
Enhances Spiritual Clarity

➤ By Liz Oakes

Ametrine crystals have a strong healing energy that releases negativity from within the aura. 

Their energy also aids weight loss as well as helping you to release your addictions.

They are a type of quartz crystal that helps to enhance mental and spiritual clarity. At the same time they help to unite masculine and feminine energies. 


As they are quartz crystals the energy of the various crystal energies in these stones will be amplified by the quartz component.

This is a type of quartz that is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine, both varieties of quartz crystal.

These are useful healing crystals for you to benefit from as they embody the energy of both of the above crystals. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: Ametrine will amplify the energy of the vibration of both types of the mineral types that it is made up of. 

An Harmonious Blend Of Two Quartz Types

Ametrine may help you if you are studying as the Citrine energy within this stone helps you to stay focused.

As well, as they embody the Amethyst vibration within them the higher energies of the crown chakra stimulate inspiration.

The vibration of these lovely stones is highly beneficial as they are a harmonious blend of the energies of both of the quartz varieties that they embody.

Why Would You Use Ametrine?

There are a number of reason why you might choose to use these crystals including:

  • This purple and yellow crystal is an extremely useful tool for those in the healing profession to utilize.
  • Its powers are also very helpful for the average person to use, to work on themselves at home.
  • If you are working on losing weight, the energy of one of these quartz crystals will aid you, as they are crystals that aid weight loss.
  • Like Amethyst crystals they are useful if you have addictions, as they will help you to let go of the compulsions associated with them.
Ametrine TumblestoneAmetrine Tumblestone

It will clear stress and tension from the head, and will bring excess energy down into the physical body for use or release.

Its Citrine energy will enhance your will, and the Amethyst vibration helps you to break self-defeating habits that may be holding you back. 

They have strong powers if you are feeling depressed as their energy is also known to alleviate depression, anxiety and stress. 

Unites Masculine & Feminine Energy

Ametrine is a quartz crystal variety, so like all quartz, is a strong amplifier of energy.

They have within them the vibration of Citrine Crystals, which is the energy of the solar plexus chakra and the 'will'.

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Ametrine Spiritual Meanings, Powers & Uses

When you combine this vibration with the 'knowing' from the crown chakra via the Amethyst Crystals energy, the resulting mixture is a powerful energetic vibration.

Yet the energy of this crystal is altogether different to either of the other stones.

Ametrine crystals provide a connection between the higher energies of the crown, and the energy of the physical, from the solar plexus chakra.

Brings Your Thinking Into The Spiritual Realm

This connection will aid you to bring your thinking from the physical day to day realm, into the spiritual realm.

This will enhance mental and spiritual clarity, as well as uniting masculine and feminine energies.

A connection with Divine guidance is very beneficial for anyone, but particularly so for healers.

This yellow and purple crystal is beneficial for professional healers to use.

It enables the healer to make decisions based on higher guidance, and aligned with Divine Will.

How To Use It: Wearing These Stones

They are a Libra as well as a Pisces birthstone, and it is easy to buy Ametrine jewelry. Gorgeous Ametrine birthstone jewelry is available and is quite beautiful.

It is easy and useful to keep a piece of this crystal within your aura, for as long as possible during each day.

It often has quite striking golden yellow colors within the purple, and these stones are very attractive and have excellent metaphysical properties.

Ametrine Pendant with Amethyst & CitrineAmetrine Pendant with Amethyst & Citrine

These lovely stones are on the list of zodiac birthstones.

Wearing an Ametrine pendant or a lovely ring made from one of these stone, is one way to keep this lovely crystal within your aura.

Wearing Ametrine jewelrmay be helpful to you, and may provide you with ways to let go of stress, as they help to create peace and inner harmony.

It is easy to buy jewelry made from this stone including lovely pendants.

How Will It Help You?

Learn an easy way to meditate, as via its action in meditation, it will aid you to link to the spiritual realms. Use it to do a daily crystal meditation.

Once you have connected to its energy, keep this crystal on you all day, as it will aid you overall in your life.

The Citrine vibration embodied within these crystals has a number of excellent attributes.

