➤ By Liz Oakes
Chlorite Quartz are powerful crystals to aid spiritual development and are helpful used in meditation to aid you to develop psychic gifts.
They vibrate strongly within the higher chakras and may also assist you to connect with angels, Spirit guides and other beings from the higher realms.
Their vibration is powerful to aid healing as they align and unblock the channels or energy meridians which qi moves along.
They will help a number of physical health problems as well as assisting the healing of emotional and spiritual based issues.
They are excellent healing stones that have a strong heart based energy that is known to assist emotional healing.
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They enhance the manner in which energy flows within the auric body by boosting energetic connections, which may assist your energy levels.
By clearing negative energy trapped in your aura or energy field, they also help to balance the chakras.
They are a powerful purifier of the area where they are placed, so are valuable to use if you are creating a sacred space.
Crystal healers may use them for energy work, as they are advantageous to release negative emotions, as well as helping with self healing.
Their vibration is well known for its action to assist you to make a deeper connection with nature spirits and mother nature.
They help you to make a connection with Mother Gaia and elemental earth beings, and are helpful healing crystals for you to use to utilize earth energy.
They have a strong vibration that helps you to entrain with the Schumann resonance, the electromagnetic field of the earth.
They have quite a few other excellent healing attributes including helping those with electrical hypersensitivity (EHS) to deal better with the effect of contact with devices that emit EMF's.
All varieties of quartz have an impressive action to amplify the influence of any minerals that are naturally included in the quartz.
So the power of the chlorite minerals will be amplified by its inclusion in quartz.
Therefore crystals like these that embody chlorite within them will have a more powerful action than other quartz varieties or the way chlorite alone might act.
Chlorite is a powerful mineral in its own right, and has a strong action to aid spiritual development and the growth of inspirational ideals and they are also powerful healers.
Quartz crystals have a number of potent qualities which is why quartz is used in many electronic devices.
Quartz will resonate out into any room in which it is located, so are beneficial to use if you are creating a specific area for meditation or a sacred space.
It will also resonate the vibration of the chlorite or other minerals included within it and they are a powerful purifier of the area where they are located.
One of the most beneficial uses for these green crystals is to use them in a regular meditation practice.
They are a wonderful stone to assist you to make a conscious connection during meditation and are potent aids to induce deep meditation.
They are a powerful stone that is known as a guardian crystal that may help to prevent psychic attack, and can also boost your innate visionary gifts.
If you immerse yourself in its energy it may assist your travels in the spiritual domain, where it may stimulate contact with angels and other beings in the higher realms.
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It is also known to assist you to more easily communicate information that you received from higher beings, spirit teachers and teacher guides when you are finished.
Chlorite Quartz is also known as Shaman Quartz as these crystals are extremely rewarding to use within shamanic practices, where their vibration aids inner journeying during meditation.
Chlorite is well known for its beautiful quite spiritual vibration, which will particularly resonate within the higher chakras.
It is an excellent stone that has a quite beneficial energy within the heart chakra and third eye chakra.
When regularly used in meditation, their energy may stimulate the growth of psychic visions also known as clairvoyant ability as well as clairaudience or psychic hearing.
If you wish to work on these specific gifts, some of the best results can be obtained by placing a piece of this crystal on your third eye during meditation may be helpful.
Its energy will resonate within all of the higher chakras to boost spiritual growth and is helpful to assist contact with spirit guides.
All types of quartz are easy to program and of course this includes Quartz that contains chlorite or any other mineral.
If you don't know how to program quartz crystal, relax, its easy to do! I have a specific article all about how to program your crystals.
Check out this article with My Top Tips When Programming Crystals if you aren't sure about how to do it.
You can program any of your crystals, and if you intend to wear jewelry made from this quartz variety, it may be advantageous to program it.
Its always helpful to align the program with the innate qualities of the individual stone you wish to use.
So check through the properties of the crystal and then program your jewelry to boost an aspect that attracts you.
Chlorite included quartz crystals have a number of powerful metaphysical properties including their action to aid manifestation.
If you feel you need to manifest anything that your life lacks, including manifesting money, it could be helpful to wear a piece of this stone.
As Chlorite Quartz has a good action to assist healing, it could also be used programmed with the desired outcome to help you to create this result as this may benefit your health.
Chlorite quartz is an excellent healing crystal that has a number of powerful healing properties within the physical, emotional and spiritual being.
