➤ By Liz Oakes
Green Diopside is quite a compelling crystal, as it promotes the ideal of 'service' to the earth.
It is a strongly empowering stone for anyone who has a strong interest in the well-being of the planet as it help you to make a connection to Mother Gaia.
If you wish to happen, this crystal will help the process as it may aid you to harmonize with Mother earth's energy.
While it does come in other colors, this lovely crystal is most commonly seen as the green stone, which brings through the green ray.
Many of you may be feeling concern at all of the earth changes that you have experienced.
The energy of this green stone may help you make a heart based connection with the energy of the planet on which you live.
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This lovely green stone brings through the green ray, and will connect you energetically with the heartbeat of the planet, and to Mother Gaia herself.
Its energy within the heart chakra supports the emotions and it is very empowering, particularly for women.
The energy of Diopside stone that is deeper Green, creates an immense sense of connection with the earth, via the heart chakra.
It transfers its vibration throughout the entire etheric chakra column, from the base of the spine through to the top of the head.
These green crystals will energize and activate the heart chakra, the sacral chakra and the third eye chakra.
This will bring healing within all of the chakras as it brings them into alignment.
These crystals have a number of excellent healing properties that may help crystal healers to aid their clients.
On the physical level, this stone is said to be an excellent support to aid weakness in the lungs.
Within the sacral or navel chakra, it is known to assist your body's ability to balance your hormones.
It may assist heart problems as it resonates strongly in the heart chakra area.
It is highly beneficial to help you at times when you need emotional healing as it's energy is very encouraging.
Green Diopside will assist you if you have muscular aches and spasms, and it is known to assist runners.
These green stones helps runners with any muscular problems and to give them that little bit extra they need when competing, to take them to the next level.
The green stone may help you to make a connection with the earth, as Mother Gaia makes the current changes you see happening around you.
If you are on the spiritual path, you should consider using this stone, as its energy may reassure you that the earth has both your best interests and hers at heart.
The green color of this stone is said to help you to make contact with the fairie kingdom.
All colors of Diopside are excellent stones for those of you who have an interest in the welfare of the earth.
The green stones have a gentle and helpful energy that may make you more strongly aware of gifts that you wondered if you might possibly have.
At this time momentous earth changes have been occurring, so each of us need to do all we can to support Mother Gaia. If you wish to aid her, this stone will help you.
It will also aid you on a spiritual level to be more receptive to ideas and information that your guides are wishing to share with you.
It stimulates academic pursuits, and is very supportive of you if you are studying mathematics or analytical pursuits in the sciences or arts.
The green stone generally will aid you to more easily understand concepts if you are studying.
The blue-green Diopside crystals are particularly known for their action to stimulate the third eye chakra.
This is an excellent crystal for emotional healing that is supportive when required.
It is a good crystal for self love, as it enhances your ability to love yourself and others, and may improve your ability to both give and receive love.
Beautiful chrome crystals have a lovely energy, and may vary in shade from clear green to almost colorless.
Many of the Green Diopside stones are made into gemstones, which make quite beautiful jewelry pieces.
The crystalline type of the stone is more commonly made into jewelry.
To keep the stone close to the heart and sacral chakras, wearing lovely Green Diopside jewelry in the chest area, as a pendant for example, would be very effective.
It is easy to buy pieces of the stone, and it is possible to obtain it in a variety of colors.
To aid healing, simply put a piece of the stone in your pocket during the day, and under your pillow at night.
They may also encourage you to take action. Green Diopside crystals has a strong resonance within the sacral chakra area, and its energy may help to enhance your creative abilities.
It will balance the reproduction areas and assist the body to heal as change occurs.
This stones action within the sacral chakra makes it an effective aid for women to use once they have reached menopause.
Shop here for Green Diopside. It may bring through healing for you if you have old grief, and have been holding back from crying.
It assists the release of feelings that you need to be let go of in order for you to heal.
Deposits of this stone have been found in Sweden, Germany, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Madagaskar, South Africa, Australia, Canada and the United States.
The meaning of name Diopside comes from the Greek word meaning view and double, referring to the way the prism of the stone may be orientated.
The stone occurs as fibrous masses, as well as various shaped crystals including lovely prismatic crystals.
The predominant color for metaphysical use is green, also known as Chrome Diopside. The other strong color for healing is the black variety of this stone.
This crystal may occur as colorless, white, green, grey, greenish black, blue-green, lavender (rare), yellowish brown and brown.
Often the stone occurs with the various colors mixed within the one stone, such as black, green and white.
The black variety also occurs with a clearly seen star in the stone, and this is known as Black Star Diopside.
Click Here to go to the page on the black variety or keep reading about the attributes of the green stones.
What are the best crystals to combine with Green Diopside? This stone has a strong action to assist you to cope with grief after the death of a loved one.
To boost this energy you may like to combine it with other crystals that aid grief, including Stilbite, Aquamarine, Dolomite, Danburite and Morganite.
Rose Quartz is a strong heart chakra stone, so the green variety of Diopside stone will combine well with it.
To aid it its action within the third eye chakra, combine it with Datolite, Satyaloka Quartz, Danburite or Phenacite.
This is a strong stone to stimulate the area of the sacral chakra, so it is very effective combined with the specific stones that are helpful to assist the sacral area, and are particularly helpful for women who are menopausal.
Stones that may be combined with this stone to stimulate this area, includes Rainbow Moonstone, Larimar, Gem Silica and Ajoite.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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