Crystal books for beginners are beneficial if you have just started using and collecting stones and find it hard to remember what the benefits are of each one.
Many of you may chose a beautiful crystal intuitively and when you get home wonder why you chose it, and what it's benefits are.
There is a review of nine crystal books below. be aware that some authors explain the properties better than others.
Unless you buy it in a shop it's hard to know what it is going to be like. Again its good to use your intuition with this, but my reviews may assist you as well.
There are quite a few books with the words "for beginners" in the title which may assist you to get started. In addition there are others with great information to assist your learning.
There are quite a few excellent books that you can use to kick off your crystal journey and get you started learning about them, and hopefully my reviews may help you make a decision. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.
For those who are new to crystals, there are a few books that I would specifically suggest you might like to choose, to make it easier for you.
BTW: If you have a particular book that has helped you and that you would like to bring to my attention you may like to write a review of it yourself.
Alternatively you may want to comment on any of the crystal books mentioned here.
Have you just started your crystal collection? Have you been buying some of the more common stones and just want to find out more about them?
If that is the case here are some books I would recommend for you if you are just starting out.
The books reviewed below are all written in an easy to read way to help you to discover information about stones you run across.
To make it simple for those new to crystals to understand, I have reviewed a few starter books, as suggestions of books to help you get started.
Read on as I review these beginners books. In addition I have reviewed some other interesting books that might get you inspired.
Crystal Bible Volume One is written by Judy Hall. This is the first crystal book that I ever bought, and I still like it a lot. It is useful to carry with you as it is a good size.
Compared to some crystal books it is not a big book, so it is easy to fit in your bag when you go crystal shopping.
This is an advantage as you can look up stones when you see them, and its easy to carry.
As for the contents, Judy writes well about the various crystals and Book One covers most of the more common stones, and some of the less common crystals as well.
This book is well illustrated and most stones have at least two pages of good quality information, although this varies as some crystals that come in various colors may have quite a few pages.
Judy Hall covers healing properties and metaphysical aspects, and in the back she has extra information such as healing layouts and a good glossary.
It has a good index, although this is perhaps the only downfall in the book. The text in the index is very hard to read as it is so small.
I find I have to use a magnifying glass to read it, so this is one small problem. Otherwise it is a good starters book as well as being an on-going reference book when you forget what a stone does!
The Complete Crystal Handbook: Your Guide to More than 500 Crystals is written by Cassandra Eason.
The subtitle of the book reads, "your guide to more than 500 crystals", and this is an excellent summary of the books content.
It is small enough to be able to easily take with you crystal shopping yet covers 500 stones which is a good number of different crystals.
I like the approach of Cass Eason's work, and already have a number of her books as I enjoy her point of view on the various differences between crystals.
She covers each of the 500 stones in the books, giving you facts about properties, usage and aspects like cleansing and care as well.
Crystals For Beginners Crystal Cards: A Deck of 50 Crystal Cards To Heal Body Mind & Spirit
This is another Judy Hall offering, and is an excellent way to learn about crystals and have fun with the cards at the same time.
There are 50 cards in the set, which gives you quite a few crystals to learn about, and lots of lovely images too.
The cards cover many of the most well known crystals and explains details of the healing and metaphysical properties of individual stones.
Allow yourself to be drawn to the various images and discover intuitively which crystals may be beneficial to get your crystals healing journey started.
The cards are accompanied by a guide that explains how to use them and more about using them for healing.
Crystals for Beginners: The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Understanding and Using Healing Crystals and Stones is written by Ella Hughes.
As the title says, this books is aimed towards beginners so if you are a complete novice you might find that it interests you.
You may find that the range of subjects covered in these crystal books for beginners makes them useful starter books for newbies.
It gives some thought provoking information, and the author has an entertaining approach to how she covers the various subjects.
Crystal Healing is written by Judy Hall. This book is the same size as the Crystal Bible, which is reviewed here as well.
This book gives you lots of information on stones to use for individual chakras which makes them excellent crystal books for beginners.
In the back of the book there is a chart called "Crystals For Specific Ailments".
This lists health issues and the ailments that individual chakra stones will help, using the specific stones that are covered in the front of the book.
Throughout the book are lots of body layouts for using Judy's chosen
crystals for healing specific health issues and different ideas for
using them.
Judy Hall is very knowledgeable about the crystals she uses and she gives you extra information in this book that may not be in her other books.
