Aqua Aura Quartz

Quartz Bonded With Gold: Amazing Vibration

➤ By Liz Oakes

Aqua Aura Quartz Crystals are a bright blue color and have a very high and quite intense energy. 

Yet the color of these lovely stones is not natural but is the result of a specific treatment process. Clear Quartz Crystals are first heated then fine vaporized gold is bonded to the stone's surface. 

Aqua Aura QuartzAqua Aura Quartz

Their vibration activates all of the chakras and these crystals resonate strongly with an energy that is powerful to aid communication and psychic gifts.

Although this is created by a completely unnatural process that permanently changes these crystals, it actually has a positive effect on the stone.

These quartz crystals have very powerful metaphysical properties, and this is partly due to the fact that they are quartz crystals. But it also relates to the layer of fine gold that covers the stone. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Who Should Use Aqua Aura Quartz?

They have an excellent healing energy in the body, to cleanse and heal your auric field.

Once the Aqua Aura Quartz crystals have calmed your emotional body and healed any holes in the auric field, they will then activate your chakras. 

They are strong healing stones and are powerful used in healing to intensify the vibration of other stones that you may wish to use them with.

These stones are said to attract wealth and success, and are strong stones to aid your spiritual growth.

Because they were created from Clear Quartz crystals, they can be found in a number of different quartz configurations.

You may discover some interesting quartz formations in these beautiful blue stones, just as you do in clear quartz crystals.

How Will It Help You? 

Aqua Aura Quartz are strong stones to use for protection from psychic attack.

They will prevent any negative effects from any type of energy you may connect with.

They are a very beautiful stone and would be powerful to wear, although maybe only for short periods at first as they have such an intense energy.

Aqua Aura QuartzAqua Aura Quartz

Their high vibration relates to the alchemical method used to bond the gold onto the quartz. They are very useful to use for meditation for a number of reasons.

As mentioned above they will heal any problem areas in your auric field and cleanse it of any negativity.

They have a strong action to create calm, and using this healing energy is one of the powerful methods to relieve stress.

Why Would You Use Aqua Aura Quartz?

This energy resonates within all of the higher chakras to aid you to connect with spirit and understand their communication with you more clearly.

By stimulating the third eye area and the throat chakra, these stones may aid you to develop psychic communication gifts.

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Aqua Aura QuartzAqua Aura Quartz

The third eye is closely related to the development of a range of psychic gifts, and their energy in this area may also stimulate the gift of psychic hearing, also known as clairaudience.

These unusual bright blue quartz crystals are also strong stones to aid you to develop channeling and automatic writing ability 

How To Use It

This crystal's energy is particularly strong within the higher chakras, and this vibration has a powerful action to aid your communication abilities. 

They are excellent stones to aid you to speak more easily and more truthfully with those with whom you may have relationships. 

Aqua Aura PointAqua Aura

The lovely blue color of Aqua Aura Quartz is a clue to their strong capacity to aid your emotions and help you to feel calmer and more at peace emotionally.

It is also quite potent within the thymus or higher heart and heart chakra, aiding heartfelt communication with others.

They are known to aid you to let go of perceived limitations you may feel, and be able to speak the truth without fear.

The vibration of these bright blue crystals is particularly active at the throat chakra.

Powerful Metaphysical Properties 

My Final Thoughts: they have an amazing high vibration, that aids communication, clairaudience, automatic writing and boost emotional healing and spiritual growth.

Use them to do a psychic meditation, as they may also aid you to be able to develop psychic abilities, as they have a strong energy in the higher chakras.

Aqua Aura Quartz Meanings Properties & Uses

Even small points are very helpful to aid your spiritual growth. These crystals resonate strongly with a vibration that is powerful to aid communication and psychic gifts.

This gold coating has a very positive effect on the stone. Aqua Aura Quartz Crystals are an amazingly beautiful bright blue color, with quite powerful metaphysical properties.

They are created by an unnatural process where these quartz crystals have a fine layer of gold permanently bonded to them.

Yet these are amazing high vibration crystals that are powerful to use to aid your spiritual understanding and growth.

Best Crystals To Use With Aqua Aura Quartz

What are the best crystals to combine with Aqua Aura?

They combine well with high vibration stones, and blend particularly well with specific high crystal energy stones such as Tanzanite, Moldavite, Datolite and Danburite, including Angel Aura Danburite, shown below.

Any of the varieties of quartz crystal can be used with it, but they work particularly well with Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Ametrine or Amegreen.

Blue third eye chakra stones are also excellent to use with this crystal, as they resonate within both the third eye and throat chakra. 

Stones that combine well with it includes Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Iolite Crystals. To aid your clairaudient abilities, use it with Herkimer Diamonds or Blue Celestite.

Any of the other blue throat chakra stones, and specifically Blue Calcite, Chrysocolla, Amazonite or Aquamarine will benefit by being used with this stone.

Many third eye chakra stones also combine well with Aqua Aura, including Seraphinite, Howlite, Charoite and Covellite.

There are a large number of other types of Aura Quartz types and they are called different names which relate to their color.

The various colors are different as different minerals are bonded to the clear quartz. Angel Aura is a popular type as it assists contact with angels.

Other varieties include Tanzan Aura, Sunshine Aura, Ruby Aura, Tangerine Aura, Champagne Aura and Emerald Aura which just have the one color, but the beautiful Titanium Aura has a beautiful mix of colors.

Angel AuraAngel Aura
Tanzan AuraTanzan Aura
Tangerine AuraTangerine Aura
Sunshine AuraSunshine Aura
Titanium AuraTitanium Aura
Ruby AuraRuby Aura
Emerald Aura QuartzEmerald Aura Quartz
Champagne AuraChampagne Aura

Photos of Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura Cluster
Aqua Aura Quartz Meanings Properties & PowersAqua Aura Quartz Meanings Properties & Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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