Blue Tourmaline Indicolite

For Psychic Gifts Including Mediumship 

➤ By Liz Oakes

Blue Tourmaline or Indicolite energy helps to accelerate the development of psychic mediumship and channeling

It is also a potent throat chakra stone that stimulates improved psychic communication abilities. These abilities will aid you to speak with those in spirit.

Blue Tourmaline In QuartzBlue Tourmaline In Quartz

Their energy can be helpful to assist you develop mediumship ability to connect with loved ones who have passed over.

Often when you have lost someone whom you have deeply loved, you need the assurance of those who are able to communicate with those on the other side that all is well with them.

This lovely blue crystal is highly in demand as it is a powerful third eye chakra stone that boosts psychic gifts. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: By promoting mediumship or communication through the veil that divides us with those who have passed over, this eases the fear of death for many people.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use to aid you to clearly communicate what you heard on the other side, to the loved ones of the departed.

Why Would You Use Blue Tourmaline?

This stone is an amazing variety of Tourmaline, as it has many strengths that are of benefit to you.

There are a number of reasons to use Blue Tourmaline including:

  • It is both a throat chakra and a third eye chakra stone.
  • It is a crystal for promoting the development of psychic gifts, including mediumship or channeling.
Blue Tourmaline In Quartz

Their energy stimulates the growth of many psychic abilities, including mediumship, as mentioned above and automatic writing.

Automatic writing is a gift closely related to psychic knowing, and this is a psychic gift that can be developed by taking the time to write in a journal every day.  

By writing in a journal at the same time every day, this may aid the process,  and allow you to receive written communication directly from spirit more easily.

It is one of the preeminent stones to aid the expansion of psychic ability such as channeling and mediumship.

It is known as stone to aid you to communicate with those on the other side of the veil.

Many people who go along to spiritual churches depend on clairvoyant mediums, to assure them that there is life beyond death. 

This is an amazing service that those who have these gifts can do for others.

Shop Indicolite Blue Tourmaline here.

IndicoliteIndicolite Specimen

If you have an interest in the area which is known as mediumship, both Blue and Greenish Blue Tourmaline is extremely helpful to assist the development of these gifts.

This natural crystal promotes the ideal of service to others, so it is an excellent stone for those who wish to work in psychic employment as mediums. 

Many mediums work to help the public to ease their fears of death, and make contact with those on the other side.

Use Your Innate Psychic Gifts

Do a psychic meditation as this may assist you to develop your psychic gifts.

Meditation with Indicolite brings you many blessings, as it will bring you into a state of deep peaceful inner awareness.

Firstly you can contact your guides, and begin to make contact, via them, with spirits on the other side.

Blue Tourmaline is a stone that is an amazing benefit to anyone who would like to make use of its strengths to develop psychic gifts.

Blue TourmalineBlue Tourmaline

By their use you may be of service to others, at a time when they deeply need help.

It has a capacity to accelerate your learning, so that you can use your innate psychic gifts and abilities of channeling.

This stone commonly stimulates the psychic gifts of psychic mediumship, writing automatically from spirit, psychic clairvoyant abilities, prophecy and spirit communication.

Who Should Use Blue Tourmaline?

This natural crystal's role within the throat chakra brings through the psychic gift of clairaudience also called psychic hearing

Blue Tourmaline will also help you with amplify your intuitive abilities.

Interestingly, it will also help with the development of clairsentience, or the gift of feeling physically or spiritually.

Blue TourmalineIndicolite Blue Tourmaline In Quartz

By allowing you to hear through the veil, you may make contact with loved ones on the other side.

As well it may help you when you wish to make contact with your guardian angels and will help you to find your spirit guide.

By contacting your spirit guides you can take the next step in your spiritual growth.

This stone is a potent third eye chakra stone that will strongly aid you to develop psychic gifts. 

It may stimulate stronger spiritual and psychic communication ability and will assist you generally to communicate more clearly.

The vibration of Blue Tourmaline will help you to better speak the information that comes to you, from all sources.

Indicolite In QuartzIndicolite In Quartz

This natural blue crystal may assist you to express the heartfelt thoughts that you hear from the other side, with clarity and empathy.

Wearing Indicolite Blue Tourmaline

Blue Tourmaline is on the zodiac birthstone list, and if you wish to wear this lovely blue crystal as jewelry, it is possible to buy beautiful pieces of Paraiba Tourmaline or the lovely Indicolite gemstones.

It is best to keep it close to the throat chakra and third eye chakra, as this is the area where it resonates most strongly.

Any of these lovely intense blue to blue green Tourmaline varieties make extraordinary jewelry.

