Charoite Stone

Highly Protective, Prevents Psychic Attack

➤ By Liz Oakes

Charoite Stone are highly protective with a strong energy to specifically aid psychic protection and prevent psychic attack.

They are stones of the violet ray that are powerful healing crystals for you to use, that may help you to adjust to the energy of higher vibration crystals.

Charoite StoneCharoite Stone

Their energy inspires you to be of service to others and to Spirit and their vibration encourages you if you wish to give of yourself to others. 

These crystals resonate within the higher chakras, creating a connection to the Divine and are powerful crystals for all of us but are especially important for healers to use.

Their energy reaches out to you, to bring your gifts to the world so that everyone can benefit. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Charoite Stone?

If you regularly have high frequency energy flowing through you from the Divine source, the depth and strength of the high vibrations may be difficult for some of you to assimilate for long periods.

The emanation of Charoite will help your body to adjust to the higher frequency energy. It is powerful for both healers and those in psychic employment to use.

Charoite StoneCharoite Stone

Charoite is a beautiful and powerful crystal of the purple ray, and is a stone of transformation.

It is the premier stone to energize and inspire you to be of service to others. 

It assists you to merge your heart chakra with your crown chakra and creates an atmosphere of unconditional love.

You may anticipate that synchronicities become more frequent as the flow of positive energy in your life increases.

By its action within the higher chakras, it creates a perfect integration of energy.

As this energy moves down from the higher transpersonal chakras, it provides a soul connection, that assists you to take the next steps on your spiritual journey.

Why Would You Use It?

Many light workers use Charoite stone, as it is powerful for strengthening the energy that encourages the connection with the Divine source.

Whether you call this Divine source God, the Goddess or another name, this stone is powerful to encourage you to trust in the Supreme Being.

Buy Charoite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted source for crystals

Charoite StoneCharoite Stone

Charoite is a highly protective stone that aids spiritual healing and brings the added vibration of 'being of service'.

The stimulus of these purple stones will assist the process, as it empowers you to merge the energy of the etheric chakras into the depths of your being.

It is a powerful stone to aid you to anchor Divine light into the body, via your higher etheric chakras, including your soul star or eighth chakra.

It is also a powerful natural crystal to heal the pineal gland, so is an excellent stone for the third eye chakra.

These stones are helpful to relieve stress, and by allowing the release of stress and worry, they brings about calm and restful feelings.

Who Should Use It? 

It works within the solar plexus or power chakra, where it has a strong healing action within the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and digestive tract.

Your choices may depend on which area of the body you want to influence predominantly with its vibration.

As long as it is on your body it will resonate within the aura, and it is useful for overcoming obsessive behavior.

Charoite Stone Spiritual Meaning Powers & Use

It is a good stone to help overthinking as it may help to stop you from constantly over-analyzing issues.

Its energy is beneficial to all areas of your body, so if you are unable to buy jewelry made from this stone, you could put a Charoite tumblestone in your pocket to help you.

It is possible to buy tumbled stones and other pieces of the stone fairly easy.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder if you want an easy way to keep them on your body, as this is a way to wear them more easily.

Wearing Charoite Stone Within Your Energy Field

Wearing it is an effective way to easily keep the energy of this lovely purple stone within your aura, and beautiful Charoite jewelry is easy to buy.

Charoite stone beads combine well with beads of other types of stone, especially those with strong metaphysical qualities.

Add a pendant to the necklace or use the beads of Charoite alone. 

CharoiteBeautiful Purple Charoite Pendant

This lovely lilac crystal is a Sagittarius birthstone and a Scorpio birthstone and you may find it made into a range of beautiful birthstone jewelry.

Either is excellent, as the important thing is to keep the energy of the crystals on your body.

Wearing jewelry that is made from this stone is a very effective way to keep this stones vibration within your auric field.

Shop for Charoite Stone Here. It aids you to allow Spirit to aid you in your journey, through your current incarnation.

It will strengthen the flow of energy from the higher transpersonal chakras, through to the twelfth chakra.

As you begin to work with your higher chakras, you will find new spiritual gifts emerge.

Charoite Stone is a lovely stone to wear, as its color is very attractive, and there are many choices of different types of jewelry made from this stone.

Lovely rings and earrings are available, as well as beautiful Charoite bracelets. 

This stone is listed on the zodiac birthstones list, and this is part of the reason why it is sold at most good crystal shops in a variety of styles.

Charoite PendantCharoite Pendant

Wearing Charoite jewelry close to the heart chakra is powerful, as it invigorates the flow of pranic energy to the heart itself.

Wearing it may aid the flow of positive energy in your life to increase.

Meaningful synchronicities or coincidences may become more frequent in your life once you begin to use this stone.

