Golden Healer Quartz

Embody Strong Spiritual Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Golden Healer Quartz crystals have powerful metaphysical properties that will help you to raise your vibration and are excellent used in meditation.

They resonate strongly at the highest spiritual level and heighten access to the golden light and the spiritual ray of Christ consciousness.

Golden Healer Sphere wide-1Golden Healer Quartz

These beautiful crystals are made from quartz with a fine layer of transparent gold or yellow color within them, which is known to be related to the presence of the mineral iron hydrate.

They have a powerful action within all chakras but have a strong effect within both the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Their use within the areas governed by these two chakras helps to strengthen manifestation and may improve the flow of money into your life.

Use them in regular meditation as they are known to trigger psychic gifts. They are also strong healing stones that can support the work of crystal healers. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Golden Healer Quartz?

This gorgeous variety is a quite beautiful crystal that embodies quite distinctive golden hues. They are powerful tools to utilize both for healing and meditation.

They have a high vibration that helps to release negativity and other unwanted energies from the auric field.

A piece of golden healer quartz resonates with the highest vibration of light and will help to raise your vibration.

Golden Healer Trigger QuartzGolden Healer Quartz from the Himalayan Mountains

Allow their powerful energy to help you to tune into what your psychic senses are telling you, aiding you to be alert to the opening of any of your psychic powers and your intuition.

Grant yourself the ability to accept the spiritual guidance coming through to you and permit yourself to accept the many blessings flowing your way. 

Then allow yourself to be guided to what you need in the way of healing, not just physical healing but also both emotional healing and Spiritual healing.

Who Should Use It? How Would It Help You?

The energy of Golden Healer Quartz vibrates powerfully at the highest spiritual level by its action to enhance the free flow of energies within the highest chakras.

They are excellent third eye, crown chakra and soul star chakra stones

Within these regions their energy works to bring through easy access to source energy, the golden light and to the highly spiritual ray of Christ consciousness.

Buy Golden Healer Quartz at Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller.

Golden Healer QuartzGolden Healer Quartz

The meaning of stones like these relates to helping you during meditation especially if you are engaged in practices that aim to enhance your Spiritual growth. 

If you are working on developing psychic visions or clairvoyance they will bolster these gifts making it easier for you to remember what you saw during meditation.

As they have a good effect during meditation to bring about an increase in spiritual communications with the Great Divine Spirit, this can also be highly beneficial.

They are strong crown chakra stones that encourage contact with beings from the spiritual world, especially when you are using them to aid healing.

The crown chakra is the highest chakra in the body, located at the crown of the head, and stimulating this area can allow you to bring down a flow of beautiful golden light throughout your auric field.

Golden Healer QuartzGolden Healer Quartz

They are particularly useful to aid any issues you may have regarding your personal power, as they resonate strongly at the solar plexus chakra.

These crystals stimulate the whole chakra system and as they embody the warm golden light of the sun are also powerful stones to enhance manifestation.

They are good crystals for money, that will help to increase the flow of prosperity into your life and they have a good energy to release fear about the future.

How Do You Use It? Healing Properties

Golden Healer Quartz have excellent healing properties and are wonderful stones to use in a healing environment as they stimulate the entire energy field. 

They have a good healing energy within all of the chakras of the body, and are especially helpful if you are using them to heal yourself.

They are excellent higher heart chakra stones and their energy is very calming.

Golden Healer Quartz PointGolden Healer Quartz Point

By stirring up any stagnant energies this can work extremely well to help to release blockages in your elimination system.

They are known to be good crystals to release stress and tension and this may bring positive changes to the person being healed as well as the healer.

They are known as a master healer and may help the healer to gain a greater awareness of the needs of the person who has come to them for healing.

As one of my newsletter readers said, these crystals are also beneficial for reiki healers to use in their healing sessions and I totally agree with that.

Pointed pieces make excellent crystal tools and are fairly easy to buy and are suitable to use as crystal wands to aid physical healing.

Check out my article about how to use a crystal wand to learn ways that they might be used in a healing session. 

They are powerful healing crystals and like other crystals of an orange or golden color, they resonate within the sacral chakra but they are also have a strong solar plexus chakra energy.

This means that they may specifically aid physical ailments in both of those regions and are said to heal issues within all areas of the gut and stomach.