Blue TourmalineBlue Tourmaline In Quartz

It is a Taurus birthstone so if this is your sign you might like to seek out jewelry made from this stone.

If you are able to buy Indicolite Earrings or pendants, that would be the best way to wear this lovely natural crystal.

Either rings or bracelets made of the blue or blue-green Tourmaline will be beneficial, as it is simply enough to have it on the body within your auric field to be of benefit to you.

How To Use Indicolite Healing Properties 

Indicolite crystals have a good action to assist crystal healers who are not sure what illness or disease that the person they are treating has.

Its energy is known to help healers and others using them to recognize what the health problem actually is, and to discover what issues may be behind the cause or basis of their issues.

Blue TourmalineBlue Tourmaline

This includes emotional issues as some illnesses can be made worse by emotional problems.

Once you have solved the emotional issues you may be able to find the solution to the physical illness.

It is known as a good crystal to aid headaches and migraines, as well as helping issues in the eyes and generally in the brain.

Meditation with Blue Tourmaline is a quite beautiful experience, and it has the added advantage that this stone is also very grounding, especially so if you use the darker stones.

Often when you are working with natural crystals, to develop your psychic faculties, such as psychic clairvoyant abilities or clairaudient gifts, you may become very ungrounded.

This need to bring yourself back to a grounded state is very important, and it is easy to be unaware of your state of ungroundedness.

Blue TourmalineDark Blue Tourmaline

I usually use and recommend Black Tourmaline for grounding you spiritually, as it is readily available, but the blue variety of Tourmaline will also aid in that process.

This is not surprising, as many of my 'Black' Tourmaline's are actually a very, very dark blue.

Sometimes you are not aware of which color they are, but looking at them under bright light you can see the deep beautiful blue color within the stone.

Did you know that being ungrounded has the potential to cause health problems? Do you know the symptoms of being ungrounded?

Where Is Indicolite or Blue Tourmaline Found?

Blue Tourmaline is found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Kenya and in the United States.

This variety of Tourmaline is also known as Indicolite and comes in various shades, including a clear blue color.

Compared to the other varieties of Tourmaline, the blue stone is quite rare.

Green Tourmaline jewelry is often sold with the green and the blue minerals in the stones combined, as this mixture is very popular.

Indicolite QuartzIndicolite Quartz

Indicolite Quartz crystals have the metaphysical qualities of both this stone and clear quartz mixed together.

The meaning of the name Indicolite is a variation of the old name Indigolite, from its deep indigo color.

There are quite a few blue stones that may be almost green, and many Greenish Blue Tourmaline stones are quite attractive and are sold in jewelry.

You can also obtain this mineral as an inclusion in clear quartz, which is known as Indicolite quartz. 

The color of these stones may vary, depending how much of the mineral they contain.

Some Indicolite stone is slightly darker, and when used for making jewelry, it is very beautiful. It is a bit darker shade of blue, and may have a pronounced indigo color.

Another very rare and valuable variety of this stone is Paraiba Tourmaline, an intense blue to blue green stone which is a Brazilian Tourmaline.

Best Crystals To Use With Blue Tourmaline

What are the best crystals to combine with Blue Tourmaline or Indicolite? Both Sodalite and Celestite are stones that will be advantageous in combination with Blue Tourmaline.

Celestite is a high crystal energy stone, with strong vibrations that will be an asset to combine with this blue stone.

It is always good to use Kyanite of any color to align the chakras, before you use other stones.

To aid your channeling or mediumship abilities this stone is powerful on its own, but if you combine them with other stones for this purpose you may find that you move forward faster.

Stones such as Yttrium Fluorite, Ajoite In Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian and Novaculite will be of benefit to boost channeling ability.

Other psychic crystals aid in the development of many of the psychic gifts, and combine well with this stone.

This stone combines particularly well with other blue stones, particularly those that are both third eye and throat chakra stones.

Stones that combine well with it includes Shattuckite, Lavender Blue Iolite, Deep Blue Azurite and Lapis Lazuli.

It will combine well with any of the other varieties of Tourmaline, including Pink Tourmaline, Golden Tourmaline, Tourmilated Quartz and Green Tourmaline.

Mixed Blue & Green TourmalineMixed Blue & Green Tourmaline

Books For Developing Psychic Gifts

Sonia Choquette books are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic gifts. Her book "Ask Your Guides" is an extremely helpful book.

It will help you to find and contact your spirit guides. Her books also contain information about developing your intuition, as it is a closely related ability.

Indicolite QuartzIndicolite Quartz

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years.

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic', you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts, and how to develop yours.

To read reviews of Sonia's books Click Here.

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Blue Tourmaline or Indicolite in QuartzBlue Tourmaline or Indicolite in Quartz

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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