➤ By Liz Oakes
Bauxite stone can be used in meditation, and this may be helpful to help you to obtain answers to situations that may be concerning you.
It is known to help to create an increase of feelings of happiness and to boost heightened well being.
It may also help you to release negative feelings that are causing you to feel angry or resentful about the circumstances of your life.
A strong stone for meditation that brings answers about your path forward.
They may assist you to release emotional issues that are stopping you from achieving what you desire.
It does not work immediately but if it is kept in your vicinity, its energy works to stimulate you over time and may also allow you to be aware of the intentions of others.
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Helps You To Obtain Answers: Keep a piece of this mineral close by when doing your daily meditation.
It may assist you to make a connection with your higher self and receive answers about the direction you should go in.
This mineral is not a quick fix, but works slowly to assist you, and has positive metaphysical attributes for improving your emotions.
It may stimulate feelings of happiness, and at the same time may help you to let go of angry feelings about the direction of your life to this point.
It is also said to allow you to have an awareness of what ideas others have, and what their goals or end plans might be.
This stone is not a crystal as such, but this mineral does have a number of quite interesting attributes. This is the mineral that aluminum is made from.
It is mined in a number of countries in the world and its color may be brown, reddish-brown, yellow, gray or white.
It forms as concretions and earthy masses in sedimentary rocks.
If you are trying to work out what to do about an important life situation, there are a number of other stones that will assist you to higher guidance.
Stones that may assist you to receive answers from the Divine source includes Tantalite, Hypersthene, Black Obsidian and Que Sera Crystals.
Bauxite stones have a lovely energy to stimulate happiness and joy. To boost the positive vibration of these stones you could put together a number of stones for the same purpose, maybe in a grid?
Some of the crystals for happiness that have an energy that stimulate joy and happiness includes Bustamite, Green Apatite, Peridot and Green Tourmaline.
These stones are beneficial to assist you when you are feeling angry, in a temper or just mildly annoyed.
To help you to release feelings of anger, use them along with other stones that will aid you to let go of your negative emotions.
Other stones to use that also may assist with the release of anger includes Ethiopian Opal, Black Obsidian, Aragonite Star Clusters, Stellerite or Aquamarine.
In-Depth Pages About Stones in The B Alphabetic Group
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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