Black Diopside

Grounds You, Connects To Earths Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Black Diopside has a strong vibration that may help to balance your auraIt helps your etheric body or energy body to absorb a greater level of light energy.

It has good crystal properties that may assist anyone who does dowsing, as it makes a good attachment to the earth. 

It's connection to the earth makes it an excellent spiritual grounding stone.

Black DiopsideBlack Diopside

This stones energy vibrates strongly within both the base chakra and the earth star chakra. 

The union that it helps you to make with Mother Gaia aids you to connect with the elemental beings. 

This may change how you feel and act towards the earth, once you appreciate the sacredness of life on our planet. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Black Diopside?

Black Diopside makes a strong connection down via the base or root chakra to the earth star chakra.  

That means that it is an excellent stone for you to use if you do dowsing.

It may make you feel more passionate about doing all you are able to do, to treat the earth differently. 

This connection may teach you the sacredness of the planet on which you live. 

Black DiopsideBlack Diopside

They are strong base chakra and earth star chakra stones, with an excellent ability to aid you with spiritual grounding.

It is possible to buy Black Diopside, and the black colored crystal are helpful stones to own. 

You may find that you make a different type of connection to both the animal and plant kingdom as you recognize the sacredness of all life.

As you make a connection with the energy of the earth, you may find that your values and ideals regarding earth changes.

As you make an earth connection, you have the potential to balance your aura.

black diopside grounding 1-500

This helps to bring through the full spectrum of light energy into your etheric body, as they are excellent spiritual grounding stones.

Black Star Diopside

Black Star Diopside has these little stars in the stone, because as they were forming there was tiny slivers of magnetite also present in the molten stone.

These tiny slivers align in such a way to form these stars known as asterism. These stars are always four rays rather than six rays found in star sapphires.

It may help you to let go of fear, especially issues that related to events that may have happened in childhood.

Black Star DiopsideBlack Star Diopside

Black Star Diopside has a strong grounding and healing energy. It helps to ground you to the earth, and is a useful stone for anyone who is interested in earth healing.

It is also a good healing stone, especially useful for spinal problems, as well as aiding issues in the intestines.

They are useful to use if you feel discontented and have a need try something different in your life. 

It may also help to boost creativity with a practical approach to your work. 

Where Is It From? Diopside Meaning

Deposits of this various colors of this stone has been found in a large number of locations, including Sweden, Germany, Russia, China, India, Canada and the United States.

The name Diopside relates to a Greek word that means view and double, relating to how the prism of the stone may be orientated.

Most people are most familiar with Green Diopside, as the green colored stone is commonly used for healing and metaphysical applications.

The black variety of this stone has a number of powerful attributes. While the stone is labeled black it may also be very dark greenish black, grey or brown.

It is quite common for the black crystals to occur in combination with the green Diopside mineral.

The black variety also occurs with a clearly seen star in the stone, and this is known as Black Star Diopside.

DiopsideDiopside with mixed colors

Best Crystals To Use With Black Diopside

What are the best, most beneficial crystals to pair with Black Diopside? The Black variety of this crystal can be combined with the Green Diopside stone.

It may be available to buy in one stone, or use the two different colored stones together.

Jet pendants make good jewelry, as they will build up an electrical charge when worn against the skin, and Jet is good to pair with this stone.

It will combine well with other earth star chakra stones, including Black Tourmaline, Apache Tears and Black Obsidian.

There are many crystals that are powerful grounding stones that can be used to give you more assistance if you need extra help for getting you back to normal when you are ungrounded.

Specific stones that can be used for this purpose includes the earth chakra stones mentioned above. In addition pair them with Andalusite, Larvikite, Black Onyx and Black Spinel. 

The black or mixed colored stones may help you if you are working with any of the high vibration crystals.

If you are using strong crystal energy stones it has an excellent vibration to aid you with spiritually grounding afterwards.

It also is excellent to use it with base chakra stones, especially stones such as Red Garnet, Rubies, Red Jasper and Zincite.

Red GarnetRed Garnet

More Pictures Of Diopside

Black DiopsideBlack Diopside
DiopsideThree colors of Diopside, Green, Black & White
Black DiopsideBlack Diopside
Black Diopside Meaning Properties And PowersBlack Diopside Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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