78 Crystals For Creativity

Use To Unlock Your Potential

➤ By Liz Oakes

You can use specific crystals for creativity to help you to unlock your potential! 

Did you know that there are healing stones that heighten innovative thinking and help to boost imaginative thinking?

If you begin enhancing creativity in your daily life you may find wonderful changes will happen.

Crystals For CreativityOrange Calcite: Crystals For Creativity

Enhanced creativity is something many people aspire after. Would you like to allow yourself to move out of your normal way of viewing the world?

To heighten this process you may use specific creativity stones and crystals to help you develop your potential.

This includes many of the sacral chakra stones, as they have a powerful action to boost innovative thinking and open up your inherent abilities. 

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Meaning Of Creativity

Crystal Tip: Creativity is a term that has a wide meaning, and may cover many areas of your life.

The changes may improve your life as you expand your potential and begin to view the world in a new way.

As you begin to envisage new ideas and master new abilities you may open up parts of yourself that you did not know were buried within you.

As you look at the information below, you may find out how you can begin to unlock your hidden potential, that well of creativity that is within you waiting to come forth.

Crystals For Creativity: Living Better Thru Creativity

If you were more creative where might this take you? And how could this change your life?

By mastering new skills, this may create improvements in your life. This may allow you to be able to take your life in a new direction.

Living better through developing new talents is possible, if you take the time to allow these changes to happen within yourself. 

The flow-on effect may be that you begin living better, as you embrace new ideas and new ways of approaching a new project.

You may discover new qualities within you as you are enhancing creativity. Meditation with or without crystals will be of benefit.

But holding crystals for creativity in your hand as you do your daily meditation may bring you to a higher level.

Relaxation Aids Creativity

The more relaxed you are the more likely you are to generate a greater level of creativity. Relaxation aids your ability to develop new talents.

Learn easy meditation methods, as relaxation and meditation go hand in hand. 

Enhancing creativity may be made easier by the process of meditation, and combining crystals that boost creativity may help the process to happen more quickly. 

Shop for Carnelian at Exquisite Crystals, who sell high quality crystals.

There are three main chakras where creativity for life is birthed from within. 

These energy centers are the third eye chakra, the solar plexus and the sacral chakra.

Many of the best crystals for creativity are sacral or navel chakra stones, and some are also strong third eye chakra stones.

Unlocking Your Creativity

Your creative energy may be enhanced by using creativity crystals that stimulate these three areas, like Golden Labradorite, pictured above. 

We use the word birthed as it is not only connected with accomplishments on the artistic creative level.

The sacral chakra is the area where the reproductive organs are located, so its energy also relates to the procreative (physical) level.

The navel chakra (located at your belly button) is the second chakra from the bottom, and this area is well known as an area for creativity.

Working with sacral stones such as orange crystals for creativity may precipitate ways of enhancing creativity.

This energy centre is the area of the body where you emotionally give birth to new ideas.

Creativity For Life

Stimulation of the areas mentioned above may help you to find different ways to unlock creative ideas and abilities that you may be unaware of.

Many of the stones for the third eye chakra have a high vibration and a strong positive energy that can aid your creative pursuits.

From the higher chakras come the possibility to gain new perspectives on life, as it is from this area that both innovative and inspiring thoughts can come.

From these regions you bring forth new possibilities for mastering new ideas within your life.

In addition of innovation and inspiration is powerful to boost original thinking.

The solar plexus chakra governs your personal power and is a location where negative energy may impact you and can cause creative blocks.

If you feel this could be a problem for you, begin working with some of the psychic protection crystals to release any negativity from this area.

Information On Crystals For Creativity

Start the process of boosting your creativity by using crystals for creativity in a daily crystal meditation, as it is a powerful tool to use to aid you in all areas of your life. 

Many of the stones that help you to boost your creativity are orange crystals as that is the color of most sacral or navel chakra crystals.

If you already own crystals there may be some crystals for creativity discussed here that you are already working with.

To begin to enhance your creativity, choose some of the crystals below to work with. There are other creativity crystals in the group of healing crystals for you to use to boost creativity. 

Many are orange gemstones including Carnelian, Orange Calcite and Tangerine Quartz.

Many Other Stones Boost Creativity

There are quite a few other powerful stones that also boost creativity such as Eilat Stone, Lithium Quartz, Yellow Apatite and Celestite, and these are beneficial to aid your creative gifts.

Note: not all of them are yellow or orange, as there are a number of other crystals for creativity of other colors. See list below.

If you use them in your daily meditation, they may work on the higher spiritual areas and may enhance overall spirituality and health and stimulate your imagination.

Eilat stone is one of the stones that will help you, and there are a number of other stones that may assist the process as well. 

Most of these are specific sacral chakra stones, but a few are not. Some of these crystals in the list are not navel chakra stones.

Yet they are still effective to aid you to stimulate your intellect and begin to generate new alternatives within your life, as you start the process of enhancing creativity.

Wear Crystals For Creativity

All crystals will aid relaxation. Use crystals to aid you in unlocking creativity if you have a new creative project you are working on.

To boost the creative process and to get your creative juices flowing, the use of the crystals for creativity mentioned on this page will be of benefit.

A good way to keep any of these stones on you, is to wear them as jewelry. 

Lovely rings and pendants, such as a Golden Rutilated Quartz Pendant are very beautiful to wear.

Shop Rutilated Quartz Here. This lovely variety of quartz comprises clear quartz with inclusions of tiny needles of golden rutile.

