Amphibole Quartz aka Angel Phantom Quartz

Aids Contact With Angels

➤ By Liz Oakes

Amphibole Quartz come in a variety of colors and help you to find a deep sense of inner peace and tranquility and may be used to contact angelic beings.

The vibration of these quartz crystals vary slightly from each other, depending on their color and they come in a range of different colors.

All colors embody potent energies to contact the angelic realms.

Golden Amphibole QuartzGolden Amphibole Quartz

Regardless of the color there is a lovely flow of peaceful energy that is emitted by these stones. 

This crystal is also known as Angel Phantom Quartz and will aid you to connect with your higher self and obtain guidance from the Divine.

You may also obtain guidance during your sleep, as these crystals aid lucid dreaming.

These beautiful stones have a lovely vibration that will help you to reach the higher realms in meditation. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Stronger Sense Of Inner Peace And Tranquility

Angel Phantom Quartz crystals have a lovely vibration that will assist you to make contact with the higher realms during meditation.

When you are using these lovely stones, you may make contact with angelic beings and find a stronger sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Depending on the actual inclusions in the stone, many of these lovely crystals are also excellent to guard you against psychic attack.

Amphibole QuartzWhite Amphibole Quartz

This is especially so, if they contain yellow Limonite inclusions but any of the colors and various quartz configurations of this stone will work well for this purpose.

This lovely stone helps to bring about greater cooperation between people who work together, and this may create an energy of peace and harmony that makes where you work a nicer place to be.

How Will Amphibole Quartz Help You?

There is something about the energy of Angel Phantom Quartz Crystals that attracts angelic beings.

Use them during meditation as they have an amazing energy to help you to connect with angels.

Using Amphibole Quartz aids you to make a strong connection to angels and other beings in the higher realms.

Once you open yourself up to receiving the help and guidance of all of the angelic beings, including your own guardian angels, you will find that your life is more in the flow.

Amphibole QuartzAmphibole Quartz

Their energy may also help you to connect with your higher self and you may become more aware of your own divinity.

If placed at the third eye chakra during meditation, these lovely quartz stones are remarkably powerful.

These crystals have a smooth, peaceful energy that helps you to let go of negativity and aids you to sustain a more positive outlook.

This also encourages pleasant feelings and a stronger sense of happiness in your daily life.

Why Would You Use Amphibole Quartz?

So why does using these gorgeous stones help your psychic hearing to develop?

This action relates to the fact that Angel Phantom Quartz stimulates the throat and third eye chakra areas. 

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Amphibole Quartz 3-500Golden Amphibole Quartz

Developing clairaudience is possible and using these beautiful quartz crystals may boost the process of its opening.

If you are already clairaudient before you use them, you will enjoy the extra boost they give to your psychic hearing.

As they will stimulate this gift very easily, this may aid you to more easily receive messages from beings in spirit.

This may also include your ability to hear your spirit guides.

Another excellent and rather interesting use for these lovely stones is to help to stimulate lucid dreaming.

Having lucid dreams relates to being able to be conscious within the dream state. 

This may allow your guides to give you messages more easily by showing you situations as part of a dream to aid your learning.

Amphibole Quartz

To make lucid dreaming work, simply place one under your pillow, and be ready to experience dreams that you may participate in and remember more easily. 

For children who have nightmares or bad dreams, it is an excellent stone to place under the pillow to ensure they are wholly protected by the presence of their guardian angel.

Where Is Amphibole Quartz From? Color Variations

Also called Angel Phantom Quartz, these beautiful crystals are types of quartz crystal that are found only in Brazil.

They are known as Amphibole Quartz, as this is the name of a group of minerals which may be included within these stones.

Their color is usually clear or white quartz with inclusions of white, yellow, peach, brown, gold, orange, pink or red, and many have quite clear areas within them.

The color of Angel Phantom Quartz crystals may vary depending on the specific minerals that they have included within them.

Most have clear areas, and these aid you to find clarity in your communication with the higher realms.

The phantoms that you can see are caused by inclusions of many different types of minerals, and these minerals also add to the vibration of individual stones.

The white inclusions do vary quite a bit, with some having larger and more distinct phantoms within them, and others having smaller yet easily seen white patches within them. 

The white areas within them are commonly inclusions of White Kaolinite and this may help to boost your clairaudient abilities.

White Amphibole Quartz

These crystals are a type of phantom quartz, that have an obvious section where you can see phantoms within them.

Many of these stones that have white inclusions and they may have phantoms that resemble the wings of angels. This is why they are also known as Angel Wing Phantom Quartz.

Yellow Brown, Orange or Gold Inclusions

The minerals in the Amphibole group may also occur as minerals or stones in their own right.