They are a powerful tool for crystal healers to use as they are known to help the healing of problems in the physical body.
Their action is powerful to align and unblock your energy meridians, the channels that qi, the vital energy that keeps you alive, moves along.
Boosting the qi or energy levels that flows within your body is known to help problems within the immune system as well as problems and issues of the heart.
The vibration of this healing stone is known to assist you to make contact with your healing guides, who may aid healing of issues related to deep seated issues of the emotions.
If you suffer from old emotional wounds they are helpful to reduce trauma, as they have a soothing energy within the emotional body.
They are good crystals for emotional healing as they may clear negative energy and assist self healing within the physical body.
For this purpose it may be advantageous to place your stone in an area of the body close to the location of a particular health problem, especially when you are using it for meditation.
It is said they can help healers to receive advice from spirit when doing psychic surgery and they may assist the healing of tumors or other growths.
They may boost the health of the physical body, as well as aiding both emotional or spiritual based issues.
One of the more powerful metaphysical properties of stones containing chlorite relates to how they assist you to vibrate at a similar vibration as the Schumann resonance, the electromagnetic field of the earth.
This aspect of their energy may assist you to heal problems caused by harmful radiation, and may release negative energies caused by the EMF's.
They may be beneficial if you suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS, meaning you are sensitive to low frequency radiation sources such as computers and wi-fi.
Please Note: You do need to take care when using these stones to mitigate EMF's. Only use them away from devices that emit EMF's.
Stones containing chlorite are powerful healing crystals to use for healing EHS.
But if you use them in the vicinity of mobile devices emitting EMFS, the quartz may amplify the emanations of the devices, giving you a stronger dose of EMF's.
See more about stones for EMF protection.
The meaning of the name Chlorite Quartz is related to these crystals being formed from normal clear quartz crystal or rock crystal, the most abundant mineral on the planet, with inclusions of chlorite embodied within it.
The meaning of the word Chlorite comes from the Greek word "chloros" which means green, although not all chlorite is green, but many pieces are colored green.
The chlorite may be on top of, or close to the surface of the stone, but is commonly found deep within the crystal.
While many of these crystals are a green color, not all of them are. You may not be aware of the fact that the chlorite crystal colors can be both green and red.
Some pieces of this quartz group contain both red and green chlorite, see examples of these below.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these may vary according to the actual included minerals.
Green Phantom Quartz Crystals mineral makeup is silicon dioxide, with chlorite inclusions. These silicate minerals may have inclusions of either chlorite or clinochlore.
Clinochlore is said to be the most common mineral of the chlorite group and is known to be green, white, yellow, red or even purple.
Depending on the make-up of individual green phantom crystals, they may contain clinochlore or chlorite along with Rutile and Hematite, which will affect how they benefit you.
Shamanic Dream Quartz is another type of quartz that contains large amounts of chlorite as inclusions in clear quartz.
Many pieces of Shamanic Dream Quartz contain both red and green chlorite.
You may also see them selling as Shaman Quartz or Chlorite Shaman Quartz, as they are potent stones to use for shamanic purposes.
Lodolite Quartz is also known as garden quartz and many of these occur as a quartz point that contains green chlorite within them.
These wonderful crystals may be found in areas such of the United States, as well as Canada, Brazil, South Africa or Madagaskar.
They are also found in various areas of Europe such as Germany, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Portugal and Italy, as well as in the Himalayan Mountains.
Many beautiful specimens of Himalayan Green Phantom Quartz come from the Nepal region of the Himalayas.
Not all Himalayan quartz crystals contain chlorite, but along with other crystals from this region they embody a unique vibration that relates to the mountainous region where they are found.
The properties of crystals containing chlorite makes them different to other varieties of quartz that are found in the same mountainous area, so their vibration is not exactly the same.
The addition of the green chlorite within the stones gives them different and distinct stone properties.
The inclusion of this mineral within these crystals aids them to be powerful for healing and for using for spiritual work.
These crystals may have phantoms of chlorite embodied within them, or alternatively the chlorite may occur as a coating on the surface.
In some cases a crystal point may have both a layer of chlorite on the outside as well as within. These phantom formations are sometimes known as a green ghost within the crystal.
This green quartz may be created by natural chlorite fully or partially covering a crystal during its growth cycle, so there are a lot of variations in what they look like.
