
Soothing Energy Aids Grief

➤ By Liz Oakes

Dolomite stone may help you at those times when you are dealing with feelings of grief or loss as its vibration will assist you to handle these difficult emotions.

The vibration of these stones helps you to recognize that there is always a purpose behind the things that happen in your life.

They help to encourage feelings of serenity and calmness and are useful stones to use for children who are emotionally disturbed from bad dreams or night terrors.


Their energy helps you to feel both grounded and centered especially after working with high vibration stones and works within the higher chakras to assist spiritual growth and healing.

They have a soothing energy that can assist you to better understand the need to release these uncomfortable responses to life events and move on with your life.

While it is well known as a mineral to use in the garden, many people are not aware of its excellent healing and metaphysical properties.

It has a good healing energy, that is known to help you in a number of ways, including a good action to aid broken bones to heal. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use It? 

This is a helpful stone to aid people who are going through a time of grief, as its vibration will assist you to handle these types of feelings which can be quite difficult.

The energy of this stone brings inner peace and may help you to realize that you might need to permit yourself to let go of any negativity that you may feel.

It helps you to understand that there is always a purpose behind the things that happen in your life and that it is valuable to release grief and sorrow and move forward.


They are said to encourage auspicious situations and overall good fortune in your life, so remember that good can follow unhappy situations.

They are strong heart chakra stones and the pink or reddish pink Dolomite in particular have a good energy within the heart to soothe and calm you.

It is a stone that enhances unconditional love and its vibration boosts serenity and calmness, helpful for children who experience bad dreams or nightmares. 

It's energy is also helpful for anyone in a relationship who feels unsure. It has an action to ease emotional wounds and may be helpful for those in a new relationship to prevent jealousy or distrust of your partner.

How Will It Help You? Meditation Crystals 

It is a good idea to use these crystals in meditation as they are known to be a protective stone when travelling in the higher realms and connecting with the spiritual world.

These crystals embody quite a few powerful metaphysical properties including having a strong energy to clear negative energies and to aid grounding to earth.

They work within the base or root chakra to channel excess energy out of the energy centers down to the earth chakra into mother earth for release.


These crystals also resonate within the higher areas of the chakra system including the crown chakra, third eye chakra and throat chakra.

Using them at the crown chakra encourages original thought and their action as a stone of balance may enhance clear thinking and spontaneity.

They are good crystals to heighten various aspects of your spiritual life and are known to enrich your spiritual growth and may aid spiritual healing.

They have a strong energy to create overall energy alignment and may aid the release of negative emotions that have been causing distress, by stimulating positive thinking

Their energy is not at all harsh and they embody quite gentle vibrations that will encourage a positive outcome when you are working on solving difficult issues and they may boost good fortune.

How To Use Dolomite

This is a beneficial crystal to wear on your body so that its energy will continue to help you during the day. They are also quite protective crystals and are good grounding stones.

Jewelry made from Dolomite stone is uncommon, so the best way to get around this is to either carry a piece in your pocket (a soft cloth bad is useful for this.)

Since I discovered macrame crystal holders, the ones with a bead on top, I use them when I feel that I might benefit from the having them on me all day.

Its easy to buy macrame crystal holders here.

DolomiteRed Dolomite

As mentioned above they have an energy that encourages the release of negativity and may bring an increase of positivity.

It is helpful to keep your piece in the area that you spend the most time, especially if you are using it for healing long-standing health issues.

It is a good stone for children who are having bad dreams, including nightmares. Place a piece in the area where they spend time including in the bedroom to aid peaceful sleep.

There are a number of ways that you might choose to use these crystals including in meditation. Someone mentioned to me recently that they found meditation difficult, but there are alternatives.

Walking Meditation And A Rampage Of Appreciation

While the type of meditation where you sit down is the most common, walking meditation is also highly beneficial.

This is usually done alone, or if not done in silence out in nature and you can wear or carry your piece of this or any other stone while you do this.

If you have a place nearby where you can walk and appreciate what nature or the environment has to offer this would be an excellent choice.

Use this time to concentrate on the good things around you and be grateful for all the positive things you have in your life as well. 


In the Esther Hicks book "Ask And It Is Given", the spirit entity Abraham calls this doing a rampage of appreciation, where you simply appreciate everything good around you! 

Who Should Use It? Healing Properties

Dolomite crystals are well known folk remedies that have long been used for crystal healing, as they are a great help to aid the healing of broken bones and teeth.

The mineral makeup of this stone is calcium magnesium carbonate, used by gardeners to encourage stronger plant growth.

So you might understand why it has a good energy to help physical health issues related to the bones.

The have excellent healing properties that are said to help problems of the skin and hair and may assist overall good health including problems of the adrenal glands.

The crystals healing properties of Dolomite also relate to the way it assists your body to regain stamina and strength, especially if you have had an illness for some time.


They are good healing crystals that are known to have good energy to particularly help areas of the physical body relating to organs located within the heart energy centers.

It is purported to help lung function and is said to assist the immune system as well as helping coughs, colds and associated chills.

Dolomite crystals are said to help aid blood circulation as well as the health of the actual heart and blood cells as well as helping the urogenital system.

It is a good stone to aid emotional healing and is known to be beneficial to assist weight loss and aid any energy blockages within your energy field.

As mentioned above they are helpful stones to assist children who have bad dreams, nightmares or night terrors.

They have a good action to ease stress and tension and may assist mood swings.

Where Is It From? Dolomite Meaning

The meaning of the name of these stones relates to the name of the French naturalist and geologist Deodat Gratet de Dolomieu who first described the stone in 1768.

Deposits of this stone have been found in a large number of places including in Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, the United Kingdom, Namibia Africa, India, Canada and the United States.

High quality white dolomite stone is known as Pearl Spa Dolomite.


The color of the mineral Dolomite varies quite a lot, with the color range being white, colorless, green, greenish-white,  pink, rose-red, red, gray, tan, brown and black.

It is possible to buy lovely green pieces of Dolomite that are very attractive.

This is an anhydrous carbonate mineral that crystallizes in the trigonal rhombohedral structure, with the mineral make-up of the stones being calcium magnesium carbonate. 

Best Crystals To Use With Dolomite

What are the best crystals to combine with Dolomite? If you have been using these stones to help you to get over feelings of grief and feel you could do with more help, combine them with other crystals for grief.

This includes stones such as Mangano Calcite, Apache Tears, Aquamarine or Tugtupite for increased emotional support at these times.

There are a large number of stones that can assist with the healing of bone breaks or fractures.

Check out the in-depth article about healing broken bones as there are quite a few stones that will help you when you are suffering from a broken bone.

Other stones that are beneficial to aid the healing of your bones includes Tigers Eye, Scapolite, Axinite or Angelite but there are more in the article.

These crystals are excellent to provide emotional support and would benefit from being used with other stones that release anger and stress.

Both Rose Quartz and Green Calcite help to relieve anger and work well when paired with these stones.

You may also find it helpful to use them with other crystals that aid mental clarity such as Clear Quartz and Herkimer Diamond.

This stone is a one of a large number of stones that will help you to ground you and they may help if you feel unwell from being ungrounded.

Some of the most powerful grounding stones to combine with it includes some of the strong black stones such as Black Tourmaline (one of my favorites as its so powerful) as well as Black Diopside, Black Jade and Apache Tears see above link. Larvikite is also helpful but is commonly a deep grey color.

More photos of this stone

Dolomite helps grief and aids broken bonesDolomite helps grief and is a strong grounding stone that aids broken bones

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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