Top Crystals For Friendship

To Nurture Close Bonds

➤ By Liz Oakes

Why would you want to use crystals for friendship? These stones have a good action to nurture relationships and build trust with those closest to you.

There are a number of stones that will help to enhance current friendships and may help to improve how well you can get on with others in your life.

Crystals For FriendshipCrystals For Friendship: Malachite Earrings

Often your partner is your best friend as well and this relationship may be boosted by crystals that nurture and support the growth of unconditional love.

While friendships are generally different to love relationships, it is valuable to use stones that enhance trust and confidence between you and your close companions.

The use of heart based crystals can be helpful and you may find that they help you to find ways to support and nourish your existing relationships.

By strengthening the bond between yourself and others you may find that a more authentic and supportive relationship will develop that will last over time. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystals For Friendship: Meaning Of Friendship

So what exactly is friendship and how does it benefit you? When you first meet someone, at the beginning you are what is known as acquaintances.

This means that there is not a close bond between you yet. Once you spend more time together and have a liking and trust for the other person you may choose to call each other friends.

Of course these days many of us have a number of friends on social media and this has altered the meaning of the word "friend".


True friendship is when you begin to develop close authentic bonds with other people, often because you have a lot in common and find that spending time together is a pleasure. 

Once you find that you are more accepting of both the good and bad parts of your interaction, you may then call this relationship a friendship.

This is of course quite different to the deep intimate bond that develops between two people who are in a love relationship, although both include affection for the other person.

Friendship can develop into a deeper love relationship of course, and as you strengthen the love based bonds often your intimate partner becomes your best friend.

Strengthening Existing Relationships

Many of the stones listed in this article have a good energy to strengthen existing relationships by helping to nurture confidence and certainty in each other.

Their energy may spark a reassuring and caring way of interacting with others and over time this will develop into durable and trustworthy feelings between you.

Many of the crystals for friendship discussed in this article resoante within the heart chakra or the higher heart chakra and relate to the energy of love. 

Golden Yellow TopazGolden Yellow Topaz

The energy of love based bonds is commonly associated with your partner but most of you know that there are different kinds of love, including what you feel for your family and your friends.

Developing healthy social ties is advantageous and it is valuable to encourage better communication with everyone even if they may never become your bosom buddy.

Heart chakra stones are well known for their action to boost the flow of positive energy between people and will help to improve emotional connections.

Once you have begun to develop mutual affection with someone else it is valuable to nurture these friendships by being a good friend.

Helpful Ways To Use Crystals For Friendship

The most helpful ways to use these crystals are quite easy to understand, and you can learn more in the article about the best ways to use any crystals.

Although there is information on this in the above mentioned article I will quickly outline some of the top methods you might choose.

Individual stones and crystals for friendship work well if you keep them close to you during the day, and this can be done in a few different ways.

Simply placing them where you spend the most time is effective, and if you are working during the day the best way to do this may be to wear them.

Wearing Crystals

Crystal jewelry is now quite common, and you might find that lovely pieces of the more common stones are easy to obtain.

If you cannot obtain jewelry that you like, made from your chosen stone, an alternative is to buy a macrame crystal holder so you can easily keep your crystal or stone on your body.

Once you are at home it's easier to keep them close simply by putting them in the room where you spend the most time.

For many of you this might be the bedroom, but just be aware that some stones can be stimulating and can cause sleep problems. But as we are all different, try it and see.

Maori Greenstone AmuletMaori Greenstone Friendship Amulet

As I mention in many of my articles, holding your chosen crystal while you do a crystal meditation is very effective.

As most stones have properties other than helping you to develop friendships, this can be advantageous in other ways.

While all of the stones listed are beneficial crystals for friendship, each of them has other ways that they may benefit you.

You will see that the listed crystals in the first section below have the properties that are most effective shown to help you to decide if you think they are right for you.

Crystals For Friendship

The most effective crystals for friendship are listed below and as most of them has its own in-depth article written you can discover more about any of them. 

The link to the specific in-depth page about any of them is in their name, located under the picture of each of the stones.

Rose Quartz Seer StoneRose Quartz Seer Stone

Below the list of top crystals to nurture and support the growth of friendships, there are a number of other stones that can also help you.

While these aid friendships to bloom, they are not as powerful as the first stones listed. So you might choose to pair them if you want to boost how they work.

Use them together to help you to enhance the closeness between you and those who are special to you.

All of these stones have an effect on your personal energy field, helping your personal energy to resonate in a reassuring and caring way.


Malachite is a favorite stone of many people as it has a strong vibration that will help you in many ways.

Of course they are listed here as they are excellent crystals for friendship as their energy promotes trustworthiness and integrity between yourself and others, creating long-lasting healthy friendships.

By their action to boost the growth of your bond once you begin to spend time together, this may support your mutual affection and create a stronger affinity.

These beautiful green crystals are most well known for their action to protect you from negative entities as they are strong psychic protective stones.

Malachite are powerful to protect you from toxic people who you might be at risk from, especially anyone who has an entity attached to them that they don't know about.

Like most green stones they have a strong heart based energy, and are excellent healing stones that are known to relieve pain and boost immunity.

They are strong crystals for home protection, that work well when placed near the front door of your home, as they create a strong energetic barrier.

Boulder Opal

Boulder Opal has a number of excellent properties including helping to strengthen both problem solving and decision making.

These stones are known as beneficial crystals for friendship as their energy helps to nurture friendships by encouraging the level of both faith and belief in the other person.

