Top Crystals For Communication

Assist You To Speak & Listen Better 

➤ By Liz Oakes

Using crystals for communication may boost your ability to speak in a clear manner and may help you to listen to others better.

As you may know, when you are communicating at times it can be just to one person, including a conversation with someone else.

At other times it can be with more than one person, including with a large group, such as when you are public speaker.

Crystals For CommunicationAmazonite Are Strong Crystals For Communication

Both speech and hearing are major components of how all of you communicate with each other and there are many stones that may enhance these skills.

See the listed crystals below as they have many other properties in addition to enhancing your ability to connect with others.

These crystals may also help teachers who may be imparting information to a whole class.

But of course at times teachers may be speaking to individual members of the class one on one. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Crystals For Communication?

Crystals have a role to help you to communicate better and each one will work differently, and this is outlined below. Why is how you communicate important?

When you are communicating with someone else face to face it can be quite different to when you speak to them over the phone or by email or other form of written words.

The written word can often have more than one meaning, so it is valuable that you take care when writing.

How exactly you compose what you wish to say can make a difference. These days its often the way we receive information and often this can be on social media.

So remember if you are writing something of importance to someone else that you keep your tone of voice friendly, just as you would if you were speaking to them in person.

Before you even speak to someone in person, they may decide whether they wish to listen to you, based on your body language as you approach them.

If you feel angry or upset, even if it is nothing to do with the other person, it may be obvious to another that this is not really a good time to speak with you.

Often others will feel repelled by the way you approach them and even if you are not aware of it your feelings may come through via the way you hold yourself and your facial expression.

Communication is a two-way exchange, where one person speaks and the other listens, usually taking turns. 

Be careful if you are the one speaking to allow the other person to hear what you say and to absorb it before continuing.

If you are the one who is listening it is of value to hesitate before speaking rather than jumping straight in and not considering what was said.

Blue Crystals For Communication

Any of the stones listed on this page are powerful to assist you to communicate better. You may notice that many of the crystals for communication are colored blue.

These stones may occur in various shades of blue but as they can contain different minerals this means that various types have other properties rather than just aiding communication.

Blue Topaz RingBlue Topaz Ring

Some of the crystals for communication may be a more greenish blue shade, including stones such as Turquoise, Chrysocolla and Amazonite.

Others are very deep clear blue crystals, the color that many of you may think of as blue.

Regardless of the exact shade, and they may vary even within the same type of stone, all those listed are strong stones to enhance your communication. 

Crystals For Communication To Boost Throat Chakra

Blue crystals primarily resonate within the throat chakra, and this is the area that is mainly related to communication. 

If the throat chakra is blocked you may find that your communication ability may be affected and you are not able to get your point across as easily.

Blue ApatiteBlue Apatite

Your ability to speak and listen to others is of value even if your working day does not entail much communication with others.

Any interaction with others may be important, including with your family and friends. Anyone that you spend any time with could benefit by an improvement in each person's ability to communicate well.

Some of the stones listed are also psychic communication crystals that will assist you to contact spirit guides, angels and other beings in Spirit.

Some of them have properties that are calming, so may also be used in the bedroom to ensure better sleep.

You can use them with stones of other colors that are throat chakra stones as all crystals for this chakra could be helpful.

About The Crystals For Communication Listed Below

There are two sections that list the crystals that have a good action to enhance your ability to communicate better.

All of the stones listed in the top section have in-depth articles about them, so if any particular crystal takes your interest you can click through and learn more.

Blue Kyanite RingBlue Kyanite Ring

Listed below the top ones are more crystals for communication and while most have specific articles written about them, not all of them have had them written yet.

If you already have any of these stone, you might choose to combine them with any of the others, as pairing crystals can boost the energies of both.

So check out the properties of each of the stones below, but be aware that they all have many more benefits than are covered here.

Turquoise Stone

Turquoise is one of the stones that has been well known for hundreds of years and was used by the American Indian people to make into beautiful jewelry.

It is likely that they recognized it has strong energy to assist your ability to both speak and listen to others in an authentic way.

They have a powerful action as crystals for communication that can help you if you are inclined to be stand-offish or reserved because you feel nervous or timid when you need to speak with others.

They may assist you to be less shy and more outgoing when required, if you have important messages that you need to impart to someone else.  

Its easy to buy Turquoise. Click Here To See Turquoise selling

Turquoise has other helpful properties including helping you to speak more truthfully.

They may boost psychic abilities as they also stimulate the third eye chakra and may boost gifts such as clairaudience or psychic hearing as well as clairvoyance.

They are good crystals to harmonize your yin-yang or male-female aspects and may help to encourage the growth of integrity and truth in your day to day life.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite stones are well known for their action to boost spiritual attunement and to enhance deeper meditation.