This includes Actinolite, Riebeckite, Limonite, Tremolite, Hematite, Caolinite, Winchite, Hornblende and Richterite.

Golden Amphibole QuartzGolden Angel Phantom Quartz

The stones which have Limonite inclusions, may occur in shades of yellow, brown orange or gold.

The lovely golden orange crystals have a beautiful sweet energy that resonates strongly within the higher chakras.

This energy at the higher chakras, makes it an excellent stone for meditation as it assists you to connect with the Divine and with your higher self.

These bring a vibration that may aid your physical energy, vitality, well-being and bring psychic protection.

Some of these stones contain inclusions of Hematite and these may be bright red crystals but vary in color from a deep red, through to pink, orangey pink and orange.

Red Amphibole QuartzDark Pinky-Red Amphibole Quartz

Amphibole Quartz Crystals that have Hematite inclusions within the quartz are also helpful to ground you.

They bring to those crystals an energy to aid clarity, peacefulness and a sense of deep calm. 

Using this lovely quartz variety may also stimulate your clairaudient gifts, also known as psychic hearing.

This is particularly true of those stones that contain inclusions of White Kaolinite, see pictures.

These stones may contain lithium, and they are types of Lithium Quartz

Angel Phantom Quartz that are also Lithium Quartz crystals have many exceptional qualities.

They may be identified by the phantoms within the clearer crystals and may occur in various shades of lavender, lilac or pinkish grey.

The inclusion of lithium means they are good mood stabilizers, that may assist you to let go of tension and stress and may help hypertension.

How To Use Angel Phantom Quartz

The most beneficial way to use this crystal is in meditation.

Doing a meditation with crystals using one of these stones is quite powerful, as they are potent stones to aid you to make contact with beings in spirit.

This includes your spirit guides, guardian angels, healing angels and other beings in the Divine realms.

White Amphibole QuartzWhite Amphibole Quartz

Angel Phantom Quartz is wonderful to use in meditation to aid you to make contact with your guardian angel and other beings in the angelic realms.

This crystal resonates strongly within the third eye, crown chakra, soul star chakra and the higher transpersonal chakras.

You can easily feel the energy stimulating the third eye chakra and the pineal gland.

This energy commonly streams upwards, and will fully open and awaken the crown chakra, if required, before it takes you higher and higher.

This allows you to make contact with higher beings as you ascend quite easily upwards into the higher transpersonal chakras.

There you may begin to receive the guidance you need from beings in the higher realms.

 My Final Thoughts

There is a very powerful reason for wearing one of these crystals, as having a piece of it on your body helps you to attract angelic beings.

Angel Phantom Quartz is a good stone to wear in the workplace to improve relationships between those who work together.

Amphibole QuartzAmphibole Quartz

In summary: this crystal will aid you to connect with your higher self and obtain guidance from the Divine and may stimulate your clairaudient abilities.

You may also obtain guidance during your sleep, as these crystals aid lucid dreaming. 

These quartz crystals have inclusions within them in a variety of colors, which relates to minerals included within them.

Regardless of the color there is a powerful flow of peaceful energy that is emitted by all of these stones, as they embody a quite potent vibration that aids your connection to the angelic realms.

Best Crystals To Use With Amphibole Quartz 

What are the best crystals to combine with Amphibole Quartz? Seraphinite is the green stone below, and is one of the stones that aid an angelic connection.

These stones are powerful used with Amphibole crystals to aid your connection to the highest order of angels.

There are a large number of excellent stones that will combine well with this stone.

Many of the other lovely stones that aid you to connect with angels will better when used with Angel Phantom Quartz. Some of the following stones are quite high resonance crystals

Many of these are helpful to use in meditation, as they are very effective for strengthening contact with the higher spiritual realms. 

To assist your clairaudient abilities use it with Que Sera Crystals. There are a number of stones which are good choices to use to aid your connection to angels.

Crystals that you may also use it with includes Aragonite Star Clusters, Celestite or Ajoite in quartz.

The high vibration stones such as Herkimer Diamonds, Scolecite, Cryolite and Phenacite will help you in meditation to go up to the higher realms more easily.

To help to stimulate lucid dreaming, combine it with Golden Yellow Danburite, Ruby, Dream Quartz or Blue Sapphire.

Books About Your Guides & Angels

If you are working on communicating with angels or working on connecting with spirit guides, there are a number of books by various authors including Doreen Virtue and Sonia Choquette, that may help you to learn more.

Doreen Virtue is well known and has been writing about angels for many years.

In her book called 'Ask Your Guides', Sonia Choquette explains how to start communicating with your guides and how to contact angels and the Archangels.

Amphibole QuartzWhite Amphibole Quartz
Amphibole Quartz Meaning Properties & UseAmphibole Quartz Meaning Properties & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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