The vibration of Boulder Opal may help to improve harmony and tranquility in the interactions between you, as you begin to recognize things you have in common.

They are also good crystals to boost clear thinking and are said to encourage good fortune and good luck and may also trigger flashes of intuition.

Opal jewelry is reasonably easy to obtain but if you find this isn't possible simply put your piece in the area when you spend the most time.

They are strong healing stones that are purported to help painful problems in the back especially lower back problems, and are good crystals for emotional healing.

Rose Quartz Crystal

Rose Quartz Crystal is known as the 'foremost love stone' because it has such a powerful effect to increase the flow of unconditional love, joy and warmth into your being.

This is why it is often used when someone wants to enhance their intimate relationships, as their energy has a positive influence on anyone in the vicinity.

They are excellent crystals for friendship as they create harmonious interactions between everyone close by as they broadcast a peaceful calming vibration to anyone in the area.

The energy of Rose Quartz may also heighten the growth of trust and tolerance between people, and this is an important point when you are building new friendships. 

While friendship is different to romantic relationships, through the effect of their positive influence and calming energy they will improve any type of relationship.

They are also good crystals for self love that encourage you to feel better about yourself and will aid you to feel more self assured about who you are.

They are helpful to aid emotional healing, aiding you to understand the importance of your friendships supplying your emotional needs too.

Golden Yellow Topaz

Golden Yellow Topaz are most well known for their action to manifest and one of the things they can manifest, if this is what you want, is new friendships.

They are known as helpful crystals for friendship as their energy may help you to attract helpful people into your life.

They work within the solar plexus chakra, which is the area related to manifestation, and their energy there also helps to boost your willpower.

If you desire to attract new friends they have a good vibration to assist the process, through the energy of the things you most desire coming into play in your life.

Because most Golden Topaz has a pinkish color, you may understand why they stimulate the heart chakra, and boost positive and loving energy.

They can help you to attract the type of people you need and can assist the occurrence of specific circumstances required for this to happen.

Of course the more you allow this energy to assist you, the more you can have this come into being in your life.

Use them in meditation and reach out to spirit guides and teachers to discover the best way to use them to achieve your aims.

Maori Greenstone

Maori Greenstone is very well known in New Zealand for its action to enhance friendships.

Their energy is so important to the Maori people that they are given to family members, and pieces are also passed down in families.

They are excellent crystals for friendship and are well known to boost relationships between people who wish to be close friends.

They are believed to have a quite mystical or magical vibration and this may relate to the energy of the land where the stone has developed.

Not only are they good crystals to assist you if you wish to find new friends, but they have other powerful properties.

They are also known to be strongly protective and are carried or worn as a protective amulet and are said to confer a long life upon anyone who uses them.

They are recognized as an authentic symbol of recognition and respect towards others and may enhance the growth of love and friendship for another person.


Garnierite are known to be good crystals for friendship and may particularly help those who are single or are living on their own.

They help to encourage positive changes in your life and have a strong heart based energy that helps you to feel greater love and compassion towards both yourself and other people.

They also resonate within the solar plexus chakra to boost your personal power, self esteem and confidence. 

Having increased self confidence may be helpful if you are looking for new friends, especially if you have previously felt that approaching others is difficult.

Garnierite is also known as a 'stone of acquisition' and this relates to how they may help you to bring an increase of 'things' you want into your life.

They are known to be helpful for anyone who is playing games of chance. The way they work means they are said to good crystals for money.

Keep it on your body to enhance how it works, or place it close to where you keep tickets bought in games of chance, like the lotto.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline are quite beautiful and unique stones to look at and have a quite attractive energy as well.

They help you to feel happier by boosting the flow of blissful feelings in your life, and this may help to lift you emotionally.

They are excellent crystals for friendship as they assist the growth of peace and harmony and may also improve close personal relationships.

They are good crystals for self love too, and this can improve friendships as once you like yourself more, others recognize and appreciate your value too.

They are good crystals for patience and this could be helpful if you wish something to happen more quickly than it has been.

As their colors are mixed it might not be surprising for you to learn that they also contain a number of minerals, including lithium just like Pink Tourmaline.

Lithium is an excellent mineral to benefit you as it helps to ease stress and tension, and these stones are also helpful to assist emotional healing.

More Crystals For Friendship

The following stones are also known as good crystals for friendship that have a number of other properties that may enhance your ability to make friends.

Stones that you might also use includes Axinite, Thulite, Rutilated Quartz, Hematite, Stichtite, Peacock Ore, Green Selenite, Sardonyx, Lithium Quartz, Mordenite, Sugilite and Picasso Marble.

Others may be added later of course, but presently most have their own in-depth article written about them, see the link under the image. 

All of the crystals shown in this section are good crystals for friendship and all have an energy to boost your relationships with other people in your life. 

All of them can be used in combination with the stones outlined in the main section above.

All of these will have good energy to encourage the growth of wholesome connections with other people who you meet socially and that you might have a lot in common with.

Stones that have a strong loving vibration are also helpful crystals for friendship as they also bring a loving energy to all types of close contacts.

Strong heart stones that you might choose includes Mangano Calcite, Kutnohorite, Cobaltian Calcite and Clinozoisite.

Put Them Where You Spend The Most Time!

If you already have any of these stones, and that is possible as many are well known and popular, place them in the area where you spend time and combine them to see how that works for you.

We are all different and what works for one of you may not be as effective as others. Use your intuition to decide what to use and how to use it.

Love and light, Liz

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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