One of the more useful crystal books for those who need to learn how to lay stones on the body for healing.
Definitely worth reading, and owning as reference if you wish to use your crystals for healing yourself or others, and a great book to get started with crystal healing.
The Pocket Book of Stones is written by Robert Simmons and is similar in nature to his bigger book, but this volume is written by him alone.
It covers information in a similar way to his larger book, but of course this is a cut down version, that makes these useful crystal books for beginners.
It gives you more condensed explanations of various stones that he covers in his larger volume.
I bought it to check what it was like and it has short explanations, which may be helpful if you were out shopping.
It also covers a
fair number of the stones that are specifically well known to be related
to Robert Simmons, as they are his trademarked stones.
The Crystal Healer: Crystal prescriptions that will change your life forever, is written by Philip Permutt.
This book is part one of two books by Philip Permutt and contains quite a bit of excellent information that will aid you to use your crystals for healing.
The author specifically talks about ways to balance your energy using quartz crystals, and as so many of the most popular stones are made from quartz is is highly beneficial.
These books are both crystal books for beginners and books about crystals and stones that can be used as you become more knowledgeable.
If you like this book you will probably also like part two as well.
You may notice that there are a large number of books covered in these reviews that are written by Judy Hall.
Judy Hall passed away a while ago but her books are still available. She was a prolific writer with a really good approach.
Regardless of whether you are a novice and are looking for one of the crystal books for beginners, you will discover that most of her books are worth owning.
I have reviewed many of her books, but it is getting to the point that she has so many great books that it is hard to cover them all here.
The next few books below are not specifically crystal books for beginners, but they all have excellent information that you will probably enjoy, as I know I did.
The book about Crystals and Sacred Sites covers the places that many interesting stones originate from.
This is very enlightening, so check out the full run down about it at Amazon as there is a long list of locations mentioned in this book.
Crystals and Sacred Sites is written by Judy Hall, and the subtitle of this book is "Use Crystals to Access the Power of Sacred Landscapes for Personal and Planetary Transformation".
This book has a large amount of information but while it may not really be a beginner book, it is quite fascinating.
It has information about specific crystals that can be used to aid you to make a connection to the energy of the various sacred sites around the world.
Judy Hall has researched this area in great depth, and I truly enjoyed reading about the many places she covered.
There are many sacred sites listed, with locations spread all over the world, and the information is particularly useful and very compelling if you are interested in the connection between Spirit and the crystal world.
There are many places she takes us to explore, including taking a journey from the pyramids of Egypt, to Mt Sinai, Uluru in Australia, the Narmada River in India, and using Shiva Lingam stones.
You travel to Hawaii, Pipestone, Sedona and Mount Shasta in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Machu Picchu, Glastonbury and Stonehenge in England.
You learn more about Preseli Bluestone, as well as so many wonderful and rarely discussed places, and the stones that are found there. Many of these places are not often seen in crystal books.
Judy Hall covers lots of information about the stones associated with these places and how to use them. Truly a beautiful book worth owning.
The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids: Transform Your Life Using the Power of Crystals and Layouts, is another book that is written by Judy Hall.
I like to use crystal grids, so I was especially interested in the information about using your particular crystals for grids, including a large number of excellent grid layouts.
While I follow my intuition when building a crystal grid, this book has some interesting ideas.
Judy Hall has been working with crystals for many years, and this comes through clearly in her writing.
I really love her work, and would highly recommend this book, as it has lots of information about all sorts of things you don't find in many crystal books. In my opinion, it is definitely a book that is worth owning!
Most people who just starting out are looking for basic information on using crystals and there are a number of excellent books shown above that you could choose.
Over and above all of the others, The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall is definitely the best choice as Judy was such an excellent author and explains about various crystal very well.
Cassandra Eason's book The Complete Crystal Handbook: Your Guide to More than 500 Crystals is a close second, as she is a prolific writer that has written about crystals for many years.
The book by Ella Hughes for beginners has a lot of very interesting information about using crystals for healing, and a number of other useful pieces of information that she has put together from various sources.
Ella Hughes's book Crystals For Beginners, is a beneficial and helpful way to learn more quickly.
All of the other books above are advantageous books to utilize, and all contain useful information to get you started.
If you are a longtime user of crystals, but still love to know about what's available, check out my other article on more indepth crystal books.
Enjoy learning more about crystals using any of these books!
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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