➤ By Liz Oakes
The crystal stones on this page are the C section of the alphabetical list of crystals. Check out the photo grid below to see names and images of crystals in this group.
Many of these crystals and stones are written about on this site and may also be discussed in various other parts of this web-site.
Some of them are also found on their own in-depth page. To make it easy to find what you want, have a look at the photo grid below.
You can see if the crystal you are looking for is on the list, and easily discover if the stone you are looking for is there.
If you take a look at the pictures below you will notice that many of the names of these healing crystals are highlighted with a link (that leads to its page).
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There are in-depth articles on a large number of healing crystals for you to learn about. This allows you to read more detailed information on that specific healing stone or crystal and its uses.
Once any of the crystal stones have their own individual page, you can go there to read about them in detail.
Crystals that do not yet have a full in-depth page written about them are included below, but you will only find a brief outline of the metaphysical properties and healing actions of these crystals until their full page is written.
If an image has a link under it, this means it will take you to that crystal's individual page. Click on the link under the photo to read about them on their own page.
This page was getting too long, so once a specific in-depth article about any of the crystal stones was written then its properties were removed.
Do you have an interest in any crystal stones that are in another part of the alphabet?
Please find out the stone meanings and metaphysical properties in these categories by searching on the A-Z of Crystals Minerals & Stones Page here.
There are a number of different clear crystals and while it can be hard to tell the difference, when you buy from reputable crystal sellers this may mean you get the expected stone.
Some of the clear stones may also be whitish but expect that their energy will be similar to the clear stones of the same name.
All of the crystal stones in these smaller pictures shown below have not yet had their specific in-depth article written at this time.
In the future you can expect that they might be written about in more depth.
In the section below, you can see bigger crystal pictures and you can read a short section with their metaphysical properties and healing attributes noted where possible.
I recently added some pictures to this section when I realized that I hadn't yet included them here. Hopefully I will get some information written soon.
At the bottom of this page, below the information on individual stones is a list with the chakra stones that begin with C, and this provides information on the chakra that each stone may heal.
You may also see links in the text to other articles on various ways you can use your crystals. There are a number of these pages.
Subjects such as crystals for preventing psychic attack, or the page that talks about high vibration crystals. Click on the links to read these pages.
At the bottom of the page there is also a short section about a few stones that perhaps you might choose not to use.
It really isn't desirable to use the stones in that section as most have some sort of toxic inclusion that may harm you.
So please take note of this aspect and read more about why you might not want to use them.
Campbellite is an unusual copper based mineral stone that is made up of a mix of different minerals.
This includes calcite and a number of copper based minerals such as Copper, Turquoise, Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Malachite and Tenorite and some others.
It has a strong energy for healing, and is known for its action to assist healers to evaluate the needs of the client during healing.
It is useful used with other minerals to boost the energy of that which it is combined with.
If one of these crystal stones are in contact with the body, its vibration is helpful to aid you to avoid danger, as it will assist the etheric body to recognize where the threat is coming from and act to protect you.
Its energy brings those in relationships closer both spiritually and emotionally, and may stimulate mental telepathy between those who have have been drawn closer in this way.
Carletonite is known as a rare crystal and there isn't much written about it.
Although it is blue, which usually relates to the throat chakra, its energy also resonates quite strongly within the third eye and the crown chakra.
These crystal stones can easily be felt working in the area of the brain, and have a calming and soothing vibration.
It's metaphysical properties relate to its action to ease anxiety and stress, and you can feel a lessening of tension when you are using it.
I could definitely feel its energy as soon as I started to work with it. At first I felt it in my head quite clearly, like a headache without the pain, which quickly went away.
This was followed by a strong awareness of it in my brow, and in my brain. Similar to how Tremolite and Herderite work, but a little less powerful. Quite an interesting stone!
Catlinite is sacred to the American Indian people, and these crystal stones are also known as Pipestone.
These stones are clay based, and they embody a mixture of various minerals including Pyrophyllite, Diaspore, Muscovite, Hematite and Sericite.
The American Indian people see this as a sacred stone, as it embodies the energy of the area that it comes from, and if you have Indian ancestry it may benefit you to use it in meditation.
It has been in use by the people of the desert areas where it comes from in sacred ceremonies, and it has been used to carve sacred objects from.
It is know to be helpful to make contact with spirit guides, especially relating to the Indian civilization and its people.