It's easy to buy Ametrine crystals, and like Citrine they may stimulate an increase of happiness and may assist with manifestation as they are known as stones of abundance.

Ametrine Spiritual Meanings, Powers & UsesAmetrine

Where Is It From? Ametrine Meaning

The name of this crystal relates to a merging of the words Amethyst and Citrine, as this stone is alike both, and embodies the vibration of both of these quartz crystals.

These lovely bi-colored stones are quartz crystals, so their mineral make-up is silicon dioxide with other minerals included that color the stone.

This crystal is usually transparent, and its color is an interesting mixture of the golden yellow color of Citrine blended with the lovely purple color of Amethyst Crystals.

Raw Ametrine CrystalRaw Ametrine Crystal

Natural Ametrine gemstones exhibit varying attributes of the two stones, in differing color combinations.

Some specimens contain more purple and others have lovely golden patterns through them.

It is fairly easy to find these stones, even though they are not as widespread as either Yellow Citrine or Purple Amethyst Crystals.

Most sources come from South America, from Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia.

Its easy to obtain Ametrine tumblestones as well as lovely raw stones. The top gem quality crystals are polished and made into gemstones for jewelry.

Their Citrine Crystal vibration helps you to boost your creativityIts connection with the crown, the highest chakra in the body may assist psychic artists in their work.

They may aid you to think more clearly, and they are beneficial crystals that help to alleviate stress, tension and anxiety.

Ametrine Spiritual Meanings & Powers

Ametrine crystals have powerful Spiritual meanings and powers and are excellent crystals to use in meditation. 

After you have traveled to the higher realms with its aid, it will assist you to bring the energy back down to earth.

It will assist you to connect with your higher self, and use the strength of your will to carry through what you learned from Divine sources.

Ametrine Gemstone PendantAmetrine Gemstone Pendant with a rainbow in it

Using this crystal to make a spiritual connection is powerful, as once a connection is made it will align the solar plexus with the crown chakra. 

This may help you to enhance both your mental and spiritual clarity, and plan to live life from a perspective of Divine Will. 

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

My Final Thoughts: These quartz crystals have many excellent qualities, that they will bring through into your life.

This may help you to take action at the physical level using solar plexus energy and the will, and based on Divine guidance, their vibration may aid you to make powerful changes in your life.

Natural AmetrineNatural Ametrine

In summary: The main thing is to keep it close to you, so even a tumbled stone or rough stone will be helpful.

If you prefer, it is easy to slip one of these stones under your pillow, or a small one in your pocket.

Some ladies keep a few stones in their bras, especially if they are working on any of the chakras from the solar plexus up.

These stones are a beautiful and useful tool to use in your life.

Best Crystals To Use With Ametrine

What are the best crystals to combine with Ametrine?

Ametrine stones combine well with other quartz crystals, and blend particularly well with the beautiful yellow Citrine Crystals and Amethyst as this may accentuate these energies within the stones.

Combining it with Rose quartz brings the heart into play, and your actions become more heart based.

This blend is powerful, as having your brain connecting to your heart, is very desirable.

It blends well with the lovely Pink Rose Quartz, as it brings through the strong energy of love, from the heart chakra.

This combination is important, as this quartz variety holds the energy of the solar plexus chakra, the seat of the will. It also combines well with other stones that are closely related to it.

This includes a number of varieties of quartz, including Purple Amethyst Crystals or Chevron Amethyst, Amegreen or Fire Quartz.

Also use it with the high vibration crystal energy stones, including Blue Kyanite, Phenacite, Moldavite and Stellar Beam Calcite. 

Moldavite is powerful in combination with it, as it will magnify the energy of this stone.

It combines well with some of the other solar plexus chakra stones.

This does depend on how much of the golden solar colors that your actual Ametrine gemstone has within it.

The energies of golden stones like the beautiful yellow Citrine Crystals, Heliodor, Golden Apatite, Chrysoberyl and Golden Rutilated Quartz combine well with it.

Golden ChrysoberylGolden Chrysoberyl

More Pictures Of Ametrine Crystals

Ametrine PendulumAmetrine Pendulum
Ametrine Spiritual Meanings, Powers & UsesAmetrine Spiritual Meanings, Powers & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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