Black Tourmaline Saving My Clarity!

by Amitabha Elliott
(St. Catharines, ON)

Today I picked up a piece of Black Tourmaline at work and started rubbing it like the description said and I instantly was grounded. For years, I've been feeling spacey, unfocused, lightheaded, and tired. Someone came in the store last week and grounded me energetically with Reiki and so I knew I needed to ground because I felt like I could see things again, it was like my head came out of the clouds.

Today, after picking up this stone, I instantly was grounded and then I put it down and after about 20 minutes I picked it up again and noticed a real difference. I work in a retail crystal store and so there is a lot of energy coming through every day. I will never be without a piece of Black Tourmaline again. This has forever changed my life.


Amitabha Elliott

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Black Tourmaline Really Works Doesn't It!
by: Liz's Response

Hi Amitabha

Black Tourmaline really works doesn't it! I was so pleased to hear that you got such good results from using it!

It is a powerful stone for grounding you, as you found out, but it is an excellent stone for everyone who is working with the public too. When you are with lots of different people during the day you might pick up stray negativity, so having Black Tourmaline on you is highly beneficial. Its known as a powerful stone for psychic protection.

See if you can keep it actually on you if you can. Even a small piece of stone slipped in your pocket or your bra, means that it will go on working all day long.

I love that stone and if you can get jewelry made from it, this will make it easier to keep on you. I know that this stone is hard to cut as most stone is so unstable, but there are pieces sold made from wire wrapped rough stone, that are very attractive. The main thing is keep it on your body. It is truly a good stone for spiritual grounding as you discovered very quickly!

I am very happy to hear of this excellent result Amitabha. Blessings Liz

Response on B.T.
by: Janice Suria

I never liked Black Tourmaline, but after reading this one story, I have to get it again, but I got a question for Liz...

I'm reading that the Black Tourmaline with Mica is amazing with Fire Agate, beside negative energy goes back to the sender with a lesson with this combo. I've never seen this in person but does the mica sort of strip off as glitter almost? Because I would be carrying them in a pocket or pouch.

Black Tourmaline with Mica is soft.
by: Janice Suraia

Yew the Black Tourmaline that has Mica on it is a very soft stone, so it will crumble if in a pouch, or pocket, just found out today.

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