Cats Eye Chrysoberyl is also known as Cymophane. These crystals are helpful to boost the healing action of other stones they are combined with.
Although these stones have the look of an eye within the stone naturally, they are also carefully cut into a shape that ensures that they have the look of a cats eye.
The metaphysical attributes of these crystal stones relate to their strong action to attract good luck into your life.
These stones resonate at the solar plexus chakra to boost self-esteem. They also help to make a connection between the solar plexus and crown chakras.
This is helpful to create balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of your life.
Some people who use Cats Eye Chrysoberyl develop the gift of prophecy or precognition, and all colors and types of Chrysoberyl are useful to stimulate the intellect.
Celadonite is the lime green inclusion within this piece of quartz. This mineral occurs most commonly within quartz, and while it can be included within Golden Healers, it is most commonly found in clear quartz.
The Celadonite inclusions in the quartz are often quite small, but they have a quite good vibration.
When this mineral is combined with quartz this will magnify its action. These crystal stones are excellent to aid healing.
Celestial Quartz has also been known as Candle Quartz for some time, but are now also called Atlantean Lovestars, as they were said to have been given as love tokens at the time of Atlantis.
This it is an unusual variety of quartz, which has many small crystal terminations all over the body of the crystal.
It is called Candle Quartz as it has a defined inner crystal, and the outside looks like the wax that flows down from a candle.
Note: that many pieces of this stone that for sale in crystal shops do not have the quite beautiful defined shape of the piece pictured above.
They often occur as groups, with two, three or more separate clusters growing together with separate crystal points along with the central stone.
If you can get a group they are more powerful as each member of the group magnifies and multiplies the effect of the others nearby.
These crystal stones are quite powerful crystals, and have many aspects, including aiding abundance. Celestial Quartz are true to their name, as they will bring Divine Love into your life.
You may benefit by meditating with these crystals, as their energy can help you to utilize their vibration, for emotional healing and to assist you with developing intuition.
Celestobarite has an energy that helps you to see what may happen in the future and by showing you these issues helps you to decide if that path is where you want to go.
These crystal stones may present you with possibilities of future events, and by cutting through barriers may aid you to decide how to move forward with greater confidence.
It will open you up to seeing issues from more than one perspective, and by clarifying issues will assist you to choose your own path.
Note that it is known to show you the dark side, using what they call black humor, better to see it using this stone as it also does it in a joyful way.
If you wish to meditate with this stone, it is a powerful stone to protect you. When traveling on shamanic journeys, it holds you suspended between the soul star and base chakras, keeping you safe.
Childrenite has quite a strong energy that is useful to use when doing past life clearing.
It helps you to rise above issues from past lives that have been making you unable to function as you should.
The energy of this crystal stone works strongly within the solar plexus chakra, to boost personal power.
It is helpful to aid you to control your temper, and may boost your staying power when relationships get difficult.
It assists you to be open to new ideas and is helpful to assist decision making in business related dealings.
Chrysoberyl crystals may be green, greenish yellow or golden yellow in color.
While all colors have similar properties, the green stones have a strong heart based energy, while the golden crystals resonate more strongly within the solar plexus.
Note: these are quite small specimens, but you don't need big stones as their energy is quite strong.
These crystal stones are powerful to boost the level of abundance in your life, and will help the flow of heart based actions in your life.
They have are beneficial crystals for creativity, and are a stone of new beginnings that have a good energy to aid healing, and assist the organs within the areas of the specific chakra related to their color.
Some people who use Cats Eye Chrysoberyl may develop the gift of prophecy, assisting you to see the possibilities of your future life.
Clear Calcite is also known as colorless calcite, and is the purest form of this stone.
These crystal stones are found in a number of forms, including as small crystals growing on other minerals.
It is a helpful crystal for emotional healing, and it is beneficial to use to assist health issues caused by energy blockages.
Clear Calcite has excellent healing attributes, and is advantageous to support absentee healing. It has a strong action at the third eye chakra, and may help you to think more clearly.
By helping you to let go of the past, this may aid you to discover what you would like your future to hold.
Cleavelandite is a white mineral also spelled as Clevelandite and beautiful specimens of the mixed minerals are often see selling.
These white crystals aid you when you are making life changes and often occur in combination with Black Tourmaline as well as other colors of tourmaline.
They aid emotional healing and have a strong energy within the crown chakra to assist spiritual growth.
