse them frequently.
This is particularly important if they are being used a lot or are located where you spend time.
If you have been using your crystals to heal health issues or when you were in a negative frame of mind, they would probably have absorbed your negative energy.
It is likely that your crystals may absorb vibrations not only from you, but from anything in the environment where they are located.
This is important as their effectiveness for healing may be affected by negative vibrations within them.
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If you have been thinking about why you should cleanse your crystals, and you use them regularly, understand that your crystals are tools to enhance your life.
You need these tools to be at the highest vibration possible. This way you receive the most benefit from using them.
It is simply a matter of learning about the methods to
clean your stones. Cleanse them on a regular basis to keep them
full of positive energy.
Many people go to great lengths to clean their home, their clothes and themselves, yet neglect to remove the negativity from the crystals they are using. It is easy to do, simply learn how!
See the list of the top safe ways to cleanse crystals, healing stones or gemstone jewelry. There are a number of methods that can both cleanse and energize crystals. it may also be beneficial to learn how to charge crystals too.
The following is a list of safe and easy methods, and all are discussed in more detail below.
You can combine various ideas to help you to boost the energy of your healing crystals by removing negative energy and boosting positive vibrations in them:
Here are some of the methods outlined in the article to charge crystals. These are good ways to boost their energy and help to fill them with positive vibrations:
Someone asked me recently how often do I need to cleanse my crystals?
The answer is twofold. If you use a specific crystal a lot, and this includes stones you wear, they will need to be cleansed frequently.
This might mean you cleanse them once a week if they get heavy use, meaning every day, or for medium use cleanse them every couple of weeks.
For those stones that are not used much, cleanse them every few months, or if you take them out to use after a period of non-use, then quickly send white light using intention to refresh them.
Another question that I was asked was how do I know if it is cleansed?
The point of cleansing crystals is to remove negative energy that may have built up. So ask yourself how does it feel before and after.
Most people find that using methods such as sage to cleanse them, or white light and intention will work quickly to lift their energy.
If the stone still feel like it needs more help, you may also need to re-charge it's energy. There is another article about charging your crystals which will tell you more.
Cleansing crystals by smudging them is easy. So how do you smudge crystals? The most potent smudge to use is white sage.
It is possible to buy smudge sticks ready made in a smudging stick or you can use loose sage leaf.
It is easy to buy in most places, and the smudge sticks are made up of either white sage alone or mixed with lavender. Some may have other fragrant herbs in them as well.
Some of these may also have healing attributes that could benefit you. Sage smoke is powerful to cleanse both your stones and the environment where they live. You can do this one of two ways.
You can hold the stones close to the stream of the smoke, or simply hold your smudge stick near to where they are sitting so the air around them is full of the sage essence.
Use a fire-proof ceramic bowl to hold the smoking sage, to avoid accidents.
This is the method most alchemical healers use, to quickly cleanse their stones and crystal wands after use on clients.
I have included moonlight in this section as it could be said that it is related to cleansing crystals.
The effect of moonlight has a powerful influence that will re-energize your crystals, and allow them to lift their vibration naturally.
The vibration of the moon may will fill them with positive energy. It is of value to cleanse your crystals regularly and many people like to do them once a month.
A good time for cleansing crystals is at the time of the full moon, and the good thing about using this is that it is easy to remember as the full moon is easy to see in the sky.
It is beneficial to put them out when it is at its brightest, and its energy is strongest. If you wish you can combine the use of moonlight charging with other methods for cleansing crystals.
Your stones will be more vibrant and potent next time you use them.
It can be an added advantage if you are able to place them somewhere in your home where they will be in the moonlight for as long as possible.
Leave them there overnight if you are able to. By absorbing the energy of moonlight, you will allow their vibration to naturally lift.
Be wary of placing them where they will also get strong sunlight on them for a long time, as this can fade their color.
Note: Sunlight can be used to both cleanse your crystals and to boost a stones energy. But don't leave them out in the sun for more than an hour or two.
