Can You Have Too Many Crystals?
by Liz
(Healing Crystals For
Some Of My Crystals! Not A Good Way To Store Them!
Can you have too many crystals? This was a question asked by one of the visitors to my site recently. The other question she asked was: "Will they interfere with each other or enhance each other? Can you be energetically overwhelmed by having too many of them near you?"
She also said "A friend of mine claims that if she is by them for 10-15 min, in a shop that sells them, she starts feeling weak/faint so she can't be near them for very long when there's a lot of them - - psychic gifts are in her family and she thinks she's just sensitive to the power of the stones..."
After thinking about this question, I wondered how many other people were wondering... can you have too many crystals? So I thought I would open this up to your comments and ideas on how you deal with having lots of crystals, if like me, you have a very large collection.
I will tell everyone later on, how I cope with this problem, and yes it can be challenging, especially the high vibration stones, but first I'd like to hear your ideas on how you handle this.
Oh and by the way... the photo above is not how I keep my crystals, it was just my husband playing around, he's my photographer LOL!
Thanks in advance! Love and light Liz