Magical Black Onyx Stone

Aids Grief And Past Life Trauma

➤ By Liz Oakes

Black Onyx has long been known as a magical stone. It was used in the past in magical practices and was carved into magical stone amulets to wear on the body. 

It's vibration may help you when you are studying as they have a good effect on the brain and may help you to deal with feelings of grief.

Black OnyxBlack Onyx

It is useful used in meditation as it may stimulate the psychic gift of psychometry or clairsentience. 

They are powerful healing crystals for you to use as they create a strong connection through the earth chakra to aid grounding.

It has an advantageous energy to assist past life trauma when you are doing past life investigation. 

These black stones have a soothing vibration that may assist stress and are helpful to assist the healing of old injuries that have their roots in past life situations. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Black Onyx? 

The effect of their energy may aid perseverance, help you to release bad habits and they have an excellent energy to assist you to make better decisions.

They are excellent crystals to enhance decision making can help in many areas of life and are known to bring good fortune and happiness.

They are beneficial crystals for happiness that encourage you to take actions that may promote an increase of joy and contentment with the circumstances of your life.

By assisting you to keep focused on what you need to do, they can help you to achieve your goals more easily. 

Black Onyx

They may help you when you are studying for a few reasons including:

  • Firstly: they are known for the way they can help with concentration.
  • Secondly: they known to help you to keep your attention on what you are working on and not get side tracked.
  • Thirdly: they have a stimulating effect on the brain which can improve your memory.

Use For Meditation

Using Black Onyx in meditation is one of the best spiritual practices you can use it for as it helps you to connect to a higher power when travelling the spiritual planes. 

It's energy resonates within the base, solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras, boosting inspiration and objective thinking.

Both the throat and third eye have a strong spiritual energy to assist you to make a stronger Spiritual connection which may boost your intuitive gifts.

These black stones has a good energy to boost psychometry which is related to the psychic gift of clairsentience or clear feeling.

Magical Black Onyx Meaning Properties & PowersMagical Black Onyx Meaning Properties & Powers

Psychometry specifically relates to you picking up ideas via your sense of touch, and works in a similar way to how intuition works.

Using it in meditation may assist you to develop psychometry and clairsentience or clear feeling as both gifts are similar.

If you wish to develop this gift combine them with some of the others stones that boost this psychic ability: see the section below.

How Will Help You?

These black crystals are also known to balance your yin-yang energies.

Their vibration will help to harmonize the male-female aspects of your nature or temperament and make you have a more balanced approach to how you look at life. 

Black Onyx is easy to buy and there are a number of reasons why you might choose to use this crystal.

For those of you who work with magic, these stones have been in use for hundreds of years, carved into magical amulets as the stone is very hard which makes it easy to carve.

The influence of its vibration helps you to focus your thoughts and its presence also ensures that all that you do is for the highest good of all involved in the process.  

How To Use It 

If you have been using high vibration stones that assist you to travel in the higher realms, this may cause you to feel unwell or spaced out.

These high energy stones are powerful to boost Spiritual growth, but they also make it easy to get ungrounded, so using these black stones with them may be helpful.

As mentioned above, they are highly beneficial stones for meditation. They make a good connection down through the base or root chakra to the earth star chakra.

Black OnyxBlack Onyx

Connecting with Mother Gaia helps you to release excess energy and aids you to let go of old negative emotions, as well as dizziness or spaciness. 

This makes them quite beneficial grounding stones to use in meditation, as it is easy to go quite high during meditation with strong stones.

When you are using any of the more powerful crystals you may feel unwell afterwards due to the need to ground yourself by releasing excess energy.

There are some fairly well known symptoms that you might experience if you become ungrounded, so if you are unsure if this relates to you, check out this page... Are You Ungrounded?

Black Onyx Crystal Healing Properties

There are a number of healing properties of Onyx, and both the white and black stone are beneficial to use for crystal healing.

