Chiastolite: The Cross Stone

Could You Use This Protective Energy?

➤ By Liz Oakes

Chiastolite is a quite unique deep brown stone with a natural black cross formation in its structure. 

Ancient people revered the cross embedded within these stones as they saw this as a sign from God. 

This unusual crystal has long been regarded as a stone that is highly protective. 


These ancient beliefs have been shown to be true, as it is a highly effective psychic protection stone.

These stones have strong metaphysical properties, as in meditation they will aid you to connect with the akashic records to discover past life information.

Their vibration aids you to change negative energy into positive, and foster harmony and peace. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Chiastolite?

This brown stone has a highly protective vibration. In the distant past Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people who used it.

This is a stone of balance and harmony, and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement.


This is an excellent stone for you to use alongside the higher vibration stones.

It is a powerful stone to aid you to journey to higher spiritual realms and to learn about the contents of the akashic records, while remaining grounded.

It has a strong action to enable you to understand your mortality.

It helps you to be aware that you are on a journey that comprises this life and past lives you have experienced, life after life, death and re-birth.

It is also known to be helpful to boost your creativity. This interesting stone also has an energy that enhances problem solving, as it bolsters analytical abilities.

This is a comforting stone if you are suffering grave illness. It is known to be helpful to ease the dying as they approach the time to return to spirit.

ChiastoliteTwo Chiastolite Cross Stones

The energy of this stone helps you to be aware that life changes, and that it is necessary for all of us to adapt to the changes that occur.

It is good to use if you feel fearful, depressed, anxious or stressed, and keeping a piece on you is one of the methods to relieve your stress.

How Will It Help You?

Cross Stone is a strong spiritual grounding stone that has a good healing energy and is helpful to strengthen the entire body, and it works to repair damage in the auric field.

When you connect to the energy of this stone, you will feel its deep connection to the earth and its vibration may energize any chakra where you might choose to use it.

ChiastoliteChiastolite also called The Cross Stone

Cross Stone is a variety of Andalusite that will help you if you need to adapt to change.

It may be particularly helpful if you experience unexpected severe illness that may challenge your relationship with spirit.

This unusual stone has a quite friendly vibration. When you hold one of them in your hand you can easily feel its strong comforting energy.

This is a suitable stone to help you as you age, when you may find that you are no longer able to do what you may previously have done.

It is a strong stone to aid the teeth and bones, and it may balance the blood flow and is said to aid the body to repair chromosome damage.

Green ChiastoliteGreen Chiastolite

They help you to change negative energy into positive, and foster harmony and peace.

As it is a psychic protection stone, this knowledge allows you to feel more secure when you may be going into places where you feel fearful or in danger.

Wearing Chiastolite

Chiastolite is easy to buy and these unique dark brown stones commonly have a natural black cross formation within them. 

In former times it was revered because the cross within it was seen as highly spiritual. 

Wearing a pendant made from this stone is quite eye-catching and unusual.

This attractive stone is on the zodiac birthstones list, and Chiastolite jewelry is lovely to wear to aid you to stay grounded.

Chiastolite PendantChiastolite Pendant

As they change negative energy into positive, and promote harmony, this is a good vibration to have resonating within your aura.

It is a Libra birthstone, and Chiastolite pendants are also good to wear for protection. 

They are useful for anyone in psychic employment to wear as they will aid you make a good spiritual connection and still stay grounded.

How To Use It

This variety of Andalusite will both stimulate and energize the base or root chakra as well as the crown chakra.

This energy will then aid the activation of both the earth chakra below your feet and the soul star chakra above the head.


The stimulation of these two non-body chakras aids you to bring energy through from spirit, and to ground it to earth.

This allows you to bring in as much high vibration energy as you want, as it will be safely taken to earth. 

This is an excellent stone to use for meditation, as it is grounding and carries a strong vibration of psychic protection.

It was used in olden times for protection, as they seemed to intuitively know that this stone had protective qualities.

These beliefs are now known to be true, as it is very efficient psychic protection stone.

Use To Access The Akashic Records

Chiastolite has excellent metaphysical properties, and are helpful to use in meditation when they will aid you to make a connection to the akashic records to learn about your past lives.

It will aid you to journey in the spiritual realms to the area of the akashic records.

ChiastoliteChiastolite, The Cross Stone

The well-known mystic Edgar Cayce referred to the Akashic records, and it is also known as the collective unconscious.

It is the repository of all that has ever happened, and where you can go to and investigate your own past life experiences.

The information discovered may aid you to work out how your past lives relate to your current life.

Where Is It From? Chiastolite Meaning

The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word 'chiastos' meaning cruciform or crosswise. This crystal also has the common name of Cross Stone.

The stone Andalusite is the same stone in another form, that does not have a visible cross within it.

The stones talked about here are commonly brown with a black cross in the center.

They are found in a number of countries, including Australia, Spain, Sri Lanka, China, France, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Canada and the United States.

A less common color of these stones, found in Australia, is black stones with a green cross. The piece of stone pictured here is a quite unusual color, and fairly uncommon from what I can find.

Interesting Fact: I bought the green Chiastolite stone from an old couple at a gem show who were rock hounds, who dug it up themselves. I had never seen Green Chiastolite before and it has a lovely energy.

Green ChiastoliteGreen Chiastolite

Best Crystals To Use With Chiastolite

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Chiastolite?

Pair them with Lemurian Quartz Crystals, to aid you to retrieve ancient memories from the Lemurian civilization.

This is good stone to combine with any of the high vibration stones to keep you both grounded and protected.

They are also good to boost the energy of any of the other spiritual grounding stones and may be combined with any other psychic protection stones for added energy.

Good stones to use with it might be Black Obsidian, Black Spinel, Jet or Black Tourmaline also called Schorl.

To help you to increase your problem solving ability, combine it with other crystals that will increase this capacity.

You may use it with other stones that aid problem solving. Stones that are known to be useful to aid you with this includes Afghanite, Cassiterite, Datolite or Hackmanite.

Use the energy of Chiastolite to boost other stones that also aid you to access the Akashic records.

Use your intuition to help you to decide the right one for you, as there are a few you might choose to use. There are quite a few specific stones that are good to use for this purpose.

Combine it with stones such as Petrified Wood, Black Andradite Garnet, Cavansite or Libyan Desert Glass also called Libyan Gold Tektite.

Chiastolite is a type of Andalusite. Andalusite differs in that it does not have the cross in it, but sometimes has black inclusions.

Read more about it by clicking on the image below.

More Pictures Of Chiastolite

ChiastoliteChiastolite Tumblestone
Chiastolite Meaning & UseChiastolite

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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