They are good crystals for goal setting and may assist you work out how to achieve the fulfillment of your dreams.
Clinozoisite is in the same family as Epidote, and has an excellent vibration to aid emotional healing, such as a broken heart. It can help friendships to bloom, by healing conflict.
It may help you to use the power of your mind, and is known to aid you to link to the higher realms and connect with the angels.
The energy of these crystal stones helps you to make improvements in your life, by assisting you to finish ongoing projects successfully.
By its action to change the energy from negative to positive, its vibration helps to dissolve disagreements. It will also boost the level of the energy at the same time.
As a healing crystal it will help to detox the body, and is a useful stone to use after radiation treatment, to detoxify the body of radiation poisoning.
Copal is similar in nature to Amber, as it is a resin fossil. The energy of these stones, stimulates the crown chakra, and this makes it a powerful stone to use in meditation.
Using it at the crown chakra may move your spiritual growth in a new direction. It has an excellent action to encourage your innate mental gifts and talents.
It may assist you to develop psychic abilities, particularly ones that you were unaware of, and it has an energy that may assist you when you are working with your spirit guides.
crystal stones have an excellent vibration that may help to boost
healing, by their action to remove energy blocks in the meridians and so
aid the health of the physical body.
Copper may help you if you are feeling lethargic and lacking energy.
It can help you to feel more self reliant, less dependent on others and more able to take action when required.
It is not really a crystal, but it is a common mineral, so it does fit into the general category of crystal stones and rocks.
The energy of this mineral may enhance the creation of loving relationships and loving actions.
is believed to be a lucky stone, and is known to amplify your thoughts
and may boost the sending of messages via thought.
It naturally occurs in a variety of colors, but all are similar, just various shades, and it is found in a number of forms.
This mineral has a number of excellent metaphysical qualities, including to balance the astral body with the physical body.
Coral Fossil may also help the development of psychic vision, aiding you to more easily visualize those things you desire.
This stone is the skeleton or part of the coral animals that are left after the death of the marine coral creatures.
These crystal stones are known for their action to help you to feel calmer and more tranquil, and they are helpful to aid you to relax and to be at peace.
All colors of coral are known for their action to boost psychic abilities and intuition and to stimulate the imagination.
Cradle of Humankind stones are a type of limestone or chert that comes from caves in Magaliesberg, South Africa.
These caves are where the first hominid fossils were found, and they relate to some of the earliest ancestors of modern man, as they are around seven million years old.
These crystal stones have a strong grounding energy that will help you to make a connection to Mother Gaia, via the earth chakra.
They have a soothing vibration, and they make you feel that all is well in your life.
They may aid you to discover information about past lives in ancient times, and help you to understand how that relates to your current life, and perhaps what your purpose is in being born at this time.
Creaseyite is helpful to strengthen the third eye chakra, particularly if its been weakened by distress, fear, apprehension or insecurity.
Its energy will aid concentration, and will also assist with problem solving. Its action at the third eye helps to strengthen your intuition and instinctive abilities.
It may assist you to accept responsibility, and allows you to be aware that you are personally responsible for your own actions, rather than being dependent on others.
This is one of the crystal stones that helps you to look at your life and determine how to organize and plan for the best results, and see what the ramifications of your actions might be.
As a healing crystal its action relates to its effectiveness to assist with the treatment of Lyme Disease, Lupus, severe burns and to aid skin cancer.
Crimson Calcite is a very dark red variety of calcite that comes from Mexico. These crystals have a strong vibration at the base chakra.
They are excellent spiritual grounding stones, as they will bring you fully into your body, especially if you get high after working with high vibration stones.
The energy of these stones helps to make you feel good, as they induce physical vitality. If you hold one of these stones in your hand, you may feel your blood pulse with the influx of vibrant energy.
They are excellent crystal stones to stimulate the health of the body, as they help you to release fear and help you to let go of negative thoughts and habits that are holding you back.
Cross Quartz Crystal is a particular quartz configuration. Read more about these configurations in the article on quartz configurations.