These black crystals may assist you when you are investigating past life issues. 

It is an excellent stone to help you to gain an awareness that some of your current physical problems may relate to past life trauma.

It has a number of good healing properties and may be used by placing them on the physical body.

This may help you to become aware of places where you may have sustained injuries in a past life.

Doing this can lead you to discover the answer behind physical ailments that seems to be unrelated to your current life.

Black Onyx

Within the areas encompassed by the base and earth chakras, their resonance is known to assist the healing of issues in the feet as well as helping the reproductive system and the digestion.

They have good metaphysical properties that may heal grief or old sorrow from this life or past lives.

Their vibration will assist you to feel calm during the difficult times the world has been going through, and may help you if you are experiencing physical stress or anxiety.

Black Onyx is also said to balance your yin-yang energy and is known to help the bones and teeth, and may help health issues within the blood and the bone marrow.

Shop for Black Onyx. The vibration of this black stone are said to help physical trauma and boost the immune system.

They will assist those going through stressful circumstances, as they have a good energy to help you to deal with emotional stress or anxiety.

They are beneficial weight loss crystals due to their action to aid self discipline and may provide a feeling of physical strength.

Their physical properties may additionally assist you in other parts of your life as it helps those with scattered energy to to feel more centered.

What Are The Benefits Of Wearing This Crystal?

It is common for Black Onyx precious stone to be made by polishing pieces of natural stone.

They are a beautiful stone to keep on the body as their vibration stimulates self confidence and aids the release of negative thoughts.

Wearing Black Onyx gemstone jewelry is a good idea as it may assist you to feel contented and comfortable in your approach to life.

Pieces of jewelry or magical talismans that were made of Black Onyx stone were used in the past as a protective shield for protection from evil spirits. 

Black OnyxBlack Onyx Pendant

Black Onyx jewelry may be useful to wear as it is known to stimulate an increase in good fortune and is a powerful stone to use to release negative energies.

They are fairly easy to obtain as they are popular stones for the Leo zodiac sign. These Leo Birthstones you may find birthstone jewelry made from this stone.

It can be advantageous to keep a piece of this stone on your body when meditating, and as mentioned above, their energy can help you to ground you after you have finished meditating.

Helps You To Keep Secrets

The energy of Black Onyx aids the growth of your magical gifts so it can be beneficial to keep a piece on your body.

They may also help to stimulate the psychic gift of psychometry, and their energy can also help anyone who is studying as they enhance concentration and can boost your memory.

They may also help you to persevere when you are finding it difficult to keep going. They also have an energy that may assist you to keep secrets.

So don't be surprised if you have found it difficult in the past not to share what you know, that you may find it easier to keep what you know to yourself once you start using this stone.

Black Onyx

They will also help you in a number of other ways.  They are good crystals for stress that also aid grief and make a good earth chakra connection that helps with grounding.

They are also useful when you are investigating past life situations, and may help to bring to light past life situations that have caused health issues in this life.

Where Is It From? Black Onyx Meaning

It has been in use since ancient times and the meaning of the name Onyx comes from an Ancient Greek word meaning 'a nail or a claw'.

This was because the original stone that was found was yellow and resembled the appearance of a finger nail, and also had lines in it like your fingernail.

They are found in a large number of places, including in South Africa, in Madagascar, China, India, Australia and Germany, and in the middle east in Algeria and Afghanistan.

They are common in South America and are found in Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and Mexico.

They also come from Canada and the United States, where they were utilized as part of Native American traditions.

Black Onyx Color and Mineral Makeup

Onyx is a variety of chalcedony which is also a type of microcrystalline quartz with a hexagonal crystal system with parallel white bands or stripes in it. 

While Black Onyx is quite common, in many cases it is possible that the color of the stone is not natural.

Deep black stone may not be natural as lighter colored grey striped Onyx is often dyed, and it may be hard to tell if its color is genuine. 