They are also strong crystals for weight loss and are good healing crystals that help to boost immune function and may assist headaches, vertigo and dizziness.

They are listed in the top section as like many other blue crystals that are strong crystals for communication. This includes both verbal communication and psychic communication.

Communication can relate to the ability to speak and listen to others, and can also be related to being able to hear the voice of Spirit.

This is known as psychic communication, and some of the stones listed have a good action to help you to make better contact with Spirit or your guides.

These stones have other excellent properties so you may benefit from reading the article: Simply click through using the link under the image to learn more.


Amazonite helps to enhance how you are able to share ideas with others and it has an excellent action to help you to speak in a balanced and thoughtful manner.

They are excellent crystals for communication as they help you to speak calmly and clearly, bringing the energy of authenticity to the words you speak.

They charge your words with an energy that encourages the flow of honest and truthful ideas between you and the person you are talking to.

Their vibration enhances a more authentic spiritual approach to how you convey your thoughts to others when this is required.

These greenish-bluestones are also known as 'Hope Stones' as they enhance how you speak, boosting the power of hope in order to create a successful and positive result.

Amazonite are good crystals to stop overthinking, a problem that can stop you getting to sleep because your thoughts are constantly filled with unwanted mind chatter. 

They also help to release negativity that may be blocking authentic thinking and may also help you to let go of fear after unpleasant disagreements with others.

They are known as strong stones for EMF protection and are useful to wear on the body to help you to deal with the emanations from mobile devices.

They have a good number of other properties that are in their in-depth article, so check this out if you think that this is the right stone for you to use.

Blue Calcite Crystals

Blue Calcite is a popular stone and part of the reason is that they are easy to buy and are inexpensive. 

These calcite crystals have quite a few excellent properties including their action as strong stones for pain relief and are excellent to help the bones and joints.

But as this article is about crystals for communication as you might expect they are also strong stones to help your ability to speak more authentically.

They work within the higher chakras to bring clarity to your thinking which will help to create clearer speech.

They help to stimulate inspired thinking and this may encourage more imaginative and new easily understood exchanges between you are others.

When used to stimulate the third eye, they may help to boost psychic gifts including your intuition.

They are also beneficial stones for home protection, so you might consider getting extras to place in the areas around the entrances to your home.

They also help to protect theft, so are helpful placed in a business where you are having trouble with stealing.

They are good healing stones that help to ease stress and tension, assist the immune system and aid both Spiritual and emotional healing.

Lapis Lazuli Crystals

Lapis Lazuli stone is a well known crystal as it has been in use for many thousands of years. The mine that most of this stone comes from even today is in Afghanistan.

This mine was used to supply this stone throughout the ancient world and has been in use historically since ancient times up until the present day. 

These beautiful blue stones have a large number of powerful properties and their action to aid healing and to boost spirituality has long been known about.

Lapis are wonderful crystals for communication that have a powerful action to assist your words to resoante with both truth and honesty.

They also have an excellent energy to encourage your ability to listen better, and their healing vibration also helps to heal hearing loss and vertigo.

It could be highly beneficial to keep a piece within your auric field for as long as possible each day. Placing a piece in the bedroom is also known to help you to remember your dreams. 

Place a piece in the area where you spend the most time each day. Ways you might choose to do this could be to wear Lapis jewelry or to to keep a piece of the stone on your body in a cloth bag or macramé crystal holder.

High quality stone is getting harder to obtain but they are still being brought to market as their gorgeous deep blue color with inclusions of gold pyrite and white calcite means they are popular for jewelry.

They can be obtained from many sellers of crystal jewelry but of course you can also get beautiful pieces of this stone as well.

Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite are strong high vibration crystals that have many powerful benefits for healing, including their action to bring all of the chakras into alignment.

This is one of more popular crystals used by crystal healers mostly because their potent metaphysical properties are now very well known.

They are highly beneficial crystals for communication as they help to fully open the throat chakra, which will enhance communication ability and boost your ability to express yourself better.

Part of communicating well is the ability to speak to others both honestly and accurately. It is of value to be able to convey information to others in a way that is both clear and also truthful, which this stone definitely facilitates.

They have a number of good healing properties too, and are well known for helping to bridge energy gaps caused by trauma, including healing broken bones, by clearing blockages to the flow of energy along meridians.

While they are helpful for healing they are also excellent meditation stones.

They can assist the birth of new psychic abilities including clairaudience, telepathy and other gifts all of which are outlined in their in-depth article. Use link under the image to learn more.


Aquamarine crystals are very well known as they are a popular birthstone for March and also for Aries so are found on the birthstone list

They are strong throat chakra crystals but they also resonate strongly within both the heart and higher heart chakras, especially the more greenish-blue colored stones.

They are powerful crystals for emotional healing and are also beneficial to ease stress and may help you to let go anger as they have a calming energy.