Soul Star Chakra: Cassiterite, Castorite, Celestial Quartz, Celestite, Charoite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Clear Quartz Crystals, Clear Topaz, Cobalt Bloom, Colemanite, Creedite, Cryolite
Crown Chakra: Cacoxenite In Quartz, Cancrinite, Carletonite, Cats Eye Chrysoberyl, Cavansite, Celestial Quartz, Celestite, Celestobarite, Cerussite, Chabazite, Chalcopyrite, Charoite, Chiastolite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Clear Calcite, Clear Quartz Crystals, Clear Topaz, Cobalt Bloom, Cobaltian Calcite, Colemanite, Cookeite, Covellite, Creedite, Crocoite, Cross Quartz Crystal, Cryolite
Third Eye Chakra: Calligraphy Stone, Cacoxenite In Quartz, Carletonite, Cavansite, Celadonite, Celestial Quartz, Celestite, Chalcopyrite, Charoite, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysocolla, Cinnabar, Citrine Crystals, Clear Quartz Crystals, Cobalt Bloom, Cobaltian Calcite, Conichalcite, Cookeite, Covellite, Creaseyite, Creedite, Crocoite, Cryolite
Throat Chakra: Cancrinite, Cavansite, Celestite, Chalcanthite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysocolla, Chrysotile, Cobalt Bloom, Creedite, Cryolite
Higher Heart Chakra: Castorite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoprase, Chrysotile, Cobalt Bloom, Cobaltian Calcite, Creedite, Crocoite, Cryolite
Heart Chakra: Cacoxenite In Quartz, Campbellite, Cancrinite, Castorite, Carnelian, Celadonite, Charoite, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Chrysotile, Clinozoisite, Cobalt Bloom, Cobaltian Calcite, Conichalcite, Creedite, Crocoite, Cryolite, Cuprite
Solar Plexus Chakra: Cacoxenite In Quartz, Carnelian, Cassiterite, Cats Eye Chrysoberyl, Celestobarite, Chalcopyrite, Charoite, Childrenite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Clinohumite, Clinozoisite, Cobalt Bloom, Conichalcite, Crackled Fire Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Creedite, Cryolite
Sacral Chakra: Calligraphy Stone, Carnelian, Cassiterite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysocolla, Cinnabar, Citrine, Clinohumite, Cobalt Bloom, Covellite, Crackled Fire Agate, Creedite, Crocoite, Cryolite, Cuprite
Base Chakra: Campbellite, Cancrinite, Carnelian, Cassiterite, Celestobarite, Cerussite, Charoite, Chiastolite, Chrysanthemum Stone,Chrysocolla, Chrysotile, Cinnabar, Citrine Crystals, Cobalt Bloom, Crackled Fire Agate, Crimson Calcite, Crocoite, Cryolite, Cuprite
Earth Chakra: Cassiterite, Chabazite, Charoite, Chiastolite, Chrysanthemum Stone, Chrysotile, Cinnabar, Cobalt Bloom, Crackled Fire Agate, Crocoite, Cryolite
There are a number of toxic stones that are not really safe to use, so they are no longer featured on an individual page on this site.
You may choose to use them in a safe way, and of course that is possible but it may be challenging. Just take care if that is what you choose to do.
Cinnabar: This stone has some powerful metaphysical properties so although I would like to give you information about this stone, after consideration I have removed the page about it from this site.
Unfortunately it is a highly toxic stone, so I advise against using it, as you may find it hard to use it in a way that is safe.
The stone pictured above is a combination of White Scapolite with red Cinnabar inclusions. It is not a safe stone to use, see information above.
Chalcanthite is known as a stone that is excellent to place close to you to calm your mind, to aid you to ready yourself for meditation.
Unfortunately its a toxic stone, so I advise against using it.
Chrysotile is also known as Chrysotite. This is a green and white striped asbestos based stone that has an excellent healing energy
As it contains asbestos you do need to take care when using it as this could cause you to have health issues.
It is known for its action to aid emphysema and other lung issues, and to help the arteries and veins. In particular it is helpful to aid chronic fatigue, and inflammatory conditions.
These crystal stones will also aid you to be honest with yourself. They may benefit you when you discover that you have been trying to manipulate others, as they help you to become aware of what you are doing.
This may assist you when others are trying to manipulate you into doing what they want, as their action grounds you to the earth, which aids you to see things more clearly.
Cobalt Bloom is another name for Erythrite. Note: this is an arsenate based stone, so be careful when touching it, and instead use it with something between your skin and the stone.
Definitely not a stone I would recommend using at all, even though it has some excellent metaphysical properties, I feel the risk is too great.
See How To Deprogram Crystals
Crystals For Kindness And Generosity
Crystals For Emotional Healing
Crystals To Prevent Negative Thinking
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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