This black form of chalcedony is commonly a very dark color, and may occur with parallel stripes or banding in the stone.

Onyx of various colors is easy to obtain, and this includes red onyx as well as the black and the white onyx stone. You can usually buy all of the varieties of onyx quite easily.

The natural black onyx and both the red and the white crystal are reasonably common, and tumblestones of most of them are easy to purchase.

They are also used in industry to make beautiful onyx marble which are a great addition to homes and businesses.

My Final Thoughts

These black crystals are powerful psychic protection stones that absorb negative energy, so make sure you cleanse them regularly if you use them a lot.

They are useful crystals for home protection and they also embody beneficial healing properties, with their vibration helping to increase your vitality when you are tired.

Black OnyxBlack Onyx

In summary: they are known to have a strong action to boost energy, personal strength and stamina and to aid self control.

These stones make a good earth chakra and base chakra connection which stops the drain of personal energy.

Best Crystals To Use With Black Onyx

What are the best crystals to combine with Black Onyx?

The magical vibration of these stones is quite powerful to help you if you are working with your magical gifts.

It may help to boost your gifts if you are new to working with magic. Please note that magic is sometimes misunderstood, and is a force for good not evil.

If you'd like to boost magical gifts use this stone with other magical stones such as Labradorite, Chalcopyrite, Petoskey Stone and Blue Barite.

If you have been working on balancing your male-female energies, known as yin-yang energy, there are a number of other good stones that will harmonize your energy and balance these aspects of your personality. 

Specific crystals that will combine well with Black Onyx for this purpose includes Lapis Lazuli, Purple Scapolite, Rhodochrosite and Magnetite also called Lodestone.

If you need help to keep your attention on what you are working on, or if you need help to assist you to keep going when you are finding it difficult to do so, you might like to combine this stone with other crystals for perseverance.

While there are not a lot of stones that stimulate your ability to persevere, there are a few including Spirit Quartz, Treasure Agate, Indigo Kyanite and Picasso Marble also called Picasso Jasper.

This black crystal has an excellent action to increase the psychic gift of clear feeling also known as clairsentience, as well as aiding you to feel psychically, related to objects you may be touching, which is known as psychometry.

If this is your predominant psychic gift and you'd like boost your ability to utilize this gift, there are a number of other powerful stones mentioned in the article referenced above.

Other stones that commonly are known to help with this includes Moldavite, Blue Apatite, Trolleite and Lavender Quartz.

Lavender QuartzLavender Quartz

If you have an awareness that you are still experiencing feelings of grief from events in the past that you have not yet dealt with, perhaps you need some extra help to deal with it.

There are a number of excellent crystals that are known to assist you to heal grief, and these may be used in combination with these black crystals.

Specific stones that may help you with this includes Stilbite, Lilac Lepidolite, Aquamarine, Morganite or Jeremejevite.

Black Onyx has an excellent action to ground you and is a very popular crystal for this reason. 

They are excellent grounding stones that may be combined with any other crystals to boost the level of energy available to ground you. 

All of the crystals pictured below are advantageous to assist grounding. If you'd like to combine it with other grounding stones there are a number of other powerful crystals for this purpose.

The list of specific grounding crystals includes Black Diopside, Black Spinel, Black Tourmaline, Black Tourmaline or Black Jade.

If you are using this stone for past life work, there are some other helpful stone that may assist you to discover more about experiences you may have had in past lives.

This includes Ankerite, Dioptase, Prophecy Stone, Kambaba Jasper and Cerussite.

If you have been feeling stressed and are using this stone to assist you, it may be beneficial to combine it with other stones that can help you to release stressful feelings.

Some of the other excellent stress relief crystals that you could use includes Lilac Lepidolite, Howlite, Mt Hay Thunderegg or Lithium Quartz.

Magical Black Onyx Meanings Powers & UsesMagical Black Onyx Meanings Powers & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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