Ruby Zoisite or Anyolite

Enhances Brain Heart Connection

➤ By Liz Oakes

Ruby Zoisite is also known as Anyolite. It is a natural mix of red Ruby, green Zoisite and black Tschermakite, a type of Hornblende.

It has a vibrant energy that enhances the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart.

Ruby In ZoisiteRuby In Zoisite or Anyolite

Both the vibration of Zoisite and Ruby energy are strongly heart based and will stimulate positive feelings.

It aids you to feel empathy for others and to be observant of your need to take care of your physical body.

At the same time it stimulates positive energy and feelings of happiness and appreciation for all that you have in your life.

Anyolite crystals are a beautiful combination of color and of energy, and their metaphysical properties are helpful to aid physical healing. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Ruby Zoisite? A Truly Spiritual Stone

They are strong crystals to stimulate positive energy and they embody natural characteristics that boost life force energy.

This stone has a strong spiritual nature, that may alter your consciousness, and give you access to your soul memory, to help you with spiritual learning.

There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use Ruby in Zoisite.

AnyoliteNatural Anyolite

They have a strong third eye chakra energy, that combines with the vibration of the heart chakra.

This combination works to enhance the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart.

This connection supplies an energy that creates an altered state of consciousness. This helps you to understand yourself and the world around you.

This is a truly spiritual stone, and a powerful aid for anyone whose spirituality is ready to reawaken.

The vibration of this lovely stone is powerful when used at either the heart chakra or at the thymus or higher heart chakra.

Centered there it encourages the mind to hear the desires of the heart. 

When it resonates in that area of your energy field it may help you to understand your deepest desires enough to accomplish what is needed.

Anyolite also called Ruby ZoisiteAnyolite is also called Ruby Zoisite

Ruby in Zoisite crystals are a mixture of red Ruby stone and green Zoisite along with black Tschermakite.

Tschermakite is a type of Hornblende and depending how much a piece contains, this has a number of excellent ways to help you.

Nature has created a truly wonderful combination of energies in this combined stone.

Shop for Ruby In Zoisite here. It aids the release of negative energy, by releasing negative feelings. 

What A Lovely Combination Of Vibrations!

It is easy to buy pieces of Ruby Zoisite stone. If you wish wear it regularly, it is an excellent idea to slip a piece into your pocket.

This is an effortless way to use it and simply keeping a piece of stone anywhere on your body each day can be very beneficial.

Buy Ruby Zoisite at Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller.

Ruby Zoisite 2-500

Ruby Zoisite is a lovely stone to experience, and one that is helpful to use on a daily basis as it helps you to embrace the exhilaration that this stone stimulates within you.

The presence of Ruby means they have a strong life-force energy that makes it an excellent stone to use for healing the body.

Having it on your body is a way that you may enjoy better health, improved general well-being and an increase in your happiness.

It stimulates the base or root chakra and brings through the feeling of the desire to live life with enthusiastic fervor. 

It may aid you with learning to be psychic, and it may be used for communicating with spirit guides.

Natural Ruby Zoisite 1-500

 How Will Ruby Zoisite Help You? Healing Properties

Ruby Zoisite has a number of very helpful healing properties including helping to increase fertility, and aiding better blood circulation.

They are known as healing crystals that will particularly help cancer sufferers as they may release negative energies.


These stones are said to aid you if you have had chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

They may help you to learn the lessons that the Divine mind had for you, by giving you this disease to experience.

These crystals will aid you if you suffer from depression as they bring through lovely positive feelings.

As their energy flows from the heart chakra down to the base or root chakra, it is an aid to heal many physical complaints.

Ruby Zoisite 3-500Ruby Zoisite

Ruby in Zoisite assists those with adrenal fatigue or fainting spells, panic attacks and immune problems including chronic fatigue syndrome.

It will aid problems within the physical heart, stimulate an inactive thyroid, and bring general healing within the body.

How To Use It? Wearing Ruby Zoisite

The best way to use one of these magnificent stones is to keep them on your body.

Gemstone jewelry made from these stones is fairly easy to obtain.

You may find that lovely pendants and other types of jewelry made from a single stone are available in many places.

Ruby Zoisite PendantRuby Zoisite Pendant with Black Tschermakite

The way the red and green contrast in the stone particularly help to create lovely necklaces, and the beads are also very attractive.

They are a birthstone for Aries, and and you often end up with very lovely pieces of jewelry.

Larger pieces of natural Ruby Zoisite stone will accentuate the contrast of the two colors beautifully.

