Properties Of Stones

In The Alpha Section T

➤ By Liz Oakes

The properties of stones within the T alphabetical section. Only stones beginning with T are listed on this page.

There are quite a few pictures shown below, and hopefully it contains images of all of the healing crystals in this specific segment of the alphabet.

Natural Tiger Iron StoneTiger Iron is a natural blend of Red Jasper, Hematite and Golden Tigers Eye

There are a large number of healing crystals for you to learn about on this site. While some crystals and stones have had an individual page written about them not all have. 

A good number of stones have had a detailed article written about them and you will know if this is the case as their name will be highlighted with a link.

For those that have not yet had their specific page written, there is a paragraph further down the page below the picture grids.

This has information about the most important attributes of the crystal. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Properties Of Stones T

If you feel you'd like to know more you can go to the full article simply by clicking on the link, which will take you to that particular page.

Throughout this site you might notice text links that relates to various crystals related subjects.

This includes things like how to develop psychic visions or clairvoyant abilities, or maybe how to meditate with your crystals. Simply click on any of these links to read more.

If you came here looking for the properties of stones that are in a different section of the alphabet, there is a quick way to find any of these alphabetic categories.

Simply go to the A to Z of Crystals here where you will see a list of pages, for every letter in the alphabet.

Chakras: For make it easier to discover, there is a table with a list of stones in this alpha group for each of the chakras.

This is located below the metaphysical properties and healing attributes of the stones covered here.

Tourmaline Varieties With In-depth Pages

Did you know that there are quite a few types of Tourmaline and many have their own in-depth page, including the Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Red, Yellow, Watermelon and Tourmilated Quartz.

Check out the Tourmaline types pictured below. There are more types but these are the ones that have had a page written so far. 

Video About Tigers Eye:

T Alpha Group Stones With No In-Depth Page

A small amount of the properties of stones and crystals that are pictured just below can be seen further down the page, and there is also a big picture of each of them.

Once they have had an in-depth page written the information here is removed  as it forms part of the in-depth page. 

Tanzan Aura QuartzTanzan Aura Quartz
Tibetan Black QuartzTibetan Black Quartz
Tibetan TektiteTibetan Tektite
Transparent Pink CalciteTransparent Pink Calcite
Tree AgateTree Agate
Tubed QuartzTubed Quartz
Turritella AgateTurritella Agate

Properties Of Stones Starting With T


Taaffeite is known as a rare stone, and have a quite beautiful energy possibly because they contain good amounts of the mineral beryllium.

They have an excellent vibration to aid meditation. Used during meditation, they may stimulate the crown chakra and assist the attainment of deep silence.

TaaffeiteTaaffeite Pendant

The energy of these crystals may amplify loving feelings towards others, via a deep action within the heart chakra to improve connections with other people in your life.

Although they are a fairly uncommon stone they are worth finding as they help to revitalize personal relationships and kindle more loving, and heartfelt connections with those with whom you are associated.

They may aid health issues related to problems with iron in the blood and may help to improve the acid and alkaline balance in the body.

They are also helpful healing stones if you have issues with intestinal parasites.

The properties of stones like these concern your ability to have an understanding of the contrast between the two concepts of negative and positive thinking in your life.

Tanzan Aura Quartz

Tanzan Aura Quartz is also known as Tanzine Aura or Indigo Quartz.

This is clear quartz crystal that has had the surfaces bonded with a mixture of vaporized metals such as Gold, Indium, Niobium and other trace minerals.

Tanzan Aura QuartzTanzan Aura Quartz

This is an artificial process and many people dislike how this is done and will not use them. Yet I feel that these crystals do have helpful energy to aid you in a number of ways.

The properties of stones that have had their color changed is different to the metaphysical properties of the clear quartz crystals they are made from.

This process does affect how you may be helped by this stone's energy. 

The minerals that have been bonded to the quartz have specific properties and this relates to how they will affect you.

These crystals have a high vibration, that can be felt within the third eye, crown and soul star chakra and will aid your spiritual growth.

Their metaphysical properties strongly relate to the development of psychic communication and other psychic abilities such as mediumship and channeling.

Tibetan Black Quartz

Tibetan Black Quartz are high vibration double terminated quartz crystals from the mountains of Tibet, where Buddhist monasteries have been located for a very long time.

Tibetan Black QuartzTibetan Black Quartz

They are powerful stones for spiritual growth and are known to activate the third eye, and they are very effective used in meditation.

They will create a state where you can make contact with beings from the spiritual realms.

Tibetan Tektite

Tibetan Tektite is a strong stone, and you may benefit by carrying it on you, as it may accelerate the vibrational energy within your auric field. It a very dark stone almost black and it is a form of meteoric glass.

Tibetan TektiteTibetan Tektite

It is one of the high vibration stones. For best results, it is recommended to be used in conjunction with others in the group of high vibration stones.

The properties of stones like these is associated with the area of the world where they come from, as this area has had a strong spiritual energy for many hundreds of years.


Topaz may be clear, pink, golden or blue, see pictures below. The properties of stones of each color vary quite a bit. 

Blue Topaz stones resonate within the throat chakra. They may help you to manifest better communication abilities, including personal spiritual communication.

White TopazWhite Topaz
Golden Yellow TopazGolden Yellow Topaz
Blue TopazBlue Topaz
Pink TopazPink Topaz

Pink Topaz is a less common color, and has a lovely heart based energy, that is helpful for emotional healing.

