
Mental Stimulation & Clear Thinking

➤ By Liz Oakes

Fluorite comes in so many colors and all aid clear thinking as they are highly stimulating on the mental plane

They act like a vacuum cleaner and work to clear out unwanted thoughts that are creating mental confusion and are strong pain relief stones. 

FluoriteRainbow Fluorite

They have an excellent energy to assist you to be more organized, and we can all use that!

They also have a powerful action to release and remove negative energy and will assist you to let go of stress.

These stones have excellent healing properties to assist a number of health problems.

They are well known to assist healing of many issues on both the emotional and physical level.

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How To Use These Stones?

One of the most powerful uses for this stone is its use to help students who are having difficulty due to muddled thinking.

It is an excellent learning aid as it assists you to let go of thinking about extraneous issues.

Rainbow FluoriteGreen & Purple Rainbow Fluorite Tower

By helping you to think in a more organized manner, this can aid you to plan better and feel more orderly. This can help you to decide what direction you are going with your work.

Uncertainty and confusion about your next step, can lead to a disordered environment and eventually to a cluttered home or business.

They are good crystals to declutter and organize your life and their energy may assist you to clear clutter by their action to assist you to change how you think.

One of the problems with having a disorganized mind is that this can lead to you being unable to approach many areas of life with clear thinking.

Being organized is helpful to aid you to be methodical and disciplined in many matters including the way you keep order of the physical items you own.

Their healing action relates to their powerful action to remove disorder from many areas of the body. 

They are also beneficial to assist with both geopathic and electromagnetic stress so keeping a piece on you may be advantageous.

These are wonderful healing crystals for you to use if you are studying, as their energy releases disorder from your thinking.

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Rainbow FluoriteRainbow Fluorite

They are useful crystals for mental clarity that not only bring clear thinking but also assist concentration.

They come in a range of colors, and many of these stones, including the lovely Rainbow Fluorite, embody a mixture of colors.

There are some specific colors of Fluorite stone that is popular and this is partly because they are 

It is easy to obtain many of these beautiful stones, some with just the one color in them as well as the mixed colored crystals.

Improves Focus

If you often find that your mind is filled with thoughts that have no connection to the subject that you need to focus on, this stone's energy will help you to get back on track.

The energy of Fluorite is extremely helpful to enhance the human mind and to arouse interest in the subject you are working on.

It is a powerful crystal to help you to concentrate and it encourages your mind to process the desired information more quickly.

Fluorite Meaning 

The crystal meaning related to the name Fluorite, is from the Latin word 'fluere' which means 'to flow'.

This name relates to its use, as it was originally used hundreds of years ago as flux, and its flowing action was of value to workers.

Yellow FluoriteYellow Fluorite

This stone is the mineral form of calcium fluoride.

Although they have a similar mineral make-up it is common for it to be found in various colors,  including the less common Yellow Fluorite shown in the picture. 

It is a member of the halide mineral family and although pure fluorite is transparent it varies according to the color.

Also known as fluorspar, the color of these crystals does of course relate to the inclusion of various minerals in the stones which creates the different colors.

It occurs in quite a wide range of colors and these are most colorful minerals depending on the actual minerals in an individual Fluorite stone.

It fluoresces under ultraviolet light also called UV light, with the visible light most commonly being blue, red, yellow or green.

fluorite octahedron 3-500Fluorite Octohedron

The gorgeous octahedrons are a particularly lovely formation that they are found in, with many of these being a light Green Fluorite pyramid or mixed with purple.

Purple Fluorite comes in a range of shades and the stone known as Black Fluorite may actually be very dark purple.

It commonly has an isometric cubic structure, with twinning also being another common way it occurs. It may also be found in an octagonal or isometric form as well.

Where Is Fluorite From?  

This mineral is found in a large number of locations in the world. 

Some areas are very well known for their deposits of Fluorite, including in Spain, United Kingdom, China, Mongolia, Argentina, Tanzania, Rwanda, Russia, South Africa, Canada, Mexico and The United States.

Blue John FluoriteBlue John Fluorite

Canada has some of the largest deposits of this stone and the lovely deep purple Blue John Fluorite from Derbyshire in the United Kingdom is well known. 

The color of these crystals are specifically associated with the actual area where it comes from, as various areas have different minerals that end up in the stone and create the colors.

