Awe inspiring journey with Preseli Bluestone

by Fern

Hi everyone, I am a 49 year old mother of four who always had a passion for crystals and various forms of healing like aromatherapy and reflexology, being qualified in both before I had the kids but had somehow got a bit lost with the trials of life.

Since 2010 I had what I would call a mental breakdown of some kind after my eldest daughter went to live with her natural father.

The rest of the family grieved as we could not get any contact with her despite her being 15 at the time.

It was unbearable but as a mother you carry on as there are 3 more to care for. At this time she was not being looked after but we didn't know. When I found out it was worse than not knowing, the knowing that she was in need but had been 'brainwashed' into not speaking to us at all as she was led to believe this constituted betrayal.

It was Sept of 2014 when I decided to purchase an angel to stand on her bedside table, I looked online and rang a man up who had a website. He discussed a few and I bought a Preseli as I was moved to tears by reading his online blog about the various gifts within this stone. When my other daughter came home a couple of hours later I told her about it and as I read blog again,more tears, again later when I read to my husband.

When it was delivered a day or so later I only had to pick it up and the tears overwhelmed me again. I want to tell you that this is not at all normal for me, despite having a horrendous few years with that particular daughter, the rest of my life is happy and fulfilling.

This stone gives no warning either, there was no welling of tears just a full on tirade seemingly from nowhere. She loved the angel and has it by her bed, it's doing its job and keeping her safe when her mum is not able to. I then ordered a few tumbled stones and a wand for myself.

Which brings me to where I am now. I started to sit with this stone just quietly with it in my hand. At first there was nothing but tears but after that stage it was less intense and moved to a more loving and reassuring experience.

I was sitting one morning and I had some fleeting glimpses of 'another time and place'. It made no sense to me at the time. The visions continued, sometimes very fleeting and very short. Sometimes visual but sometimes I was told something but without hearing a voice, it's like a feeling was what I was experiencing. I do not doubt what I have been shown now as to me it is real, I felt it with many of my senses.

I recently went to a counsellor for some past life regression, can't really say if this helped as I still have some issues which I feel are past life related but what was mind blowing was that the fleeting glimpses I got of a woman in Victorian England which were very specific indeed, even down to the smell of poverty and squalor. This was in fact me in a former life. And if that's not enough, she was my maternal great grandmother on my fathers side.

I have since got very interested in astrology and have been further 'mind blown' as this was indicated to me whilst sitting with the same preseli. It seems that all 5 generations of my fathers family all were born on unusual and challenging pluto /uranus aspects. Me 1966 on the grand cross, my father on the square in 1933, his mother in 1902 on the opposition and Nellie, the great grand mother(me)in 1878.

All this started with a simple angel purchased as a present and since then I am in pursuit of a new career as an astrologer but also am feeling so much better about the future for both myself and my daughter.

Much love Fern

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