
Enhances Creativity & Releases Stress

➤ By Liz Oakes

Amblygonite contains high amounts of natural lithium, so may assist the release of stress and anxiety and may helps to boost your creativity.

It is a stone to help you to release emotional and karmic hooks or ties from past experiences, and from former relationships.

Amblygonite Meaning Properties Powers & UsesAmblygonite

It brings calmness and peace of mind and helps relief from tension and worry, and will aid you if you are creative to enhance your special gifts.

It assists you to break free from the past, and encourages you to allow your inner brilliance to flourish and prosper.

It is an excellent healing stone for a number of health issues including helping those who have broken bonesIts energy also encourages you to allow your inner brilliance to flourish and prosper.

It has beneficial metaphysical properties with an energy that may also help you to release any blockages that have been holding back the flow of your creativity. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will It Help You? Brings Peace

Amblygonite helps to expand your clarity of vision, both within the physical body, and on the mental and spiritual planes, and it aligns the chakra system.

This creates a freer flow of energy within your whole system. 

This stone's action helps to unite the soul star chakra with the solar plexus or power chakra, integrating your emotions, mind and spirit.

Amblygonite Meaning Properties Powers & Uses

By its enhancement of your creativity, Amblygonite helps you to create the life you imagined, and by its action of inspiring your imagination, it will stimulate your creativity.

What a lovely circle of energy this creates in your life! It brings through calmness, and relieves tension and worry and brings peace. 

It is a powerful stone to aid you to release internal conflicts. This may be helpful when you are not sure which way to move ahead with your life.

The spiritual vibration of this yellow crystal enhances your personal sense of self worth and self esteem.

Why Would You Use Amblygonite?

This yellow stone may evoke within you the gift of having an awareness of your personal Divinity.

It helps you to understand that you are here to learn from all the events of your life, and that your soul will continue to exist after you have passed to the other side of the veil.

Amblygonite Meaning Properties Powers & Uses

As you begin to understand that you are here on the earth plane to encounter certain experiences, this may awaken within you the sense that you are an immortal soul.

Using Yellow Amblygonite is known to aid this process.

This lovely yellow stone mainly resonates within the solar plexus chakra, and its energy is conducive to enhancing your creativity.

It inspires creation within the fields of music, dance, poetry and writing, by its vibration of assisting you to be at peace.

Amblygonite Healing Properties & Powers

Amblygonite has a number of beneficial healing properties and powers. 

As it naturally contains lithium, there are a number of ways that it will aid you, including helping to relieve stress, tension, worry and anxiety.

These yellow stones are some of the most powerful crystals to relieve stress.

Their energy embodies powers that will help you to feel calmer and more relaxed and they are highly beneficial to aid depression.

Raw Amblygonite

They are helpful for those who have attention deficit disorder, commonly known as ADD, and may also assist hyperactivity.

They have beneficial healing properties to aid immunity as they are known to boost the immune system and assist infections and fever.

Their vibration is said to help headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach and digestive problems

It may also help the body to mend broken bones and to aid with the healing of bone disorders.

How To Use It: Metaphysical Properties

Ways to use these crystals include using it to go into the silence of meditation.

If you are not sure about how to do meditation, learn an easy way to meditate,  and use this stone to aid you to be more at peace.

Within the meditation process the source of the impediment may be brought to your awareness. This may help you to deal with the problem and release it.

White AmblygoniteWhite Amblygonite

This allows you to develop the inner clarity you need to allow your creativity to blossom.

It is also known to have a number of excellent healing attributes that are related to the solar plexus chakra

Use To Release Karmic Hooks

Amblygonite has powerful metaphysical properties that allows you to release hooks within your solar plexus.

These hooks are cords, attaching you to people that you have had relationships or encounters with in the past. 

People such as parents or ex-partners, who desired to control what you did with your life, may still be attached through this area of your body.

Amblygonite Healing WandAmblygonite Healing Wand

These hooks or psychic ties need to be let go of, to allow you to get on with your life.

You can learn how to use crystals to sever karmic hooks or ties on the specific page about removing these ties or hooks.