While losing their color may not have affect their vibration, you may feel disappointed if they are no longer the color they were when you purchased them.
White or clear crystals can be safely cleansed in the sun, and this is a good way to cleanse White Selenite, as it both charges its energy and removes negative vibrations.
Yes I know Selenite is said to never need cleansing, but I cleanse it anyway!
There are different methods for cleansing natural crystals of various types. Using white light is a powerful method once you know how to create it.
Most of you have the capacity to create white light, and this may also be called universal light.
The first time you do it, close your eyes and ask the universe or spirit, or whatever you believe in to be the creator, to create white light.
This is similar to the power of prayer. Imagine your body filling with the light, then feel the added energy that you have within you.
Open your eyes and direct the white light. Use your hands in a small sweeping motion towards where you want to direct the white light.
For smaller crystals: the use of your breath will also help. Use the same principle, and feel spiritual energy filling your body then gently breathe on the stone.
White light is the easiest and most effective method to remove any built up negative energy quickly.
Along with white light you can also use reiki energy for this purpose, if you have been attuned to reiki, as it also works well.
Ask the universe to use the white light to transmute any negative energy within the stone into positive energy.
You can also use it to improve the energy of the room and to bring healing.
Not only can this method be used for cleansing crystals, the white light can also be used on yourself to bring your vibration up.
I like to cleanse my personal stones fairly often, and this is especially important if you are doing a daily meditation with crystals and using them.
You can use any type of rice, either white or brown rice is okay for cleansing crystals, and it is quite easy to do.
You can use rice cleansing if you are wary of using water or sage, and this may be especially useful if you have a stone that is very precious to you.
Simply place your stones on top of the rice and leave overnight. This method is very easy and simple, and you can do it easily.
The rice will absorb negative energy, so you will need to throw it out after using it.
It is advantageous to use a fairly flat bowl, and depending on the stone sometimes you may choose to cover it with rice.
Alternatively, simply place it on top as shown in the photo. Use your intuition to decide what is best for that stone.
Cleaning your crystals with water is not recommended unless you definitely know about whether your stone is safe to cleanse this way.
If you are cleaning quartz crystals, generally this will be safe. But please take care when using water on large clusters, as they may still be harmed by water, so do it with care.
If you do not know much about crystals, avoid using water to clean them.
Some crystals may be totally ruined by contact with water, so use other methods of cleansing crystals unless you are absolutely sure.
I may use running water for cleansing crystals that I have been wearing as having them on your body can reduce their energy levels, as they have given so much to you during the day.
You may have noticed that I don't recommend cleansing crystals with salt or with salt water.
I know a lot of people swear by this method, but personally I ruined quite a few crystals by taking someone's advice when first using crystals.
Salt is quite abrasive, so I don't recommend using this method.
It is up to you to use this method if it pleases you, but I must warn you that a lovely crystal may not be so lovely afterwards, so do it with care!
Cleaning Quartz crystals is easier than other types of natural crystals as they like water. To clean quartz crystals any or all of the above methods may additionally be used.
You can clean quartz crystal using running water or in a container of water.
Important Point: If you are not sure if the crystal is a quartz crystal do not use water.
For example, Selenite Crystals may become distorted from water, and will lose their shine or may become badly damaged in some other way.
Other crystals may react to water and be totally ruined. Check before you use water if the stone can be cleaned in this way.
If you are not sure don't use this water. Some sellers of stones coat the stone with a sealant that may come off in water, so be aware that this can happen.
As quartz crystals are highly programmable, while cleansing it you might tell it to release and let go of any negativity within it.
By programming it to release negativity, it will aid other crystals nearby to stay cleaner and may not need cleansing as frequently, see more below.
While quartz is extremely easy to program, any stone can be programmed to self cleanse. This is helpful if you have a large collection that is hard to constantly get to, to cleanse.
Check out my page about how to program your crystals if you are not sure how to do it.
On the page about programming stones I talk about placing an affirmation within the stone.