The golden ray energy of Golden Healer Quartz crystals is known to help the immune system and they are said to help to restore the body’s natural balance.

Golden Healer PointGolden Healer Point

The best way to use these crystals is to keep them in an area where you spend a lot of time and they can be used in crystal grids along with clear quartz crystals

They work well placed under your massage table when you are using them for crystal healing as they encourage beings from the spirit world who are healers to participate in healings.

Where Is It Found? What Is Golden Healer Quartz?

Golden Healer quartz are also called Golden Quartz. The golden color comes from the inclusion of the mineral iron hydrate, and while this can be located on the outside of the crystals or it is more commonly found inside them.

The meaning of their name comes from the strong healing attributes as well as from the golden hue of golden healer quartz which is very well known.

Their mineral make-up is silicon dioxide with fine layers of transparent gold or yellow color comprised of iron hydrate. 

Golden Healer QuartzGolden Healer Quartz

Some of the stones are bright orange crystals but some are a lighter golden yellow color than others depending on the amount of iron oxide that they contain.

While some stones have a partial external gold coating, many pieces of this stone have the iron embodied within the stone and you can see the different types in the pictures shown.

Golden Healer Quartz crystals are found in a number of place including in the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet, South Africa, Brazil and Arkansas in the United States.

Many of these natural crystals occur with a partial coating on the outside of some of the stones and it is possible to buy golden healer quartz tumbled stone as well as stones in any of the usual quartz formations.

Most are found with iron inclusions inside the stone and are often a mix of clear quartz and golden healer quartz like the ones shown in the pictures.

It is common to see Golden Lemurian Quartz crystals too and they have a powerful healing energy.

Their structure is commonly the same as clear quartz crystals and they may form in any of the quartz configurations that other colors of quartz occur in.

While double terminated golden healers are not common, stones with at least one point are fairly easy to obtain.

Pointed quartz of any quartz type will make an excellent crystal wand or healing tool for crystal healers to utilize. 

Remember that the magnifying properties of the clear quartz acts powerfully to boost how they work and they are easy crystals to program.

Best Crystals To Use With Golden Healer Quartz

What are the best crystals to combine with Golden Healer Quartz? These stones have a strong action to enhance manifestation.

So if you are looking for ways to increase the level of abundance in your life, use these golden stones with other manifestation stones.

Some of the top crystals that help to boost your ability to manifest are golden yellow crystals such as Amber, Citrine, Libyan Desert Glass and Yellow Apatite.

If you are working on developing psychic visions or clairvoyant ability, these stones have a good energy to help you. 

But if you think you could benefit from some extra help you might benefit by pairing them with other crystals that boost clairvoyant ability.

Specific stone that are know to aid this includes Dumortierite, either on its own or the stone known as Dumortierite Quartz which is a combination crystal.

Others you might choose includes Blue Sapphire, Larvikite or Prasiolite, the lovely green quartz that has a strong spiritual action.

Using them with other third eye chakra stones may also be advantageous, as they may stimulate the psychic center of your brain. This may be helpful if you are working on developing any type of psychic powers.

Third eye stones that work well when combined with golden healer quartz includes Sugilite, Atacamite, Himalayan Gold Quartz and Purple Fluorite.

Purple FluoritePurple Fluorite
Himalayan Gold QuartzHimalayan Gold Quartz

If you are experiencing stress or tension these are excellent crystals for stress that may you to let of feelings you are unable to del with.

There are quite a lot of crystals for stress that work well when paired with these crystals including Mt Hay Thundereggs, Red Spinel, Clinozoisite and Rose Quartz.

Red SpinelRed Spinel

Using them as part of quartz crystal healing is highly beneficial and you may also find it advantageous to use these quartz crystals with other types of quartz.

This includes Clear Quartz crystals which are powerful for healing as well as any other quartz that is a strong healing stone.

So quartz types you might find helpful to pair with these crystals includes the beautiful purple Amethyst and Lithium Quartz which comes in various colors.

The lovely Citrine Elestial Quartz and Satyaloka Quartz both have a very high vibration and are excellent paired with this stone.

More Photos Of These Crystals

Golden Healer Sphere 1-500Golden Healer Sphere
Golden Healer SkullCrystal Skull

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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