The yellow or Golden Topaz is a stone of manifestation, of personal desires through the will.

Depending on what your predominant mental attitude is, you may manifest many things using this stones energy.

Silver Topaz or White Topaz are the names used for the clear colorless Topaz.

This stone aids you with deciphering your intentions and aligning them with Divine will.

Transparent Pink Calcite

Transparent Pink CalciteTransparent Pink Calcite

Transparent Pink Calcite is a beautiful transparent pink variety of Calcite. It can be peachy pink in color,  or a clear medium pink like the specimen shown here.

The crystal meanings of the transparent pink calcite predominantly pertain to healing on the spiritual and emotional level rather than the physical level.

Tree Agate

Tree AgateTree Agate

Tree Agate is a lovely heart based stone to help you to make a stronger connection with the plant kingdom and the natural world.

A variety of Dendritic Agate, Tree Agates will help you to feel safer at times when you may feel challenged.


Trilithionite is in the same as Lepidolite which often occurs in lilac lavender pink and purple colors. 


Trilithionite may also be a lilac color but is also a light beige shade like the piece in the image.

Its energy is quite calming and has a good action to prevent stress and tension. It has a soothing and balancing energy that may aid emotional healing.


Tschermigite is an extremely rare stone, so rare that most pieces sold, like this one, are in fact man-made in a laboratory. But regardless of that something about this stone attracted me.

This crystal is known as a strongly supportive stone for spiritual workers, and it resonates quite strongly at the crown and third eye chakras.


This crystal is known as a strongly supportive stone for spiritual workers, and it resonates quite strongly at the crown and third eye chakras.

It is known as a stone to aid channeling, and works well in a group situation. This energy helps you to make contact with beings in the higher realms as well as with the angels.

The properties of stones like this that naturally occur are hard to know, as there has been so few naturally occurring pieces found. This piece has a quite beautiful crystal structure, with a lovely deep purple color which I really love.

Tubed Quartz

Tubed Quartz are interesting crystals as they are quartz where hollow tubes have formed in the stone.

Analysis of these tubes, have told us that they originally contained Epidote, and this dissolved over the life of the crystals leaving the hollow tubes.

Tubed QuartzTubed Quartz

These crystals are excellent healing stones that align the meridians as well as opening the chakras and cleansing the aura.

This quartz variety aids connections, and it may help you to make contact with special people, and may help you to maintain the connection with that person.

The properties of stones like these are known about by past life healers, who use them when doing regressions.

This is known to aid the person being regressed to see the past while at the same time assisting  you to keep a strong connection to your present life.

Turritella Agate

Turritella AgateTurritella Agate

Turritella Agate has excellent healing qualities and is especially helpful to aid health issues related to aging.

The properties of stones like these also relate to helping you to let go of emotional problems based in the past.

It may be especially helpful where you have been unable to forgive the actions of someone else.

Crystal Books

There is an in-depth page about a number of crystal books and they are all very in-depth crystal reference books.

All of the authors have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are good to have on hand.

Melody's Encyclopedia, Love Is In The Earth, is a book that covers more than most. This book gives you so much information, and covers so many crystals that on its own is almost a reference library.

To read reviews of my favorite crystal books Click Here

Specific Chakras: List Of Chakra Stones T Alpha Group

Soul Star Chakra: Tanzanite, Tanzan Aura Quartz, Tiffany Stone, Tibetan Black Quartz, Topaz, Tourmilated Quartz, Treasure Agate, Trolleite, Tubed Quartz

Crown Chakra: Tanzanite, Tanzan Aura Quartz, Teal Smithsonite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tibetan Tektite, Tiffany Stone, Titanite, Topaz, Tourmilated Quartz, Tschermigite, Trolleite, Tubed Quartz, Tugtupite, Tunellite

Third Eye Chakra: Tanzanite, Tanzan Aura Quartz, Teal Smithsonite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tiffany Stone, Titanite, Tinaksite, Topaz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tschermigite, Trolleite, Tubed Quartz, Tugtupite, Turquoise

Throat Chakra: Tanzanite, Tanzan Aura Quartz, Teal Smithsonite, Thulite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tiffany Stone,  Topaz, Treasure Agate, Trolleite, Tubed Quartz, Tugtupite, Turquoise

Higher Heart Chakra: Tanzanite, Teal Smithsonite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tiffany Stone, Topaz, Transparent Pink Calcite, Treasure Agate, Tsavorite Garnet, Tubed Quartz, Tugtupite, Turquoise

Heart Chakra: Tanzanite, Teal Smithsonite, Thulite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tiffany Stone, Tinaksite, Topaz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Transparent Pink Calcite, Treasure Agate, Tree Agate, Tsavorite Garnet, Tubed Quartz, Tugtupite, Turquoise

Solar Plexus Chakra: Thenardite, Thulite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tigers Eye, Tinaksite, Titanite, Topaz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tubed Quartz

Sacral Chakra: Tangerine Quartz, Thulite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tigers Eye, Tiger Iron, Tinaksite, Topaz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tubed Quartz, Turquoise

Base Chakra: Tantalite, Thenardite, Tibetan Black Quartz, Tigers Eye, Tiger Iron, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tubed Quartz

Earth Chakra: Tibetan Black Quartz, Tiger Iron, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tubed Quartz, Turquoise

Are You Looking For More Information?

If you are looking for information about a special stone or subject that you feel may be on this site, visit the A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page, see link below to find it more quickly.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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