Blue Muscovite

Receive Answers In The Moment

➤ By Liz Oakes

Blue Muscovite is fairly unusual as its energy helps you to connect with Divine guidance, in the momentThis helps you to instantly receive enlightened guidance.

It has an action to assist you to make decisions related to that moment in time, meaning that it helps you to come to the right conclusion, right now!

Blue MuscoviteBlue Muscovite

Its energy is excellent to aid problem solving, stimulates intuition and may boost psychic gifts such as clairvoyance or mental telepathy.

While finding answers to the small daily issues that arise may seem rather unremarkable, it has an energy that is useful to help you to decide what action to take about any type of daily situation.

The blue variety has a number of other beneficial crystal properties that I find very helpful. 

This may be both important and commonplace daily activities so this is why I have the large chunk shown below on my desk to help me on a daily basis. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Where Is It From? Blue Muscovite Meaning

Blue Muscovite comes from Western Australia, and was only discovered fairly recently. It is also known as Lithian Muscovite.

The experts who tested it said that there is not sufficient LiO2 for it to be Lepidolite, and that the color blue is caused by the prevalence of Mn relative to Fe.

It also goes by the common name Australian Lapis, although there is no relationship to Lapis other than its color.

It is the stone that is also being called Blue Lepidolite, but the name is incorrect as the stone was tested and it was found that it was not Lepidolite.

Although the name Blue Lepidolite is incorrect you can use this name to find pieces of this stone selling in some places.

There are other colors of Muscovite, so be aware of this, and they have different properties to the blue variety. The red stone is the most common.

Why Would You Use Blue Muscovite? How Will It Help You?

The blue variety of Muscovite may help you to decide what to do on a daily basis. These blue crystals can make a major difference as it can challenge your thinking.

It will aid you to realize that some rather ordinary things can make major changes to your life path.

It also stimulates mental telepathy, enhances intuition, boosts psychic visions and encourages ESP.

Blue MuscoviteBlue Muscovite

They are a strong choice if you need help to solve problems as like all colors of Muscovite, they are excellent crystals to activate your problem solving abilities.

These crystals may also galvanize your mind and help to bring through solutions that in many instances are quite surprising.

It is an excellent crystal to help problem solving, as it triggers the higher functions of the brain and stimulates the third eye.

This helps to enhance psychic visions or clairvoyant ability as well as other psychic gifts.

Best Crystals To Use With Blue Muscovite

What are the best crystals to combine with Blue Muscovite? There are a number of other excellent stones that stimulate the third eye that you may choose to use with this stone.

There are so many beautiful stones that will stimulate this area, and I have included just a few here.

Third eye stones that you might choose to combine with Blue Muscovite includes Elestial Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Howlite and Blue Sapphire.

If you think you would like to develop your telepathic gifts, use any of the stones that known to help to boost this gift.

Some of the stones that stimulate mental telepathy includes Natrolite, Apophyllite, Labradorite and Afghanite.

All of us are intuitive, some more than others and it can be boosted by using this crystal. This is a quite useful ability that can be of great value if you follow your intuition!

To enhance your intuitive gifts, use some of the other stones that stimulate this ability in combination with Blue Muscovite, such as Stilbite, Green Apatite, Albite or Bustamite.

If you do regular meditation you may have found that you already see psychic visions at that time.

Enhancing your clairvoyant abilities can be beneficial and can be boosted by using this stone along with Magnesite, Iolite, Beryllonite or Heliodor.

More Pictures Of Blue Muscovite

Blue MuscoviteMy large Blue Muscovite that sits on my desk
Blue Muscovite
Blue Muscovite
Blue and White MuscoviteBlue and White Muscovite also called Blue Lepidolite by some sellers.
Blue Muscovite helps you to get answersBlue Muscovite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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