➤ By Liz Oakes
Baryte is a powerful stone to aid you with out of the body travel commonly called astral travel or journeying.
It also stimulates the third eye chakra and enhances your memory and will strengthen inner vision and is a strong stone to enhance dream recall.
It will aid you to learn what the imagery within your dreams mean, and how knowing this can assist you to live your life.
As your intuitive visionary abilities are elevated by contact with this crystal, you may begin to see structures emerging within your life.
This stone will enhance relationships of all kinds, and may assist when you are finding it difficult to be your own person.
Although it sets you free from those who wish to run your life, it inspires loyalty to others when this is in your best interests.
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This is an enormously powerful stone, as it can cause both the the crown chakra and the third eye chakra to be activated.
But there are other reasons why you might choose to use it including:
healers these stones are an important aid, as by making these
connections, you are better able to bring through healing power, as you
channel high vibration energy.
By using this yellow crystal, you may establish a stronger connection to your Higher Self.
This stone has the potential to aid you to make amazing changes in your life, in alignment with the higher self and Divine Will.
Learn easy meditation techniques, and combine your dream work with meditation with this stone. If you are able to get more than one stone, hold one in each hand during meditation.
As you use this crystal in regular meditation, you will access the guidance of both your Higher Self and the spirit world.
Barite crystals will help to kindle your visionary abilities within the third eye chakra. This stimulation may aid you to develop additional gifts including clairvoyant abilites and psychic visions.
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You may find that you access new gifts and you may discover that you are able to make contact with your spirit guide. This may aid you in finding the right direction to take your life.
If you are also keeping a dream journal, you may see where your life needs to go. Being aware of your dream state may bring important information from the spirit world into your conscious awareness.
This is a useful stone for inter-dimensional journeys, as it will give you the advantage of being able to be guided back safely.
It will allow you to release negative thinking and bring inner peace to more easily experience the joy and excitement of these journeys.
The Baryte roses are strong aids for earth healing. They were known to have been used in the past by some tribes of American Indians.
These tribes believed that when their warriors passed over into the spirit world, they came back at night, and carved the Barite roses.
To prevent others from knowing where they were located, they scattered their work in various places.
As you experience the range of varied incidents on such journeys, you will learn more about your reason for being here at this time.
You may meet with a diverse and amazing range of spirit beings, including making contact with angels.
The vibration of this stone makes a strong connection within the crown chakra, which is an important aid for spiritual growth and may also help your memory.
It is easy to buy Barite, and it is beneficial to help the brain to work more effectively. It may also help you remember your dreams more clearly.
These stones do not have a large number of healing properties, but they are known for their action to assist the removal of toxins from the physical body.
They are also said to aid emotional healing, help the nervous system including helping a nervous stomach, stimulate your vision and may be helpful crystals to aid addiction.
Allow the vibration of all colors of this stone to stimulate increased coincidences or synchronicity.
Watch how this occurs in your life, and allow yourself to joyfully follow where they lead you.
Even though you may not have previously been aware of this happening, take notice of the synchronistic events that have developed in your life, as they unfold, as you may learn from them.
The flow of coincidence and synchronicity in your life will aid you to find your predestined path in this lifetime.
As you clear the negative karma holding you back, you have the potential to live the life you were meant to live.
Keep a piece of this stone on you during the day, as well as at night and you will notice that its effectiveness at aiding you will be more powerful.
It is not as easy to make into jewelry as other stones, especially the Barite roses, but pieces of tumbled stone are more robust and might be easier to use on your body.
I suggest that if you wish to keep it on your body, that keeping a piece in your pocket or use a macrame crystal holder.
It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder and this is the best and easiest way to use it.
Through the activation of your third eye and crown chakras, they may aid you to develop psychic visions and to make contact with your spirit guide.
Baryte aids you to move your life in the direction of your spiritual destiny.
As you see the structures within your life emerging from your inner work, you may indeed use this to move your life in the direction of your dreams.
It's name comes from the Greek word 'baros' meaning 'heavy', as this stones have a high specific gravity compared to other nonmetallic mineral.
Baryte crystals may also be called Barite and sometimes is called Bologna stone. The name Baryte was originally given to them by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten in 1800.
But since then as more deposits were discovered in other places, the american spelling barite began to be used in various places especially in the United States.
Other names used to describe this mineral include heavy spar, tiff and barytite.
The most plentiful deposits of stones in the Baryte group have been found in sedimentary rocks and hydrothermal veins.
They are found in places in the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Germany, South Africa, Australia and various locations in the United States including North Carolina, New York, South Dakota and New Mexico.
The mineral makeup of these stones is barium hydroxide, which is a barium sulfate mineral and is the main source of barium for industrial uses.
The color of Baryte may be white, colorless, orange, yellow, greenish yellow, blue, green, reddish browns, golden brown and the brownish Barite Rose rock.
These stones come in various forms, including earthy masses, rosettes and large tabular crystals.
Many of the specimens of Baryte are quite transparent, while the stones of the Barite Rose may also be a darker rose brown and opaque.
The softness of these stones makes them difficult for craftsmen to fashion into jewelry pieces.
Blue Baryte is commonly spelled Barite. There is also an in-depth page about the blue variety and you can learn about the properties of Blue Barite here.
The blue color of the stone in particular is an excellent stone to help your communication abilities.
The Blue Barite crystals specifically help to boost psychic communication ability, as well as to enhance your intuition.
If you keep a journal of your dreams, you may find that using this crystal will allow you to see the patterns of your life.
If you want to be able to recall your dreams, place one of the natural crystals under the pillow, or even on your body.
For spiritual purposes, it may help you keep a record of what happens in your dreams, by daily writing in a journal, if you have been using this crystal.
Once you begin to note the dreams you have in your dream journal, you may appreciate the way coincidence and synchronicity flows within your life.
Baryte crystals are a wonderful aid to soften the powerful energy of stones whose energies are very intense.
This particularly applies to many of the high vibration crystals with potent energy, such as Moldavite, Phenacite or Natrolite, see photos below.
Combined with Danburite, it will make your journeys to the angelic realms more beautiful.
It is good to combine this crystal with many of the high vibration stones, and using them with Danburite and Petalite is known to be especially helpful.
If you want to use if for astral travel or inner journeying, these high vibration stones will aid the effectiveness of this crystal.
To heighten the inter-dimensional energy of Baryte, combine it with Phenacite or Scolecite with this stone.
Septarian stones are a mixture of different minerals, and often one of these is Barite, so they are a good stone to combine with this stone.
By combining with Fluorite, Brochantite, Plancheite or Hackmanite it will heighten clear thinking and aid you to develop your intuition.
Pair it with Petalite, Scolecite, Lepidolite or Amblygonite to intensify its action to create calmness, contentedness and inner harmony within you.
These crystals have a good action to boost your memory, but pairing them with other memory crystals can also be advantageous if you have a particular need to boost your memory.
To improve your memory use it with Rosasite, Azurite, Green Calcite or Diaspore and to aid your memory as well as to help you to remember your dreams, use it with Axinite.
To particularly aid you with shamanic journeying, combine them with Shaman Stones, Iolite Crystals, Pietersite, Shamanite Black Calcite, Fulgurite or Covellite.
In-Depth Pages About Stones in The B Alphabetic Group
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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