Properties Of Fluorite Crystals: Why Would You Use It?

There are a great number of reasons why you might choose to use these crystals as they are an excellent crystal with strong healing properties.

They come in a wide range of colors that are generally very easy to obtain, and all colors have a powerful vibration to release negative energies.

These stones are excellent to use in meditation for a number of reasons.

Their energy starts by assisting the cleansing of your auric field.

Magenta FluoriteMagenta Fluorite

At the same time they help the release of negativity and may assist with the stabilization of the energy within your energy fields.

If you find that you can't settle down to meditate because your mind is constantly overthinking they are some of the best stones to help you.

They are strong crystals to use when you are doing meditation and have a beneficial energy to stop overthinking

You will find that they can assist the development of psychic gifts including intuitive abilities. 

They can assist contact with beings in the higher realms including guides and angels.

Blue Green FluoriteBlue Green Fluorite

This is covered in more detail in the individual sections about each color of this stone.

You will find that specific colors have particular ways that they are most effective to assist you.

Although all colors are powerful healing crystals for you to use for a good number of reasons, there are some variations.

How Will It Help You? 

These stones are excellent to use to aid your healing. 

They have a number of powerful healing properties that make them some of the most useful healing crystals to choose to aid you.

Although their healing attributes are covered below, check out the properties of individual colors to learn more. 

While all colors have a positive energy, pink fluorite in particular is a powerful stone that works in the area of the heart chakra to aid emotional healing and inner peace.

Purple FluoritePurple Fluorite

Some of the specific ways they will help you includes the following.

These crystals have an excellent action as EMF protection crystals and may be combined with other stones for this purpose. 

There are a large number of powerful stones for this purpose which are covered in the in-depth article on EMF protection crystals mentioned above.

All color of Fluorite can boost your energy when you are lacking the strength to go on. Their energy is powerful to help to relieve anxiety and stress.

Healing Properties Of Fluorite

An elixir made from these stones (using the indirect method, where the stone is separated from the water by glass) can be helpful to aid healing of a number of problems including:

  • All colors may be helpful to assist issues within the mucous membranes and specifically within the respiratory tract.
  • They are known to assist the healing of viruses, colds, flu, sore throat and sinusitis and are known to aid the immune system.
  • Fluorite is known as one of the best crystals for pain relief as it is known to help in so many ways.
Fluorite OctohedronPurple and Green Fluorite Octohedron

Many people find that it brings pain relief for rheumatism, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and spinal problems.

It may also aid shingles and pain from related nerve problems and may help the healing of the teeth and bones, and aid your mental health.

They are beneficial crystals for aging. You can gently stroke the skin to assist aging, including to improve wrinkles, spots and other skin imperfections. 

Wearing This Crystal 

This is a lovely stone to wear for a number of reasons, including to assist the healing of any of the health issues noted above.

Wearing a piece of Fluorite gemstone stone in the area close to the head or the neck is one of the best ways to aid the thyroid.

This may be particularly helpful to you in your everyday life if you have a sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies.

Rainbow FluoriteRainbow Fluorite Pendant

They are known to aid the development of various psychic gifts, and will help you to make contact with spirit guides and the angels.

If you decide you would like to wear this stone on your body, you may like to read the section that is related to the specific color of the stone you have obtained, see link below.

Read through the attributes of each color see link below to decide which color of these stones that you feel will be the most effective to help you.

My Final Thoughts

They have other powerful properties and a strong spiritual energy that will aid spiritual growth 

Like most blue crystals, the Blue Fluorite shown below is a good throat chakra stone and are good crystals for communication.

The blue variety are also excellent third eye chakra stones so as well as using for helping to enhance psychic abilities may be used in your spiritual practices.

Blue FluoriteBlue Fluorite

In summary: These stones are powerful healing aids, and while various colors help specific health problems, all colors are known to help your healing, as mentioned above.

While all colors of this stone can be used for crystal healing, specific colors work well to stimulate the upper chakras. 

Metaphysical Properties Of Specific Fluorite Colors

There are a range of fluorite stone colors and you can read about them on a specific page that has pictures of each color of these stones and its meaning.

While all types of Fluorite have the properties that are outlined above, the addition of various minerals that create the colors also gives them extra qualities.

Checkout the page on individual Fluorite Colors here, where you can read a short outline of the major attributes of each color.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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