➤ By Liz Oakes
Connecting with angels is powerful to move your spiritual growth forward. Angels are loving beings that are there for every one of you, if you ask for their help.
There are a number of angel crystals that will help to elevate you to an area where you may access the help of Divine beings and guides.
There are many crystals and stones that you may use to help you to do this and you can see pictures of them too.
Contacting both angels and other beings from the spirit world can be done, and it is not hard.
Do you wonder how to go about doing this? If so read on, as I will discuss below what I have found to be an excellent way to begin contacting angels.
Ways to use these crystals are outlined below. The important thing is to go into the process with an expectation that you will make contact with them.
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To begin the process, it will help you if you white light yourself or bring in the golden light, to take you to a deeper more reverent state.
Once you are in a deep meditative state, ask to be elevated to the angelic realms, then relax and allow it to happen.
Once you make contact with the angels they will help you.
You may start the process of connecting with angels, by going into a deep meditative state.
If you feel intuitively that they are present begin to make contact. It was written... Ask and it shall be given... and the angels will help you.
If you are not sure how to get started with meditation, check out my page that has an easy way to get started with meditation.
I began making contact with angels when I started to use some of the many crystals that are on the page below.
This is because certain stones will encourage this to happen. In particular one that is usually easy to get is Green Prehnite.
One of its strongest assets is that it will put you in touch with beings in spirit, up to the level of the Archangels, and other celestial beings.
This green crystal is specifically known to aid you when connecting with angels and
to make contact with Archangel Raphael, to aid healing and enhance
In the past they believed it to be a stone of magic, and this may have been because contacting angels was made easier when using Green Prehnite.
There are a range of different beings that you may choose to call angels including:
It is said that we each have two guardian angels, who begin their job when we are born, and are with us constantly until the day we return to spirit.
All of these beings are available for you to call upon for help, and all have various jobs.
Once you begin spiritual development or work to develop your psychic abilities, making contact with your spirit guide will possibly happen as part of the process.
Many of you will be aware that you have guardian angels, as these beings may have aided you in times of trouble.
Are you wondering how to begin contacting angels?
Its easier than you think, and its mostly about having an attitude of allowing it to happen.
We are able to contact both the Archangels and the other angels whose work it is to be of service to mankind.
Many of you may have been aware that you have angels around. But not everyone is aware that the angels are very happy to help you.
You may have seen them during meditation, especially if you have been meditating with a crystal in your hand, like Seraphinite, Iolite or Prehnite shown above.
The first thing to remember is that they want to help you, but that you will need to ask for their help.
This is because everyone is born with free will, and unless you ask for their help, they are not allowed to help you.
You may find this difficult to understand but once you ask for their help, expect to get it.
Even if you don't actually ask verbally, connecting with angels may happen in a situation of danger.
You may ask by putting out an energetic request from the depths of your heart and your guardian angels will help you in these circumstances.
The Seven Archangels are the most important of the angels in the higher realms, and they have specific jobs that they do to aid those of us on earth.
The most well known are the four highest Archangels. Their names are Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. The other three are Archangels Raguel, Sariel and Remiel.
Various sources outline exactly what they look after, so I will tell you some of what I have read that they are responsible for.
If Raphael is called upon to help, he also guides healers to take the right action in difficult situations.
If you have clairaudient abilities you may hear the voices of the angels that wish to communicate with you.
There are particular stones that are known to aid both clairaudience and to help you to make contact with angels.
If you are meant to be clairaudient, using particular crystals may allow you to develop this gift more quickly.
Each of you have individual psychic gifts that you are specifically able to develop.
Use crystals such as Blue Celestite, Iolite Stones, Herkimer Diamonds or Selenite to help you develop both.
Once you start to use these crystals they may help the process to both aid clairaudience and help you to begin connecting with angels and angelic beings.
Be aware that you do not need to be clairaudient to make contact with angels. Some people experience angelic beings by seeing them and may have the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions.
Once you have asked you shall receive and sometimes you get what you ask for in quite interesting ways.
When you've begun connecting with angels they may communicate to you in variety of ways, even through your dreams.
Sometimes you get what you desire in quite strange and unusual circumstances.
This is particularly true if you are using specific stones that boost the occurrence of coincidence or synchronicity.
There are a number of stones that you can use that encourage more coincidences to occur in your life, and some also work to attract the help of the angels, like Baryte and Lilac Lepidolite.
Coincidence and synchronicity may govern the way that the things that you desire are delivered to you.
This is an interesting concept, as sometimes not long after you have asked for something you will notice events that happen that are inter-related in strange ways.
This is a way that angels use to make you aware that this is the direction to look for the delivery of what you desire.
Sometimes coincidence or synchronicity works when you are reading a book and a particular passage just seems to be drawn to your attention in some strange way.
Later you may hear someone speak the same words. Listen to these unusual things, as the angels use this method to deliver.
Once you begin connecting with angels, you may receive inspired ideas.
Your intuition has a major role here, as you need to be intuitive as you wait for the thing or circumstance that you asked for to be delivered.
Be confident that the angels will deliver what you have asked for.
And with this confidence be totally grateful in advance for the gifts that the angels are going to bring to you.
Many of the crystals that aid you with connecting with angels are also powerful stones to move your spiritual growth to a higher level.
You may use stones like Morganite by keeping a piece in your pocket or by wearing jewelry on your body.
Many of the crystals that help with angelic connection are also powerful aids that may assist you to begin to develop your intuition.
Having stronger intuition can be beneficial to assist you to be aware of the next step to take.
The longer you keep these stones within your auric field, the more you will encourage the circumstances that may take you to a place where you make contact with high vibration spiritual beings.
Having specific stones within your energy field may help you to feel a greater level of gratitude for all that you have been given.
A gratitude attitude has a powerful vibration, and may speed up the delivery of the next thing you ask for.
Because once you begin connecting with angels, you will use this wonderful connection to allow your life to run smoothly.
Hold them in your hand while you are doing a specific meditation for developing psychic gifts.
This may help you with developing clairvoyant gifts such as psychic visions and other psychic abilities.
Once you get what you you asked the angels for, be grateful for what you have received.
Use these while doing your daily crystal meditation, and you may find that you easily visit the realms of the angels.
You could use any of the crystals listed here. Especially good choices are those that aid you to develop clairaudience, also known as psychic hearing.
You could also use those that aid you to develop clairvoyant abilities or psychic visions.
Angels are loving beings who are there for every one of you, if you ask for their help.
Begin connecting with angels and you may find your life changes in range of ways.
Be grateful, surrender to the process and allow what you have asked for to be delivered in the right way for you.
Your angels know what you need so keep alert yet relaxed and you will get what you asked for, but don't scare it away by lack of belief in the process.
The crystals in the pictures below have been known to help with contacting angels, including the high vibration angel stones, located below.
If you use angel crystals in meditation many of these stones will assist you to easily travel to the higher realms where you may begin connecting with angels.
Many of the crystals below have in-depth pages written about them.
If they have a link below their photo click on it to go to the specific page that discusses this stone in detail to learn more about it.
Not all of the angel crystals pictured have had a specific article written about them, but perhaps there may be one in the future.
The high vibration crystals resonate within the higher chakras and are powerful to attract the notice of angelic beings waiting to help you.
There are books below by a number of authors including Doreen Virtue and Sonia Choquette.
The books shown below may help you if you are working on communicating with angels or working on making contact with spirit guides.
In her book called 'Ask Your Guides', Sonia Choquette explains how to start communicating with your guides and how to contact angels and the Archangels.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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