Where Is It From? Amblygonite Meaning

The meaning of the name of this stones comes from the Greek words for blunt and angle, because of how the cleavage was thought to be.

Its interesting that this has since been found to be mistaken. 

This crystal is not common and has even been labeled as a rare stone

Amblygonite can still be purchased from many crystal shops. 

Deposits of the stone have been found in France, Sweden, Burma, Myanmar, Germany, Canada, Brazil and the United States. 

Mineral Makeup And Colors

This stone is a mixture of a number of minerals but is high in lithium, often about ten percent.

It also includes other minerals such as sodium, aluminium and phosphate.

While these stones can occur as prismatic crystals with a perfect cleavage, they also occur in the massive form, and may look like both Quartz and Albite, so can be confused with these stones.

White AmblygoniteWhite Amblygonite

Its color is commonly yellow, although it has been found in shades of pink, beige, grey, green and recently white stones are being sold.

Although stones that are labeled white may simply be very pale yellow, there are now many White Amblygonite crystals available.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

My final thoughts: if you are unable to find Amblygonite jewelry, and its not common, simply keep a piece of the stone on your body. 

More and more people are learning to wire wrap stones, as this is one way to make unusual or rare stones easy to wear every day.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, which is an easy way to wear stones without losing them.

It is also an advantage to wear this yellow stone if you need that extra bit of creative energy. 

It will benefit you by charging you with creative energy, and having its vibration within your auric field may boost your creativity

Natural Amblygonite

In summary: remember that you can use this crystal in meditation to aid you to release karmic hooks.

You may free yourself from your past experiences and from the people that you have not let go of.

If you are currently in a relationship that you feel is over, this stone may aid you to part company without encountering any anger or bitterness.

The best use for most stones is to meditate with them, and this yellow crystal is no exception.

Its powerful action to relieve stress is one of its most useful metaphysical properties.

Best Crystals To Use With Amblygonite

What are the best crystals to combine with Amblygonite?

Combine it with Black Obsidian, Tunellite or Botswana Agate to boost its action to cut cords.

Novaculite is another stone to aid you to sever or cut these ties, and this may be especially useful if you feel that there are some less easily perceived cords that are still attached and that you have not removed.

This is a stone that aids you to open up your imagination, and using it may make your dreams come into reality.

If you would like more help to stimulate your imagination, combine it with other stones that assist this.

Some of my favorites to use for this purpose are the lovely lavender Iolite crystals, Spessartine Garnet, Ulexite and Golden Rutilated Quartz.

Many of you who are on the spiritual path, or if you are developing your psychic abilities, may be working with high vibration stones.

A powerful high vibration stone to combine with this crystal for this purpose is Phenacite.

Amblygonite is very helpful to use along with high crystal energy stones, such as Golden Herderite, Natrolite, Trolleite and Moldavite as it helps you to deal with their strong energy.

By combining these higher vibration stones with this lovely yellow crystal, it may provide the calming effect required, so you can continue to use the more intense stones.

This calming effect is powerful to aid stress and depression, so it is powerful for that purpose used alone, or combined with other methods that will help stress.

To aid the process combine this yellow stone with other Lithium based stones such as Lithium Quartz, Yellow Green Hiddenite, Holmquistite or Lilac Lepidolite.

To aid your stress or depression Aquamarine, Vivianite, Eucryptite or Kunzite are some stones that combine well with it.

If you are using any of the high crystal energy stones, their energy can be very potent, and may cause your system to feel overloaded by the energy.

There are even more in this group of high vibration stones than those just mentioned above, including some of my favorites stones, Libyan Desert Glass, Scolecite, Natrolite and Herkimer Diamond.

Another lovely crystal called Montebrasite is in the same family as this stone, and this combination is particularly helpful to let you go of anxiety and fear. 

Eudialyte, Smithsonite and Ocean Orbicular Jasper will also aid your emotions. 

Other stones that may benefit from being combined with this stone include Hiddenite, Spurrite, Baryte and Dalmation Jasper.

Photos Of Amblygonite

Amblygonite Meaning Properties Powers & UsesAmblygonite Meaning Properties Powers & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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