The clear quartz again continues its growth and covers the green chlorite already within them creating chlorite phantom crystals.
The crystal structure of Chlorite Quartz can occur in many different quartz configurations and most have a similar crystal system as other types of quartz.
These stones are simply a quartz crystal that has had the addition of the chlorite mineral during its formation.
So in most cases the formation of Chlorite Phantom Quartz starts with a clear quartz crystal.
After it is covered by a chlorite coating at some point during its formation it commonly continues its normal growth. This is a natural process that may happen more than once.
The clear quartz crystals may again continue their normal development and during its growth cycle be again covered by red or green chlorite, embodying it within its being.
The "green ghost" formation found within the stones is quite lovely to look at and this creates a powerful vibration.
These are known as phantoms when they appear internally within the crystal.
Sometimes these crystals have a coating of chlorite on the surface as well if they are found and unearthed at the point when the chlorite has just covered them, see picture above.
It is easy to buy Chlorite Quartz and these crystals have an enchanting vibration that may help to attract nature spirits or elemental creatures.
This may be beneficial for you to have living in the green areas around your home.
If you would like to make contact with these beings, reach out to them in meditation.
Then place pieces of this crystal in areas that are located in the sections of your home adjacent to where you'd like them to reside.
Chlorite Quartz will resonate well, especially if you program it to do so.
These crystals have a good energy to help you to connect with nature spirits and may assist you to utilize the energy of the earth better.
In summary: If you desire to have these elemental beings nearby to assist you and the earth around your home, you could place a program in your crystal: see section above on programming crystals.
The energy of one of these crystals could be useful to to aid you to connect with Mother Gaia and might encourage the growth of a healthier environment and more vigorous plant growth.
For those of you who hold any type of group such as meditation, this could improve the energy of the earth on which the group meets.
If this is your home that might also be beneficial for everyone and the positive energy created will aid everyone in the vicinity.
What are the best crystals to use with Chlorite Quartz? Many of you may be working on developing your clairvoyant abilities, and as mentioned above, this stone is helpful for this purpose.
To bring an increase in your visionary gifts they can be combined with other crystals that will also stimulate psychic visions.
Well known stones for this purpose includes Iolite, Labradorite, Selenite and Dream Quartz, as all of these will help the process and may be used in combination with these crystals in meditation.
Other stones that also contain chlorite like Seraphinite, Kammererite, Cookeite and Kimberlite will boost the level of chlorite overall and may aid the process.
If you are using these crystals to aid you to feel an increased level of inspiration, you may choose to combine them with other stones that also boost inspired thinking.
Other crystals that may boost inspiration and aid you to be more insightful includes Eudialyte, Black Spinel, Sugilite and Chrysocolla.
These crystals have an excellent energy to assist you to connect with angels.
If you wish to boost their action, use them with other strong angel crystals when you are meditating.
Some of the stones that can be effective for this purpose includes Seraphinite, Tunellite, Owyhee Blue Opal, or Angel Aura Quartz.
To boost its energy to aid the development of clairaudient abilities you may choose to use it with other stones that have a good action to boost these abilities.
Specific stones that you might choose includes Elestial Quartz, Holley Blue Agate, Seraphinite, Celestite, Dream Quartz, Blue Kyanite or Hypersthene.
If you desire to make contact with elementals or nature spirits that live in your environment, you may choose to combine a number of the stones that will help to attract them to your area.
Having any of the crystals specifically known to aid nature spirits to feel more comfortable close to your home may be helpful, including stones such as Moss Agate, Green Kyanite, Fuchsite or Prasiolite.
If you have been suffering from a sensitivity to electromagnetic devices, you may benefit from keeping some of the other strong stones for this purpose close to you. Keeping them on your body is highly beneficial.
More of the specific crystals that are known to be most helpful to aid electromagnetic sensitivity are listed in the article mentioned above.
The stones that I have found to be personally most effective are Shungite, Aegirine, Amazonite and Black Tourmaline.
So I have pendants made from all of these so I can wear them regularly, especially if I am going to be in an area where lots of people are using mobile devices.
You may also choose to combine them with other quartz crystals. Heart based quartz such as Rose Quartz and Strawberry Quartz are excellent to pair with these stones to boost their loving energy.
In addition you might like to use them with Smoky Quartz which are also protective crystals or with Citrine as they have a good energy to boost your self esteem.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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