While you can choose any affirmation that suits you, a possible affirmation could be something like the following:
"I constantly release any negative energy to ensure my vibration is always the highest it can be."
You may still want to cleanse programmed stones but it is not necessary as often once they are programmed.
Some people say that some crystals never need cleansing, like Kyanite, Citrine or Selenite, but I do not think that this is correct, so I cleanse them anyway.
They like being refreshed and this is a helpful thing to do and it won't hurt them as long as you choose a safe method.
If you are doing Quartz Crystal Healing, ensure that all of your crystals are cleansed regularly, to ensure the vibrations within the stones are most effective.
Regular smudging of your crystals will revitalize them and lift their vibration.
It is also a good practice to put your crystals out in the moonlight, around the time of the full moon (when you have time) when it is at its brightest, to boost their energy.
As a general rule cleansing crystals is necessary, even if you may not feel that your crystals have any reason to be cleaned.
Cleansing crystals regularly ensures they will be at their best to assist you as you use them in your life. Keep them at their best and you will enjoy using your stones!
You may also choose to bury your stone in the earth, but again make sure that you know if the stone is one that can take water, in case rain seeps through to where they are located.
An advantageous way to use soil is to put it in a pot, and place the pot somewhere that is not in the weather, so water cannot reach the buried crystals.
This may be a good way to cleanse many stones, but if you put them outside in the garden, do mark the spot where you have buried them so that you can find them again!
Using sound is a really easy way to both cleanse and activate your crystals. I have a crystal singing bowl, a rather large one that resonates to the vibration of the sacral chakra.
A crystal singing bowl may be used to cleanse your crystals. There are two ways to do this.
If the stones are small you may put them into the crystal singing bowl. For bigger items, place them close to the bowl, then play the bowl for a few minutes.
The lovely crystal bowl music is very powerful for
cleansing crystals and the sounds emitted by the bowl will resonate
throughout the room activating any stones in the area.
It is excellent to use, but is quite big so is harder to move from room to room. So I also use my Tibetan Singing bowl or my Tingsha hand cymbals which are both smaller and easier to move from room to room.
As the strong vibration of the pure crystalline sound of your
crystal singing bowl fills the crystals, it will drive out any negative
energy as will the music from the cymbals.
Best Way To Use It? Crystal Tip: When you use a crystal bowl, Tingsha Hand Cymbals or a Tibetan Singing Bowl in an area, they have an energy that resonates quite a distance.
Simply place the crystals nearby, and play the bowl or cymbals, or both one after the other if you have both. This will help all of the crystals located in the area.
Check out the lovely slab of Selenite below. Using this crystal is a way you can charge your crystals and stones as these high vibration crystals work well to energize them once they have been cleansed.
But do also cleanse the Selenite regularly, as I believe that it may absorb negativity from the stones places on it.
Some people say Selenite is self cleansing but cleanse it anyway!
Have you have just bought a new crystal? It is beneficial to cleanse and energize all new crystals.
This is especially valuable if you are unsure of where they have been and if they have absorbed negativity or need added positive energy.
Cleanse them even if the person who sold it to you says its
been cleansed. Stones sent to you in the mail should always be cleansed.
Note: some sellers program crystals before sending them. If you are not sure that you'd be comfortable with a program put in by someone else, take it out, and put in your own.
See instructions about How To Deprogram Crystals in this article.
Checkout the healing crystal uses article as it's purpose is to help you to find page about various ways of using crystals.
There are probably more of these than you might realize and new ones are regularly being added too.
On this site there are also pages listed that are related to specific problems you need help with (such as crystals for weight loss and crystals to help sleep for example).
As well you will see the pages listed that have information about particular psychic gifts and crystals that might be used to boost these abilities.
You can also check on the list of A-Z pages to see individual pages in alpha order that contain properties of crystals that have not yet had their own page written.
You may also see pages about aiding other issues you might need help with, in fact almost anything that is written about here can be found using these pages.
I say almost, because sometimes I forget to add new pages there, but my newsletter will probably feature them at some point!
Enjoy learning more! Liz
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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