Charoite Healing Properties Become A Better Healer

Charoite stone sustains healthy blood pressure and may aid healing within the heart chakra area.

They are known to be good crystals for headaches, and may assist disorders of the eyes and may help other types of aches and pain in the body 

This will aid spiritual grounding to Mother Gaia, and this is one of the reasons why this stone is so powerful for healers to wear.

Charoite Tumbled StoneCharoite Tumbled Stone

It will aid the flow of energy that moves down through the base or root chakra to the earth star chakra, and will also clear the energy within the area of the base chakra.

This is not only a stone for the higher chakras. It is also powerful within the lower chakras, and  Charoite stone may aid the healing of liver damage from overuse of alcohol.

Charoite is easy to buy, and has a lovely energy, and is a very useful stone in so many ways.

As you learn through its energy your right path of service in this life, you will become a better healer and be happier within yourself.

If you have been using high vibration stones, with a strong vibration that may be difficult to assimilate without some discomfort, combine them with this lovely purple stone.


By its ability to help you to adjust to higher frequency energy, and to bring through calmness as it grounds the excess energy, this adds to its strong healing energy.

It is an exceptionally helpful crystal to have around, both for grounding an its helpful action to aid any stress you may feel which may be associated, as it stimulates calm and restful feelings. 

Where Is It From? Charoite Meaning

The meaning of this stone relates to where it comes from, as it is named after the location where it is found, near the Chara River in Russia.

Russian Charoite is very beautiful, and while its color is predominantly purple, it is known to have swirling patterning of black, brown, magenta purple, white and lilac within the stone.

This patterning is caused by inclusions of other minerals, such as white Calcite for example, and will vary from stone to stone.

Many of the natural crystals are primarily purple, and are very beautiful stones.

Raw, natural and unsealed stone is harder to buy. The easiest pieces of this crystal to obtain are Charoite tumblestones or pieces made into jewelry.

In Summary: My Final Thoughts

By incorporating this stone into your spiritual practices you may find that your growth may happen more quickly. Charoite stone is powerful to use within the higher chakras.

Its energy will aid those of you who are on the spiritual path, including if you are working with your psychic gifts and the spirit world.


In summary: This is the stone for the planet Chiron, and this crystal's energy will enable you to better understand how Chiron influences your life.

This is a beneficial stone for spiritual healing, as it will aid forgiveness of others, including those who caused you pain in past lives.

Due to the way the world is changing so quickly, many of you are working on your spiritual growth.

Charoite stone is effective to use in a meditation using crystals, whether you are new to it or have been doing meditation for some time.

This stone is an advantageous crystal to use in meditation, especially if you have been having trouble getting into meditation due to intrusive thoughts bothering you.

It is a good crystal for overthinking when your thoughts just won't stop, and when you are ruminating about issues that you need to let go of.


If you are working to develop any of the psychic based powers start using it to see how it helps you as it is well known to boost psychic gifts.

Its vibration may assist you if you're working with your spirit guide, and may aid you to develop stronger intuitive gifts.

It's energy will help to clear negative past life patterning within the DNA, and will encourage you to have faith in the process of your spiritual growth.

Best Crystals To Use With Charoite

Wondering what the most beneficial crystals are to use pair with Charoite?

As it is a stone that has an effect within quite a few chakras, combine it with any of those specific chakra stones, as the combination will elevate the overall energy.

It blends well with Amethyst Crystals, Tinaksite, Aqua Aura Quartz, Blue Apatite, Seraphinite and Pink Kunzite. 

If you are a healer combine it with Ocean Jasper as it also inspires service and with Que Sera Crystals to ensure that your motivation for service is right.

For healing, combine this stone with Amethyst Crystals, Sugilite, Purpurite, Morado Opal also called Violet Flame Opal and Tanzanite as they are also stones of the violet flame.

These stones that embody violet flame energy work on healing the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

Charoite is also a powerful stone to use for psychic protection, and combining it with other protective stones is a good way to boost the energy and create a more powerful result.

Some stones you may choose include Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Sugilite, Aegirine, Fire Agate and Tourmilated Quartz.

Charoite stone is a crystal for the higher chakras and will blend well with high crystal energy stones.

It will harmonize well with Moldavite, Phenacite, Stellar Beam Calcite and Hackmanite which are all high frequency stones.

Crystal Books

All of the authors of the books I review have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are helpful to have on hand.

The crystal books shown below are very in-depth crystal reference books.  Some are small books that are a good size to carry with you when crystal shopping.

Others are heavier books, and this does depend on why you are purchasing them. 

Many of these books are wonderful to read, and may get a lot of information from them. 

Click here if you would like to read reviews of reasons to choose various books.

Charoite Stone Spiritual Meaning Powers & UseCharoite Stone Spiritual Meaning Powers & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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