Rutilated Quartz boosts inspired thinking, innovation and transformation which is highly advantageous to use to boost your creativity. 

There is more information about specific crystals for inspiration on this in-depth page where you can learn how inspiration can spark transformative thinking! 

Using Creativity Crystals To Aid The Process

By wearing a pendant or other piece of crystal jewelry, you may choose to see them as not only a lovely fashion item.

Many well known crystals also carry a strong vibration that will also aid you to achieve your aims of enhancing creativity.

Use crystals for creativity in as many ways as you can within your life to aid you in enhancing creativity.

Sunstone PendantSunstone Pendant

Jewelry is lovely to wear, but crystal stones are usually available as well.

Putting them in your pocket is one way to keep the energy of these crystals within your aura. Put any of these stones under your pillow at night.

The longer they stay within your aura the faster their energy will be able to beneficially affect you.

Ways To Boost Your Creativity

Once you succeed in enhancing your creativity, you will be able to experience the whole world in which you live in a new and original way.

The Seven Laws of Attraction may aid you in this endeavor. Use these laws to help you to bring anything you desire into your life, and to accelerate its manifestation.

Your actions within your life will create positive vibrations and change for the better. This change may be both personal and societal wide.

Using Iolite Crystals is helpful if you have any creative artistic abilities.

They are also a powerful crystal to help to boost psychic abilities or powers as they resonate within the third eye and throat chakra.

They assist artistic endeavors as they aid psychic artists as they help to enhance their abilities, as well as stimulating you to allow the flow of innovative or imaginative ideas.

Writing In A Journal May Help

Perhaps you have an idea about an interesting or stimulating experience or ideal you might like to be able to have in your life.

Keep these thoughts in mind for as long as possible, as a way to begin enhancing creativity.

To aid your imagination to take flight, you may help the process to move along more quickly by writing in a journal every day.

An advantage is that by enhancing these types of gifts and talents, in future you can be more creative about how you will bring the things you desire into your life.

Although there are some specific ways to boost your creativity with crystals, you will need to have in mind what areas you want to improve, and become more creative in.

A marvelous book about the Laws of Attraction and manifestation gives us some insights into how we may manifest what we desire and it does not take a long time. 

This book is called Ask and It Is Given.

As with most things you want to bring into your life, it is your thoughts that will create your life and your world. 

In the book Ask and It Is Given, Abraham says that maintaining a thought for at least 68 seconds at a time is enough to bring what we desire into our lives. 

Enhancing Creativity Using Affirmations

Using affirmations is a tried and true method to help you in many ways in your life, and this can also help you with enhancing creativity.

The well known author Louise Hay, talks in her book, 'You Can Heal Your Life', about the power of positive affirmations

Louise Hays talks about the many ways that you can use affirmations to benefit you.

I truly believe in the power of positive affirmations, and using them can benefit you in a number of ways. 

As you begin to think about the ways you would like to be more creative, you are putting a train of thought into play. 

Yellow crystals such as Golden Labradorite, Amber and Yellow Apatite are also excellent crystals for creativity that may be found easily, as they are kept by most crystal suppliers.

Another great stone to use for enhancing creativity is Tigers Eye which embodies a positive vibration to assist your creative endeavors.

Activities To Master New Talents: My Final Thoughts

Use any of the crystals for creativity within any of the activities you do, especially quartz crystals, like the lovely Yellow Citrine Crystals, Lithium Quartz, Ametrine and Tangerine Quartz.

They have a strong manifestation vibration and as they have a strong amplifying action they are powerful stones to help you.

All quartz can be programmed to assist you to awaken creative gifts within you. So if you'd like to know how its done, check out how to program crystals

Quite a few of the crystals on the list, including the lovely yellow Citrine, is also a stone known for its ability to aid you to manifest prosperity, including money.

Citrine is the birthstone for November and it one of the best stones to boost mental clarity. Of course it is also a powerful creative crystal.

Citrine has an excellent action to stimulate the mind which may help to boost your creative potential.

This is a favorite crystal of many people, as it also brings good fortune and many other additional benefits. You'll find Citrine gemstone jewelry selling in most crystal shops.

Activities that boost your imagination, in themselves will begin to enhance your creativity.

So doing any type of creative recreational pursuits, including artistic or imaginative hobbies or past times will be beneficial.

Creativity Crystals In Orange or Brown Shades

There are a range of crystal colors that are related to creativity, and many of them are in the orange shades including brownish orange.

While the orange crystals are associated with the development of your creative gifts, many stones in similar colors such as dark gold, peach and salmon colors may also enhance your creativity. 

Orange CreediteOrange Creedite
Triplite or VayryneniteTriplite or Vayrynenite
Orange Plume AgateOrange Plume Agate

Yellowish Pink & Red Creativity Crystals 

More Creativity Crystals Shown Here

Many of the crystals shown above have had a specific page written about them.

If you would like to learn more about a specific crystal, you can discover if it has its own in-depth page on this site.

It's simple, just take at the A to Z of Crystals and Minerals page, see link below to assist you to find what you are searching for.

There are a large number of crystals for creativity, too many to picture here.

As there are a large number of stones that stimulate your creativity, expect to see them mentioned on many site pages!

Green TourmalineGreen Tourmaline
Carnelian is one  of the top Crystals For Enhancing CreativityCarnelian is one of the top Crystals For Enhancing Creativity
Top 78 Crystals For Enhancing CreativityTop 78 Crystals For Enhancing Creativity

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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