They are excellent crystals for communication that will boost all aspects of communication and will stimulate both the throat, higher heart chakra and the heart chakra.

These beautiful crystals will help to calm angry or belligerent people so are useful to calm the anger of difficult or negative people that you may need to deal with.

They are helpful for those who have suffered loss of a loved one as they have a beneficial energy to ease grief and distress that you may be experiencing.


Chrysocolla crystals are quite beautiful and as mentioned above are one of the blue-green crystals that come in a range of shades.

Regardless of their exact color these stones have a good action to help the way you share information with others and your ability to listen too.

They are known for the way they open the throat chakra which may help to energize the way you speak and will help you to find the right words to help others.

They are excellent crystals for communication that will enhance your ability to speak the right words to others to benefit them.

They resonate within the heart chakra and help to create a flow of love and compassion up into the throat to enhance your ability to speak lovingly to others.

They are excellent healing stones to that are known to help the thyroid gland, and also have a good action to ease stress and tension.

They are good crystals for teachers to use, especially if you are teaching meditation or healing classes and are also beneficial if you need help with public speaking.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate are quite well known crystals that can assist you to truthfully communicate information that comes to you from the higher realms.

For anyone who needs help because you regularly spend periods of time speaking to groups of people, hold them in your hand to help you to feel confident while expressing yourself verbally. 

They help you to feel at ease while talking to groups of people and are known to assist the flow of what you wish to say to others.

These lovely crystals for communication will help you to make contact with angels and with Spirit guides in order to find out important information that may benefit both you and others.

They have a calming and soothing energy that helps with the release of negativity, tension and anger and they are good healing stones.

They are known to aid the healing of broken bones, and are purported to help the glandular system, the thyroid and parathyroid to heal.

Wear jewelry made from this stone close to the neck so that their energy will stimulate the throat chakra which is the major area that they may enhance. 

Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is also known as 'The Speakers Stone' as it helps you to speak with others in a way that honestly and authentically aligns with your beliefs. 

It is particularly known to be helpful for anyone whose daily life entails lots of speaking to others, and will aid you to be truthful and sincere with what you say.

This means they are good crystals for communication that will not only help your day to day communication abilities but will also enhance psychic communication.

These blue crystals have a good action to calm you if you feel stressed or anxious and they have a good energy to boost mental telepathy.

They may also help you to listen well to what is being said to you, and are good throat chakra stones that are beneficial to wear on a daily basis.

They are good healing stones for issues within the throat chakra, and may assist problems in the vocal cords and may also help sore throats.

They are known to be good crystals for inflammation, as well as helping to ease headaches. They are also said to help dementia or senility.

Wearing Blue Lace Agate jewelry may help with healing, or you might choose to keep  a tumblestone in a cloth bag in your pocket or wear one in a macrame crystal holder.

Its easy to buy a macramé crystal holder, just ensure you get one that has a bead that secures the stone, so the stone can be easily taken out to cleanse it.

More Crystals For Communication

There are so many crystals for communication that choosing which one to expand on has been difficult as all of them have excellent reasons for being a stone of choice.

Any of the stones listed either in the expanded section above or below will be helpful to enhance how you communicate.

This includes crystals such as Blue Euclase, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Aragonite, Owyhee Blue Opal, Linarite, Angelite, Holley Blue Agate, Snow Quartz, Sodalite, Peruvian Blue Opal, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Larimar, Trolleite, Blue Aventurine, Afghanite and Blue Tigers Eye.

Holley Blue AgateHolley Blue Agate

How To Use Crystals For Communication

Most of the crystals above are quite well known and are easy to obtain, but they do not necessarily have the same action to help you.

They contain different minerals so read about their properties by clicking through to their specific page to help you to decide. 

One of the best ways to benefit from their energy is to place a piece of the stone in the area of your home where you spend the most time.

In addition wearing them can also be highly beneficial, as having them within your energy field can be helpful to boost communication ability.

Chrysocolla StoneChrysocolla Stone

If you have a family this could benefit everyone by improving each person's ability to communicate with ease.

Some of them have properties that are calming, so may also be used in the bedroom to ensure better sleep.

Wear Them On Your Body

It is easy to get jewelry made from many of the crystals on the list as many are quite popular healing stones and are sold at many crystal stores.

There are a few ways to use them, but the easiest method is to wear a piece on your body during the day either as jewelry or a piece of the natural crystal.

If you are unable to get a piece of jewelry you can put a piece of stone in a cloth bag in your pocket.

Aquamarine PendantAquamarine Pendant

But another easy way to use them is to get a macramé crystal holder as this is one of the simplest ways to keep them on your body.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, but note that it may be helpful to buy one with a bead on the top as this makes it easy to take the stone out to cleanse it.

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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