Enhances Psychic Gifts: See Aura Of Other People

The energy of Anyolite may help you to also see the auras of other people.

If they are also wearing or holding the stone, it may magnify the colors within their aura so you may more readily see them.

The natural variation between the different colors of these minerals makes these stones very attractive.

The green Zoisite within the stone contrasts beautifully with the red of the ruby.

anyolite 1-500

If you cannot obtain jewelry pieces made from Ruby Zoisite, simply buy one of these stones and keep it in your pocket or wear it in a macrame crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this makes it easy to wear on your body.

Ruby Zoisite has a good action to enhance psychic gifts. This stone has a strong reaction within the third eye chakra, and its energy is powerful for rousing psychic abilities.

Due to the vibration of the Ruby inclusions within it, this stone embodies the powerful energy of the Ruby mineral.

Rubies are highly protective and its action to confer psychic protection is another good reason to wear it.

Ruby Zoisite 7-500Ruby Zoisite

The vibration of the lovely red Ruby stone in this blended stone enhances creativity and encourages passion for life. 

Anyolite is a lovely serendipitous combination within the one stone that will also stimulate your ability to develop your intuition. 

Where Is It From? Ruby Zoisite or Anyolite Meaning

You may also see this stone selling as Ruby Zoisite, Anyolite or Ruby in Zoisite.

The difference in the two colors within the one stone is quite marked and very beautiful.

The meaning of the name Anyolite comes from a Masai word 'anyoli' meaning green.

From this they developed Anyolite as a trade name for this stone, but it is also called Ruby Zoisite or Ruby in Zoisite in some places.

Their name is simple as it is used to describe the naturally occurring combination of the deep red Ruby mineral when it occurs in Green Zoisite crystals.

The largest deposits of the lovely Ruby in Zoisite is in Tanzania in the Longido mining district located at foot of the Kilimanjaro Mountains.

It is also said to be found in India, as well as in Zambia Africa.

Often these stones also include black patches of Tschermakite, which is a type of black Hornblende.

This can be seen as black spots or streaks or it may be mixed through the other colors.

There is a lot of beautiful jewelry made with Ruby Zoisite stones and these lovely green and red stones can be found on the zodiac birthstones list.


This is a natural combination of green zoisite with ruby, which is well known as the red variety of corundum.

It is also said to contain green pargasite and this may depend on the location where it is found.

The green mineral within the stone is primarily a clear medium green, and it combines well with the deep magenta-red of the ruby in the stone.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

Wearing Ruby Zoisite jewelry helps you to keep the stone on your body on a regular basis. 

This will amplify your body's energy field and may boost how your aura can be visually seen.

Ruby Zoisite BraceletRuby Zoisite Bracelet

By its activation of the crown chakra, it aids access to your soul memory, to help to boost your psychic powers, spiritual learning and spiritual development.

The unique harmony of the Ruby Zoisite stone, imparts a lovely sense of bliss.

This blissful feeling comes with a knowledge that you should embrace its accompanying feeling of exuberance for life.

Ruby Zoisite

In summary: the energy works well within the chest area, where it flows both above and below it, into the entire body, and it has a strong resonance at the heart chakra.

This energy will help to heal you when you are experiencing grief as it will aid the release of negative emotions.

Best Crystals To Use With Ruby Zoisite

What are the best crystals to combine with Ruby Zoisite?

Both Tanzanite and Clear Apophyllite are high vibration stones that will combine well with the energy of the lovely Ruby in Zoisite. 

All colors of Sapphire are also beneficial combined with this stone, including both Yellow Sapphire and Purple Sapphire.

Purple SapphirePurple Sapphire
Yellow SapphireYellow Sapphire

If you are working on areas of your life that may benefit from a boost in your creativity, you may choose to combine Ruby Zoisite with other stones that help to enhance your creativity, including Tangerine Quartz, Pecos Diamond, Sunstone and Sardonyx.

Use Tinaksite with it as the combination is excellent at the third eye chakra.

For activation of the higher heart chakra and the heart chakra, both Dioptase and Pink Tugtupite are excellent stones to combine with it.

Used with the lovely Red Ruby Stone, it will accentuate the action within both the heart chakra and the base chakra, bringing through vibrancy and energy.

It may also aid your manifestation abilities as Ruby has a strong energy to bring those things you desire into your life.

Ruby In Zoisite wide 1
Ruby in Zoisite Meaning Properties And PowersRuby in Zoisite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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